
What if the leaves of the happy tree turn yellow, and the shading water of light intensity should be changed more often / sprayed with medicine for disease damage.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As a foliage plant, the most appreciated part of Happiness Tree is its beautiful leaves. If there is something wrong with the leaves, such as yellowing, detaching, etc., it will seriously affect the ornamental, then what about the yellowing of the leaves of the happiness tree?

As a foliage plant, the most appreciated part of Happiness Tree is its beautiful leaves. If there are problems with the leaves, such as yellowing, detachment, etc., will seriously affect the ornamental, then the happiness tree leaves yellow how to do? The following are the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of 6 kinds of happiness trees summarized by the editor. Go in and have a look!

What if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow? find the reason.

The beauty of the happiness tree is reflected in its strong plant type and emerald green leaves, but if we do not raise it according to the cultivation method of the happiness tree, it is easy to develop leaf yellow symptoms. As for the happiness tree leaves yellowing how to do, the editor summed up 5 points, and attached a solution, we move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellowing of the leaves of Happiness Tree.

1. Environmental mutation

Generally speaking, there are many reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the happiness tree, but we should first consider the environmental factors. In life, many flower friends' happiness trees are purchased from the Internet, it is easy to appear a large geographical span, the environment changes too much, will cause the happiness tree not to adapt, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: at this time, we can communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment of the happiness tree before we buy it, but we make corresponding adjustments at home to keep the environment unchanged. Then slowly change until the plant is fully adapted to the current environment, after a period of time, the happiness tree will return to health.

2. Too strong or too little light

Although the happiness tree likes light, it does not require much light. It takes only 3 hours a day. Once the light is too much, or the light is too strong, the happiness tree will turn yellow because it can't stand it. But if the happiness tree is placed in the dark for a long time, it can not receive light, and it is prone to leaf yellow.

Solution: what if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow? If the light is too strong, you can move the happiness tree to a ventilated semi-shade and water it properly, so that the yellowing leaves will slowly fall off and new buds will grow; if the light is too little, you should let it bask in the sun every day and shade it properly when the light is too strong.

3. Too much watering

The happy tree likes the humid environment, so we often have to water it, but we can't water it much, otherwise it is easy to cause stagnant water in the basin, thus causing the roots and stems of the happy tree to rot, then gradually spread to the branches, and finally the leaves turn yellow. However, watering can not be less, otherwise the leaves can not absorb water for a long time, and there will be symptoms of leaf yellow.

Solution: if the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow caused by too much watering, we should move it to a ventilated and illuminated place (preferably a balcony), so that the water in the basin evaporates quickly; if it is too little, it is very simple, it can be watered properly, and the plant will return to health after a period of time.

4. The air is too dry

In addition to watering, the reason why the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow may also be that the air is too dry. Especially in autumn, winter and early spring, your happiness tree may turn yellow and fail inexplicably, which is caused by the dry air.

Solution: when you feel the air is dry, you should spray water and leaves around the happiness tree every day to ensure that the air humidity is about 70-80%. Spring, summer and autumn can be held at 9: 00 a.m. and 3: 00 p.m., and at noon in winter.

5. Fertilizing too much / too thick

After watering and fertilizing, it is also one of the reasons why the leaves of the happiness tree turn yellow. Happiness trees like to be fat, but if they apply too much or too much fertilizer, they will burn their roots, causing the leaves to turn yellow and even die in serious cases.

Solution: when the condition is not serious, we can dilute the fertilizer by watering. If the situation is serious, we can only change the soil and clean up the rotten roots. After a period of time, the plant will return to health.

6. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above, disease and insect damage is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the happiness tree. If the happiness tree suffers from leaf spot disease or is infested by insect pests such as shell insects, the plant will show symptoms of yellow leaves.

Solution: get rid of the diseased leaves and spray the relevant medicine. as for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the happiness tree.

Willow fengshui explains that willows can ward off evil spirits.

Riverbank, willow Yiyi, the breeze blowing, swinging a little ripples. So what is the role of willow in fengshui? This issue of plant fengshui will take you to understand the explanation of willow fengshui and see if willow can really ward off evil spirits. Let's take a look at it.

