
How to prune camellias, diagram of pruning methods for potted camellias / best pruning before and after Spring Festival

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As one of the top ten famous flowers in China, Camellia is very beautiful. Its flowers are bright and beautiful and people like them very much. However, if you want the camellias to grow beautiful, pruning is necessary, because proper pruning can ensure the camellias to grow better and maintain their beauty, so how to trim the camellias?

As one of the top ten famous flowers in China, Camellia is very beautiful. Its flowers are bright and beautiful and people like them very much. However, if you want the camellias to grow beautiful, pruning is necessary, because proper pruning can ensure the camellias to grow better and keep them beautiful, so how to trim the camellias? Today, let's learn about the pruning methods and points for attention of potted camellias.

First, how to prune the camellias to improve their ornamental quality

In the culture method of camellia, it has been said that pruning is important, because pruning can make the shape and crown beautiful, and improve the ornamental value of the plant. As for how to trim camellias, the pruning skills vary greatly according to different varieties. Here are the pruning methods and precautions for potted camellias. Let's move on.

2. Pruning methods and points for attention of camellias (1) pruning time of camellias

According to the growth habits of camellias, the best time to prune camellias is usually about a month before the new buds sprout, around the Spring Festival. Guangdong, Yunnan, Jiangxi and other southern places can choose to be pruned about 20 days before the Spring Festival (that is, around the middle of January in the Gregorian calendar), and the low altitude areas of the Yangtze River basin can be pruned before and after the Spring Festival.

(2) pruning methods of different varieties of camellias

According to the two purposes of pruning camellias (good-looking and healthy) and the characteristics of different varieties, different pruning methods should be adopted: camellias with fast growth, camellias with slow growth and camellias with insufficient height.

1. Fast-growing camellia pruning

For the pruning of fast-growing camellia varieties such as Hong Luzhen, Dongfangliang and Da cinnabar, we should prune about 1 / 3 height from the upper part, and cut off the weak branches that block the light from the roots. After pruning, the growth rate of this kind of camellias will obviously accelerate in the second year, and form a beautiful crown.

2. Camellia pruning with slow growth

For the pruning of slow-growing camellias, such as Yuanyang Fengkou, White Swan and Sai Peony, we only need to cut short the branches that grow too fast and affect their beauty, so as to keep them in line with the length of other branches. In addition, the weak branches of diseased branches should also be cut off, and the terminal buds or buds of unpruned healthy branches should be erased to promote their bifurcation and keep the growth rate consistent with that of pruned branches.

3. Camellia pruning with insufficient height

For the five-color camellia and other branches are soft, the crown is too large, and the height is not high enough to prune the camellia varieties, we should cut off the side branches below the bifurcation point of the main stem and trim the crown.

(3) Leaf removal treatment.

How to trim camellias, after the above steps, but also need to pick leaves accordingly, which is conducive to its better growth. After our careful pruning, the camellias grew faster in the second year, and the shape of the camellias is very beautiful.

(4) points for attention in camellia pruning

1. Fertilization is needed after pruning.

During the period from camellia pruning to new bud germination, it is best to apply a compound fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer and spray foliar fertilizer when the new bud germinates. After doing so, camellias can sprout more vigorously in spring.

2. Pruning should not be too early or too late

No matter in the southern region or in the low altitude areas of the Yangtze River basin, it should not be pruned too early or too late. The reason for this is that it is easy to frostbite plants when the weather is too cold. If the new buds of camellias sprout too late, they will consume a lot of nutrients and grow seriously in the same year.

This is the end of the editor's introduction to the method of pruning camellias. Generally speaking, when pruning camellias, we need to cut camellias according to different varieties of plants. Do you want your camellias to look more beautiful? Then hurry up and try it yourself! Finally, I wish you all to cut out beautiful camellias.

