
What to do if the tea plum leaves are gone? watering frequently to prevent frost damage / pest control is the key.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tea plum, many people should know, it combines tea plum and beautiful advantages, is a very beautiful flower. However, because many people do not raise tea plum according to the culture method, there are all kinds of problems, such as tea plum leaves yellowing, falling leaves and so on. What if the tea plum leaves fall out?

Tea plum, many people should know, it combines tea plum and beautiful advantages, is a very beautiful flower. However, because many people do not follow the tea plum breeding method, resulting in a variety of problems, such as tea plum leaves yellowing, falling leaves, and so on, what if the tea plum leaves fall out? The following are the reasons and solutions for the loss of leaves in several kinds of tea plum. Come on in and have a look.

First, what if the tea plum leaves fall out? find the reason.

Tea plum is very beautiful, but once its leaves fall out, the ornamental will be gone. What if the tea plum leaves fall out? At this time, we must be calm, according to the growth habits of tea plum, carefully think about which point you did not do in place, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor will analyze them one by one from several aspects, such as watering, temperature, diseases and insect pests, etc., in great detail. Let's move on.

Second, the reasons for the loss of leaves of tea plum and its solutions.

1. Improper watering

In the breeding process, because tea plum likes the wet environment, so watering is essential, but this is very troublesome for many beginners, who often lose their leaves because they can't control the degree. With regard to improper watering, there are two situations: one is that the watering is too little, and the other is that the gap between dry and wet is too large.

Watering too little: the root of tea plum is not fully absorbed, which can easily cause the leaves to be dull and dull, and fall off as soon as they are touched. Its performance is as follows: the lower old leaves are aging, and gradually wither and fall off from the bottom up, and as time goes on, the leaves will fall off. Solution: need a small amount of watering, make it gradually recover and then transfer to normal watering.

The gap between dry and wet is too large: after the plant is not watered for a long time, after suddenly watering a lot of water, tea plum does not adapt at all, so it is easy to lose leaves. If we continue to ignore it, there will even be the phenomenon that the tea plum leaves have fallen off. Solution: after it has not been watered for a long time, it should be watered slowly until it is adapted, and then transferred to normal watering.

2. Freezing injury

Tea plum is hardy, but in winter, once the temperature is below minus 2 ℃, the leaves of the plant will become soy sauce color, and then they will gradually fall off until they lose light, seriously affecting the ornamental quality.

Solution: put the tea plum indoors for curing in winter and keep it at room temperature for 3-6 ℃. After being maintained in this way for a period of time, the tea plum will slowly recover.

3. Environmental abrupt change

There are unexpected events in the sky, in the process of cultivating tea plum, once the environment changes greatly, such as the temperature is cold and hot, and the light is strong and weak, it will cause part of the plant to fall off.

Solution: what if the tea plum leaves fall out? First of all, do not often move the tea plum, secondly, keep the environment unchanged, and then artificially regulate and control according to the environmental changes: if the light is insufficient, the temperature will heat up artificially, in short, what is missing, so that the growth environment of tea plum does not change too much.

4. Poor ventilation

In the process of raising tea plum, we need to give it a ventilated environment, because once the ventilation is poor, it may also cause tea plum to lose its leaves. Especially in winter, because tea plum is kept indoors for a long time, poor ventilation or poor air quality will cause tea plum leaves to fall.

Solution: very simple, put the tea plum in a ventilated environment to maintain, after a period of time can be restored.

5. Disease and pest infestation

Tea plum leaves, in addition to the above points, diseases and insect pests are also a point for us to consider. In the process of cultivating tea plum, it is inevitable to be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, especially red spiders, which will make tea plum lose its leaves and even lose its leaves in serious cases.

Solution: what if the tea plum leaves fall out? At this time, it is natural to spray, as for what medicine to use, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of tea plum, so I won't say much here.

What if the tea plum leaves fall out? after reading the above content, we should know how to do it! In fact, the loss of leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.

Pitcher plant insect growth how to do, pitcher plant pest control / 1 insect 2 disease spraying

When it comes to pitcher plants, everyone will think of its function of catching mosquitoes and flies, but did you know that even such a mosquito repellent plant can grow insects? Because the pitcher plant is a tropical plant, its growth will be affected in our country, and it will be attacked by diseases and insect pests if we don't pay attention to it. What about the pitcher plant growing insects? The following is pitcher plant pest control, let's go and have a look.

