
Camellia leaves yellow how to do, learn 6 tricks yellow worry-free / the light is too strong and the temperature is inappropriate

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Camellia, a well-known flower, is not only large, but also colorful and ornamental, so it is welcomed and loved by the majority of flower friends. However, in the process of breeding, due to various reasons, there will be symptoms of camellia leaves yellowing, what to do at this time? Here are the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of six kinds of camellias summarized by the editor.

Camellia, a well-known flower, is not only large, but also colorful and ornamental, so it is welcomed and loved by the majority of flower friends. However, in the process of breeding, due to various reasons, there will be symptoms of camellia leaves yellowing, what to do at this time? The following are the reasons for the yellowing of six kinds of camellia leaves summarized by the editor. Go in and have a look!

What if the leaves of camellias turn yellow? find the reason.

As one of the top ten famous flowers in China, growing camellias is definitely a good choice. However, in life, most flower friends are not professionals, so when raising camellias, there are often cases such as improper maintenance, resulting in leaf yellow and other phenomena. As for the camellia leaves yellowing how to do, the editor summed up 6 points, and attached solutions, let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of camellia leaves.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of camellia leaves, but we should first consider environmental factors. The reason for this is that many camellias are bought online, with a large geographical span, and the environment becomes too big after buying them back. If camellias do not adapt for a while, there will be leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: at this time, you can communicate with the store to understand the growth environment before camellias are bought, but we slowly change at home until the plants fully adapt to the current environment, and after a period of time, camellias will return to health.

2. Improper temperature

In the culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias, temperature is a very important point that is easy to be ignored. Too high or too low temperature is not conducive to the growth of camellia, especially when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃, it will cause plant leaf burns, resulting in symptoms of camellia leaves yellowing.

Solution: cut off the burnt leaves, put them in a ventilated semi-shade, then pour proper water, and then recover after a period of maintenance. But if you want camellias to grow well, you'd better keep them in an environment of 18-25 ℃.

3. The light is too strong

Camellia is a semi-negative flower, so the demand for light is not high. In summer, once the camellias are exposed to the sun, their leaves will be sunburned, making them yellow.

Solution: what if the leaves of camellias turn yellow? At this time, we should remove the yellowing leaves, and then move the camellias to the semi-shaded place for careful maintenance, which can be restored for a period of time.

4. Too little watering

Camellias like a humid environment, so they need to be watered frequently. Once people have not watered it for a long time or too little water for it, the camellias will lack water, which will make the leaves yellow.

Solution: what if the leaves of camellias turn yellow? At this point, we just need to increase the frequency of watering. However, it should be noted that the amount of water irrigated each time should not be too much, so as to avoid stagnant water, thus harming the roots of camellias.

5. Excessive fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. It is understood that camellias like to be fattened, and they are further fertilized once a week in autumn and winter. However, fertilization can not be too much, too much nitrogen fertilizer can easily scorch the leaves of camellias.

Solution: stop fertilizing, and water dilution, serious change of soil, so that camellias fresh again.

6. Diseases and insect pests

Indoor culture is not compared to outdoor, in the growth process of camellias, will inevitably be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, and this is also one of the reasons why camellias leaves yellowed.

Solution: after the discovery of diseases and insect pests, we should first determine the type of illness, and then solve the problem of spraying. As for what medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of camellias, so I won't say much here.

Generally speaking, camellias are not difficult to raise. As long as we take good care of them, there will be no problems with them. Of course, don't panic if something goes wrong, just follow the above method. With regard to the yellow leaves of camellias, the editor has introduced them here, hoping to give you some help.

What if the leaves of Jinhua tea turn yellow? pay attention to the yellowing at 6 o'clock / increase the light and change the soil.

Golden scented tea, the twin sister of Camellia and Camellia, has beautiful flowers and golden colors, and is known as the giant panda in the plant world. In life, because of the strong efficacy of golden scented tea, many people keep it at home, but in the process of breeding, many of them will encounter yellow leaves. So, what if the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up 6 reasons, let's go and have a look!

First, the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow, find the reason.

Beginners in the process of raising golden scented tea, because of the first cultivation, so they do not understand the breeding method of golden scented tea, as a result, they will encounter the situation of yellowing leaves, seriously affecting the ornamental. As for the golden scented tea leaves yellowing how to do, we do not worry, we must first find the cause, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons for the yellowing of six kinds of golden scented tea leaves, and attached solutions, we went on to look at.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of golden scented tea leaves, but environmental factors are the first thing we should consider. After the flower friends bought the golden scented tea in the flower market, due to the sudden change of the environment, the golden scented tea could not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment of golden scented tea before buying, and then we change it to the same environment at home. After a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Soil discomfort

Golden scented tea likes loose and fertile slightly acidic soil. Once it has not been renovated and changed for a long time, it may lead to the loss of nutrients in the basin soil. At this time, when the leaves absorb less nutrients, it will naturally turn yellow.

Solution: at this time, everyone can pour diluted yoghurt to supplement soil nutrients; in addition, you can also change the basin soil and replace it with loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage, so as to change the luster of camellia tea.

