
Ten precautions for asparagus culture, 10 strokes to let asparagus thrive

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The adaptability of asparagus is relatively strong, so people found that the cultivation method of asparagus is not difficult, but can raise and raise well are two concepts, some people can raise asparagus healthy and beautiful, and some people raise asparagus is no vitality or even yellow leaves.

The adaptability of asparagus is relatively strong, so people find that the cultivation method of asparagus is not difficult, but being able to raise and raise well are two concepts. Some people can make asparagus healthy and beautiful, while others can raise asparagus without vitality or even yellow leaves, so how to raise asparagus well? Here are the top ten points for attention in asparagus culture.

How to raise asparagus well

Asparagus can be raised by everyone, but how to raise asparagus well is something that everyone needs to consider. in order to do this, we must know the importance of the environment, because the method may be the same, but the environment in everyone's home is different. therefore, when raising asparagus, we need to adjust watering, lighting and other problems at any time according to the environment.

Ten points for attention in asparagus culture

1. Change the basin regularly

Although it is said that asparagus can grow normally without changing pots, the nutrients in the basin soil are limited, and the benefits brought by changing pots are: improving the air permeability, drainage and nutrients of the basin soil, which are all factors that can make asparagus grow better. How to raise asparagus well? It is very important to change the basin every year.

2. Regular pruning

Asparagus will continue to grow, and the height of the plant will gradually increase, which will affect not only the ornamental effect, but also the growth of new branches and leaves. Regular pruning can control the growth of asparagus and maintain its beautiful plant shape. In the top ten points for attention in asparagus culture, pruning is easy to be ignored.

Be diligent in watering

Asparagus likes to be moist and avoid drought. Often watering asparagus can keep the soil moist, but do not let stagnant water appear in the basin, because it may lead to root rot.

4. Loosen the soil regularly

Changing the basin is one of the top ten points for attention in asparagus culture, but it is also very important to loosen the soil regularly, which can maintain the drainage of the soil so that the microorganisms produced in the soil will not compete with the plants for nutrients.

5. Rational fertilization

The soil will provide some nutrients for the growth of asparagus, but fertilization is also essential if you want to make asparagus grow better. Lack of fertilizer will lead to yellowing of leaves. Applying fertilizer every 10-15 days according to growth can avoid these problems.

6. Control lighting

Some people think that any plant should like the sun, so exposing asparagus to the sun will only hinder its growth, while putting it in a semi-shady place will grow better under the condition of scattered light.

7. Good ventilation

Among the ten matters needing attention in asparagus culture, the ventilation of the position where asparagus is located must be good. Although asparagus can absorb harmful substances in the air, if it is kept in a closed environment for a long time, it will make the leaves curl or even wither. Therefore, good ventilation must be ensured.

8. Ligature correction

Asparagus can grow up to 3 meters. When it grows to a certain height, it should be tied up with rope, or set up a support, which can control its growth trend and make its shape more beautiful.

9. Control temperature

Asparagus is a cold-resistant plant, so we must pay attention to raising asparagus in the north, try to move it indoors in winter, and take heat preservation measures if it cannot be transplanted, such as using plastic bags to cover branches and leaves, and so on.

10. Pest control

Under normal circumstances, if the environment is suitable and the method is proper, asparagus will not have diseases and insect pests, but it will inevitably lead to the emergence of diseases and insect pests due to negligence, so we can not ignore them at this time, but should take timely measures.

Conclusion: in order to raise asparagus well, ten points for attention in asparagus culture must be understood. In the usual planting process, cultivating good habits and getting rid of some bad habits can make asparagus grow healthily and healthily.

Matters needing attention in common flower culture

For those of you who like flowers, don't miss this article on how to grow flowers. I suggest that you collect them for easy reference when planting flowers.

If you raise flowers well, it is indeed a very important problem for friends who like to raise flowers, and everyone has different experiences in raising flowers, so there are good and bad flowers. The process of growing flowers should be a process of learning from each other and communicating happily with each other. Now I would like to share with you the following article on growing flowers.

(1) rhododendron: like cool ventilation, avoid high temperature and heat; like semi-shade, avoid scorching sun; like moist, avoid dryness; like acid soil, avoid alkaline soil; like loose soil with good drainage, avoid stagnant water; if good drainage, water can be larger, foliar should often spray water.