[Lamei] Culture methods and matters needing attention of Lamei. Picture of Lamei appreciates Lamei on July 23, 2015. when do byadmin plum blossoms blossom? what are the colors of wax plum blossoms? Lamei blossom is a kind of precious flower and tree plant which belongs to China. It originates in the central Qinling Mountains, Wudang Mountain, Daba Mountain and so on. In the earliest period, Sihe found wild Lamei forest in Shennongjia, Hubei Province, while Lamei was planted in front and behind every house in Liuzhuang Village, Yiling County, Henan Province, which has the reputation of Liu Jialong Mei Crown all over the world. Planting preserved plum in Liujia Village has a very long history and is very popular with the local people. Next, let's take a look at when the plum blossom blossoms, and how many colors are there? [introduction of Lamei Blossom]

Chimonanthus, also known as Chimonanthus, etc., is a deciduous shrub plant belonging to the genus Chimonanthus of the family Chimonanthus, which is clustered, and the leaves are opposite, the leaves are oval or ovate-shaped in the shape of lanceolates, the flowers are inside the axils of the growing branches, they bloom first and then grow leaves, the flowers will bring pleasant fragrance, very refreshing. The perianth of Lamei flower is round, oval, spoon-shaped, oblong, Obovate and so on. Its filaments are sometimes longer than the anther, and the anther is curved without any whiskers. The fruit is close to Lignification, the mouth is in a state of search, and it is a kind of hairy attachment in the shape of a drill lanceolate. The flowering period of the plum blossom is from November to March of the following year, and the fruiting period is from April to November. It is a kind of plant with very good ornamental value. [there are several colors of wax plum blossoms]

There are mainly four variety groups, 12 variety types, a total of 165 varieties, their colors are pure yellow, dark yellow, light yellow, golden yellow, purple, silver white, snow white, light white, yellow white and so on. His stamens are purple, pure white, red and so on. The color of wax plum blossom is determined according to different varieties, and the more important varieties of wax plum blossom are vegetarian plum, dog tooth plum, digested plum and untold plum, their shape characteristics are not the same, and the color of the flower is also different.

1. Vegetarian plum: the back color of its petals is pure yellow, while the inner wheel is similar to the solid color, the flowers are very large, and the fragrance of the flowers in full bloom is very rich. two。 Dog tooth plum: its perianth is relatively narrow and pointed, the perianth in the center of the middle wheel is purple, and has a faint fragrance, the flower is very small, and the florescence is relatively late.

3. Untold Lamei: its outer perianth is yellowish, while the inner perianth is purplish red with stripes, the flowers are very large and the fragrance is very clear. 4. Small flower Lamei: the back of the petals of Lamei is yellow and white, while the perianth of the inner whorl is purplish red stripes, the flowers are relatively small, with very good ornamental value. [when will the plum blossom blossom]

Lamei flower is a kind of flower plant with very good ornamental value. Its flowering period is from December to March of the following year. It belongs to a deciduous shrub plant. Its height is 3m, and its leaves are opposite to each other. The leaves are oval, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, etc., the tip is relatively sharp, the base position is wedge-shaped, round, the length is 7-15cm, and the surface is rough. It belongs to a hermaphroditic flower, the flower grows alone on the axillary branches of the leaves, the pedicel is relatively short, and the perianth is yellow, waxy and fragrant. Wax plum blossom originated in central China, it likes to grow in a sunny environment, its negative tolerance is better, but also has a certain degree of cold and drought tolerance. Its soil requirements are not particularly strict, and it is best to grow in sandy soil with good drainage. [the flower language of wax plum blossom]

