
How to maintain dahlias in winter / pay attention to pruning dead branches / receive proper light

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dahlia is a world-famous flower, which is grown in many countries around the world. However, the vitality of this kind of flower is not very strong, especially not cold-resistant, so how to maintain Dahlia in winter? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Dahlia is a world-famous flower, which is grown in many countries around the world. However, the vitality of this kind of flower is not very strong, especially not cold-resistant, so how to maintain Dahlia in winter? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How to maintain dahlias in winter / pay attention to pruning

On the issue of how to maintain dahlias in winter, in fact, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to. This kind of flower is particularly afraid of the cold environment, so a little carelessness in poplar breeding in winter may cause plant death. In the following, there are detailed winter maintenance methods for dahlias, which can be seen by interested friends.

1. Pay attention to pruning

Before the beginning of winter, the upper part of Dahlia will gradually wither, so it needs to be pruned at this time. It is generally pruned where the soil goes up to 6cm, and after pruning is finished, it can be moved to indoor breeding.

two。 Keep the light.

Because dahlias are less hardy, they are usually raised indoors in winter, but they can't receive sunlight when they are farmed indoors, so we can move it outside to receive 3-4 hours of light when the weather picks up at noon every day. this will be more helpful for it to survive the winter safely.

3. Controlled water quantity

Many plants enter a dormant period in winter and generally do not need watering, but dahlias still have a certain demand for water in winter. as for the watering method and quantity, you can take a look at how to water dahlies. there is detailed teaching in it.

4. Frozen treatment

If it is frozen due to carelessness in the conservation of dahlias in winter, we should not immediately move it to a high temperature to thaw it, which will only accelerate its death, we should gradually thaw it in a suitable environment, so it is still possible to survive.

The maintenance methods of dahlias in winter are very different from those in other seasons, but as long as you remember the problems mentioned above, I believe it will help your dahlias survive the winter easily. This is the end of the editor's introduction on the issue of how to maintain dahlias in winter. I hope I can bring you some help.

Matters needing attention in the culture of dahlia 1. Watering

Dahlias are fleshy roots, so the cultivated soil must be loose and breathable, otherwise it is easy to lose oxygen and cause rotten roots. Dahlia flowers are luxuriant and need a lot of water at high temperature, otherwise the leaves will wilt and should be watered thoroughly at one time.

two。 Sunshine

Dahlia likes sunlight and is not resistant to shade. If there is not enough light, its root system will be weak, which will affect plant growth, poor flower bud development, and even difficult to bloom.

3. Fertilizer application

Dahlia has a strong root system and needs a lot of fertilizer. Before cultivation, it is necessary to apply a sufficient amount of base fertilizer and light fertilizer to topdressing. The concentration of fertilizer will lead to dead branches and dead seedlings.

4. Pruning

Dahlias grow vigorously and have luxuriant leaves, so in order to properly control the flowers, it is necessary to pick the heart, promote the branches, and retain the terminal buds. After showing the buds, you only need to keep the strong one and cut off more than the buds, which will make the flowers bigger and more beautiful.

Above is the breeding method of dahlias. I hope these can help you to grow more healthy and beautiful dahlias.

How do you raise dahlias? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Dahlia

Dahlia, also known as Dahlia, Tianzhu Dan, Dahlia, etc., is a perennial herb of Compositae. Dahlia is one of the most famous flowers in the world, with long flowering period, large color and many flowers, which is very beautiful and has high ornamental value, so it is very suitable for planting in indoor courtyard. So, how to raise dahlias? The breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dahlia are introduced as follows.

Picture: Dahlia

I. Culture methods of dahlias

1. Soil: dahlia is the most suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. It needs rotation and medium fertility. PH6.7-7.8 can grow well.

two。 Sunshine: dahlias like light and are not tolerant to shade. If placed in a shady place for a long time, they will grow poorly, have weak roots, thin leaves and thin stems, small flowers and light colors, and even cannot blossom. Therefore, dahlias should be placed in a sunny place. The leaves need sufficient light during the growing period, and the daily light is required to be more than 6 hours, so that the plants are strong and the flowers are large and plump. If the sunshine is less than 4 hours a day, the branching of stems and leaves and the formation of flowers and seedlings will be affected to a certain extent, especially if there is little sunshine, the flowering is not smooth, the growth of stems and leaves is poor, and it is easy to get sick.

3. Temperature: the nature likes the cool climate, the request to the ecological factor is not strict, so the adaptability is strong. During the growing period, the temperature is not strict, it can grow normally between 5-35 ℃, but 10-25 ℃ is the most suitable.