Willow is the general name of willow, glandular willow, weeping willow and other willow plants. Salix is mostly shrubs, rare trees, apical buds, sympodial branches, less stamens, insect-pollinated flowers and other characteristics show that it is more evolved than Poplar and Salix.

There are more than 520 species in the world, mainly in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, followed by the cold zones, few in the tropics and southern hemispheres, and no wild species in Oceania. There are 257 species, 122 varieties and 33 forms in China. It is produced in all provinces and regions.

The location of willow planting: in terms of fengshui: the willow is a negative tree, and the house facing south corresponds to the five elements. The soil is the soil in the house foundation, the former Vermilion Bird (south) is the sun fire (in the pool), the post-basaltic (north) is the yin water (with mountains and streams as the town), the left Qinglong (east) is the wood (raised by mountains and streams), and the right white tiger (west) is gold (to live on the road). So willow trees planted in the front yard are best in harmony between yin and yang. After planting, it is evil spirit to add yin to the yin of the yard.

So as the saying goes: if you plant poplar at the front door, you won't be rich for long; if you plant willow at the back door, you won't be rich for long. The elders said: plant willows in front of the house and mulberry in the back. This is a symbol of fengshui.

And in the backyard of the willow: Ju Yin Qi, easy to become strange, attract peach blossoms.

Second, scientifically speaking: willows are cold-resistant, waterlogging-resistant, drought-resistant, like wetlands, like warmth to high temperature, and have plenty of sunshine. It can absorb municipal wastewater, garbage leachate, industrial wastewater (such as wood factory waste water after spraying logs), sewer sludge and sawdust mainly through plant absorption to reduce pollutants and excessive nutrients in water and soil.

Therefore, planting to the east and south grows best. Although planted in the vicinity of sewers or pollutants, trees grow better, but mentally speaking, trees will suck "poison" and change their "capital".

It is rumored that willow can make all kinds of ghosts, so people put wicker in the door to exorcise evil spirits. During the Qingming Festival, China has had the traditional custom of planting willows to ward off evil spirits since ancient times. Popular ghosts are afraid of willows. The source is that there are two ghost-catching immortals (Shencha and Yu Ba). After catching the ghosts that endanger the world, they tie them with willow branches and feed them to the tiger.

Liu homophonic means "stay", meaning to stay, planted in front of the door, is to keep the family of patients do not follow the impermanent ghost away. In addition, it also means to keep the money from slipping away.

What are the effects and effects of Morinda officinalis?

Content Abstract: understanding the efficacy and function of Morinda officinalis and mastering its taboos can directly affect the value of medicine. Morinda officinalis can be known as chicken intestine wind, which is famous for its strong medicinal value. This article introduces the efficacy and function of Morinda officinalis in detail for you.

[efficacy and effect of Morinda officinalis]

Nature: Morinda officinalis natural taste sweet, bitter, lukewarm.

Meridian: Morinda officinalis is mainly used in the kidney and liver meridians.

Efficacy and function

Morinda officinalis, the main treatment of male renal wilt symptoms, secondly, can also treat male azoospermia, in order to achieve the effect of tonifying the kidney, secondly, can also be directly used in medicine to achieve the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, restore men due to cold, overwork caused by mental depression, lack of positive and other defects, the treatment of impotence is obvious. And the incidental premature ejaculation, kidney deficiency and cold pain in the small abdomen will also be alleviated.

For women, taking medicine with Euphorbia officinalis can treat extrauterine infertility and regulate menstruation, such as early menstruation, postponement, dysmenorrhea and so on. And female abdominal cold pain, can also be treated through Morinda officinalis.

The main literature records of Morinda officinalis are as follows: Benjing, Handbook of commonly used Chinese Herbal Medicine, Compendium, "seeking the original of Materia Medica", "don't record", "Theory of Medicinal Properties" and so on. And recorded in the medicine, Morinda officinalis main efficacy, can calm the internal organs, enhance blood gas, more able to strengthen the tibia, the main treatment of evil qi.