(2) Gentleman orchids: like warmth, afraid of cold; like semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight; like rotten leaf soil with good drainage, avoid stagnant water; adjust the temperature difference during the dark day to 10 degrees in 7 Mustol, pour some beer. When the basin soil is dry, the leaves can not be sprayed with water, the leaves are easy to rot, and the leaves can be wiped with wet wipes. Only when the leaf vein of Cymbidium reaches more than 20 can it bloom.

(3) Camellia: Camellia is a negative flower and tree, which requires a shade of about 50%. It grows well in sparse shade and is afraid of sun exposure. if it is exposed to the hot sun, the young leaves are easy to burn, causing growth weakness and affecting flowering. Like cool and humid in summer and warm environment in winter. Generally, the suitable temperature for growth is 25 degrees, and flowers and leaves should be sprayed with water frequently. Fear of drought, avoid stagnant water. Only the slightly acidic sandy soil with good fertile and loose drainage grows well and will gradually die in alkaline or stagnant soil.

(4) poinsettia: like warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like sufficient light, not resistant to shade; lax requirements on soil quality, but like fertile, loose and drained micro-acid soil.

(5) Milan: like warm and humid, afraid of dryness, not resistant to cold; like sunshine, not resistant to shade; like fertile and loose slightly acidic sand. A poem praised said: "Guazi leaflet is also elegant, full of trees and rice-shaped flowers, fragrant who can be compared, ushered in distant guests to make fragrant tea."

(6) Hewang orchid: like sunshine, not resistant to hot summer sun exposure in the north; like warm, not cold-resistant; require moderate temperature in winter and cool and humid environment in summer; like humus soil with good drainage and permeability.

(7) Dragon spitting beads: like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; like sufficient sunshine, afraid of direct light; like fertile humus soil with good drainage and ventilation.

(8) June snow: June snow is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub, which likes a warm and humid climate, is not cold-resistant, and is not strict with the soil. Like humus soil with good drainage and air permeability. Moderate shading in summer, winter room temperature above 10 degrees can safely survive the winter.

(9) Golden vein bed: like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; resistant to semi-shade, afraid of strong light; like fertile and loose soil.

(10) fragrant dragon blood tree (Brazilian wood): like warm and humid environment, afraid of drought, like light, but also resistant to shade; suitable for indoor culture, like good drainage of rotten leaf soil mixed with peat soil and cake fertilizer.

(11) Ivy: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, more hardy; like fertile, loose and well-drained soil.

(12) Tiger tail orchid (tiger skin arrow): like warm and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of sun exposure; resistant to dryness, avoid stagnant water; lax requirements on soil quality, usually placed in a well-ventilated sunny place, watering should see wet and dry.

(13) rich bamboo: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, like scattered light, avoid direct sunlight; like loose and fertile soil, usually put in bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight in summer, and need to see more sunshine in winter.

(14) Pomegranate: like warm and sunny environment, more cold-resistant; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like loose and fertile soil, if the light, water, fertilizer, pruning is in place, flowers and fruits will be fruitful.

(15) Crab claw orchid: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, afraid of direct light; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; not cold-resistant, requiring soil rich in humus, loose and well drained, and stop fertilizing and controlling watering at high temperatures in summer. There is a fairy finger similar to the crab claw orchid, the difference between the two is that the edge of the fairy finger stem has no sharp teeth and is shallow wavy; the edge of the crab claw orchid stem has four sharp teeth on each side to open white or light-colored flowers, and three sharp teeth generally open red flowers. When pregnant buds bloom, do not change the flowerpot, otherwise it is easy to cause falling buds and falling flowers.

(16) Jasmine flowers: like the hot and humid sunny environment, not shady, cold-resistant, and drought-resistant. The temperature grows well under the condition of 25 degrees and 30 degrees, and the temperature below 4 degrees begins to cause freezing damage, leaves withering and even dead tiles dying. Like to loosen, fertile, drain and smooth the soil containing organic matter.

(17) Article 12: like warm and sunny environment, drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like sandy soil with good humus drainage.

(18) Big leaves take root on the ground: like a warm and humid environment, although the sun is also more resistant to shade; avoid extreme heat, resistant to drought; like sandy soil with good drainage, water should be wet and dry; proper shade and ventilation in summer, and watering should be strictly controlled in winter.

(19) Aloe vera: like sunshine and warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like thinning; pine fertile and well-drained soil, need adequate watering in summer, often spray water to the leaves, control water in other seasons, and shine directly in spring and autumn. (note: Dragon claws are cultivated according to aloe).

