
How to do yellow tea leaves, control watering to adjust the temperature/light is too strong to shade

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tea plum, a kind of flower, leaf view excellent famous flowers, it brings together the advantages of tea plum and beautiful, is the ideal indoor culture Jiapin. However, in the breeding process, due to improper maintenance and other reasons, there will be symptoms of yellowing of tea plum leaves. What should I do at this time?

Camellia oleifera, a famous flower with good appreciation and foliage, combines the advantages of tea plum and beauty, and is an ideal indoor culture product for people. However, in the process of breeding, due to improper maintenance and other reasons, there will be tea plum leaves yellowing symptoms, what to do at this time? The following are the reasons for the yellowing of five kinds of tea plum leaves summarized by the editor. Go in and have a look!

First, tea plum leaves yellowing how to do, find the reason

Camellia oleifera, a kind of foliage and ornamental flower with bright color and long flowering period, has an excellent effect at home. However, most flower lovers are not professionals, so when raising tea plums, there are often cases such as improper maintenance, resulting in the emergence of leaf yellow. As for the tea plum leaves yellowing how to do, the editor summed up 5 points, and attached solutions, we move on.

Second, the causes of yellowing of tea plum leaves and its solutions.

1. Environmental mutation

There are actually many reasons for the yellowing of tea plum leaves, but we should first consider environmental factors. In life, many flower friends of tea plum are bought online, the geographical span is large, after buying back the environment becomes too big, tea plum temporarily do not adapt, there will be leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: quickly communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment of tea plum before buying, but we make corresponding changes at home, so that tea plum has a process of adaptation. Then slowly change the environment until the plant fully adapts to the current environment, after a period of time, tea plum will return to health.

2. Improper temperature

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of tea plum, temperature is a very important point that is easy to be ignored. Too high or too low temperature is not conducive to the growth of Camellia plum, especially when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃ or below minus 2 ℃, it will cause plant leaves to burn or frostbite, resulting in the symptoms of yellowing of tea plum leaves.

Solution: when the temperature is too high, cut off the burnt leaves, put them in a ventilated semi-shade, and then pour proper water to restore them for a period of time; when the temperature is too low, increase the indoor temperature; but if you want tea plums to grow well, it is better to keep them in an environment of 18-25 ℃. In winter, it is best to keep the room temperature at 3-6 ℃.

3. The light is too strong

Tea plum is a semi-negative flower, it likes light and slightly resistant to shade, avoid strong light. In summer, once the tea plum is exposed to the sun, it will burn its leaves and make it yellow.

Solution: what if the tea plum leaves turn yellow? At this time, we should remove the yellowing leaves, and then move the tea plum to the semi-shady place for careful care, which can be restored for a period of time.

4. Too little watering

Tea plum likes a humid environment, so it needs to be watered frequently, even in the morning and evening when the temperature is high in summer. Once people have not watered it for a long time or too little water for it, the tea plum leaves will not be able to absorb water, resulting in symptoms of yellowing.

Solution: at this point, we just need to increase the frequency of watering. However, it should be noted that the amount of water irrigated each time should not be too much, so as not to accumulate water, thus harming the roots of tea plums.

5. Excessive fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. It is understood that tea plum does not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, although proper watering can promote its growth, but once too much fertilizer is applied, it is easy to scorch the leaves of tea plum.

Solution: stop fertilizing, and water dilution, serious change of soil, so that tea plum refreshing again.

Generally speaking, tea plum is not difficult to raise, and it has strong resistance, few diseases and insect pests, and is very clean at home. Therefore, in the process of breeding tea plum, we must be careful, of course, there is no need to panic, according to the above method. With regard to the yellowing of tea plum leaves, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

Goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellow how to do, control watering appropriate shading / adjust the temperature

Goldfish hanging orchid, also known as goldfish flower, as the name implies, is a flower-like goldfish plant, very suitable for indoor potted plants. In life, there are many people who raise goldfish orchids, but in the process of breeding, they often encounter a problem, that is, the leaves turn yellow, what about the yellow leaves of goldfish orchids? Today, the editor will solve this problem.

First, goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellow how to do, find the cause

As a potted plant, goldfish orchid is not easy to raise, once we do not strictly follow the goldfish orchid culture method to raise, there may be symptoms of yellowing leaves. At that time, the flower friends must be in a hurry. In order to solve this problem, the editor summarized the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of five goldfish, and attached a solution. Let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellowing.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of goldfish leaves, but environmental factors are the first thing we should consider. Nowadays, many flower friends' goldfish orchids are purchased online, which is easy to cause a large geographical span, goldfish hanging orchids can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: at this time, you can communicate with the store to understand the growth environment before goldfish hanging orchid, and then we change to the same environment at home. After the goldfish hanging orchid adapts, it changes slowly until it fully adapts to the current environment. After a period of time, the goldfish hanging orchid will return to health.

2. Soil discomfort

In addition to the environment, we should also consider the soil problem. It is understood that goldfish hanging orchid does not have high requirements for soil, the general cultivation of soil can be, but there is a very important point, that is, the soil must be loose, air permeability, drainage should be good. Once this requirement is not met, it will lead to shortness of breath at the root of the goldfish orchid, or stagnant water in the basin, resulting in rotten roots, resulting in symptoms of leaf yellow.

