
How to raise potted Milan flowers, the breeding methods and precautions / light should be sufficient.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Milan flower is a kind of highly ornamental flower, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. Raising Milan flower at home can also beautify the indoor environment, so how to raise potted Milan flower? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Milan flower? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Milan flower is a kind of highly ornamental flower, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. Raising Milan flower at home can also beautify the indoor environment, so how to raise potted Milan flower? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Milan flower? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to grow potted Milan flowers / get enough light

If we want to know how to grow potted Milan, we first need to know its growth habits. Milan is a light-loving plant, so we need to keep enough light in the process of culture, but there are many other places that need to pay attention to. Details are introduced in the following Milan culture methods and precautions, we continue to look at.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Milan flower

1. Soil requirement

In the cultivation of Milan flowers, the first step is to choose soil, just like building a house to build a foundation, the choice of soil is a very important part, in terms of soil, we can choose relatively loose sandy soil. this kind of soil has better drainage and can be more favorable for Milan flowers to absorb nutrients.

two。 Fertilization requirements

Among the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Milan flowers, fertilizer is a very important nutrient and indispensable, because if you want plants to grow luxuriantly, it is far from enough to rely on soil nutrients alone. in terms of fertilizer, we can choose cake fertilizer, regardless of the fact that we should pay attention to diluting it with water before fertilization, so that Milan flowers can be better absorbed.

3. Temperature control

This kind of plant likes warm environment and has little resistance to cold weather, so the temperature must not be too low when breeding. It is best to control the temperature between 18-25 °C, which will be more beneficial to its growth.

4. Watering requirement

Watering is an indispensable link in the cultivation of flowers, and Milan is no exception, but the amount of watering is more fastidious. Milan flowers like a warm and humid environment, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist when breeding, usually watering every 2-3 days, but remember not to accumulate water, otherwise it will easily lead to rotting roots.

5. Lighting requirement

In the Milan flower culture methods and matters needing attention, light is essential, only to maintain adequate care, Milan flowers can thrive. However, shading is needed when the summer sunshine is too strong, otherwise it is easy to burn Milan flowers and cause their leaves to turn yellow, which we must pay attention to.

6. Pest control

In the process of breeding Milan flowers, if the method is wrong, it is easy to produce all kinds of diseases and insect pests. When this kind of situation occurs, we need to find the cause in time and deal with it pertinently. For specific methods, you can refer to the article on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Milan flower, in which there are detailed symptoms and control methods of all kinds of diseases and insect pests. Here the editor will not introduce too much.

Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of Milan flower

Rice orchid is a kind of evergreen shrub, small tree, alias Magnolia, rice orchid, tree orchid, fish orchid and so on. Milan is native to Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces of China, and it is also distributed in Southeast Asia. It is a common fragrant ornamental plant. Now the editor of Qiannong Network will take a look at the breeding methods of Milan with you.

Growth habits of Milan Flower

Milan flowers prefer warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, slightly shade-tolerant, the soil is the best in loose and fertile slightly acidic soil, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

1. Milan flowers like to be warm, sunny and fat. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. Under normal circumstances, when there is plenty of sunshine and a high temperature (about 30 ℃), the flowers will have a strong fragrance. If it is placed in shade in summer and a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer is applied at the same time, it is one of the main reasons why Milan flowers do not blossom or blossom less and have a light fragrance. Therefore, during the period of growth and development, Milan flowers need to be maintained in a sunny place outdoors, and should pay attention to applying more liquid fertilizer containing more phosphorus, preferably with crushed bones, fish bones, chicken bones, etc., often supplemented with chemical fertilizer containing more phosphorus or fermented rice water, which is helpful to pregnant buds, and blossoms more, golden in color, and fragrance.

2. Milan flowers like to be moist and should be watered properly during their growth. If too much watering, easy to lead to rotten roots, leaves withered off; flowering period too much watering, easy to cause falling flowers and buds; watering too little, it will cause leaf edge withered, withered buds. Therefore, when the summer temperature is high, in addition to watering water 1 / 2 times a day, branches and leaves are often sprayed with clean water and sprinkled to the ground to improve air humidity. At the same time, fertilization should also be appropriate. As Milan blossoms more often in a year, after each blossom, it should be fertilized with 2 or 3 fully mature thin liquid fertilizer in time, so that it can blossom continuously and have a strong aroma. Milan flower likes acid soil, so it is suitable to choose rotten leaf soil as the main culture soil in pot cultivation. During the peak growth period, 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution is sprayed once a week, and the leaves are green and flowers are numerous.

Propagation techniques of Milan Flower

Rice flowers are commonly used for cuttage and high-altitude striping propagation.