The flower language of Lamei blossom is loving heart, noble heart, faithfulness, independence, strength, nobleness, firmness, perseverance, loyalty, arrogance, arrogance, integrity, independent innovation and clear heart. Its morphological characteristics and growth habits give people an indomitable delicacy, which belongs to a kind of spiritual stimulation and is a kind of plant loved by people all over the world. More information about pink rose flowers, how to raise hyacinth, how to raise hyacinths, how to raise blue-green algae, how to raise carnations, how to raise daisies, what is the flower language of dandelion, what is rosemary, what is matsutake, ornamental plants | Tagged garden plants, potted plants, green plants, sweet plums, plum blossoms, flower plants Chimonanthus chinensis is a very traditional and valuable ornamental plant in China. It is a very traditional and valuable ornamental plant in China. It is a very traditional and valuable ornamental plant. It usually blooms before spring, and flowers and plants, especially the tiger foot plum in wax plum, generally bloom in October of the lunar calendar, which is called early plum. Lamei blossom is in full bloom after the beginning of winter, it is accompanied by the winter growth is very strong, so it is also known as winter plum. Many people like preserved plum very much, giving people an air of perseverance and hard work. Next, let's take a look at how to plant Lamei seeds, as well as the efficacy and function of Lamei blossoms. [introduction of Lamei]

Lamei, also known as golden plum, wax yellow plum flower, is a deciduous shrub plant, often in a tufted state. Its leaves are opposite, the shape is oval-shaped, the ovate is lanceolate, the flowers grow in the axils of the branches in the second year, the flowers bloom first, and then the leaves grow out, and the flowers will have a fragrant smell when they are in full bloom. Its diameter is 2-4cm, perianth segments are oval, oblong, Obovate, elliptic, spoon-shaped, without any whiskers, its filaments are longer than anthers, the anthers are incurved, without any whiskers, and the style is very long. [growth habits of Prunus mume]

Wax plum is a kind of like to grow in an environment with sufficient light, it has a certain ability to endure shade, cold and drought, but avoid waterlogging. Lamei is proudly blooming in frost and snow cold weather, the color of the flowers is yellow like wax, the fragrance is very strong, it is a kind of ornamental flowers and trees in winter. Lamei is afraid of the wind and has very good cold resistance. It can survive the winter safely at-15 degrees Celsius. In the south of Beijing, it can be planted in the open field, and the flowering period can withstand the low temperature of minus 10 degrees Celsius. If it is below this temperature, it will suffer frost damage.

It likes to grow in slightly acidic soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, but it can not grow normally in saline-alkali soil. The drought tolerance of Lamei is also very good, but afraid of waterlogging, it is not suitable for low-lying planting, the plant growth is strong, the ramet is more luxuriant, the rhizome is easy to sprout, and it is more resistant to pruning, suitable for proper pruning and shaping. Its florescence is in March of the following year, and the fruit is in July-August. [how to plant preserved plum seeds]

1. Open field planting: need to choose deep, well-drained neutral or slightly acidic sandy soil, to be planted in a place away from the wind and the sun. It is generally planted before sprouting in spring, and the seedlings can be planted with 30-50cm row spacing, while the two-or three-year-old medium seedlings are planted according to the plant spacing of 50-55cm. If it is planted in the garden heatstroke large second tree hole diameter is 60-70 out of cm, the depth of the hole is 40-50cm, in which to add mature barnyard manure, bean cake fertilizer as base fertilizer, the base fertilizer can be covered with a layer of soil, and then into the ball of wax plum plant into the inside, cover a layer of soil above, compacted, watered above.

two。 Potted plum: the way of potted wax plum is very simple, it needs to be planted in the sandy soil with loose, fertile and good drainage, the drainage of potted plants should be done well, a layer of gravel should be padded on it, and then the plants with full buds will be picked up with soil and put into the pot. after flowering, it can be propagated indoors as an ornamental value, and more photosynthesis can be carried out. [efficacy and function of Prunus mume]