First, pitcher plants grow bugs how to do, spray

It is understood that pitcher plant is a tropical plant, breeding in most parts of our country, will have a certain impact on its growth, a little attention, pitcher plant will be attacked by diseases and insect pests. What about the pitcher plant growing insects? in fact, it is very simple, just spray. As for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the pitcher plant pest control. Let's move on.

II. Pest control of pitcher plants

According to the editor's inquiry, if the pitcher plant is not raised strictly according to the breeding method, the pitcher plant is easy to get leaf spot, root rot, sunburn and so on. Among them, leaf spot disease and root rot disease are more harmful, and they will also be invaded by shell insects. The specific symptoms and control methods are as follows:

1. Root pink scale

A kind of shell insect that mainly feeds on the fresh juice of pitcher plants. Symptoms of infringement: the leaves of pitcher plants yellowed, withered, and even fell, seriously affecting the ornamental effect of pitcher plants.

Control method: if a small amount of root pink scale is found, it can be wiped off with a brush or burnt cloth, then the diseased leaves can be cut off and burned centrally to reduce the source of the disease. finally, it can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times EC or 25% Icas EC to check and kill, pay attention to both the positive and negative sides of the branches, which can improve the insecticidal rate.

2. Leaf spot

One of the diseases and insect pests of pitcher plants, which mainly infects its leaves. Symptoms: waterlogged and small spots appear on the leaves, gradually expanding, forming oval spots, brown. A black mildew layer was produced in the disease, which ruptured in the later stage. Seriously affect the plant growth and ornamental effect.

Control methods: timely removal of diseased leaves and centralized destruction, in order to reduce the source of the disease; when the disease occurs, spray germicidal or 1000 times antibacterial solution, spray evenly, the whole plant should be sprayed to the back of the leaves.

3. Root rot

In the summer high temperature environment, if not ventilated, watering water contains limestone, then pitcher plants will suffer from root rot. Symptoms: the aboveground leaves are yellow and wilting gradually. The underground roots turn brown and rot, and do not grow new roots for a long time.

Prevention and treatment methods: in the early stage of the disease, you should spray chemicals in time, you can choose Likujing, Root rot Ling, etc., and spray it after diluting it into a solution with clear water. In order to avoid rotting roots, peat soil, dried cow dung, rotten leaf soil and sand can be mixed and hung in the greenhouse to provide proper shade.

4. Anti-freezing and insect prevention

Pitcher plants are tropical plants, which are prone to frostbite when the temperature is low, and there are many small patches on the leaves. If you live in a damp and dark environment for a long time, you are easy to get coal fouling disease. Summer is also attacked by pests, such as thrips and shell insects.

Prevention and treatment: keep warm in time when the temperature drops, and it is best to put it in an air-conditioned room. In order to avoid being attacked by pests, spray special insecticides in time. Timely ventilation, see the sun, find bugs and clean up in time.

On pitcher plant pest control, the editor introduced here, I believe that when you encounter pitcher plant worms or get sick, you should know how to do it! Generally speaking, pitcher plants can drive worms, but they can also grow worms, so for the sake of unnecessary trouble, we should pay attention to care.

Cultivation techniques of pot propagation and pest control of Cymbidium

The flower language of gentleman orchid is "gentle and courteous", but also has the meaning of fortitude and unyielding. Many people will breed magnolia, the most common method of magnolia cultivation in the family is potted plants, so what should be paid attention to in the process of potted orchids? The following detailed introduction about the gentleman orchid will bring you a deep understanding of the gentleman orchid.

