
Culture methods and matters needing attention of two-color jasmine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sowing, propagation and seed selection: first of all, the seeds should be selected before sowing. Whether the seeds are good or not is directly related to the success of sowing. 1. It is best to choose the seeds harvested in the same year. The longer the seed is preserved, the lower the germination rate is. 2. Choose seeds that are full, without defects or deformities.

Sowing and reproduction

Seed selection: first of all, the seeds should be selected before sowing. Whether the seeds are good or not is directly related to the success of sowing. 1. It is best to choose the seeds harvested in the same year. The longer the seed is preserved, the lower the germination rate is.

2. Choose full seeds without defective or deformed seeds.

3. Select the seeds free from diseases and insect pests.

Disinfection: disinfection includes two concepts, one refers to the disinfection of seeds, and the other refers to the disinfection of sowing substrates. Families often soak the seeds in hot water at about 60 degrees Celsius for a quarter of an hour, and then use warm hot water to promote germination for 12 hours. The best way to disinfect the substrate used for sowing is to stir-fry it in a pan so that any diseases and insects can be scalded to death.

Sprouting: soak the seeds in warm hot water (the temperature is about the same as facial wash) for 12 to 24 hours until the seeds absorb water and expand. For common seeds that germinate easily, this practice does not have to be done.

Sowing: for small seeds that are difficult to pick up by hand or other harness, wet the end of the toothpick with water, stick the seed-seed-grain to the surface of the matrix, cover the substrate 1 cm thick, and then put the seeding flowerpot into the water, the depth of the water is 1x2cm 2ppm 3, let the water soak up slowly (this method is called "pot immersion")

Soil requirements for culture methods of bicolor jasmine

Two-color jasmine is generally cultivated in East China and North China, which is suitable for slightly acidic soil with good drainage and air permeability.

Light and temperature requirements

The suitable temperature for the growth of two-color jasmine is 20-30 ℃. At this temperature, the branches and leaves flourish and the growth is exuberant. When the temperature drops to 12 ℃, it warms up and enters the dormant period, which is not cold-resistant. Pay attention to timely indoor maintenance in winter to avoid frostbite.

Two-color jasmine likes sunny, moist environment, avoid scorching sun exposure, summer needs appropriate shade. Too much sun exposure, flowers and leaves are easy to curl. The light time should not be less than 4 hours a day, which can ensure blooming and luxuriant.

Watering method

Two-color jasmine likes to be moist and afraid of waterlogging, and watering should adhere to the principle of seeing dry and wet. It is necessary to pay attention to watering in summer, not only to meet the needs of plant growth, but also to keep the air moist, spraying clear water on the leaves 2 or 3 times a day. Keep the basin soil dry in winter to prevent frostbite.

Fertilization method

It is necessary to irrigate alum fertilizer and water in time during the growing period, which can not only prevent soil Alkalization and leaf yellowing, but also increase soil fertility and promote plant growth.

After the two-color jasmine flowers withered, a thin cake fertilizer was applied, and 10 days later, a liquid fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied, and combined with watering, potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed to the leaves to promote the differentiation of flower buds.


In peacetime maintenance, the yellowed and withered leaves should be cut off in time to avoid affecting the overall ornamental.

After the flowers fade, cut off the remaining flowers in time, and cut off the branches. Cut off the weak branches, introverted branches, disease and insect branches at the end of autumn to ensure the vigorous growth of two-color jasmine in the coming year.

Precautions against freezing in two-color jasmine culture

The cold resistance of two-color jasmine is very poor, so it must be maintained indoors in winter, generally entering the room around November, keeping the room temperature above 0 ℃, controlling watering, keeping the basin soil dry and making it safe to survive the winter.

Prevent stagnant water

Two-color jasmine is afraid of waterlogging, so it is necessary to reduce watering in the rainy season, outdoor maintenance of potted plants and drainage to avoid rotting roots.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of two-color jasmine how to raise two-color jasmine

Two-color jasmine, also known as mandarin duck jasmine, is a kind of Solanaceae, native to the tropics, is one of the best-selling ornamental plants on the market, many people want to raise at home, but do you know how to raise two-color jasmine? Do you know what matters needing attention in breeding bicolor jasmine? If you don't know, take a look at the following editor's specific introduction to two-color jasmine culture. after reading it, we will know how to raise two-color jasmine.

How to raise two-color jasmine

Two-color jasmine this kind of plant can choose cuttage propagation, cut 8 to 10 centimeters of annual branches between April and August every year, to cultivate potatoes, can take root a month later, after rooting, transplant it directly to flowerpot, put it in a cool environment to slow seedling, can survive about a week later, then move it to the sun and put it on display.

Culture method

In short, two-color jasmine should pay attention to temperature regulation, it most likes to grow in an environment of 18 to 30 degrees, and in indoor cultivation, to ensure that there are four hours of sufficient sunlight every day, otherwise it will directly affect its flowering period, when the external temperature reaches 12 degrees, it will go into a dormant state. Usually cultivate two-color jasmine, water regulation is also very important, in summer high temperature weather, should be watered every two days, and to water its leaves, into autumn and winter, after to reduce water supply, every ten days watering can.

Matters needing attention

Bicolor jasmine is a kind of ornamental plant that likes warm and humid climate. Its cold tolerance is very poor. When raising bicolor jasmine, we must pay attention to this and move it to a warm room in winter. In addition, the cultivation of two-color jasmine should pay attention to changing the basin once a year, which can be carried out in spring. When changing the basin, it should be pruned and its old roots and withered roots removed. Only in this way can two-color jasmine grow more vigorously in the new year.