(20) epiphyllum: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, more resistant to drought but not cold, afraid of direct light, avoid stagnant water, require good drainage, loose and fertile soil. Epiphyllum usually blossoms at 19: 00 in the evening. Each flower has a florescence of about two small hours. If you want epiphyllum to bloom during the day, you can change the light: a few days before the bud is about to open, put it in the dark during the day and illuminate it with light in the dark sky.

(21) Chrysanthemum: belong to positive flowers, like cool characteristics, like plenty of sunshine; cool in autumn, strong cold tolerance (the temperature is the best at 18 Murray, 22 degrees); more resistant to drought, but not resistant to moisture, especially afraid of stagnant water; can tolerate weak alkali, requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained. Chrysanthemums generally adopt ramet or cuttage, that is, divide the pot in April, start in May, fertilize in June, hit the head again in July, and there is a long flow of water in August and September. According to the growth of the flower, five leaves of 3murmuri will be retained when the heart is removed to the top in mid-late May, and three leaves will be retained when the heart is removed in mid-late July. If the method is properly managed, it can blossom to three, three and nine tripods.

(22) Guangdong evergreen (also known as bright silk grass): like warm, moist, shady and strong, avoid dryness, afraid of direct light, slightly resistant to cold; winter room temperature above 5 degrees can safely survive the winter. Like loose and fertile culture soil, basin soil adhesion will cause rotten roots, so it is easy to use rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of river sand. The compound liquid fertilizer with more nitrogen and potassium should be watered at high temperature in summer, wet and dry in spring and autumn, and controlled watering in winter.

(23) discolored wood (variable leaf wood, also known as Sajin banyan): like high temperature, wet and sunny, not cold-resistant; like loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, the winter temperature grows well above 15 degrees, and less than 10 degrees will cause death.

(24) smile: like warm and humid, belong to semi-negative flowers, require good ventilation and proper shade. The air humidity is high, the leaf color is thick green and smooth. Not resistant to drought, avoid the scorching sun exposure, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow. Like fertilizer, like water but afraid of waterlogging, not very cold-resistant, like fertile and loose slightly acidic sandy soil. A poem praised said: "the flower does not open its mouth, shy and bowed its head, like a jade person laughing, affectionately secretly flowing."

(25) stone lotus: like warm, dry and adequate light, can also withstand semi-shade, fear of cold, should be fertile sandy loam with good drainage. During the growth period, the leaves will grow and thrive when the light is kept for 6 hours every day, and the leaves are delicious. 7 Mel Mel, spray the leaves once every 10 days with clean water. It doesn't matter if the stone lotus is not watered for 10 days and a half months. If you leave it in the shade for a long time, it will lead to fallen leaves.

(26) Banyan: like warm and hot, not cold-resistant, in the northern winter into the greenhouse to overwinter. Need a humid and sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-overcast. It has a strong adaptability to the loose requirements of the soil, although it likes acidic soil, it can grow normally on slightly alkaline soil.

(27) Gardenia: gardenia is an evergreen shrub or small tree. There are four kinds of gardenia: (1) Gardenia jasminoides, also known as Gardenia jasminoides. Large leaves, long oval, large flowers, mostly double, strong fragrance. (2) Fructus Gardeniae, also known as sparrow tongue flower. The plant type is short, the flower is small, double, fragrance is very strong. (3) Gardenia jasminoides with egg leaves, small leaves, Obovate, single small white flower, light and elegant fragrance. (4) Walnut Gardenia jasminoides, the leaf is large, ovate, the leaf vein is obviously prominent, the flower shape is large, and the fragrance is light.

Gardenia like warm, humid climate, not cold-resistant; in the south of the Yangtze River can be overwintered in the road, the north are potted, winter moved into the indoor winter. Like light, but also resistant to shade; when the summer sunshine is strong, it is appropriate to keep it in a semi-shady place. The leaves should be sprayed with water frequently. If the strong light, high temperature and too much watering, when these three factors are combined, it is most likely to cause yellow leaves, or even cause the death of the whole plant. Gardenia likes fertile, loose and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil.

(28) plain sailing: plain sailing is a perennial herbaceous flower, divided into large leaves and leaflets, sexual preference for warm and humid, semi-negative flowers, requiring good ventilation and proper shade in summer. Watering should see wet and dry, water is large and easy to rot roots, which requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained.