1. Biological characteristics

Gentleman orchid is a perennial herbaceous flower, not cold-resistant, but also avoid high temperature and heat, like semi-overcast and humid environment, afraid of both cold and heat. The adaptive temperature for growth is 15 ~ 25 ℃, and the florescence should be controlled at 15 ~ 20 ℃. When the temperature is below 10 ℃, the growth and development of the plant is slow, and the winter temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃. When the temperature is below 5 ℃, the growth and development is inhibited. When the temperature is below 0 ℃, the leaves are frostbitten slightly, and the heavy ones die of the whole plant. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it will force dormancy and lead to short flowering period and light color. Ventilation and cooling should be carried out, otherwise the plants will grow too long and the leaves will be slender and thin. The gentleman orchid requires that the air humidity is 60% ~ 80%, so that the leaves are dark green and neatly arranged in short width; when the humidity is less than 60%, the tender leaves become light, yellow and even wilt, serious until the whole plant wilts and die; the humidity is more than 90%. The stems and leaves grow only; the water content is 20% ~ 40%, and the roots are easy to rot if the soil water content is too large. Loam requires loose, fertile, well-drained, humus-rich slightly acidic sandy soil, and likes ventilated and deep, fertile and loose saprophytic soil. The root of Cymbidium is a stout and well-developed fleshy fibrous root, the leaves are dark green and broad, leathery, the base of the leaves form pseudobulbs, and the leaves are in the shape of a sword and entire. Scape extracted from the foliage, in a semicircular or oblate umbrella-shaped arrangement, flower funnel-shaped. The flowering period is mainly in spring and summer, and the berries are globular, with one to more seeds in each fruit, and the fruit ripening period is about 10 months.

two。 Reproduction method

The propagation of Magnolia in the north is mainly ramet propagation, and the sowing reproduction is common in the south where the conditions are close to the climate of the origin. Take out the mother plant that can be ramified from the basin, remove the persistent soil and the dry root system, separate the joint of the foot bud and the mother plant with tools or manual work, and then spread some plant ash on the wound to dry the liquid to prevent decay, dry for a few hours, and then plant in the pot. Ramet propagation is the most widely used, which can be carried out all the year round, when the temperature can be stabilized at about 20 ℃, and the plant heredity is the most stable.

3. Cultivation and management

3.1 fertilization

The main fertilizers needed for the orchid are nitrogen fertilizer (rotten bean cake, peanut cake, peanut, sesame, sesame oil residue, castor seed, etc.), phosphate fertilizer (fermented rice paste, bone meal, fish arch, etc.) and potassium fertilizer (charcoal, rice straw, straw ash, rice husk ash, etc.). In accordance with the principle of "thin fertilizer and diligent application", the fertilization of gentleman orchid is mainly organic fertilizer, properly combined with inorganic fertilizer, the fertilizer can not directly touch the root, so as not to burn the root. If we grasp the amount of fertilizer application according to the growth characteristics, we can fertilize more rapidly in spring and autumn, and less or stop fertilizing in summer and winter. At the same time, to observe the effect of fertilization, if the new leaves appear spots and roots turn yellow in winter, it shows that there is too much fertilization, while the narrow, thin and light color of the new leaves is the manifestation of lack of fertilizer.

3.2 watering

Cymbidium likes to be moist and can not be short of water during the whole plant growth period. it has well-developed fleshy roots and a certain amount of water is stored in the roots, so this kind of flower also has a certain degree of drought tolerance. The amount and times of watering should be controlled according to its growth cycle and season, and watering should follow the principle of "dry and wet, no dry, no watering, dry, thoroughly and no leakage". In the case of high temperature and dry air in summer, there should not be a serious shortage of water, otherwise it is easy to cause the basin soil to be too dry, make the leaves yellow, damage the roots of flowers, lead to the germination of new leaves, not only affect flowering, but even cause plant death. It is appropriate to spray foliar and surrounding soil with water every morning or evening in summer to keep the environment cool. Too much watering will cause rotten roots and lead to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, so keep the basin soil moist in spring and autumn and slightly dry in winter. During the period of pulling arrows, the leaves can not be watered to avoid the occurrence of rotten arrows. Reduce the amount of water properly after flowering, and be careful not to splash water on the flowers to avoid petal decay and shorter flower life.

