
How to raise potted mints, culture methods and precautions / maintain humidity

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peppermint is a kind of flower with high practical value, and it also has a certain ornamental value, so many people want to raise this plant at home, but it is necessary to master the method of breeding. How to raise potted mint? What are the culture methods and precautions of peppermint? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Peppermint is a kind of flower with high practical value, and it also has a certain ornamental value, so many people want to raise this plant at home, but it is necessary to master the method of breeding. How to raise potted mint? What are the culture methods and precautions of peppermint? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to grow mint in pots

2. culture methods and matters needing attention of peppermint

1. Soil selection

In the cultivation of peppermint, first of all, we need to choose soil, peppermint prefer good breathable soil, so we had better choose loose sandy soil, this kind of soil is not only breathable, but also good drainage, will be more conducive to mint absorption of nutrients.

two。 Humidity control

In the mint culture methods and matters needing attention, humidity control is particularly important. The editor mentioned above that peppermint likes to grow in a humid environment, so it must maintain a certain humidity when culturing. This will be more conducive to its growth.

3. Watering requirement

Water is one of the most important nutrients in the process of plant growth, and peppermint is no exception, so we must keep sufficient water in the process of breeding, but remember not to accumulate water and keep the soil moist. If the stagnant flowers are easy to cause rotten roots, we should keep this in mind.

4. Lighting requirement

In the cultivation of peppermint, light is also more important, peppermint likes light, so it must maintain sufficient light when breeding, so its growth will be faster, so in the mint culture methods and matters needing attention, the light part is still very important.

5. Temperature requirement

Peppermint is a tenacious plant with good resistance to cold and heat, but it also has a suitable temperature for growth, which is generally between 25 and 30 °C. keeping the temperature in this range will make it grow better, you can see.

6. Pest control

In the process of mint culture, if the method is wrong, it is easy to have bad conditions such as diseases and insect pests. At this time, we need timely treatment. For specific methods, you can refer to the article on the prevention and control of peppermint diseases and insect pests. Here the editor will not introduce too much.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted mint

Peppermint is not with grass, it is a perennial herb, stems and leaves can be used as medicine, can clear heat to remove fire, but also can relieve inflammation and pain, usually planted in a large area of nature. But do you know that discordant flowers can also be made into potted plants and raised at home? It can not only purify the air, but also get rid of indoor mosquitoes, and the breeding method is not complicated. I will tell you in detail later and let you know what we need to pay attention to when raising peppermint.

Culture method

Potted mint culture, we need to choose a sunny, warm and humid environment, it is not strict with the soil, as long as it is not heavy alkali soil, and clayey soil, but it is best to choose rich and loose sandy soil. Proper watering at ordinary times and fertilization every 15 to 20 days can ensure the potted mint to thrive.

Matters needing attention

1. Rational watering

Potted mint must be watered reasonably during culture, and the watering time is different in different growth periods and different seasons. When the temperature warms up every spring, it has to increase water supply after entering the growing season, watering every 3 to 4 days is OK. Potted mint flowers grow slowly in winter and late autumn, so it is necessary to reduce the number of watering times. You water me once every 7 to 10 days to keep the pot soil not dry.

2. Appropriate fertilization

Potted mint is not in great demand for fertilizer and should not be overfertilized during breeding, otherwise its roots will rot and its leaves will turn yellow. Every spring and summer is the peak season for the growth of peppermint, so it should be fertilized every 15 to 20 days, and thin liquid fertilizer should be selected. after the mint stops growing in winter, no more fertilizer is needed.

3. Disease control

Some diseases often occur during the cultivation of potted mint, especially in the rainy season every summer, when its powdery rust and white rust will be high. At this time, it needs to remove the diseased leaves in time, and it should be sprayed with 50% carbendazim. Moreover, the medicine should be used every seven days, three times in a row, so that the disease can be completely controlled.

Culture methods and points for attention of peppermint

Peppermint is a kind of medicinal plant, and can be placed indoors as an ornamental potted plant. It has green leaves, changeable flowers, generous talk, and usually can be treated with peppermint leaves directly when mosquito bites and swelling pain occur. So how to grow this kind of mint? What does it need to pay attention to when it is raised?

Culture method

1. Choose suitable soil

Cultivation of peppermint must choose a suitable soil, its vitality is tenacious, the requirements of the soil is not high, but over-acid and alkali soil is not suitable for breeding mint, it is best to choose those fertile, loose, breathable sandy soil, and in the preparation of culture soil, it is also necessary to add soil fertilizer and equity as well as calcium superphosphate as base fertilizer.

2. Mode of reproduction

When cultivating peppermint, we must have a comprehensive understanding of its mode of reproduction. There are mainly two ways of propagation: rhizome propagation and split propagation. When the seed buds are insufficient, we can also use the way of cutting to propagate. When it is usually made into potted mint culture, we will choose the way of ramet propagation. After taking out its robust plants, we can transplant them directly into the flowerpot.

3. Daily management

The daily management of cultivated mint is also very important. It is a kind of green plant growing very fast, and there is a great demand for fertilizer at ordinary times, especially after entering the peak growing season, it should be fertilized every 10 to 15 days. Fertilizer can choose thin cake fertilizer, can also apply appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can promote the rapid growth of its stems and leaves.

Matters needing attention in culture

The method of cultivating peppermint is relatively simple, but in the process of breeding, attention must be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. This kind of plant is prone to many diseases such as spot blight and rust during its growth. At this time, the diseased leaves should be removed and away from the plant. Then spray Bordeaux solution or carbendazim. When cultivating peppermint, it is also prone to silver moth. After the occurrence of this disease, the leaves are seriously damaged and need to be treated with trichlorfon in time.