
When does the cockscomb blossom and maintain its flowering period / 3 months from July to September?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Celosia cristata is a kind of highly ornamental flower, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. Its most ornamental moment is when it blossoms, so when will it bloom? How to maintain the flowering period of Celosia cristata? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Celosia cristata is a kind of highly ornamental flower, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. Its most ornamental moment is when it blossoms, so when will it bloom? How to maintain the flowering period of Celosia cristata? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

When will the cockscomb blossom

As for when the cockscomb blossoms, it is usually around July every year. The flowering period of the cockscomb is from July to September. The flowering period of the cockscomb is relatively long in plants, and its flower shape looks like a rooster's crown. Hence the name cockscomb.

II. Maintenance of Celosia cristata during flowering period

1. Fertilization requirements

For cockscomb, flowering needs to consume a lot of nutrients, so you must apply enough fertilizer before flowering, otherwise it is easy to lead to insufficient nutrients and less flowering. Specific fertilization methods you can refer to how to water and fertilize the cockscomb, here the editor will not introduce too much.

two。 Temperature control

In the maintenance of the flowering period of Celosia cristata, temperature control is also extremely important, so that the cockscomb can grow in a suitable environment to make its flowers more delicate and beautiful, the most suitable temperature is between 18-25 °C, you can pay attention.

3. Watering management

Celosia cristata is a plant that likes a moist environment, so it must be watered frequently to keep the soil at a certain humidity, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, so it is best not to cause stagnant water when watering, otherwise it is easy to cause the root rot of cockscomb.

4. Light management

In the maintenance of the flowering period of cockscomb, light is also an essential part. Celosia cristata is a kind of light-loving plant, which needs to maintain sufficient light during flowering, so that it can better carry out photosynthesis, which we should pay attention to.

When is the cockscomb flower blooming? in what month is the cockscomb flower mostly red and in the shape of a cockscomb, so it is called a cockscomb flower. There are many varieties of cockscomb, there are a variety of shapes, especially lovely, so it is loved by everyone. There are many flower friends who do not know much about the cockscomb flower, and have not seen the cockscomb blossom for a long time, so I would like to ask you when the cockscomb blossoms and what month the cockscomb blossoms. Generally speaking, cockscomb blossoms from July to September. Let's find out when the cockscomb blossoms and their maintenance skills. Let's take a look at them. When will the cockscomb bloom? The cockscomb blossoms in autumn and blooms from July to September. When the summer enthusiasm is replaced by the bleak autumn wind and people's mood becomes more and more melancholy, the cockscomb blooms like fire, with fiery colors and flowers. Therefore, people give it the flower words of "true love is eternal". The cockscomb flower gets its name because of its inflorescence red, flat and shaped like a chicken crown, and enjoys the reputation of "bird in the flower". What month is the cockscomb blooming season? The main functions of Celosia cristata L.

Celosia cristata is used as medicine with flowers and seeds. Flowers can cool the blood and stop bleeding, have the effect of stopping belt and stopping dysentery. Main treatment of functional uterine bleeding, excessive leucorrhea, dysentery and so on. It is a good medicine for gynecology. Seeds have anti-inflammatory, convergence, eyesight, blood pressure, strong and other effects, can treat intestinal wind and hematochezia, red and white dysentery, disintegration zone, turbid, eye diseases and so on.

The tender stems, leaves and seeds of Celosia cristata contain a high content of protein, accounting for 2.29%-5.14% of the fresh weight, as well as a certain amount of fat, minerals, vitamins, natural coenzymes, dietary fiber, etc., which have a good effect on nourishing and strengthening the human body. How to maintain the cockscomb? The main results are as follows: 1. The soil likes the sandy loam which is fertile, loose and well drained, and avoid sticky wet soil. The growth is poor in barren soil, and the inflorescence becomes smaller. 2. Watering likes dry climate, is more resistant to drought, and needs to provide sufficient water during the growth period. Too dry will often lead to early flowering and poor growth. Chicken crown flower is not resistant to rain and waterlogging, if the drainage is poor, it will cause retting roots, and is very prone to fungal diseases. 3. Temperature 4, light likes fertilizer, sunshine should be sufficient, and at least 8 hours of light should be guaranteed every day during the growing period. It is a relatively short-day plant, that is, short-day light promotes flowering, long-day sunshine delays flowering, and there are more flowering leaves and flattened upper parts when it grows up for 16 hours on the same day. 5. Fertilizing Celosia cristata is a fertilizer-loving flower. After planting, foliar fertilizer was applied every 7 to 10 days, and dilute liquid fertilizer was applied every 10 days after bud formation.

When does the cockscomb blossom

Content Abstract: cockscomb flower is famous because its flower shape is similar to chicken crown. The plant is recorded in Amaranthaceae. It belongs to dicotyledonous plant species. It is most commonly used for ornamental and medicinal purposes, and is suitable for cultivation in the family courtyard. What this article is going to introduce to you today is, when will the cockscomb bloom? And a collection of cockscomb flowers.

[when will the cockscomb bloom]

Celosia cristata is an annual herbaceous plant, the whole is glabrous, stout, the rhizome is erect, mostly lanceolate, the width is 2 cm, and the fruit seed is black.

Introduction to ▍ data

Celosia cristata, with a plant height of 30-80 cm, is very light-loving, suitable for living in a warm and dry environment, and it is not strict with the soil and can be planted in ordinary soil.

Celosia cristata, which is originally from Africa, is also cultivated in the tropical environment. In the domestic area, it is mainly distributed in Anhui, Beijing, Yunnan, Hong Kong, Hunan and other provinces and cities.

Flowering time of ▍

The flowering time of cockscomb is from July to October.

The cockscomb flower Xiyang, the florescence time is not fixed, lasts for more than two months will wither, and the cockscomb flower belongs to the annual plant variety, blossoms once a year on average.

In the process of maintenance, due to lack of water, more water, less fertilizer and other factors, will affect flowering, as well as flowering time, combined with the correct watering method is the premise to ensure normal flower appreciation.

[the flower language of cockscomb]

The cockscomb is gorgeous and beautiful, and it can be used as a variety to send flowers, so what is the flower language of the cockscomb?

▍ flower language meaning

The words of cockscomb flowers: sincere and eternal love

The color of cockscomb is bright red, while red represents passion and fiery red, and bright colors are used to symbolize love. Couples who receive blessings from cockscomb flowers show that they will have an eternal and sincere love.

The cockscomb blossoms in autumn, in the depressed autumn, the cockscomb blooms, the ornamental value is naturally doubled, so it has the eternal meaning of true love.

▍ Flower language Legend

According to legend, a little girl lived along the bank of the Mu school river a long time ago. The girl's surname is Liu. There is a chicken crown mountain on the other side of the river. She goes to the mountain to pick wild vegetables every day.

One day, the girl came to Jiguan Mountain as usual, but accidentally lost her way. The girl could only rely on the wild fruit in the mountain to satisfy her hunger. Soon, the girl had severe abdominal pain. At this time, she found a fiery wild flower on one side of the mountain. She picked it and carried it with her. The ninja had abdominal pain, and the girl continued to look for a way out. A few hours later, the girl was hungry again, but there was no wild fruit around, so she had no choice but to. He was able to eat the red petals, and after a while, the abdominal pain disappeared.

The next evening, the girl met her parents who were looking for her in Lai Shan. the girl returned home and told the people in the village about the flower. after that, the flower became known as the cockscomb and became the spiritual grass for the treatment of diseases in the village.

Summary: what is mainly introduced for you above is the relevant content of cockscomb, the language of cockscomb flowers, and the flowering time in detail. I hope I can help you.