The main results are as follows: 1. there are old branch cutting and tender wood cutting. the former uses the old branches of last year as cuttings from April to May, while the latter selects semi-lignified branches of the same year from June to August. The standard of collecting tender cuttings is that the leaves at the end of the branches are thick, the color is green, and the axillary buds are full. The cuttings are about 10 cm long, the upper 2-3 leaves are retained, and all other leaves are removed to reduce water evaporation and nutrient consumption and flatten the incision. Cutting media can use river sand, expanded perlite, peat, vermiculite and so on. When cutting, you can first use bamboo chopsticks to drill holes in the soil, the spacing is about 5 cm, and then insert the cuttings into the hole, the depth is about 1x3 of the cuttings. After insertion, use your fingers to compact the soil, so that the soil and cuttings are closely combined, and fully watered. Set up a shade shed to maintain a ventilated and moist environment. The speed of rooting of cuttings is closely related to the soil temperature. When the bottom temperature is high, the rooting is fast. When the base temperature is 30C~32 C, it can take root 40 days after cutting, and it takes 50-60 days for 25 C to take root. However, the bottom temperature is high, the leaf evaporates quickly, and the metabolism of cuttings is in an active state. At this time, if the humidity is low, it is easy to cause the cuttings to fall leaves. Once the cuttings are defoliated, there is no hope of survival. Therefore, high temperature must also ensure high humidity, usually maintaining a relative humidity of more than 85%. Before cuttage, the base of cuttings was soaked in vermiculebutyric acid of 20PPm~25PPm for 12 hours, or indole acetic acid of 50PPm for 15 hours, which could promote rooting.

2. High-altitude pressing can be done from May to September, but the best time is the Meiyu weather in June, when the survival rate of high pressure is high and takes root quickly. generally, Milan flowers with high pressure in the first ten days of June can take root one after another after 40 days. The specific method is: select annual Lignification sturdy branches, stem diameter 0.5 mm. Make a circular peeling 20 cm away from the bifurcation, the width of the ring is about 0.5 cm, and the depth is to see the xylem, then apply it to the ringed part with moss or wet soil, and then wrap it with plastic film to keep the moss moist all the time. After taking root, cut away from the mother, first slow the seedling in the shade place, and then plant it in the basin. By using this method, the survival rate is high, and the mature seedlings bloom quickly.

Cultivation and Management of Milan Flower

Although the Milan flower has strong shade tolerance, it is not resistant to long shade, especially when the potted rice flower is in full bloom, it can not be placed indoors for a long time. When it blossoms, it can be moved outdoors after 4: 00 p. M. and moved into the room before 9: 00 a. M. to make it accept sunlight and accumulate nutrients for the emergence of new branches and new flowers. When moving indoors in winter, you should also make it receive as much light as possible.

Although the requirement of Milan flower on soil is not strict, it is suitable for sandy loam which is rich in humus, fertile and slightly acidic. When preparing basin soil, 2 parts of peat soil, 1 part of Gaza, 2 parts of fertile garden soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of Gaza were mixed.

After the seedlings are in the pot, when they grow to 20 cm ~ 25 cm high, the heart can be removed to promote the formation of lateral branches and the formation of a crown as soon as possible. at the same time, the plant height can be controlled and the number of flowers can be increased.

When planting flowerpots in Milan, it is necessary to ensure good drainage and watering according to the dry and wet climate, not only to keep the pot soil moist but not to have too much water for a long time. Maintaining high air humidity is beneficial to the growth of Milan flowers, and it is best to spray water on the leaves once or twice a day in the period of drought and vigorous growth.

The Milan flower has luxuriant branches and leaves, and during the growing period, it constantly produces new branches and forms spikes, so it needs sufficient fertilizer. If the fertility is not enough, the amount of flowers will decrease significantly. To this end, after the spring begins to grow, fertilizer should be topdressing in time. Topdressing with rotten cake fertilizer or sesame sauce residue water is better, Milan flowers can not stand thick fertilizer, so fertilization should grasp the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, especially when topdressing in spring, do not apply thick fertilizer. Topdressing should be applied once every 10 days, and an appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate should be added in fertilizer and water.

When it is hot in summer, to put the Milan flowers in a shady place, you can put them on the edge of the shade shed, so that you can not be exposed to strong light and get more sunshine. Because too strong direct light has an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of Milan flowers, and too shaded, it is also easy to cause Milan flowers to grow, grow weak and reduce the number of flowers.

According to the temperature requirements of Milan flowers, potted Milan flowers generally can not be moved outdoors until Grain Rain, but in autumn they have to move indoors before Frosts Descent to spend the winter. During the overwintering period, it is suitable to keep the room temperature at 10C~12 C. too high room temperature is easy to cause continued growth, which is disadvantageous to the growth and development in the second year. However, when the temperature is too low and falls below 5C, it is easy to cause frost damage. Milan flowers spend the winter indoors, the leaves are easily stained with dust, affecting its normal photosynthesis, so every once in a while, it needs to be washed.

