
How to water figs, the higher water requirement in summer / the opposite in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the process of plant culture, water is an essential nutrient, figs are no exception, if too much or too little watering will affect its growth, so the control of watering is particularly important. So how do you water figs? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

In the process of plant culture, water is an essential nutrient, figs are no exception, if too much or too little watering will affect its growth, so the control of watering is particularly important. So how do you water figs? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How to water figs

For the question of how figs are watered, each season is different, because of the different climate, figs for water demand is also different, summer for water requirements are higher, so can be more watering, winter needs to reduce the amount of water, as for how to subdivide, we can move on.

1. Spring watering

The temperature in spring is more suitable for figs. If you water them, you can usually water them once every 3-4 days. Keep the soil moist when watering, and you don't need to water too much. Otherwise, it will easily lead to rotten roots of figs. So we should pay attention to this.

two。 Summer watering

Summer is the hottest season of the year, when figs have higher requirements for water, because the temperature is higher, so the water will evaporate faster, so figs need to be watered almost every day at this time. Watering time is best controlled in the morning or evening, noon is not suitable for watering.

3. Autumn watering

In fact, how to water figs in autumn is not much different from that in spring, but the air is a little drier in autumn than in spring, so the frequency is a little higher than that in spring, which usually needs to be watered every 2-3 days.

4. Watering in winter

Figs are not cold-resistant, so they must not be watered too much in winter, otherwise they are easy to frostbite. Generally, it is most appropriate for us to water figs once every 7-10 days, and it is best to use spray pots to water them, so that the amount of water can be better controlled.

5. Watering tool

When watering figs, it is best to use a spray can, because this can better control the amount of water, there will not be too much or too little. Of course, if you think you can master it well without a spray can, you can do without it.

How to raise figs the culture method of figs

Figs are our more common tree species, mostly planted in the courtyard, will bear fruit, is a kind of foliage and fruit plant, how to raise figs? Let's talk about the breeding methods of figs.

Introduction to figs:

Fig (scientific name: Ficuscarica), also known as Yingri fruit, milk berry, honey fruit, sweet potato, mandarin fruit, Mingmu fruit, Bodhi holy fruit, etc., is a flowering plant, belonging to the genus Ficus Moraceae, mainly growing in some tropical and temperate places, belonging to subtropical deciduous trees. Fig tree has luxuriant branches and elegant tree form, and has good ornamental value. It is a good ornamental tree species for garden and courtyard greening. It is one of the best potted fruit trees when it was planted that year.

The culture method of figs:

1. Soil: figs are resistant to barren, and the soil adaptability is very strong, especially salt tolerance, but fertile sandy loam is the most suitable for cultivation.

2. Watering: figs are more resistant to drought, and potted plants need less water, so they can be watered once a day after being watered twice in a row when potting or changing pots. Water can be sprayed on branches and leaves 2-3 times a day in dry season and summer. The amount of water should be reduced gradually when the fruit is ripe.

3, sunshine: figs like the sunny environment, try to choose a place with better light for planting and cultivation.

4. Temperature: figs are not cold-resistant and like warmth. Cold injury is easy to occur in new shoots at-12 ℃, and some of them may die at-20 ℃, so it is very important to prevent cold in winter.

5. Fertilization: liquid fertilizer should be applied twice in the peak growing season of figs, and once more in the period of young fruit expansion.

6. Insect pests: common diseases and insect pests of figs are anthracnose, root cancer, longicorn beetles, shell insects and other pests.

7, pruning: potted figs, the plant should not be too high, 30 cm is appropriate, which should be carefully pruned. Pruning should be carried out in March in spring. When the seedlings grow to 40-50 cm, the top is cut off at 30 cm. When the lower axillary buds grow to 3 cm, only the top 3-5 buds are left as the main branches, and the rest are cut off.

How to cultivate figs in greenhouse

Fig (FicuscaricaL) is a small deciduous tree or shrub of Moraceae, which is native to the southern Arabian Peninsula in the subtropics. It was introduced into China through the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty. Its fruit is also known as "sacred fruit" with rich nutrition, unique taste and novel flavor. It can not only be used for fresh food or dried fruit, preserved fruit and other processed products, but also has high medicinal value and broad development prospects. We use greenhouse cultivation to avoid the unfavorable factors of low temperature in Beijing in winter, so that figs can be cultivated in Beijing area, and the fruit ripening period can be advanced by 1-2 months.