Solution: when the disease is mild, we can change the pot soil for goldfish orchid and replace it with loose, breathable and well-drained soil. Then cut off the rotten roots and replant them.

3. The light is too strong

Goldfish hanging orchid endure shade, like scattered light, when raising it, we should not let it accept direct sunlight. Once the light is too strong, it will cause the goldfish orchid leaves to turn yellow, and in severe cases the plant may die.

Solution: move the flowerpot to a ventilated shady place and water it properly. It will recover slowly after careful maintenance for a period of time. Usually in indoor breeding, in addition to sufficient light in winter, spring, summer and autumn should cover 60% and 70% of the sun, or hang in the outdoor shade shed.

4. Too much watering

Goldfish orchids like a humid environment, so we should water them frequently to keep the basin soil moist, but it is also afraid of waterlogging, so we can't water too much. If there is stagnant water in the basin, the leaves of goldfish orchids will turn yellow.

Solution: move the flowerpot to a ventilated place with astigmatism to let the water evaporate quickly; in serious cases, it is necessary to change the pot soil and replace it with fresh culture soil.

5. Improper temperature

Goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellow reasons, in addition to the above points, we should also consider the temperature factor. The most suitable temperature for the growth of goldfish orchid is between 15 and 20 ℃. Once the temperature is too low (10 ℃) or too high (30 ℃), the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: when raising goldfish orchids indoors, the temperature should not be too high or too low, keep it at 20 ℃, and keep the indoor temperature at about 5 degrees Celsius in winter.

Generally speaking, goldfish hanging orchid is not easy to raise, coupled with many flower friends are novice, so it is inevitable to appear leaf yellow symptoms. However, there is nothing at all. I believe we all know that there is no panic. If there is a Ye Huang problem, just follow the above method. About the goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellowing, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.

Green orchid leaves yellowing how to do, add light to adjust the temperature / watering to the right amount

Green orchid, I believe we are no stranger, it is a very beautiful foliage plant, has the role of absorbing formaldehyde and purifying the air. In life, there are many people who raise green orchids, but they can keep them, and many people will encounter the symptoms of yellow leaves. What about the yellow leaves of green orchids? In this regard, the editor summed up six reasons, let's go and have a look.

First, the green orchid leaves turn yellow, look for the cause

Beginners in the process of raising green orchids, usually not in accordance with the green orchid culture methods to maintain, the result is the wrong east and west caused by the emergence of leaf yellow. As for the green Luo hanging orchid leaves yellowing how to do, it is not difficult to say, just find the disease, and then aim at the solution. In this regard, the editor will bring you six kinds of green orchid leaves yellowing reasons, and attach a solution, we will move on.

Second, the causes of yellowing of green orchid leaves and its solutions.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of green orchid leaves, but environmental factors are the first thing to consider. Because nowadays, it is popular to buy plants online, which can easily lead to a large geographical span, green orchid can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: at this time, we just need to communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment before the green orchid is bought, and then we change it to the same environment at home. Then slowly change until fully adapted to the current environment, after a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Lack of light

Green orchid likes shade, avoid bright light, this characteristic makes many novice misunderstand, they think that green orchid does not need light. But this is wrong, because too shady environment, the growth of green orchid is disadvantageous, it is easy to lead to insufficient light on the leaves, yellowing.

Solution: when breeding indoors, it is best to put it by the window, but to avoid direct sunlight. Receive four hours of scattered light every day, so that after a period of maintenance, the green orchid leaves will turn green again.

3. The temperature is too low

Green orchids like a warm environment and should be well worded to keep warm in winter, because once the room temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the leaves will turn yellow, and in serious cases, they will die of freezing injury.

Solution: in this situation, we first cut off the leaves that have been seriously frozen, and then move the plants to a warmer position for maintenance. The sun is not strong in winter and can be maintained throughout the day.

4. Improper watering

About the reason why the leaves of green orchid turn yellow, there is another thing that can not be ignored, that is watering. As for improper watering, there are two situations: one is too much watering, the other is too little watering. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

① watering too much: although the green orchid likes the wet environment, but not too much watering, especially in winter, watering can easily lead to heavy soil viscosity, affecting the normal respiration of plants, resulting in yellow leaves. Solution: move the plant to a ventilated astigmatism place to let the water evaporate quickly; in addition, in winter, we should pay attention to strictly control the amount of water for green pineapple, basically watering once a month, not dry.

② watering too little: green orchid growth of the basin soil to keep moist, once not watered for a long time, or too little watering, it is also easy to cause the leaves lack of water and yellowing to death. Solution: appropriately increase the amount of water, if it is in winter, the green orchid will be maintained in the place with heating or other heating equipment, according to the normal maintenance on weekdays.

5. Poor ventilation

If the above points can be excluded, then the reason for the yellowing of green orchid leaves may be that the environment is too closed. Green orchid is suitable for growing in a ventilated place, once the indoor is not ventilated for a long time, it is easy to cause its leaves to turn yellow, even in winter.

Solution: do not close the green turnip in the room where the doors and windows are closed for a long time in winter. When the weather is better in winter, you can open the window door to promote indoor air circulation. Besides, it is difficult to forget to take measures to keep warm.

Generally speaking, the green orchid is very beautiful and easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind. If there is a Ye Huang problem, you can follow the above method. On the green Luo hanging orchid leaves yellowing, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.