(29) Golden Tiger: Golden Tiger belongs to perennial fleshy flowers, likes warm and dry environment, likes sufficient light, is tolerant to semi-shade and drought, and will not die if it is not watered for a long time, but the water will rot and die, requiring sandy soil with good drainage. Note: the habits of fleshy flowers such as mountain shadow, tiger head, keel, measuring ruler and golden tiger are basically the same.

(30) Peacock bamboo taro: also known as blue banana, the plant is small and beautiful, the leaf color is gorgeous, and the leaf pattern is like a lifelike peacock opening screen. Peacock Amorphophallus is a perennial evergreen plant of the family Bambusoideae. It likes high temperature, humid and semi-shady environment, and has strong shade tolerance. It grows well under the condition of bright scattered light indoors, and the suitable temperature for growth is 22 degrees, which requires loose and fertile culture soil. Do not direct strong light in summer, otherwise it is easy to cause scorch on the leaf edge. The ambient air should be ventilated and water is often sprayed to the leaves. Other bamboo taro culture is basically the same.

(32) longevity suspension: also known as Shouxing flower, sexual preference for adequate sunshine, the northern hot summer season, light intensity, easy to make the leaf color yellow, so around noon should be appropriate shade, or put indoor half-light, but should pay attention to ventilation and cooling. The basin soil can be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand plus a small amount of bone powder, which is loose, fertile and slightly acidic. Avoid using sticky soil, it will lead to poor growth, resulting in rotten roots and fallen leaves. In winter, the room temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, such as about 7 degrees, the leaves will turn red and the flowering period will be delayed.

(33) freesia: also known as fragrant Xuelan, evening fragrant jade. Its leaves are like small swords inserted on the ground, and there are about 8 ears of flowers lined with golden bells, just like small golden funnels, with bright yellow, pure white, cyan-purple, rose red and other colors. It has the delicate fragrance of orchids and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. Put a basin in the room, the aroma is rich and mellow, making people feel fresh and comfortable. Freesia habit is both cold and hot, when it is hot in summer, it goes into dormancy, and when the weather is cool, the bulbs begin to sprout and grow and blossom. The suitable temperature for growth is 18Mui, 20 degrees during the day, 14 at night, 16 degrees at night, and the overwintering temperature is 6 Murray, 7 degrees. Freesia is a light-loving plant, so it requires sufficient light, but it is easy to grow under strong light and high temperature. Its flower bud formation is completed under the condition of short day light, and long sunshine can promote its flowering after flower bud formation. Freesia has strict requirements for moisture, that is, it is afraid of moisture and is not resistant to drought. If the soil water content is too much, it is easy to cause rotten roots; the soil is lack of water, the growth is hindered, and the leaf color is shiny. The flower soil can be mixed with 20% rotten leaf soil, 50% garden soil, 20% compost soil and 10% sandy soil. Freesia has a dormant habit. After blooming in May, the leaves are withered and yellow, the bulbs can be poured out of the basin, the dead leaves can be removed, and the corms can be stored in a cool and ventilated place after being cool and dry.

(34) African violets: also known as African pansy, is a perennial herb. Like enough scattered light to thrive and blossom. Violet pot soil should not be too dry or too wet, and should not be watered on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will be macular or rotten. Like warm, not cold, not resistant to high temperature, summer to avoid direct sunlight, overwintering temperature to maintain above 12 degrees, like fertile, loose and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil.

(35) Rose: rose is very adaptable to the environment and likes warmth. It is most suitable to grow at an average temperature of 22 / 25 degrees. Rose is not strict with soil, but it grows vigorously in fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. During the growing period, there must be plenty of sunshine, otherwise the plants are thin and weak, the leaves are yellowed and the flowers are not in the right color. Rose must be pruned, the pruning period is generally carried out before and after flowering in spring and autumn, cutting off diseased and weak branches, and growing branches, introverted branches and withered branches and residual flowers. Hot soil is easy to dry in summer and must be watered at the right time to keep the soil moist, especially in the bud and flowering period, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in the rainy season. It is best to put it in the cellar to hibernate in winter, and prune it around the middle of March next year.