The flowers of Chimonanthus przewalskii are rich in volatile oil, while the volatile oil contains borneol, linalool, cineole, isochymoplum alkaloid, jasmine, a-carotene, syringin, oleic acid and linoleic acid, linolenic acid and so on. Its flower buds have the effects of relieving thirst, appetizer, relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, etc., mainly for summer heat, dizziness, qi depression, stomach tightness, vomiting, measles, external use to treat hot wounds, pertussis, otitis media and so on. And the root has detoxification and wind, hemostasis and other effects, mainly for rheumatoid arthritis, cold, lumbar muscle strain and so on; root bark can treat knife wound bleeding. More information about the cultivation methods and precautions of green pineapple pictures of epiphyllum, how to raise golden tiger cactus, how to raise water lilies, culture methods and precautions of red palms, pictures of lotus, the role of evergreen flowers, plum blossoms Posted in succulent, herbaceous plants | Tagged garden plants, potted plants, green plants, wax plum, plum blossom, flower plants Wax plum 22 July 2015 byadmin price and picture of wax plum is a kind of flower plant that blossoms in cold winter among white flowers It fights against cold and proud frost, showing a character that will never yield in the face of rape, giving people a kind of spiritual inspiration and the enjoyment of beauty. In life, many people plant wax plum in the garden, and it is very suitable to be used as an artistic plant of ancient pile bonsai and camellias. It is a very precious ornamental plant in winter. When its flowers are in full bloom, they will give off a fragrant smell, which is very beautiful. It is a very good landscaping plant. Next, let's take a look at the price of preserved plum trees and the appreciation of the pictures. [picture collection of preserved plum trees-introduction]

Lamei tree, also known as yellow plum blossom, fragrant plum, dried plum, fragrant plum blossom, is a kind of ornamental tree plant belonging to the genus Chimonanthus of Chimonanthus. Its fruit is nearly lignified, the shape is jar-shaped or Obovate-oval, the length of the plant is 2-5cm, and the diameter is 1-2.5cm, the mouth is in a state of contraction, and it is a kind of hairy attachment with drill-shaped lanceolate shape. The seeds of wax plum blossoms are oval in shape and the color is chestnut brown. The surface is very smooth and has a certain luster. The flowering period of Lamei tree is from November to February of the following year, and the fruit period is from April to November. [wax plum tree picture Daquan-morphological characteristics]

The plant height of Lamei tree is about 3m, which is in a state of alternate leaves. The flowers grow alone in the leaf axils, the outer whorl of the perianth is waxy yellow, while the middle whorl is purple striped, with strong fragrance. The flowering period is from December to March of the following year. The husband grows leaves, and then blooms. Its fruit is a pedestal, seed-shaped achene, fruiting in August. Lamei trees like to grow in the state of sufficient light, more shade and cold tolerance, and generally planted in the leeward to the sun, like to grow in the deeper soil, good drainage, fertile sandy soil. Its ability to withstand drought is very good, avoid dampness. Its growth potential is very strong, and the germination of branches is also very strong, the lifespan of Lamei tree is very long. Lamei tree originated in China's Shaanxi, Hubei and other provinces and regions, and now it is cultivated in various regions. Yaojia Garden in Yiling County, Henan Province is the growth base of Lamei seedlings. [preserved plum tree picture Daquan-growth habits]

Lamei tree is a kind of tree that likes to grow in an environment with sufficient light, it has a certain ability of cold tolerance, the temperature can not be lower than minus 15 degrees Celsius in winter, it is suitable for open field planting, but also can survive the winter safely. Lamei tree also has a certain tolerance to semi-shade, drought tolerance, but also afraid of waterlogging, branching ability is very strong, more resistant to pruning. But the plum tree is a wind-resistant plant, and if it is not planted in the leeward, its plants will rub against each other and cause rust spot. If it is windy during flowering, the opening of flowers will also be affected, showing that the petals do not stretch, and even affect the normal opening of young buds. Prunus mume likes to grow in neutral and slightly acidic sandy soil, so the stickiness or alkalinity of the soil will have a certain effect on the growth of Prunus mume. [preserved plum tree photo collection-culture method]

