
How to remedy the rotten roots of rich trees, soil disinfection, removal of rotten roots / late maintenance is the key.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a kind of plant with beautiful plant type and green leaves, the rich tree is loved by the broad masses of people and is kept at home by many people. However, many flower friends respond that their rich trees often have rotten roots. Why? How to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree? To this

As a kind of plant with beautiful plant type and green leaves, the rich tree is loved by the broad masses of people and is kept at home by many people. However, many flower friends respond that their rich trees often have rotten roots. Why? How to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree? In this regard, the editor sorted out the causes, symptoms and remedies of the rotten roots of the rich tree, go in and have a look!

First, the causes of rotten roots of rich trees, stagnant water / diseases and insect pests

Before we solve the problem of how to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree, we need to know how the rich tree has rotten roots. In this regard, according to the editor's inquiry, there are two rotten roots of rich trees: 1 is too much watering, 2 is diseases and insect pests.

1. Overwatering / stagnant water

For the rich tree, people who have raised it should know that its root system is underdeveloped and its ability to absorb water is weak. Once too much watering leads to stagnant water in the basin, the roots of the rich tree are in a wet environment for a long time, and their breathing is blocked, and they will become soft and rotten.

2. Diseases and insect pests

In theory, there are few diseases and insect pests in the rich tree, which is one of the reasons why we all like to keep it. However, when people do not maintain the rich tree according to the culture method, or neglect management, it will also be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, resulting in rotting roots. This point is explained in detail in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of rich trees, so I won't say much here.

Second, the symptoms of rotten roots of rich trees, yellow leaves / peeling

If you know the reason why the rich tree has rotten roots, what if you are sure that it has rotted roots? In this regard, the editor summed up the symptoms of two rich trees with rotten roots: one is the yellowing of the leaves and the other is the shedding of the bark.

1. The leaves turn yellow

In the rich tree leaves yellowing how to do, we introduced in detail several reasons for yellowing, including rotting roots! The reason for this is that when the rich tree rots its roots, it will hinder the normal transport of nutrients and water, thus causing the leaves to turn yellow, serious and even lose the leaves of the rich tree.

2. Bark shedding

How to make sure that the roots of the rich tree are rotten, in addition to looking at the leaves, there is also an obvious symptom, that is, bark shedding. Careful flower friends will find that the rich tree near the root of the place there are sticky secretions, and there will be moldy white hair, a touch will also fall off, which is actually the performance of rotten roots.

Third, how to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree, removal and disinfection / pot maintenance

Know the symptoms of the rotten root of the rich tree, determine the cause of the rotten root of the rich tree, and then come to the stage of remediation. How to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree, generally speaking, there are two points: one is to remove the rotten roots and disinfect them, and the other is to maintain them in the basin.

1. Removal of rotten roots and disinfection

After finding the rotten roots of the rich tree, it needs to be remedied in time. However, not all wealth trees can be saved. If it is just root rot, then only the rotten roots need to be removed, soaked in potassium permanganate solution for more than 30 minutes, and then planted with sterilized new soil for a period of time.

Note: if you find that the trunk of the rich tree is also rotten, there is no need to save it, because no matter how you save it, it will not come back to life. Judgment method: click on the bark of the trunk, if the trunk becomes soft and stagnant water, there will be no way to save it.

2. Drug therapy

If it is the rotten root caused by diseases and insect pests of the rich tree, we can treat it with medicine. Spray with Prik, carbendazim, Redomir or Plague Cream, and the effect can be seen in two weeks.

3. Upper basin maintenance

How to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree, potting and maintenance are very important. When putting on the basin, we should spread some broken tiles on the bottom of the basin to avoid blockage of the drainage hole. Note that the old basin soil is infected with germs and is not suitable for re-use without disinfection and sterilization. After changing into the new potted soil, water it thoroughly once, and then keep it in a shady and ventilated place, keeping the temperature above 15 degrees.

Generally speaking, the root system of the rich tree is underdeveloped, and it is easy to rot because of overwatering, which is also the situation encountered by many flower friends. Therefore, when watering, we must pay attention to the correct method of watering the rich tree, so that your rich tree can grow beautiful. With regard to the rotten roots of the rich tree, this is the end of the editor's introduction, hoping to bring help to everyone.