(36) triangular plum: also known as leaf flower, sexual preference for warm and humid climate, like the sun, not resistant to cold, lack of light, will cause few flowers, leaves fall off. Like fertilizer and water, strong growth, lax requirements on the soil. Pruning is generally carried out before the growth of new shoots after flowering, cutting off overdense, inner chamber, growing branches and paying attention to keeping the tree shape beautiful. The overwintering temperature should be above 12 degrees.

(37) Lingjian River Flowers: tropical plants, like high temperature and humidity, like sunshine, like good ventilation environment, like fertile soil (preferably 20% hair, 20% slag, 30% loam, 30% sand), not resistant to cold. The basin soil maintains 40% humidity, low temperature, no more watering, no fertilization. The best overwintering temperature is above 10 degrees, where the sun can shine directly.

(38) Crane flower: a perennial evergreen herb. Also known as Anzu flower, red crane taro, candle flower and so on. The plant has a height of 30cm and a beautiful flower posture. Sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid bright light, not cold-resistant. Summer morning and evening to give sunshine, around noon to pay attention to shade, often spray water to the leaves, watering should pay attention to the dry and wet phase. It is better to choose rotten leaf soil (or peat soil), moss fresh plus a small amount of garden soil, charcoal and calcium superphosphate.

(39) Cymbidium: Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flower, which is warm, semi-overcast and humid, requiring loose, fertile soil and good drainage. The basin soil should be on the dry side, and water should be sprayed to the leaves frequently. If the indoor temperature is not less than 10 degrees, it can survive the winter safely.

(40) Boston fern: is a drooping fern, sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-shady environment, avoid extreme heat. Can be cultured in bright scattered light indoors, can not be subjected to direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow or lead to leaf edge dry, but can not be cultured in the dark, otherwise the leaves will fall off after a few weeks. Boston fern has strict requirements for moisture and should not be too wet or too dry. It is better to keep the basin soil moist often. In summer, we should pay attention to spraying 2murmuri 3 times a day. In winter, we should reduce watering when the room temperature is low. If the room temperature is above 8 degrees, we can safely survive the winter.

(41) asparagus: asparagus branches and leaves flat, like thin clouds overlap, branches such as bamboo, also known as cloud bamboo. Sex like warm, moist, semi-overcast, afraid of drought, not cold-resistant, like fertilizer. Soil rich in humus and well drained is required. Asparagus is a shade-loving plant and grows well under the condition of scattered light. It can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is not less than 10 degrees in winter.

(42) Fusang: Fusang flowers like light, like warm, moist and ventilated climate, not cold-resistant, suitable for loose, fertile and deep sandy loam. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise it is easy to cause fallen leaves, and if the room temperature is kept above 20 degrees, it is expected to continue to blossom in winter. (note: planting wood chrysanthemum is basically the same as supporting mulberry. Fusang generally opens trumpet flowers to replace long buds, while most chrysanthemums are double and double. The color of flowering can be judged by the color of the new branch: the color of the new branch is green, the color of the new branch is green, and the color of the new branch is smoky pink or light flowers. )

(43) potted peaches: like light, warm, moist and ventilated climate, afraid of stagnant water, more resistant to cold. It is not strict with the soil, but it is better to have fertile and loose soil, and it is best to go to the cellar when it is cold. It can also be put in a cool and cool place indoors, less watering, and the basin soil is not dry.

(44) hanging orchids: hanging orchids are perennial herbaceous flowers. They like warm, moist semi-shady environment and require loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Spring and autumn grow vigorously, put in the semi-shade, apply thin liquid fertilizer every half a month, put in the shade in summer, watering should be sufficient, often spray water to the leaves, some light can be seen in winter, and the room temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius to survive the winter safely.

(45) Water tower flower: also known as pineapple sex like warm and humid, is a semi-negative flower, requires good ventilation, like humus-rich, well-drained acid sandy loam. You can choose rotten leaf soil, moss fresh and garden soil (sand), mixed with a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer, apply dilute liquid fertilizer every half month during the growing season, and apply 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice before flowering, then the color of flowers will be more eye-catching, and fertilization should be stopped during flowering, after anthesis and dormancy. The suitable temperature for growth is 20m / m / 28 degrees. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in hot summer, ventilation should be done to lower the temperature. Keep it above 15 degrees in winter, see more light to grow healthily.

Flower cultivation skills and matters needing attention in flower culture

What are the matters needing attention in flower culture? What are the techniques of growing flowers?