The propagation methods of Lamei include sowing propagation, grafting propagation, split propagation, striping propagation, cutting propagation and so on. Transplanting needs to be carried out before sprouting in spring, the bare roots of seedlings are dipped in mud, the big seedlings need to grow with soil balls, and the diameter of soil balls needs to be about 8 times of the base diameter of the tree. Mature organic fertilizer should be used as cluster fertilizer before planting. Each plant needs 5-8kg and then watered thoroughly. If the soil is not particularly dry, it does not need watering. It is necessary to pay attention to drainage in more rainfall seasons, and overwintering water should be watered before winter. When topdressing once at the end of autumn, liquid phosphorus fertilizer can be used, and then the nitrogen and phosphorus compound liquid fertilizer can be irrigated again after the flowers withered in the second year. The common pests of Lamei trees are shell insects, aphids, coir moths and diamondback moths, and then use phoxim and fenitrothion to control them. [preserved plum tree price and picture collection]

Lamei tree is a kind of flower plant with very good ornamental value, which is very popular among people. The price of Lamei tree is determined according to the plant size, sales area and sales volume. If you sell more flowers, the price is cheaper, and the smaller the plant is, the cheaper it is. There is always one young plum tree at a price of one yuan in the market. The larger the plant of Lamei, the more expensive it will be. There are hundreds of them. More information about the efficacy and function of red palm raising Saxifraga; aloe how to raise primrose bonsai production method the picture of Euryale is what is the efficacy and function of the big bowl of cactus picture of cactus what is the efficacy and function of Posted in woody plants, ornamental plants | Tagged garden plants, potted plants, green plants, wax plum, wax plum blossom Flowers and plants May 7, 2015 byadmin preserved plum bonsai production diagram _ preserved plum bonsai picture _ how much is a preserved plum is a very precious flower and plant in China It first grew in the central Qinling Mountains, Daba Mountain and Wudang Mountain, and a large area of wild Lamei forest was found in Shennongjia area of Hubei Province. Nowadays, preserved plums are also planted in many gardens. Wax plum blossoms before spring, which is called before a hundred flowers. How much do you know about Lamei? Today, the editor will introduce to you the illustration of Lamei bonsai production, as well as the pictures of Lamei bonsai, and have a simple understanding of how much a Lamei bonsai costs. [preserved plum bonsai picture-introduction]

Chimonanthus, also known as Chimonanthus, Chimonanthus and Prunus, is a deciduous shrub plant belonging to the genus Chimonanthus of the family Chimonanthus. It is tufted, and the leaves are opposite, and the leaves are oval-shaped and ovate-lanceolate. The general flowering is in the axils of the branches and leaves of the second year, which is a kind of plant that blossoms first and then grows leaves. When the flowers are in full bloom, they have a faint fragrance, which is particularly attractive. Lamei blooms in the cold season of other flowers, it needs to fight cold and proud frost, showing an indomitable character of the Chinese nation in the face of rape, giving people spiritual enlightenment, so that people can get a kind of beautiful enjoyment. Lamei bonsai is suitable for planting in the courtyard, especially suitable for viewing as ancient pile bonsai and plastic arts. It is an ideal precious flower and tree plant in winter. [preserved plum bonsai pictures-growth habits]

Lamei bonsai likes to grow in a sunny environment, and has a certain tolerance to shade, cold and drought, but avoid waterlogging. It is usually in full bloom in the cold winter, and the color of the flowers is yellow, like wax. When the flowers are in full bloom, they smell good to the nostrils and are especially favored by people. Lamei bonsai is afraid of the wind and is relatively hardy. The temperature should not be lower than-15 degrees Celsius when growing, so that it can survive the winter safely. The temperature during the flowering period should not be lower than-10 degrees Celsius, otherwise the flowers will suffer frost damage and affect the flowering. It likes to grow in a slightly acidic sandy soil with deep and fertile soil, loose soil and good drainage. Although it has good drought tolerance, it is afraid of waterlogging and is not suitable for cultivation as a low-lying land. Its vitality is more exuberant, and the branches are also more exuberant, resistant to pruning and plastic treatment, flowering is usually from November to March of the following year, and matured in July and August. [preserved plum bonsai illustration]

When planting potted plum bonsai, it is suitable for potted and open-field planting. when potted, we should choose slightly acidic soil with loose, fertile and good drainage. The bottom of the pot needs to make some drainage holes and pad some gravel on it. Select some full buds every winter and plant them in pots. Careful breeding can be appreciated as ornamental plants after flowering. In the conservation should be placed in the outdoor sunny place, the soil to maintain semi-moisture state is the best, to place the rainy season stagnant water phenomenon. Water more in drought and keep the principle of no drying and no watering.