Plastic surgery should be carried out from the beginning of the seedling to retain a section of the trunk 15 cm ~ 20 cm high, and do not let the main branches come out from the ground. Because Milan flowers produce spikes in the armpits of new leaves, they are generally not pruned. In order to control the shape of the tree and add new branches, you can pick the heart before the new branches grow, or prune them in combination with cuttings.

Control of Diseases and insect pests in Milan Flower

The diseases of Milan flower include stem rot, anthracnose, etc., and insect pests include white wax cicada, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and so on.

1. Stem rot: occurs on the stem of Milan flower. At the beginning of the disease, it was a small black spot, expanded into strips, dark brown, and caused plant death after a week around the stem. At the initial stage of the disease, 0.5%-1% Bordeaux solution can be used to smear the branches; it can also be smeared with 1-2 degree Shiliu mixture or 70% Topol 800 times aqueous solution, and the effect is also good.

2. Anthrax: anthrax is the main disease of Milan flower, which mostly occurs from June to October. In the early stage of the disease, the disease spot invaded from the leaf tip and leaf edge, making the leaf tip brown. It can occur on the leaf, petiole and stem of the plant. Prevention and treatment: diseased leaves and diseased branches should be removed in time and ventilation conditions should be improved. It can also be sprayed with potassium permanganate 1000-1200 times aqueous solution.

3. Red spiders: aphids can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times dimethoate aqueous solution or 1200 times dichlorvos aqueous solution.

Key points of Culture of Milan Flower

1. The temperature should be suitable: the Milan flower likes to be warm. The higher the temperature is, the more fragrant the flowers will be. Generally speaking, when the temperature is above 30 ℃, the flowers will smell good when exposed to sufficient sunlight. On the other hand, in the environment below 30 ℃, if they are in the shade of insufficient light, the flowers will not have the fragrance when the temperature is high. The suitable temperature for raising Milan flowers is between 20 ℃ and 35 ℃, and it can blossom as many as 5 times from June to October.

2. There should be plenty of light: Milan flowers should be placed in sunny places throughout the year. If the Milan flower is placed on a well-lit and well-ventilated garden or balcony, and the light is more than 8 hours to 12 hours a day, it will make the leaves of the plant green, the branches grow stout, the number of flowering is more, the flower color is bright yellow, and the aroma is also rich. If we let the Milan flower in the environment of lack of sunlight and shade, it will make the plant branches and leaves grow long and thin, reduce the number of flowering, and the aroma is light.

3. Fertilization should be reasonable: Milan flowers have strong flowering and blossom times, so they must replenish nutrients in time. Every time Milan blossoms, we should pay close attention to replenishing nutrients. Lack of fertilizer is the main reason why Milan flowers only grow leaves but do not blossom or fall leaves and buds. Therefore, when the temperature rises, the Milan flowers should be moved to outdoor conservation. After a week, they should loosen the soil, apply some thin nitrogen fertilizer, use 10% to 20% rotten cake fertilizer water or human feces and urine, and then apply liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so to promote the growth of its branches and leaves. Since June, the Milan flower has entered the period of vigorous growth and flowering until the middle of October. If a thicker fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer is applied every 15 days or so, or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed every 15 to 20 days, the flower will bloom more luxuriantly. Special attention is paid to the fact that the florescence must be dominated by phosphate fertilizer, otherwise there will be only long leaves but no flowering. In the flowering period from June to October, if there is insufficient fertilization, not only the number of blossoms will decrease and the flowers will not smell good, but the buds that have already appeared will wither and cannot open.

4. Watering should be timely and appropriate: the number of watering times of Milan flowers should be determined according to the size of the plant, the change of climate and the place of placement. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering, and there is often sunlight scattering, the water is moderate, its flowering aroma will be strong. Summer is the peak growing season of Milan flowers, and the water demand is also increasing, generally watering once a day. In the hot and sunny weather, water can be watered once every morning and evening. If there is a lack of water, it will make the leaves yellow or even fall off. In case of showers, pour water into the side basin after the rain to prevent rotting roots.

How to raise Milan Flower Culture methods and matters needing attention

Today, the introduction of Flower Bonsai Network is: how to raise Milan flowers, mainly introducing the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Milan flowers.

Introduction to flowers: Milan, alias Milano, Shulan, broken Milan, Caviar Orchid, Woody Magnolia, Magnolia, Orchid, Sailan fragrance, Milan of the four Seasons, Prunus orchidaceae, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the neem family.