Rational watering

Water is a necessary condition for the survival and reproduction of flowers, and reasonable watering is the key to the success of flower cultivation. There are great differences in water demand due to different types, environment and climate of flowers. Family flowers, especially indoor flowers in the living room, because there is no direct sunlight, flowers transpiration is weak, can not be watered too frequently, otherwise, the soil is often in a waterlogged state, the root system will suffocate and die. Too much watering is an important reason for the failure of many families to grow flowers. Generally speaking, the flowers in the balcony are watered more, but the flowers in the room are less watered; when the temperature is hot, the temperature is cool, herbs are watered more, woody plants are watered less, and they are watered alternately in accordance with dry and wet conditions, that is, they are watered only when the soil is relatively dry, and each time they are watered until the bottom of the basin is oozed.

Timely fertilization

Generally speaking, family flowers do not need much fertilizer, especially at present, the most popular foliage flowers are Brazilian iron pillars and rich trees. In order to maintain the original plant shape and prevent overgrowth and aging, they are generally fertilized 12 times each in the spring and autumn rainy season. Other flowers that are more vigorous are generally fertilized once a month, and fertilizers can be applied 500 times as much as 800 times nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, or self-made organic fertilizer. Such as Amoy rice water, milk bottle water, add orange peel, eggshell sealed soaked for half a month, it will become odorless high-quality organic compound fertilizer.

Pollution-free pest control method

When raising flowers at home, the main pests are aphids, red spiders, shell insects, and ants and grubs in the soil. Because of the high toxicity of general chemical pesticides, they are easy to pollute the environment and cause harm to the human body. It is best to catch them manually, and they can also be sprayed and killed by self-made pollution-free anthers, such as adding a small amount of washing powder to garlic juice and diluting it by 50 times. Or add 25 times water to cut tobacco, soak for 48 hours, take its filtrate to add appropriate amount of washing powder, or use wind oil essence to add 500 times water, etc., have obvious toxic effect on general pests.

Techniques of growing flowers in autumn

First, we should pay attention to increasing the lighting time of flowers.

Flowers placed in the shade in summer, such as palm bamboo, Brazilian iron, banyan, rubber tree, sunflower, tortoise back bamboo, asparagus and so on, should be moved to sunny places in the morning and evening to increase the sunshine time as the sun decreases gradually after autumn. At the same time, apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to flowers once, which can not only make flowers thrive and flourish, but also improve their cold resistance after winter.

Second, attention should be paid to increasing the nutritional composition of flowers

Chrysanthemum, wax plum, magnolia, crab claw orchid, Ruixiang, Magnolia, and so on, will be pregnant buds at this time. Rose, gentleman orchid and so on not only grow branches and leaves, but also give birth to buds. At this time, attention should be paid to adding nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers dominated by phosphorus for three times in order to promote flower bud formation, bud growth and flowering. Otherwise, it will be difficult to conceive and grow buds, and they will not blossom. Jasmine, Milan and other fragrant flowers, insist on applying the above fertilizer 1MMI 3 times a month. In this way, flowers can blossom again before winter.

Pay attention to changing soil and basins

After entering autumn, it is a good time for potted flowers to turn pots and change soil. If the flowerpot is too small and the root system is densely covered with the basin wall, we should pay attention to changing the large pot in time to facilitate the growth of the flower. Flowers that do not need to change pots should also pay attention to turning pots and changing soil.

Fourth, pay attention to pruning and removing leaves in time

In autumn, some flowers have dead branches and residual leaves. in order to improve the ornamental value of flowers, we should pay attention to cut off the dead branches and residual leaves of flowers in order to facilitate people to watch.

The flower cultivation techniques collected online will be useful in the future.

Flower cultivation skills

1. Water the flowers

① residual tea is used to water flowers, which can not only maintain soil moisture, but also add nitrogen and other nutrients to plants. However, it should be irrigated regularly according to the humidity of the flowerpot, not along with the pouring of residual tea.

② spoiled milk is used to water flowers after the milk has gone bad, which is beneficial to the growth of flowers. But with more water, it is better to dilute it. Unfermented milk is not suitable for watering flowers because it produces a lot of heat during fermentation and will "burn" roots (rotten roots).

③ watering flowers with cold boiled water can make flowers and trees grow luxuriantly and blossom early. If it is used to water asparagus, it can make its branches and leaves develop horizontally, dwarf and dense.

④ warm water watering flowers in winter, it is appropriate to use warm water to water flowers. It is best to put the water indoors and water it when it is close to room temperature. It would be better to water it when the water temperature reaches 35 ℃.