After the bonsai flower fade, the rotten organic fertilizer should be applied, and the crocodile should use the rotten organic fertilizer and the mixed fertilizer solution of phosphorus and potassium from July to August. The crocodile should loosen the soil properly so that the red soil is loose and should not be fertilized during the flowering period. Change the pot every two or three years, and change 1/3 of the soil after the flowers fade. If you want the preserved plum bonsai to look good, it should be reshaped and trimmed to make the preserved plum bonsai more stylish. You can pick the heart and wipe the bud when you have the top of the seedling, and make up the pruning after pruning the flower before the flower. Also to prevent the prevention and control of diseases and pests, preserved plum bonsai will appear anthracnose, black spot, aphids, red-necked longicorn beetles, Japanese tortoise wax scale, you can go out diseased leaves and use effective medicine to spray. [how much is a bonsai of preserved plum]

The price of Lamei bonsai is determined according to the height of the plant. Generally, the bonsai plant in 20cm is about 15 months per pot, the plant in 30cm is 20 yuan per pot, and the plant in 50cm is 40 yuan per pot. If the plant height is above 800cm, it is 150 yuan per pot. But when looking at the height of the plant, it also depends on the tree shape and leaf lush degree of the bonsai. More information about fruit tree cultivation techniques in late autumn yellow pear cultivation techniques peony flowers, green apples, how to raise carnations, how to grow impatiens, peony flowers, how water lilies grow impatiens, Posted in indoor plants, woody plants | Tagged potted plants, green plants, wax plum, plum blossoms, flower plants Wax plum November 6, 2014 byadmin wax plum picture Daquan appreciation, what is the culture method of wax plum, it is a plant belonging to the genus Chimonanthus. Lamei blossoms in the depths of winter with withered flowers, fighting cold and proud frost, showing the character that the Chinese nation will never yield in the face of rape, giving people spiritual enlightenment and beautiful enjoyment. It is not only suitable for courtyard planting, but also suitable for ancient pile bonsai and flower arrangement and plastic arts. It is an ideal precious flower for flower appreciation in winter. The flowers are fragrant and beautiful, and they are landscaping plants. So the editor brings you the appreciation of the picture of Lamei, and the picture of Lamei appreciates that it belongs to a deciduous shrub, can be up to 4 meters high, the young branch is square, and its old branch is nearly cylindrical, with grayish brown and glabrous or sparsely hairy, as well as lenticels. Fruit receptacle sublignified, jar-shaped or Obovate-elliptic, 2-5 cm long, 1-2.5 cm in diameter, mouth contracted, and with subulate lanceolate hairs. The florescence is from November to March of the following year, and the fruiting period is from April to November.

The other nature of Lamei likes sunshine, of course, it is shade-tolerant and cold-resistant and drought-resistant, and waterlogging is the most taboo. Lamei blossoms proudly in frost, snow and cold weather, and its yellow flowers are like wax and fragrance to the nostrils. It is also one of the main flowers and trees to watch in winter. It is not afraid of the wind is also relatively hardy, when not less than 15 degrees below zero is also safe through the winter.

The picture of Lamei appreciates that Sanhao was born on a slightly acidic sandy loam with deep, fertile, loose and well-drained soil, and grew poorly on saline-alkali soil. It has strong drought tolerance and is afraid of waterlogging, so it is not suitable to be cultivated in low-lying land. The growth potential of the tree is strong, the branches are exuberant, and the rhizome is easy to sprout. Resistant to pruning and easy to shape. Flowering first and then leaves, flowering from November to March of the following year, and maturing from July to August.

