
How to raise Iris, how to cultivate Iris and precautions / pay attention to temperature Control

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Iris is a common plant in people's life, which has a very high ornamental value, so how to raise Iris is a problem that many people are more concerned about. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Iris? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Iris is a common plant in people's life, which has a very high ornamental value, so how to raise Iris is a problem that many people are more concerned about. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Iris? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to raise irises / pay attention to temperature control

On the question of how to raise irises, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, such as the choice of soil, temperature control and so on. As for the specific methods, they are described in detail below, and interested friends can learn about them.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Iris

1. Soil selection

In the iris culture methods and matters needing attention, the choice of soil is the first step, but also a more important step, it is best to choose humus soil, which is more loose, so that the drainage will be better, but also conducive to iris absorption of nutrients.

two。 Fertilization requirements

In the process of iris culture, fertilizer is an essential nutrient, but also can not be uncontrolled fertilization, or need to pay attention to the amount, if the application of too many flowers is easy to burn plants. So you can apply fertilizer once in about 20-30 days during the growing period.

3. Watering requirement

Watering irises should be based on the ambient temperature. if the weather is suitable in spring and autumn, we can generally choose to water once a week, and if the temperature is high in summer, we should slightly increase the watering frequency. because the higher the temperature is, the water evaporates faster, so we can choose to water once every 3-4 days.

4. Environmental requirements

In the maintenance of Iris, it is also necessary to control the ambient temperature, and the most suitable environmental temperature for its growth is generally between 16 °C and 25 °C. There is another point that we need to pay attention to, that is, when breeding, we must maintain the ventilation of the environment, and never breed in a closed environment.

5. Pest control

In the process of iris culture, diseases and insect pests will occur if they are not properly maintained, so we must pay attention to them. Of course, if this phenomenon occurs, it needs to be dealt with in a timely manner. You can refer to the article on pest control of Iris, which is not introduced too much here.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Iris

Iris: the seeds of Iris generally have dormancy characteristics. There are great differences in seed germination of Iris. Some species of seeds can germinate rapidly, while some species of seeds often need about a year of dormancy to germinate in the natural state, and germinate slowly.

Iris culture methods and matters needing attention:

After iris planting, soil temperature is the most important factor, the lowest temperature is 5 ℃ and the highest temperature is 20 ℃. The soil temperature directly affects the emergence rate. If the soil temperature is too low, the flowering ability will be reduced, so the optimum soil temperature is controlled between 16 ℃ and 18 mol.

Iris is produced in greenhouse, and the optimum temperature is 15 ℃. In order to shorten the growing period, newly harvested bulbs can be used when planting, and the greenhouse temperature was kept at 18 ℃ in the first 4 weeks. This temperature can be maintained until January 1, but it will make the plant weak. 13 ℃ or lower temperature lengthens the growing period and increases plant weight, but the probability of flower wilting increases. In order to promote flowering, such as "Blue Magic", if the greenhouse heat has been maintained, then it is wise to lower the temperature.

Maintenance methods of Iris in Autumn

When iris plants grow, especially in temperate regions, when the light is insufficient, the temperature in the greenhouse must be lowered to prevent the flowers from withering. The temperature is generally controlled at 10 ℃ and 13 ℃. Take "Blue Magic" as an example, the temperature is reduced to 10 Mel 8 Mel 5 min to ensure plant growth as much as possible. If there are too many leaves at all stages, consider trimming some of the leaves.

The average temperature of day and night for the growth of Iris is 20 ℃ 23 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 5 min. In the greenhouse with high temperature and weak light, the lack of light is the main cause of flower withering.

In areas where frost damage often occurs, production can only be carried out in greenhouses. The suitable growth temperature should be arranged at night. Therefore, the greenhouse that is not heated should be closed early to make the night temperature as suitable as possible. During the day, ventilation should be advanced to avoid harm caused by the temperature rising above 18 ℃. Shading can also achieve the purpose of temperature control, but the appropriate level of light still needs to be maintained.

Growth temperature of Iris in open field

The optimum temperature for the growth of Iris in the open field is 15Mel 17 ℃, and the continuous high temperature during the day can be covered by a shade net. It can not only reduce direct solar radiation, but also increase the temperature.

The lowest and highest temperatures of open-air cultivation of Iris are 5 ℃ and 25 ℃. The soil temperature should be kept the same as when growing in the greenhouse. Humidity requirement of Iris

The ideal relative humidity of iris culture is between 75 and 80%. It is important to avoid large changes in humidity or gradual changes in humidity. In warm sunny, shady or humid weather, the relative humidity tends to be higher. Corresponding measures must be taken to reduce humidity through simultaneous heating and ventilation.

The ventilated environment of Iris

Ventilation is a very important means to control moderation and reduce humidity. When ventilating, we should pay attention to the humidity can not fall too fast, otherwise it will wither the leaves and lead to the decline of the quality of cut irises.

The shading environment of Iris

Shading equipment can control the temperature, humidity and light in the greenhouse. In the month of strong light, the temperature of ventilated greenhouse and open field is too high (more than 25 ℃). In this case, shading and ventilation can inhibit the decline of cut iris flower quality.