3.3 Lighting

Magnolia is a semi-positive, shade-loving flower, likes scattered light, does not require long light time, and grows poorly under strong and weak light conditions. From November to February of the following year, there can be no shading, and from March to October, shading can be chosen according to the light intensity. Place maintenance in a ventilated and shaded place in summer. When exposed to the hot sun, you will get sunburn and inhibit growth. Spring and autumn should cover the strong light at noon, put it indoors in the sunny place in winter, the sun shines for as long as possible, and the weak light and scattered light can prolong the flowering period of the Spring Festival. The orchid has phototaxis. In order to make the orchid beautiful and neat, the plant type should look sideways at a line, face squarely like a fan, and often turn the flowerpot with the change of the position of the sun. There are two ways to arrange the flowerpot in the room: one is to make the leaf parallel to the sunny window, the other is to make the leaf perpendicular to the sunny window, and the effect of the latter is better than that of the former. If the leaves are twisted and crooked, light reshaping should be taken mainly, and artificial mechanical plastic surgery should be assisted.

3.4 selecting and changing pots

In the process of growth, the original pot can not adapt to the further extension of its root system, and the pot used in cultivation should be gradually increased with the plant growth, such as the nutrients in the original soil have been completely absorbed, and the pot needs to be changed. The pottery pot has good air permeability and good cultivation effect. When changing the pot, the diameter of the flowerpot should be similar to the unfolding length of the leaves of Cymbidium, and then the plant depth should be suitable when planted in the flowerpot. When changing the basin, the old, residual and dead roots should be removed, pay attention to protect the root tip from damage, and artificially stretch the root group when planting. Changing pots is carried out in spring and autumn.

3.5 temperature control

The suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 15 ~ 20 ℃. Too high or too low temperature has a great effect on Cymbidium. When the temperature was higher than 30 ℃, the leaves were thin and slender, and the leaves became shallow, yellow and even wilted. The lowest critical temperature is 0 ℃. If the temperature is below zero, freezing injury may occur and the leaf tip will turn yellow, so temperature management is a very important link in the management of Cymbidium. In summer and winter, the magnolia should take measures to cool down, prevent cold and frost. To control the room temperature in winter, you can increase the temperature through heating equipment such as heating and air heaters. If the temperature does not meet the requirements, you can put the flowerpot on the radiator with a wooden board, otherwise the growth and development of the orchid will be restrained, and even the leaves will be frostbitten. The leaves will be yellowing or "arrow entrapment" phenomenon. It not only affects the ornamental effect, but also is not conducive to the growth and development of Cymbidium. If there is an "arrow clip" phenomenon, it is necessary to increase the indoor temperature. The regulation of the greenhouse in summer can not only reduce the temperature by opening windows, but also spray water on the field and leaves around the potted flowers to reduce the temperature and increase the humidity. In the "arrow drawing" stage, the temperature is higher, and the flowering temperature is about 15 ℃ to prevent the phenomenon of "entrapment". The best temperature difference between day and night is about 8 ℃, which is conducive to running arrows, otherwise the arrows will blossom if they do not reach the appropriate height, and it is easy to form "entrapment arrows".

3.6 Leaf maintenance

Cymbidium is a kind of flower that can be viewed with flowers, leaves and fruits. For Cymbidium grandiflorum, it has the characteristic of "watching leaves is better than flowers". Therefore, attention should be paid to the maintenance of the leaf surface to improve its ornamental quality. Leaf brightness is one of the main indexes. How to make leaf brightness is related to the following factors: (1) to ensure that the root system is developed and not rot, fertilization should be appropriate and reasonable, and the proportion of phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer in nutritious soil should be carried out scientifically. (2) maintain humidity, pay attention to the wettability of the leaf surface, spray water to the leaf surface every day, preferably fog water potential. In the high humid season in summer, it is sprayed once a day in the morning and once in the evening, in order to reduce the evaporation of water in the leaves. In order to prevent the leaves from growing and elongating in the high temperature climate, water spraying is used to reduce the evaporation of water inside the leaves, reduce the leaf temperature and protect the leaves. (3) there should be enough light, and it is recommended that the light time should not be less than 8 hours in spring and autumn, avoid the destruction of chlorophyll caused by strong light in summer, and increase light as much as possible in winter. Pay attention to the angle between the plant and the sun during daylighting to avoid random tilting of leaves. If the leaves are deformed by daylighting, archery, flowering or fruit-setting, they need to be reshaped in time. (4) observe the situation of the leaf surface, determine whether the plant has occurred diseases and insect pests, adopt corresponding treatment measures, and rescue in time. The leaf surface of Cymbidium is less than 4 in width ratio, the leaf tip is round and blunt, and the leaf vein is obviously the best ornamental state.

