
Forget-me-not how to raise, forget-me-not breeding methods and precautions / sufficient light

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Forget-me-not, is a light blue flower, has a high ornamental value, has been planted in many areas of our country, and this plant can also be domesticated, put indoors has a decorative role. About how to raise forget-me-not, what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Forget-me-not, is a light blue flower, has a high ornamental value, has been planted in many areas of our country, and this plant can also be domesticated, put indoors has a decorative role. About how to raise forget-me-not, what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, forget-me-not how to raise / get plenty of light

On the question of how to raise forget-me-not, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, such as light, watering, soil and so on, among which light is particularly important, this is a kind of light-loving plant, it is difficult to survive without light.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of forget-me-not

1. Fertilization requirements

In the process of plant culture, fertilization is an essential link, forget-me-not is no exception. However, forget-me-not fertilizer requirements are much smaller than other plants, usually once a quarter.

two。 Environmental requirements

Don't forget that I have high requirements for the environment, and it is the most suitable for forget-me-not growth in the environment of 22-28 °C. generally, the temperature is too low or too high will affect its growth. In addition, the growth environment must be ventilated, otherwise it is easy to have some diseases.

3. Lighting requirement

In the forget-me-not farming methods and precautions, light is a more important part, forget-me-not nature likes light, so it is best to let it grow in an environment with plenty of light, but pay attention to shade when the summer sunshine is too strong, otherwise it may cause the leaves to turn yellow.

4. Watering requirement

Forget-me-not plant is more like water, but afraid of waterlogging, so generally keep the soil moist when watering, remember not to water more, if there is stagnant water will lead to forget-me-not root rot phenomenon, we should remember this.

5. Pest control

We must pay attention to the method when breeding forget-me-not, if the culture is not proper, it is easy to produce diseases and insect pests. If there are diseases and insect pests, they must be dealt with as soon as they are discovered, and if the incident is prolonged, it will be very difficult to cure them. Prevention and control methods you can take a look at the forget-me-not pest control article, here the editor will not introduce too much.

For the question of how to raise forget-me-not, after reading the above, I believe you also have a certain understanding, as long as you breed in accordance with the above-mentioned methods, your forget-me-not will certainly thrive. Forget-me-not about the breeding methods and points for attention Xiaobian introduced here, I hope to bring you some help.

Do not forget me how to raise, do not forget me breeding methods and matters needing attention

Forget-me-not, whether at home or abroad, has been warmly welcomed by people, there is a large market, so how to raise a basin of forget-me-not, what are the breeding methods and points for attention? Today, the editor will sort it out and share it with you.

Forget-me-not culture method

Forget-me-not likes the warm and humid growth environment, which is the best growth temperature when the temperature is 15-20 degrees Celsius. Forget-me-not is suitable to be planted in fertile and loose soil and cultivated in more open fields. For plots with poor soil conditions, base fertilizer should be applied once. Choose mature organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer mainly. Pay attention to the row spacing during cultivation, so that the roots can also receive the light of the sun, which is more beneficial to the growth of the plant.

Do not forget me to higher requirements for watering, not stagnant water, nor drought, pay attention to the combination of water and fertilizer, before the arrival of flowering, to apply fertilizer and water, can make more flowers, beautiful color.

If forget-me-not is not properly managed, diseases such as gray mold, powdery mildew and virus will occur. Grey mold can be prevented and treated with 800m chlorothalonil and methyl topiramate for 3-4 times. Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying powdery mildew, and virus diseases can be controlled by timely removal of diseased plants and spraying insecticides to prevent insect-borne diseases. Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. In small amounts, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

Don't forget me.

Forget-me-not is generally planted in spring and summer, and sufficient light for a long time contributes to the growth of forget-me-not. as forget-me-not needs long-distance transportation, storage of cut flowers is a problem. You can use a certain amount of gibberellin and silver nitrate to spray the cut buds until they are transferred to the environment below 4 ℃ after flowering, and the bottle is inserted into the retention solution, which is conducive to the long-distance transportation of forget-me-not.

The above are forget-me-not breeding methods and matters needing attention. For more information on flower culture, please continue to pay attention to the encyclopedia of China Agricultural Chemical Merchants Network.

Extended reading:

Forget-me-not fertilization technology, disease and pest control, how to raise? Culture methods and matters needing attention

Do not forget me how to raise? Culture methods and points for attention of forget-me-not

[FAQ] how to plant and maintain forget-me-not?

[expert answers]

1. Sowing: the seeds are generally sown from September to January of the following year, and the seeds are light-resistant. After sowing, the seeds should be slightly covered with soil and maintain humidity. Under the suitable temperature of 15-20 ℃, it germinated after 10-15 days. The sowing temperature should not exceed 25 ℃, the sprouts should be ventilated, and the seedlings should be planted when they have more than 5 true leaves. The tissue culture seedlings cultivated by tissue culture technique were planted with 4 or 6 leaves.

2. Soil: it is suitable to grow in slightly alkaline soil with loose, fertile and good drainage, and the soil layer is deep.

3. Planting:

The main results are as follows: (1) ground planting: mature organic fertilizer and slow-acting compound fertilizer can be turned into the soil evenly, the row spacing of the planting plant is 30 cm × 40 cm, and the planting depth is slightly higher than that of the root neck.

(2) potted plant: one month after emergence, it can be planted or put on the pot. When transplanting, you should bring as much soil as possible and damage the roots less. Properly reduce watering, but do not let the medium dry and keep moist. In the seedling stage, the plant should fully receive sunlight to prevent the seedlings from overgrowing.

4. Watering: do not forget me to like the dry and well-drained environment, avoid waterlogging. The amount of watering should be properly controlled during the whole growth period, otherwise it will lead to the decline of flowering quality and yield.

5. Light: don't forget me and like the sun, but avoid high temperature and humidity. Tolerant to semi-shade, but sufficient light can make the plant grow better. The condition of long-day sunshine is beneficial to its flowering.

6. Temperature: forget-me-not like light, drought tolerance, the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-25 ℃. Forget-me-not planting should keep the temperature below 15 ℃ for 2 months, so as to facilitate the plant to pass the vernalization stage and facilitate normal growth and flowering.

7. Fertilization: the total amount of fertilization during the growing period, of which 70% of nitrogen and potassium are used as base fertilizer, 30% of which are used as topdressing, and all phosphate fertilizer is used as base fertilizer, generally once a season. Topdressing potassium fertilizer and boron fertilizer at flowering stage are beneficial to improve the quality and yield of cut flowers. During growth, thin fertilizer was applied every 10 days. The fertilization at seedling stage should be mainly nitrogen, and attention should be paid to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before and after budding.

8. Pest control: forget-me-not diseases include gray mold, powdery mildew, virus disease and so on. Botrytis cinerea can be controlled by 800 ~ 1000 chlorothalonil and methyl topiramate for 3 times. Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying powdery mildew, and virus diseases can be controlled by timely removal of diseased plants and spraying insecticides to prevent insect-borne diseases. Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. In small amounts, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

[editor's comments] We can often buy a kind of cut flower called "forget-me-not" in the flower shop. in fact, its scientific name is "forget-me-not". Do you know how to grow forget-me-not (blood-tonifying grass) and how to maintain and manage it? The first agricultural economic editor above has introduced you the methods and matters needing attention of forget-me-not farming. I hope it will be helpful to you.