A simple method to deal with the rotten Roots of Rich trees

Flower Bonsai Network Guide: today, the editor of Flower Bonsai Network brings you an article about the simple treatment of rotten roots of rich trees. Let's take a look.

The rich tree is a kind of indoor potted plant that is easy to raise, but there are many friends who raise it half dead.

The editor has said many times that the rich tree dies in two words: watering! Improper watering causes the roots of the rich tree to rot, resulting in the death of the whole tree.

Treatment plan for the rotten roots of a rich tree:

1. Take the rich tree out of the flowerpot and gently remove the potted soil from its roots.

2. Cut off all the rotten parts of the rich tree with scissors.

3. After cutting off, put the root of the rich tree in a basin, soak it in carbendazim solution or potassium permanganate solution for half an hour, disinfect it and put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry.

4. After drying, smear some rooting powder on the roots of the rich tree and plant it back into the pot. The soil must be loose and breathable.

5. after replanting, put the rich tree in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, do not water it for a short time, and wait until the new leaves grow before normal maintenance.

Attached: maintenance method

1. The choice of environment

The rich tree is adaptable and can grow well in full sunshine, half-day sunshine or shade. But you can't keep it in a dark place for a long time, don't expose yourself to the sun in summer, give it proper shade. So as not to scorch the leaf tip and edge caused by the hot sun.

2. Selection of basin soil.

Generally use loose vegetable garden soil or peat soil, rotten leaf soil, coarse sand, add a small amount of compound fertilizer or chicken shit as base fertilizer, culture soil.

3. Watering

Rich trees are usually watered once a month, and they can spray more water and less water at ordinary times. Better dry than wet.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic rich trees how to maintain hydroponic rich trees

The rich tree can be hydroponically cultivated and has great ornamental value, so it is easy to breed and can purify the indoor air. If you are used to seeing rich trees in the soil, what will happen when you encounter water? How to maintain the rich tree raised by water? Today, the editor of wed114 Marriage Network brings you the methods and points for attention of hydroponic rich trees. Let's take a look at the details.

The culture method of rich tree by hydroponic culture

Pay attention to pruning the root during the initial insertion

In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate wealth trees by water, so prepare the equipment (special equipment for hydroponics). Then it's time to prune the rich tree.

Take the rich tree out of the soil and remove the leaves at the base so as not to affect the growth of the plant. When pruning, according to the size of your flowerpot, remove all the leaves under the mouth of the bottle.

In addition, cut off part of the root with a knife, so that the root can be better absorbed and keep the cut smooth. Put the plant in a cool place to dry, wait for the incision to dry, and insert it into a hydroponic container.

Water quantity control and selection of water consumption

The water can reach 1/3 of the vase, not more than 2/3.

Before taking root, change the water every 3 days. There is no need to change the water after giving birth. Just add water to the vase. Spray water on the leaves when the weather is dry and muggy. You can choose Rain Water, well water, or pure water. If tap water is used, it should be kept for 1 day before use.

Keep the room temperature

The suitable growth temperature of rich tree is between 16 and 26 ℃, and hydroponic culture is no exception. In winter, do not put the plant on the balcony, windowsill colder place, always observe the growth of the plant, do not let the water freeze. When it is too cold, necessary measures can be taken to keep warm.

Ensure adequate light

Hydroponic rich trees are usually kept indoors for maintenance and do not require high sunlight, but they need to receive 2-3 hours of light every day. If the plant lacks light, the leaves will turn yellow and grow poorly. So try to put the plant in a bright and ventilated environment and fully receive light during the period.

Fertilize once a month

For hydroponic plants, fertilization is often ignored, but proper fertilization can make plants grow better. Hydroponic rich trees can be fertilized once a month, you can go to the flower market to buy professional chemical fertilizer, or add a few drops of dissolved vitamin C1 to add water.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of rich trees

Hydroponic rich trees should be placed out of reach of electric fans and air conditioners.

Check the growth status of the plant frequently. If there are rotten roots, the rotten roots should be removed in time. If the water has a bad smell, you should change the water in time and check if there are rotten roots.

When the leaves turn yellow, you should check whether there is too much fertilizer or not enough light.

This is the end of the hydroponic culture method of the rich tree and the matters needing attention. In fact, it will not be difficult. I hope the flower friends will get some harvest after watching it, one more breeding method and one more choice.