⑤ Amoy Rice Water watering Flowers often use Amoy Rice Water to water Milan and other flowers, which can make their branches and leaves luxuriant and colorful.

People who water flowers when there is no one at home in ⑥. If they are not at home for ten and a half days because of visiting relatives or going out on business, no one will water the flowers. At this time, you can fill a plastic bag with water, use a needle to pierce a small hole in the bottom of the bag, put it in a flowerpot, the hole is stuck to the soil, and the water will slowly leak out to moisten the soil. The size of the hole should be properly controlled to avoid water leakage too quickly. Or put a vessel filled with cold water next to the flowerpot, find a wide cloth strip with good water absorption, put one end into the vessel water, and the other end into the flowerpot soil, so that the soil can remain moist for at least half a month, and the flowers will not die.

two。 Five methods of fertilization

(1) spreading a layer of Maifan stone particles in the flowerpot can promote the growth of flowers and prolong the flowering period.

(2) the broken eggshell fertilizer crushes the eggshell into the flowerpot, which is a good fertilizer, which can make the potted flowers grow luxuriantly and the leaves blossom.

(3) cook a small amount of soybeans for use. Each pot of flowers wear three holes, put in 3-5 cooked soybeans, up to 2-3 cm deep, do not hurt the flower roots, and cover the soil as usual.

(4) bake and smash the pig bones and fish bones that are usually ready to be discarded, and apply the basin floor or basin noodles.

(5) watering flowers with rice washing water. Rice washing water contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements, which is not only a compound fertilizer but also a mild fertilizer, which does not hurt the flower root, as long as the pot soil is not immersed in water.

3. Collect organic manure for potted flowers

Chemical fertilizer should not be used to grow flowers in the family. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other main fertilizers needed for the cultivation of flowers can be collected in daily life. For example, moldy and inedible waste peanuts, beans, melon seeds and miscellaneous grains are nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which can promote the growth of flowers and trees after fermentation as base fertilizer or solution as topdressing; fish bones, broken bones, chicken feathers, eggshells and people's cut nails and hair are all rich in phosphorus. Mix this waste into the old culture soil, add some water and put it in a plastic bag in the corner. After a period of ripening, it can become an excellent organic fertilizer. If these wastes are soaked into a solution and then fertilized, the flowers in the domestic pot can be brightly colored and the fruits will be numerous. In addition, fermented Amoy rice water, raw bean sprout water, plant ash water, as well as Rain Water and fish tank waste water, all contain a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as long as appropriate use will play a role in promoting the growth and development of flowers and trees.

4. Pericarp can neutralize alkaline basin soil

Some flowers in the south are not easy to survive or blossom in the north, because the potted soil is too alkaline. There are many ways to neutralize alkaline soil. this method is to soak the peeled apple peel and apple core in cold water, which is often used to water the flowerpot, which can gradually reduce the alkalinity of the potted soil and benefit some plants.

5. Flower disease prevention

In early spring, all kinds of flowers will enter the vigorous growing season, at this time, 1-3 times 1% Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed on the leaf surface and back to prevent diseases. The preparation method of 1% Bordeaux solution is as follows: 1 gram of copper sulfate, crushed and dissolved with hot water 50 ml; then 1 gram of quicklime, pulverized with a few drops of water, then added 50 ml of water to filter the residue; pour the two solutions into the same container at the same time and stir well, and finally form a sky-blue transparent Bordeaux solution.

6. Six methods of killing flowerpot insects and ants

(1) when small flying insects appear in flowerpots, three or four cotton cuttings (cotton sticks) can be fully dipped in dichlorvos, so as not to drip down, and then insert the end of the handle into the pot soil around the plant, and the flying insects can be eliminated.

(2) washing powder: dissolve a tablespoon of washing powder in 4 liters of water and spray flowers and leaves every two weeks to completely eliminate white flies and bacteria.

(3) Milk: mix 4 cups of flour and half a cup of milk into 20 liters of water, filter with gauze and spray on flowers and leaves to kill ticks and their eggs.

(4) Beer: pour the beer into a shallow pot under the soil of the flowerpot, and the snail will be drowned if it climbs in.

(5) garlic: mash a garlic, mix it with a tablespoon of pepper into half a liter of water, and spray it on the flowers and leaves an hour later to prevent the attack of rats.

