
Can asparagus be hydroponically cultured? the hydroponic method / water level and light of asparagus are well controlled.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Asparagus is a perennial foliage plant, and hydroponic culture can achieve the dual effect of observing leaves and roots, so many people are considering hydroponic culture of asparagus, so can asparagus be hydroponically cultivated? The editor tells you that it is OK. Next, let's take a look at the methods of hydroponic culture of asparagus and the points for attention.

Wenzhu is a perennial foliage plant, and hydroponics can achieve the dual effect of viewing leaves and roots, so many people are considering planting Wenzhu, so can Wenzhu be hydroponics? Xiaobian tells you that it is possible. Below we will learn about the hydroponic method of asparagus and the precautions for hydroponic asparagus.

Can bamboo be cultured?

The leaves of asparagus are soft and green all the year round. Its posture is beautiful and chic. The stems are smooth and thin. It is very beautiful. Can asparagus be cultured in water? The answer is yes, botanists have been experimenting with potted asparagus for a long time, and have compiled a very systematic approach and steps.

A Method of Culture Cultivation of asparagus

1. Select asparagus and container

Asparagus: select the more beautiful plant shape, growth is more robust, no yellow leaves phenomenon of Asparagus.

Container: hydroponic culture is to observe the leaves while also seeing the roots of plants grow, so many people will choose beautiful transparent glass containers, but in fact the roots of plants grow faster in the dark environment, so in the hydroponic method of asparagus, you can choose opaque containers.

2. Plant placement

Put the plant into the selected container, and put some medical stone on the bottom of the container to fix the plant.

3. Add water to the container

Under normal circumstances, fresh culture of asparagus should use water in the early stage, and nutrient solution can be used after 15 days.

Water culture bamboo notes

1. Water for hydroponics

When cultivating asparagus, it is best to choose well water or river water, try not to use tap water, only when the plant has passed the growth period and enters a relatively stable time, then use tap water.

2. Water level control and water change frequency

At the beginning, the water level should not be too high. If it is a bamboo just dug out from the basin soil, a part of the rhizome should be kept above the water surface during hydroponic cultivation, which is conducive to its absorption of oxygen.

After growth stabilizes, the water level can be raised, but care should be taken to keep a small section of roots above the water. The frequency of water change can be changed once every 2-3 days at the beginning; once every 1-2 months after stable growth.

3. How to use nutrient solution

Nutrient solution can be prepared by yourself, but because there are many drugs required, and the proportion will be strict, so ordinary people do not recommend their own configuration when carrying out asparagus hydroponics, you can buy the whole solution in a special flower shop, and the nutrient solution needs to be added after growing white water roots, do not use it at the beginning.

4. Light control

When cultivating asparagus, scattered light should be used for conservation, so it will generally be placed in a place with light, but do not let the sun shine directly on it, and maintain the ventilation of the environment.

Summary: Wenzhu can be cultured, but before this must understand Wenzhu culture ten precautions, the key is to control the water level, even the water level should not be too high, the root part can be in the water, if the tip of the leaf water drops should be reduced, while avoiding direct sunlight.

Can asparagus be cultured? What are the methods of bamboo hydroponics?

[FAQ] Can asparagus be cultured? What are the methods of bamboo hydroponics?

Photo: Bamboo

[Expert Answer]

In addition to traditional soil culture, culture methods of asparagus can also be hydroponic, but there are many methods of hydroponic culture. The following first agricultural classics will introduce the culture methods of asparagus to you.

● Method 1: Half soil and half ceramsite method

Steps: (1) remove the mud from the basin and retain most of the soil from the taproot;

(2) Use large-diameter container, bottom ceramsite bottom, put into the main root, ceramsite fill the periphery;

(3) wet ceramsite, add a small amount of water, water can not overflow the root soil part;

(4) spray water on leaves to keep them moist;

(5) Place it in a ventilated room, preferably near a window with light.

● Method 2: Half soil and half water method

step: (1) removing that mud from the basin, reserve the soil of the main root part, exposing 2/3 of the root;

(2) Simply prune and disinfect the exposed roots;

(3) Use ceramsite planting to keep ceramsite moist;

(4) 1/2 of the root enters the water and controls the water level;

(5) Oxygen enrichment in water, garbage bags to cover black;

(6) Daily inspection of root status, timely removal of rotten roots;

(7) Place it in a ventilated room, preferably near a window with light.