3. Lack of light

Golden scented tea likes light and needs sufficient light in the process of growth. once the environment of the plant is too dark, resulting in lack of light, the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: if the leaves of camellia are yellowing caused by lack of light, you should take time every day to move the plant to the sun for a few hours, or place it in a brighter place, of course, the light should not be too strong.

4. Too much watering

Jinhua tea leaves, or even yellowing, is likely to be related to watering. For beginners, it is difficult to grasp the amount and frequency of watering, and there is often too much watering, resulting in stagnant water in the basin soil and obstruction of root respiration. Over time, the root system was further damaged, affecting absorption, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves and yellow leaves.

Solution: stop watering immediately and move the flowerpot to a ventilated place with astigmatism; in serious cases, pick out the plant, cut off the rotten roots, replace it with new soil, and replant it. After watering, you should see dry and wet, do not water too often.

5. Fertilize too much

Golden scented tea likes to be fat, but it should not be too much. Generally speaking, it is fertilized every other week. Once fertilized too much, it is easy to burn roots, resulting in the symptoms of leaf yellow.

Solution: stop fertilizing in time, and pour more water to dilute the fertilizer, which can be improved after about a week; in addition, the soil in the tile basin can be refurbished and changed directly.

6. The environment is too bad

In addition to the above points, we should also consider the indoor environment, because if ventilation is poor, the tip of Jinhua tea will be withered and yellow; in addition, the dry indoor air will also cause leaf yellow.

Solution: open the window and let the indoor air circulate. if the air is too dry, spray clean water on the leaves 2 or 3 times a day, which can effectively prevent the tips of newly drawn leaves from withering and yellowing.

Generally speaking, Golden scented tea is easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind. If there is a Ye Huang problem, you can follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to give you some help.

How is it that camellias lose their leaves? improper watering, excessive temperature / disease is the key.

Camellia, also known as camellia, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Not only the flowers are beautiful, but the green cotyledons are very lovely. In life, many people buy camellias to raise at home, but in the process of breeding, many flower friends will encounter the situation of losing their leaves, so how is it that camellias lose their leaves? Here are several reasons for falling leaves and their solutions. Come in and have a look.

First, what happened when the camellias lost their leaves and were improperly maintained

In life, camellias are kept at home by many friends because of their famous name. But because did not follow the camellia breeding method to maintain, many flower friends often encounter some headache problems, such as camellia leaves yellowing, a touch off, what on earth is going on? In this regard, the editor analyzed the watering, temperature, diseases and insect pests and other aspects one by one, very detailed, let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of the fallen leaves of camellias.

1. Improper watering

In the process of breeding, because camellias like a humid environment, watering is essential, but this is troublesome for many beginners, who often lose their leaves because they can't control the degree. There are two situations about improper watering: one is too much watering, the other is too little watering.

Too much watering: the soil is in a moist state for a long time, when the oxygen content of the soil will decrease, and in serious cases, the roots of camellias will not be able to absorb oxygen and nutrients normally, and then leaves will fall. Solution: immediately reduce watering and often loosen the soil to make the soil well ventilated.

Watering too little: camellia roots are not fully absorbed, it is very easy to cause the leaves to be dull and dull, and fall off as soon as they are touched. Its performance is as follows: the lower old leaves are aging, and gradually wither and yellow and fall off from the bottom up. Solution: need a small amount of watering, make it gradually recover and then transfer to normal watering.

2. The temperature is high in winter

In the process of camellia culture, temperature is a key point that we should pay close attention to. If you want camellias to grow well, the winter temperature had better be kept at 3-5 ℃, not more than 16 ℃, otherwise it will promote germination and cause the phenomenon of fallen leaves.

Solution: control the temperature, put the camellias in the room of 3-5 ℃, and restore health after maintenance.

3. Environmental abrupt change

How do camellias lose their leaves? There are unexpected events in the sky, in the process of cultivating camellias, once the environment changes greatly, such as the temperature is cold and hot, and the light is strong and weak, it will cause part of the plant to fall off.

The solution: first of all, do not often move the camellias, secondly, keep the environment unchanged, and then artificially regulate and control according to the changes in the environment: if the light is insufficient, the temperature will heat up artificially, in short, what is missing, so that the growing environment of camellias does not change too much.

4. Poor ventilation

In the process of growing camellias, we need to give it a ventilated environment, because once the ventilation is poor, it may also cause camellias to lose their leaves. Especially in winter, because camellias are kept indoors for a long time, poor ventilation or poor air quality will cause camellias to fall leaves.

Solution: very simple, put camellias in a ventilated environment to maintain, after a period of time can be restored.

5. Disease and pest infestation

How do camellias lose their leaves? Diseases and insect pests are also a point that we have to consider. In the process of cultivating camellias, it is inevitable to be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, especially anthracnose, which will make camellias lose their leaves and even lead to plant death.

Solution: according to different diseases with the corresponding drug spraying, as for what medicine, in the camellia pest control has a detailed introduction, here will not say much.

6. Drop the leaves after changing the pot

Camellia leaves, in addition to the above points, we also need to pay attention to changing pots. The camellias that have just changed the pot have not yet taken root in the current soil and can not absorb enough water from the soil. At this time, plants take the method of defoliation to reduce their own water evaporation, which is a more common reason.

How is the camellia leaf falling off? after reading the above content, we should know! In fact, the loss of leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.