4. Common problems and pest control

4.1 rotting root

The common causes of root rot are: (1) long-term and massive watering in high temperature environment, which leads to rotting root; (2) excessive use of fertilizer, which leads to root burn and root rot; (3) basin soil does not change for a long time, and the soil is hardened and impervious; root respiration is blocked, which leads to root rot; (4) long-term lack of water leads to root wilting and excessive watering leads to root rot. (5) the immature leaves and other organic fertilizers in the raw soil should be fermented in the basin to produce heat and burn the roots or soil improperly. When the root rot occurs, the main symptoms of Cymbidium are that the leaves become soft and yellow, and the leaves are immersed in water. Corresponding measures should be taken: (1) remove the rotten root from the basin; (2) wash the root with potassium permanganate, disinfect and sterilize, or smear the wound with purple potion, charcoal ash, straw ash and so on; (3) replace the new soil and control the amount of water and fertilize at the same time.

4.2 clip Arrow

The arrow clip shows that the development of the flower stem is too short to open beyond the leaves. It is usually caused by low temperature or improper watering and insufficient fertilization. The suitable temperature for the arrow drawing of Cymbidium is about 20 ℃. If the temperature of the flowering stem is lower than 15 ℃, the growth potential of the flowering stem will be weakened. When the orchid reached the reproductive growth period, the amount of fertilizer needed increased, during this period, fertilizer and water were inappropriate, resulting in poor growth of flower stems in the case of lack of water and fertilizer. The way to prevent the trap of arrows is to raise the soil temperature to about 20 ℃ during the arrow-drawing period and change the soil and basin in time. The water demand of Cymbidium is higher than that of other periods, so it should be watered more, but the soil should not be too wet, and the soil water content should be 30%. When watering, do not pour water between the two rows of leaves, enter the reproductive growth period to increase the number of fertilization, increase the application of liquid fertilizer.

4.3 sunburn

Magnolia is easy to grow under scattered light, and exposure to sunlight in summer will kill leaf cells and cause sunburn. Therefore, it is appropriate to put it in a shaded, moist and ventilated place outdoors. Avoid direct sunlight indoors.

4.4 Infertility

The main reason for not blooming is related to the light time. The light time of orchid in the origin is less than 13 hours, while that of indoor cultivation is much more than 13 hours because of normal light and lighting and other factors. To prevent the orchid from blooming, the light time should be controlled at about 13 hours. The phenomenon of flowering without fruit is mainly pollination. The pistil stigma of Magnolia is higher than the anther of stamens. If the flowering season is indoor in winter and spring and there is no insect pollination, artificial pollination is needed to help fruiting [Yoshanhua Yao].

4.5 Diseases

The common diseases of Clivia are soft rot, leaf spot and anthracnose. Control methods: (1) Strengthen environmental sanitation maintenance work, change soil in time, pay attention to soil disinfection, wash fleshy roots with clean water when changing soil, dry them before putting them into pots;(2) Pay attention to ventilation and light transmission to avoid unsatisfactory soil disinfection and mechanical damage due to insufficient fermentation of nutrient soil and fertilizer;(3) Spray optional chemicals before or at the early stage of disease: 50% Anthrax Formex WP 500 ~700 times solution, or 75% Chlorothalonil WP 600 ~800 times solution;(4) Pay attention to fertilizer and water management, improve growth potential and enhance disease resistance.

4.6 pest

Clivia common pest species are not many, mainly scale insects, snails, earthworms. When a small amount occurs, it can be gently removed with a soft brush, rag or bamboo chip and wiped out with kerosene dipped in a cloth group, then washed with water. Before germination, 3 ~5 times of Baume can be sprayed once, and 80% dichlorvos emulsion can be sprayed at 1 000 times during nymph stage. For earthworms, 50% dichlorvos emulsion dilution can be used for irrigation.

The above is about potted clivia propagation and pest control cultivation techniques introduced, the above content has not helped you understand clivia, clivia whether it is in potted cultivation or on the ground, the care of it must not be less.