● Method 3: Evaporation water root promotion method

Steps: (1) proper root culture, keep the upper 1/4 of the taproot exposed to the air, and grow well, this step is the key;

(2) Remove mud from basin and keep soil of taproot;

(3) planting with pearlite and keeping moist;

(4) The periphery of the planting basket is sealed with plastic sheets, and the bottom is kept hollow;

(5) Control the water level of glassware so that the roots are not immersed in water, and use the principle of evaporating water to promote roots;

(6) The outer container produces evaporation water to wet the leaf surface;

(7) Place it in a ventilated room, preferably near a window with light.

Note: This method is suitable for summer operation.

● Method 4: Oxygen addition method

step: (1) removing mud from that basin, prune the root, preserving the thick taproot, sterilizing and drying;

(2) use pearlite or ceramsite planting, keep moist;

(3) Control the water level, and 1/2 of the root enters the water;

(4) uninterrupted oxygenation in water until water roots grow out;

(5) blackening the container to promote rooting;

(6) Daily check the root state, remove the rotten root in time, and change the water once every 2 days;

(7) Place it in a ventilated room, preferably near a window with light.

● Method 5: aerial root + sponge planting method

step: (1) selecting micro-asparagus, properly extract roots, cultivating, growing well and generate similar aerial roots, which is that key step;

(2) According to the growth of aerial roots, separate plants, keep aerial roots, cut off all soil roots, disinfect and dry them;

(3) After the plant is divided, it is easy to cultivate water roots by directly entering water, similar to the small hanging plant with air roots.

(4) Use sponge to plant, wrap roots and keep them moist;

(5) glassware control water level, exposing 1-2CM roots;

(6) If necessary, increase oxygen in water, cover the black vessels, and promote root growth;

(7) Place it in a ventilated room, preferably near a window with light.


Before the culture of asparagus, we should select the female parent material with strong growth and good development. After selecting the female parent, wash the root and soak it in carbendazim for disinfection. This is an important step. Wenzhu can be hydroponic, in addition, Wenzhu hydroponic management is easier to maintain than soil cultivation, water for lazy people is not a good way. The first agricultural economics editor also introduces you to a variety of hydroponic methods in this article, hoping to help you.

The method of hydroponic culture of asparagus and the method of conservation and management after hydroponic culture asparagus is a great foliage plant, and its small and exquisite body is attractive. Don't look at its small body, it has a lot of energy, it is a small expert in purifying the air at home, raising a pot of asparagus is excellent, asparagus can be cultivated in soil, but also hydroponic. Today I'm going to take you to understand the hydroponics of asparagus.

hydroponic method

1. pruning selection

selecting a strong and well-developed asparagus as a female parent material of hydroponic culture, taking the asparagus and soil out of a flowerpot, carefully washing soil at the root, removing rotten roots, and cutting off part of old roots. Then clean the leaves and plants with clean water to avoid damaging the plants. Wenzhu takes root slowly and its fleshy roots are delicate. Therefore, be careful not to hurt the roots of Wenzhu when taking Wenzhu.

2. disinfection colonization

It is best to choose planting basket for hydroponic culture. Fix the cleaned plants with planting basket. When fixing, let their roots fully stretch. Then put the plants together with the planting basket into 1‰ carbendazim solution to soak the roots for 30 minutes, take them out and put them in a cool place. After the roots become soft, the next operation can be carried out.

3. hydroponic

The first few steps are just foreshadowing, the highlight is coming. adding special nutrient solution for asparagus into a hydroponic culture container, and putting the treated plants (together with a planting basket) into the hydroponic culture container. When placed, 2/3 placed in water, to ensure that part of the root exposed to the air, to ensure that the root breathing unobstructed.

Conservation of asparagus in hydroponics

1. watering temperature control

After hydroponic cultivation, spray water twice a day on the leaves, control the temperature at 15-25℃, new roots can grow in two weeks, during which time water needs to be changed frequently, once every 3 - 5 days. After three to four weeks, the root system of asparagus has been a lot of new growth, can reduce water exchange, add ceramsite fixed plants. After rooting, foliar fertilizer should be supplemented once every other week.

2. rooting and lighting

Before rooting, plants are maintained in semi-shade, and new leaves grow slowly after rooting, requiring supplementary light. Generally, the hydroponic asparagus is placed near a window with light, but there is no direct sunlight, and ventilation is maintained. After rooting, observe the water level of the hydroponic container and replenish water in time.

3. replacement of nutrient solution

Bamboo culture is best to use special nutrient solution, bamboo culture maintenance than soil to be much easier, usually only pay attention to change the water, summer 7--10 days or so, winter 20 days or so, each time when changing water to supplement nutrient solution can be.

The above is the hydroponic method and maintenance method of Asparagus wenzhu I have sorted out. I hope it can help the majority of flower friends. Please continue to pay attention to the fleshy flower beds and learn more about flower maintenance.