(6) when ants appear in the flowerpot, cigarette butts and cut tobacco can be soaked in hot water for a day or two. When the water turns dark brown, part of the water is sprinkled on the stems and leaves, and the rest is diluted and poured into the flowerpot, and the ants can be destroyed.

7. Three methods of keeping fresh flowers

The ① rose is moxified by fire at its cut and inserted into the bottle. The autumn chrysanthemum smears a little peppermint crystal on its cut. Chrysanthemum in the clear water of chrysanthemum, adding a small amount of urea or soil extract (fertile soil mixed with water and filtered solution) can make the vase chrysanthemum wither for as long as 30 days, which can be more than 10 days longer than that of ordinary water. The white orchid is wrapped in wet cloth at night and opened during the day, which can delay the withering time of the flower by 2-3 days. Hibiscus flowers are inserted into hot water for one or two minutes, and then into cold water. Soak the dahlia scissors in hot water for a while, then insert them into cold water. The peony flowers are dipped in hot water and then inserted into cold water. The camellias are inserted into light salt water. The lilies are inserted into the sugar water. Gardenia add 1-2 drops of fresh gravy to the water. Daffodils are planted in 1/1000 of light salt water. The lotus clogs the stomata with mud and inserts it into light salt water.

When ② is away from home, take out the vase flowers and put them in the refrigerator fruit and vegetable box to keep them from withering for a long time. When you come back, you can take them out and insert them in a vase, which can be lifelike.

③ dissolves in water with aspirin, which can prolong the flowering time of fresh flowers in bottle.

8. Adjust the flowering time

Put the flower seeds, plant bulbs or cutting branches into a plastic bag, then put them into the freezer, take them out and plant them when appropriate, and the flowering time can be adjusted at will.

9. Frozen pot flower resuscitation method

When it is cold in spring, the potted flowers freeze outside. In this case, the pot flower can be quickly wrapped with a strong water-absorbing waste newspaper with three layers in the basin, pay attention to do not damage the branches and leaves of the pot flower, and avoid direct sunlight. So rest for one day, so that the temperature of the potted flowers will gradually rise. After this treatment, frozen potted flowers can be revived.

10. The law of gentleman orchid avoiding summer

At the height of summer, the temperature is often above 30 ℃, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of Magnolia. For this reason, it is commonly used to set up a shed to cool down. You can also bury the magnolia in the sand (bury the basin), and then sprinkle water on the sand every morning and evening. In this way, not only the basin soil can be kept moist, but more importantly, the heat absorption effect of water evaporation in the sand can be used to achieve the purpose of cooling.

11. Hydrangea turns blue

If a rusty nail is nailed into the root of the hydrangea, the hydrangea will obviously turn blue.

twelve。 Ash soil cleaning method on plants

When many families clean, whether in winter or in midsummer, they generally wash the potted flowers under the water head, which will often affect the growth of plants because of sudden changes in temperature. If it is a foliage plant, it can be dipped in water and cleaned one by one along the branches and veins of the flowers. Other plants can be washed with a spray can.

13. Flower cultivation and deodorization method

Indoor flowers will give off an unpleasant smell if they use a fermented solution as fertilizer. If the orange peel is put into the fertilizer solution, the smell will be eliminated. At the same time, orange peel itself is also a good fertilizer.

14. Four methods of self-made insecticides

① took 200g green onions, chopped and soaked in 10 liters of water for one day and night, filtered and used to spray the damaged plants, several times a day for 5 consecutive days.

② garlic 200g-300g, mashed to extract juice, diluted with 10 liters of water, immediately used to spray the plant.

③ tobacco powder 400g, soak in 10 liters of water for two days and nights, filter out the tobacco, add 10 liters of water and 20-30 grams of soap powder, stir well and spray damaged flowers and trees. ④ water 10 liters, plant ash 3 kg, soak for 3 days and nights, you can spray the plant.

15. Weed eradication method

The weeds were so fertile that the weeds in the courtyard had just been pulled up and grew all over the place in a few days. In this case, usually pickled duck eggs or pickles of salt water, do not casually pour out, in the weed season, the salt water spilled on the weeds, three or four times to curb the growth of weeds. In addition, boiled potato water can also remove weeds from the courtyard or aisle. In addition, using bleach water to weed is also very effective, the method is: sprinkle the water on the weeding land, make the land drenched, 24 hours later, and then use bleach water.