
Winter indoor temperature is low how to water flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the cold winter chill, the home raises a few pots of bright flowers, life will increase a little warmth and bright color. Yesterday, Xiao Bian saw in the flower and bird market that cyclamen, melon, crab claw orchid, tea plum and other winter flowers began to become new favorites in the flower market, cheap-+ yuan-pot, expensive five or six + yuan, or hundreds of yuan

In the cold winter, raise a few pots of bright flowers at home, life will add a little warmth and bright color. Yesterday, the editor saw in the flower and bird market that winter flowers such as cyclamen, chrysanthemum, crab claw orchid, tea plum and other winter flowers began to become the new favorites in the flower market. cheap flowers + yuan-pots, expensive five or six yuan, or hundreds of yuan, attracting many flower lovers to watch.

"Last year, my friend gave me a pot of melon and leaf chrysanthemum, which wilted after a week on the balcony." Ms. Liu walked around the flower and bird market, looking at the bright grass flowers and wanting to buy them, but she was worried that she could not raise them well. It is reported that due to the special climate in winter, many people are faced with maintenance problems when buying flowers. How to make the gorgeous flowers safely through the winter? Yesterday, the editor consulted Mr. Wu, a florist in the urban area, and he taught several essentials.

Put it indoors as much as possible.

"in winter, there are fewer local varieties of flowers in Qingdao, and there are more varieties in other places, and many of them come from the south, so we should pay special attention to preventing cold and freezing." Wu Dexiang said that it is best to keep flowers indoors in winter, such as cyclamen, chrysanthemum, crab claw orchid, jasmine, Milan, and Zhulan, which are all suitable for indoor sunny places, but they cannot be placed in a windward place, so the windows should not be opened as far as possible.

How to raise flowers with low indoor temperature in winter

"Last year, my friend gave me a pot of melon and leaf chrysanthemum, which wilted after a week on the balcony." Ms. Liu, a citizen, walked around the flower-and-bird market, looking at the bright grass flowers and wanting to buy them, but she was worried about not keeping them well. It is reported that due to the special climate in winter, many citizens are faced with maintenance problems when buying flowers. How to make the gorgeous flowers safely through the winter? Yesterday, the editor consulted Mr. Wu, a florist in the urban area, and he taught several essentials.

Put it indoors as much as possible.

"in winter, there are fewer local varieties of flowers in Qingdao, and there are more varieties in other places, and many of them come from the south, so we should pay special attention to preventing cold and freezing." Wu Dexiang said that it is best to keep flowers indoors in winter, such as cyclamen, chrysanthemum, crab claw orchid, jasmine, Milan, and Zhulan, which are all suitable for indoor sunny places, but they cannot be placed in a windward place, so the windows should not be opened as far as possible.

Some hardy flowers have different effects indoors and outdoors. "like chrysanthemums, the leaves are hardy, but the flowers are not hardy. If they are frozen, the flowers will soon fail. If properly maintained, the flowers that bloom in summer can still bloom in winter, and my canna is still in bloom in summer." Mr. Wu said.

However, there are also some flowers in Yangzhou that are not afraid of the cold and can be put outdoors, such as winter plum, wax plum, tea plum and so on. Bright bamboo and ivy also belong to plants that are not afraid of the cold.

Less watering and no fertilizing

"Flowers put indoors must be watered less and stop fertilizing, otherwise, even if they don't die in winter, they will die in spring." Mr. Wu specially reminded me.

According to reports, winter flowers are semi-dormant or dormant, metabolism stopped, if you continue to water, more water, the roots of flowers will be lack of oxygen, will rot roots. Mr. Wu said that fertilizing flowers in winter will also burn flowers, because fertilizer cannot be discharged, and flowers stop metabolism and do not need fertilizer, so fertilization in winter will be counterproductive.

Of course, some aquatic plants can not do without water, such as daffodils, daffodils, money grass, etc., not only to maintain a certain temperature in winter, but also can not cut off water.

Protection, flowers in winter are afraid of spring breeze

"one more point to remind is that plants that spend the winter indoors are very delicate after the beginning of spring, and they can't move out of the room prematurely, but should slowly adapt to the outdoor environment." Mr. Wu said that flower growers should also pay attention to the fact that some plants do not die in winter, but they are easy to die after the beginning of spring, especially as soon as the spring breeze blows. This is because these plants have weakened after a winter, so indoor flowers for the winter cannot be put in the tuyere, nor can they be moved out prematurely. Generally, they can only leave the house after the Qingming Festival.

As a flower grower, Mr. Wu also reminded flower lovers that there are several kinds of flowers that are suitable to buy but not suitable for self-cultivation, such as chrysanthemums, daffodils, azaleas, cyclamen, etc., the market price is not expensive, self-cultivation is time-consuming and laborious. It would be better to buy a few pots in season and go home to appreciate them. "like chrysanthemums, it takes half a year to grow three or five pots by yourself, and they are not as good as those planted in large areas by florists, and they are not worth the effort."

General watering method for indoor flower cultivation

Indoor flower cultivation and watering

When watering, first of all, the main temperature, the difference between the water temperature and the air temperature is not too big. When watering, pay attention to the use of Rain Water, well water can be used to store water for a period of time to make the water temperature close to the air temperature as far as possible.

Herbaceous flowers need more water, while woody flowers need less water.

The domestic water demand is relatively large in the growing period, but less in the dormant period, depending on the flowering time.

When tap water is used for a long time, the soil is easily salinized. Ferrous sulfate is usually added to the water to water the flowers.

Judgment method of indoor flower cultivation and watering

The plant is no longer green and straight, the leaves are drooping and wilting.

The soil is dry and even white.

The flowerpot becomes lighter. The sound is clearer when knocking on the flowerpot.

It is necessary to grow flowers indoors and water them all the year round.

Watering flowers in spring is generally not too dry and wet, pay attention to avoid the rain.

It is usually well watered in summer, but it is better not to accumulate water in a basin. Some flowers that go into dormancy or semi-dormancy should be watered less.

Autumn watering should be normal, and watering should gradually increase for some flowers that recover from dormancy.

In winter, it is generally less watering, it is best to keep the soil dry to prevent frostbite.