1 general situation of cultivation in greenhouse

The test site is located in Zizhuang demonstration Park, the Development and Service Center of quality Agricultural products of the Ministry of Agriculture, Chaoyang District, Beijing. The annual average temperature in Beijing is 11.9 ℃, the average temperature in January is-4.7 ℃, the extremely low temperature is-18 ℃, the frost-free period is 180-200 days, and the precipitation is 600-700mm. The greenhouse has a length of 75m, a span of 7.5m, a ridge height of 3.3m, a rear wall height of 2m, a wall thickness of 0.6m, a brick-concrete structure, a steel arch, and a planting area of 442m2. The soil is light clay, the soil layer is deep, the pH value is 8.2, and the organic matter content is 2.2%.

The variety of figs is Maisi Taofen, which is native to California. The variety has moderate tree potential, soft branches, easy to open, small crown, many branches, unisexual fruit, no need to configure pollination trees. The cold requirement of dormant period is 80-200h. A total of 82 plants were planted on December 1, 2002, and 78 plants survived. The yield of 156kg (235.3kg/666.7m2) in 2003 was achieved, which achieved the cultivation goal of seeing fruit in the same year. The fruit is inverted conical and large, with a single fruit weight of 80-100g and a maximum of 150g. The main fruit is autumn fruit, and the fruit development period is 70-90 days. The ripe fruit is purple-brown with peach flesh. The fruit contains 11% Mel 14% sugar, the quality is good, and the price is 15-20 yuan / kg.

2 main technologies

2.1 colonization

It was planted in the greenhouse according to the north-south row, the row spacing was 1.8m, a total of 41 rows, 2 plants per row, the plant spacing was 3m. The planting ditch with wide 50cm, deep 60cm and 5m long was dug along the direction, and the rotten organic fertilizer 4000kg, calcium superphosphate 150kg and potassium sulfate 10kg were applied according to each 666.7m2, and stirred evenly with the soil, then backfilled to the depth of 4x5, planted, watered, and covered with a layer of topsoil.

The planting chooses sunny day. Select 1-year-old seedlings, dip the roots with rooting powder, plant according to the fixed point, cover the soil first, then lift the seedlings to stretch the root system, and then cover the soil and seal it for canal irrigation. Irrigate once every 1 day, loosen the soil behind the dry, flatten it, and cover the plastic film.

After planting, the stem was dried in time, which was low in the south and high in the north, 10cm in the south and 15cm in the north. When drying, the cut should be flat, seal it with paint, and then use a special fruit tree bag to cover the trunk to prevent the sapling from drying and dying.

Improve the survival rate

2.2 temperature management

The fig seedlings planted in winter can be heated directly through dormancy. The temperature is controlled at 20-25 ℃ in daytime and no less than 8 ℃ at night. The relative humidity of the air is controlled at 80% 90%. The humidity will drop relatively when heating up during the day, so it is necessary to spray water manually. When the surface 15cm soil temperature was above 10 ℃, the fig root system began to move and began to sprout at the beginning of January (one month after planting). The special bag was removed and watered once.

Within 50-70 days after germination, when the effective accumulated temperature of ≥ 10 ℃ reached 1400 ℃, it began to bear fruit. In order to lower the fruit area and prevent overgrowth, the temperature should be relatively low, with a temperature of 25 ℃ in the daytime and 13 ℃ at night. The grass can be removed in May. In order to prevent Rain Water from invading figs in summer, keep the greenhouse film and open the top and front skirt to ventilate and control the temperature. When it is hotter in summer, artificial water spraying is used to cool down.

2.3 Water and fertilizer management

Fig has well-developed root system and strong drought resistance. However, with larger leaves and more evaporative water, if the water supply is insufficient, it will inhibit the growth of new shoots and affect the yield and quality of fruits. Figs are generally watered once after Yueba in autumn, twice in budding stage, more water is needed in flower bud differentiation and fruit ripening period from July to September, and watered once in 7-10 days, but it should not be irrigated too much to soak through the root layer. Shallow ploughing and loosening the soil should be done after each watering. One-time watering in the rainy season, but not too much, otherwise it will not only reduce the sugar content, but also cause fruit cracking.

Fig has luxuriant branches and leaves, large growth and many fruits, and needs more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and so on. Fertilizer is applied in the middle of March when new shoots grow, in May when flower buds differentiate, and in mid-July when the fruit is ripe. In the middle of November, deep 50cm and wide 30cm were opened, mature farm manure 4000kg was applied per 666.7m2, calcium superphosphate 150kg and potassium nitrate 10kg were added at the same time.