Main accessory party

① impotence: for men, premature ejaculation, impotence and other symptoms caused by overwork, excess physical strength and so on. Directly match Morinda officinalis and raw Achyranthes bidentata, soak it with sake, then cook it warm and take it.

② irregular menstruation: this kind of disease is mostly female, with cold pain in the lower abdomen, dysmenorrhea and leucorrhea. Can use Morinda officinalis with good ginger, wisteria, meat loss, then directly crush all materials into the end, after warm cooking of sake, can be taken, can also be directly decocted out of soup, daily noon, night can take one dose.

③ cold bone pain: due to heavy physical work, caused by lumbar pain, affecting daily walking, Morinda officinalis, cinnamon, tangerine peel, Eucommia ulmoides, dried ginger appropriate amount, crushed for the end, add honey brewing, the size of paulownia, three meals a day before meals, can choose to take with warm wine.

④ urination can not help: this symptom is more applicable to men, more caused by impotence symptoms, Morinda officinalis with Yizhiren, mulberry octopus, then crushed to the end, to the right amount of sake steaming, hand-brewed as pills, take the right amount every day, and medicine for warm wine, salt wine.

⑤ treatment of white turbidity: White turbidity is suitable for women, which will affect daily life. It can directly boil Morinda officinalis and semen Cuscutae, and it can also be paired with appropriate amount of yam and velvet antler. It can also be used as an ingredient for daily cooking.

⑥ uterus is cold for a long time: the uterus is cold for a long time, mostly women, because menstruation can not pay attention to care, contact with unboiled water, or directly engage in excessive physical activity during menstruation, etc., will lead to uterine cold disease, become a lifelong disease, Morinda officinalis, Evodia, cinnamon collocation, after with warm wine clothing can be.

⑦ wind cold lumbago: Morinda officinalis with Achyranthes bidentata, cinnamon, Eucommia ulmoides, Notopterygium appropriate amount, each dosage of about 45g, then directly smashed into pieces, can also be honey, and the size can be as big as paulownia. It can strengthen the tibia and remove rheumatism obviously.

⑧ treatment of cold arthralgia: this symptom can cause difficulties in walking, knee pain and other phenomena. Morinda officinalis, aconite, Achyranthes bidentata, licorice and other phenomena can be directly decocted, drink soup, or crushed and boiled, and then taken daily after being made into pills.

⑨ blood pressure: middle-aged and elderly people, hypertension is a common disease, but also can directly affect life and health, Morinda officinalis has obvious antihypertensive effect, directly into the rhizome part of the decoction, can reduce blood pressure, but also stabilize nerves, and have a certain diuretic effect.

⑩ anti-cancer: Morinda officinalis is a valuable recommended medicine, which contains special anti-cancer components anthrone coarse crystal, this kind of special ingredients, for the current thorny Ll210 leukemia can have a certain medicinal value, obvious inhibitory effect, so anti-cancer elements can be extracted.

Related discussion

1. According to the records in the Classic of Materia Medica, Morinda officinalis is a hot plant, which can be used as medicine to treat evil qi, which can alleviate the symptoms of human weakness and replenish Zhenyuan. Secondly, it can also enhance yang qi in the body, heat nourish spleen and kidney, coordinate yin and yang, and become a man's medicinal plant.

2. According to the new edition of Materia Medica, Morinda officinalis, which replenishes Yin water for the human body, is a woman's convalescent body deficiency symptom, which is suitable for the symptoms of body deficiency and blood deficiency, while irregular menstruation and poor menstruation can also be recuperated by Morinda officinalis to strengthen the spleen and appetizer.

3. Morinda officinalis, also mentioned in the "Materia Medica seeking Truth", Morinda officinalis is the best choice for tonifying the kidney, but its behavior is mild, it can also go to wind and heat, it can relieve the atmosphere, edema and other diseases, it is better to take Yiqi, and it has different effects with pharmacies, so it is a Chinese herbal medicine.

Summary: the efficacy and function of Morinda officinalis are introduced as above, but the planting of Morinda officinalis is relatively long, but when buying in the daily market, we need to pay attention to the details of selection and purchase to avoid picking out inferior products, which will affect the efficacy.

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