Carbon dioxide effect

The difference between irises and lilies is that carbon dioxide has no effect on the flowering and growth of irises.

Irrigation requirements of Iris

As mentioned earlier, the soil must be watered before iris planting, and keep the soil moist during iris planting to promote rapid rooting.

After planting balls, the soil should also be kept moist. Since then, the soil must be fully moist for a long time throughout the growing season. Suitable humidity is very important for the growth of iris, because not enough humidity will show that the plant does not grow high enough, and the flowers are easy to wither.

The amount of irrigation can not be accurately calculated because it is related to many factors, such as weather, climate in greenhouse, soil type, crop growth cycle, growth stage and so on. One of the easiest ways to determine whether the soil moisture is appropriate is to hold a small amount of soil in your hand and keep it in its original state when it is loosened, when the humidity is moderate.

Poor ventilation, accompanied by shady or humid or warm weather, too much water will lead to serious disease. At this time, it is particularly easy to cause bacterial and fungal diseases.

For the same reason, it is better to water it in the morning. If the plants are watered in the morning, the plants will be cool and dry, and the flowers should not be watered until they are picked during the harvest, otherwise the flowers will have gray mold spots.

It is best to use uniform top spray in irrigation.

Matters needing attention in the maintenance of Iris

The growth process of Iris takes only 8 Mel 12 weeks. In such a short growth time, if the soil is oversteamed, flooded, ploughed and so on, there is no need to consider weeding in the process of plant growth. After planting, chemical herbicides are mainly used to remove weeds. But be careful not to cause damage to the plant when using it.

If weeds begin to grow in the field after irises are planted, herbicides can be used only if the bulbs are buried deep enough. The newly sprouted buds of the bulb will not be harmed by herbicides at least 2 cm below the soil.

Before irises spread their leaves, grasses in greenhouse or open field can control their growth by spraying appropriate herbicides. If common herbicides can not effectively control some annual grasses and weeds, compound herbicides should be used. When applying, spray it on the plant when it is getting dark, and then spray enough water. The next morning, rinse thoroughly from the top of the plant. As herbicides are residual, be sure to pay attention to the following points. The amount of herbicides used in each plot should be limited to no more than 2 times a year; herbicides should be used only when necessary; do not plant varieties that are sensitive to herbicides.

[irises] how to raise irises, a complete collection of irises, pictures of irises

Most of the plants of Iris have high ornamental value and strong stress resistance, and their extensive adaptability, especially their role in garden construction and great application prospects. How much do you know about it? Today, the editor will briefly introduce the methods of iris culture and take you to enjoy the pictures of irises. . before enjoying the picture of iris, we first understand its cultivation. Iris blossoms in spring and blossoms for about three months. From April to June, ramet and sowing methods are often used. Ramet can be carried out after flowering in spring or autumn, and it is generally planted once after 2-4 years. When dividing the rhizome, note that each piece should have 2-3 adventitious buds. Seeds should be sowed immediately after maturity, and it takes 2-3 years for seedlings to blossom. The planting depth of 7~8cm is suitable, and it can also be promoted by cultivation. After planting, soil temperature is the most important factor. The lowest temperature is 5: 8 ℃ and the highest temperature is 20 ℃. The soil temperature directly affects the emergence rate. Low soil temperature will reduce the flowering ability, and when plants grow in autumn, especially in temperate zones, when the light is insufficient, the greenhouse temperature must be lowered to prevent flowers from withering. It is generally controlled at 10-13 ℃ to ensure plant growth as far as possible. . in areas where frost damage often occurs, production can only be carried out in greenhouses. The suitable growth temperature should be arranged at night. Therefore, the greenhouse that is not heated should be closed early to make the night temperature as suitable as possible. During the day, it is necessary to advance ventilation, shading can also achieve the purpose of temperature control, but the appropriate light level still needs to be maintained. Generally speaking, it is not advisable to apply base fertilizer before planting, which will increase the concentration of salt in the soil and slow down the root growth of Iris. A sampling of the soil before planting to ensure that the soil contains the correct nutrients. Sampling must be carried out after soil treatment and leaching. In this way, the missing nutrients can be obtained by adding fertilizer directly to the soil in the future. Iris is sensitive to fluorine, so fluorine-containing fertilizers and triphosphate fertilizers are prohibited. . the growth process of Iris takes only 8 weeks and 12 weeks. In such a short growth time, if the soil is treated by over-steaming, flooding, ploughing and so on, there is no need to consider weeding in the process of plant growth. After planting, chemical herbicides are mainly used to remove weeds. But be careful not to cause damage to the plant when using it. . enjoy the picture of the iris and feel that the iris is so beautiful. Do you want to know its flower language? Iris is commonly used in China to symbolize love and friendship. It has a bright future and a bright future. In love, the flower language of Iris is longing for love. The European race believes that it symbolizes the freedom of light. In ancient Egypt, irises were symbols of strength and eloquence. In addition, Iris is also the flower of human life of sheep, which means to make life better. . Iris is rich in color and peculiar in shape. It is a good material for flower bed and courtyard greening. It can also be used as ground cover plant. Some species are excellent materials for fresh cut flowers. That's all for today's introduction of iris culture methods and flower language. Thank you for accompanying the editor to enjoy the pictures of iris.