4. Watering: the amount of water can control the height of the Dahlia plant. Its moisture should be controlled in the seedling stage to promote its dwarfing. In summer, in order to reduce the temperature, increase the air humidity and reduce the water evaporation of Dahlia stems and leaves, water should be sprayed 1-2 times a day. Watering once at 3-4 p.m., the amount of water should not be too large.

Picture: Dahlia

5. Fertilization: Dahlia likes fertilizer, topdressing should be applied once in 7-10 days during the growth period, or dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times. However, because dahlias are afraid of heat, they are often in a semi-dormant state in summer, and there is no fertilization or extremely thin fertilizer at this stage. After the plant budding, the application amount of phosphate fertilizer can be increased to make the flower bloom better. The root system of Dahlia is delicate, and thick fertilizer is avoided in the whole growth process.

6. Insect pests: the main pests in dahlias are powdery mildew, gray mold, bacterial wilt, virus disease, borer moth and other pest problems, which should be sprayed regularly.

7. Pruning: to cultivate small and medium-sized flowers, remove only the lateral buds on the lower nodes of the stem to make them blossom one after another. If you want to cultivate large single flowers, only the apical buds should be retained and the rest of the lateral buds should be removed. At the end of June and the beginning of July, after the first flowering, the weather is getting hotter and the plant growth slows down, which can be pruned at this time. When pruning, the stem should be twisted and drooped in the middle of the branch and between the two leaves, leaving a height of 20-30 cm. A few days later, part of the wound dried up and then cut. This can prevent Rain Water from pouring into the hollow stem and causing rot. It can blossom again until October.

Picture: Dahlia

II. Matters needing attention in dahlia culture

1. Avoid soaking water: Dahlia root system is thick and succulent fleshy root, strong gas, so the soil must be loose and breathable, good drainage, if the soil hardening, waterlogging hypoxia, it is easy to cause rotten roots, or even death. However, Dahlia has many flowers and leaves, and a large amount of water is consumed by transpiration, and a certain amount of water is needed. If the leaves are wilted by high temperature drying, they should be watered immediately, subject to a thorough watering, and must not be overwatered to prevent waterlogging. Dahlia leaves may wilt when it is sunny after rain, mainly because the potted soil is too wet, the root hair is damaged, can not absorb water, coupled with leaf transpiration water loss, but at this time do not immediately watering, you can carry out multiple foliar spraying. After the soil is slightly dry, new roots grow and the absorption function is restored, it can be watered normally.

two。 Avoid shade: dahlias like light and cannot bear shade. In the environment of lack of light and damp, the root system will be relatively thin, the absorptive capacity will decrease, the photosynthesis of leaves will also decrease, the flower bud development is incomplete, the flower color is dark, and even it is difficult to bloom. If the lack of light is longer in Jinan, the plant becomes delicate and easy to die. Therefore, in the process of planting dahlias, the environment should ensure sufficient vision in order to grow and develop normally and produce gorgeous flowers. In the shady and humid environment with insufficient light, the root system is weak, the absorption is decreased, the photosynthesis of leaves is low, the flower bud is dysplastic, the flower is small and dark, and it is even difficult to bloom. If there is a serious lack of light for a long time, the plant becomes weak and eventually dies. Therefore, the cultivation environment of Dahlia should be sunny enough in order to grow and develop normally and produce gorgeous flowers.

Picture: Dahlia

3. Avoid thick fertilizer: Dahlia has a strong root system, many branches and leaves, and a large amount of fertilizer. When planting, we should not only apply a sufficient amount of base fertilizer, but also topdressing at the right time. Topdressing should apply light fertilizer frequently and avoid applying thick fertilizer to prevent burning roots and causing withered branches and dead seedlings.

4. Avoid extreme heat: dahlias like to be warm and cool, avoid hot heat, and the suitable growth temperature is 20 to 25 ℃. Therefore, Dahlia grows well in late spring, early summer, late autumn and early winter. But from July to August, the temperature rises, expands slowly, blossoms poorly or stops blooming. Therefore, dahlias should pay attention to water supply in summer to ensure the healthy growth of seedlings.

5. Avoid too many flowers: too many large dahlia flowers will lead to poor flower quality and short flowering period, so it is necessary to properly control the flowers. Therefore, from the beginning of plastic surgery, it is necessary to pick the heart and promote the branches. when the branches grow, constantly erase the small buds, keep only the terminal buds, and promote the branches to be strong. After budding, in addition to keeping a strong bud in the branch, just cut off the extra buds to ensure that the flowers are big and gorgeous when they bloom.

[editor's conclusion] Dahlia likes a semi-overcast and cool environment, and if the sun is too strong, it will affect flowering, so more attention should be paid to the maintenance process. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Dahlia. I hope it can be helpful to you!