What is the method of watering dried plum: it is best to keep the soil semi-moist in peacetime, and pay attention to drainage in the rainy season in order to prevent the accumulation of water in the soil. The dry season needs to replenish it in time, and the soil should be kept moderately dry during flowering and should not be overwatered. Potted plum in spring and autumn, the pot soil should not be dry or irrigated, and in summer every morning and evening need to be watered, the amount of water should also be controlled according to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil. Fertilization: after the flower fade every year, fully mature organic fertilizer should be applied once a year, and a mixture of rotten organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in the growing season from spring leaf germination to June, and again after autumn. After each fertilization should be timely watering, loosen the soil, in order to keep the soil loose, do not apply fertilizer during flowering. When potted Chimonanthus mume is planted, it is no longer applied fertilizer and water in the early stage of potting, but leaf fertilizer should be applied in spring, turning the pot and changing the soil every 2-3 years, after the blossom fade in spring, at the same time, replace the potted soil of 1 inch and 3 years. Ted in indoor plants, woody plants, ornamental plants | Tagged white wax, potted plants, byadmin preserved plum bonsai production and conservation methods introduction we can also be called Huang Huamei, it is produced in the central region of China, of course, Henan is the most famous, it belongs to the ground and potted, but also the production of bonsai is a good material. It does not have too many requirements for soil, but it is also the best light loam with good drainage.

Reproduction: our reproduction is mainly carried out by grafting and cutting, and less by sowing, while the whole pruning method of Lamei is mainly single-dry and multi-dry. Pruning: the pruning of dried plum is mainly in the dormant period, and supplemented during the growth period. At the same time, we should also pay attention to its pruning after flowering. When pruning in winter, we should cut short the extended branches of the backbone branches at all levels. The bonsai of Lamei has developed rapidly in recent years, and most of them are based on wild Lamei ancient piles as the main material, and have been successfully produced through artistic modeling and grafting.

The best way to preserve the potted plum is to put it in a place away from the wind and the sun, taboo cold wind and slightly shade it in summer, and pot plants in winter should be transplanted to indoor breeding when the temperature is below 1 degree. Watering: wax plum is relatively resistant to drought, and it is the title of plum that does not die from drought, but it should not be too dry. Usually, the basin soil only needs to be slightly dry. Watering should also follow the principle of being wet between dry and dry, not watering, watering thoroughly. Steaming in the summer is also the period when its flower buds are formed. at this time, there can be no shortage of water. it is best to water it sooner or later. when the leaves fall in autumn, its basin soil should be drier, and it can be watered every 5-7 days.

Fertilization: we all eliminate that Lamei is a good fertile plant, and it is best to apply cake fertilizer to it every 10 days in the early stage of its flower bud formation from April to June, and you can top fertilize it once a week at the end of June. in this way, we can promote the formation of flower buds, fertilize once after autumn, and apply enough basic fertilizer in its basin when changing pots.

Pruning: if we want Lamei to grow luxuriantly for years, it is very important for us to prune and pick buds. We should truncate its old flower branches immediately after blooming every year. Wait for its new branch to sprout and remove the terminal bud for it so that it will grow new side branches soon. If repeated until the flower bud is basically formed. The above is what Xiaobian brought to you about the production of preserved plum bonsai and its maintenance methods. I hope it will be useful to everyone. If you still need to know more about plant cultivation methods and other related content, you are welcome to come to my grape rack. Here are a lot of plants you need. Sp Culture methods and matters needing attention of rich trees culture methods and matters needing attention of cactus fruit leaves Hosta gardenia cultivation methods and matters needing attention eight treasures Sedum epiphyllum pictures Phalaenopsis culture methods and matters needing attention cultivation methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees water lily pictures plum blossom pictures Breeding methods and matters needing attention Culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus mairei Posted in indoor plants of Violet Ornamental plants | Tagged White wax, potted plants, preserved plums