Milan language: with love, life will blossom.

Place of origin: originally from southern Asia. It is widely planted in the tropics of the world. It is distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in China, and potted plants are mostly planted in the north.

It is beneficial to grow flowers: the leaves are green and dense, the trees are graceful, the flowers are golden and shining, and the flowers are of ornamental value; the flowers can extract essence; the stem wood is fine, which can be used for carving and making furniture; Milan can absorb sulfur dioxide and hydrogen dioxide in the air; at the same time, it can emit volatile oil with bactericidal effect, which can purify the air and is beneficial to human health.

Flowers and leaves: odd-pinnate compound leaves, alternate, dark green leaves. Conical flowers, born in the axils of the leaves at the end of the tree, yellow flowers, rich aroma.

Variety selection: there are four kinds of Milan commonly cultivated, which are Milan, Taiwan Milan, Daye Milan and four Seasons.

Plant selection: healthy plants have shiny leaves and golden flowers.

The choice of flowerpots: high-barrel clay flowerpots.

Preparation of culture soil: Milan likes loose, fertile slightly acidic soil, so the culture soil can choose rotten leaf soil as the main culture soil.

Preparation method 1: compost, rotten leaf soil and river sand were mixed at 1:2:1. Preparation method 2: rotten leaf soil, barnyard manure and river sand were mixed according to the proportion of 4:3:3.

Flower cultivation: cover the basin bottom with coarse sand or charcoal shavings about 3 to 5 centimeters thick as a drainage layer, then spread a small amount of culture soil on top, put the plant in the center of the basin, fill while compacting, so that the plant root system is closely integrated with the soil. After finishing the basin, water once, and then less watering in this half a month, put in a semi-shady place to maintain, in order to promote the hair of new roots, and then watering the basin soil when it is slightly dry.

If it is a seedling, wait until it grows new leaves and gradually let it see the light, and keep its environment moist. Pay attention to keep the temperature above 15 degrees Celsius after putting on the basin.

Fertilization: after the temperature rebounded in spring, Milan moved to outdoor maintenance for a week, to loosen the soil, and apply some thin nitrogen fertilizer, you can apply 10%-20% mature cake fertilizer, and then apply liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so to promote the growth of branches and leaves.

From June, Milan entered the period of vigorous growth and flowering, until mid-October, during this period, a thicker fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer was applied every 15 days or so, or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed every 15 to 20 days. This can also be appropriate to ensure that the flower is more luxuriant.

The florescence must be based on phosphate fertilizer, otherwise there will be only long leaves without flowering. From June to October, if there is not enough fertilizer, it is easy to show that the buds wither and do not open, the number of blossoms decreases, and the flowers are not fragrant. Watering: Milan likes to be wet, but not too wet. Generally in the basin soil dry to the surface of the soil white before watering, watering must be thoroughly watered to the basin bottom water flow shall prevail. At the same time, watering in Milan should vary according to the growth period and seasonal climate change.

Usually after the Qingming Festival, Milan moves out of the room. The amount of water should begin to increase. Less watering on cloudy days, no watering on rainy days, and watering once every 2-3 days on sunny days.

During the high temperature season in summer and autumn, Milan is in a period of vigorous growth and needs a lot of water, so it is usually watered once a day. When it is hot and sunny, it is sometimes watered in the morning and evening. But when it comes to rainy days, it is necessary to dump the stagnant water in the basin in time to prevent rotting roots.

In late autumn, when the weather turns cooler and Milan grows slowly, watering should be gradually reduced to prevent it from getting too wet, which is usually watered once every 3 to 4 days.

When the temperature drops in winter, Milan goes into a dormant state and needs less water. At this time, it can be watered once every 10 to 15 days to keep the basin soil moist but not too dry. The pot soil is gray and white, which proves that the basin soil is already very dry and should be watered in time at noon on a sunny day, otherwise the plant will die if it is short of water for a long time. Do not water in cold and persistent cold weather. The temperature of the water used for watering in winter should be similar to or higher than that of the basin soil, so as to prevent damage to the roots.

Warm reminder: Milan leaves love, touch the hand slightly or shake the flowerpot leaves will fall, this phenomenon shows that the plant is overwatered, the petiole has separated from the branches, chlorophyll decreases, affecting photosynthesis, resulting in lack of nutrition and weakness and death of the plant. Pruning: Milan can undergo plastic surgery from a small seedling, keeping a section of the trunk 15 to 20 centimeters high, so as not to make the main branches grow out of the ground.

Because Milan produces spikes of flowers in the armpits of new leaves, new leaves are not usually trimmed. However, if Milan passes the winter indoors, or if it is cultivated outdoors, there will often be a small number of withered branches, which should be pruned at any time to keep the tree shape beautiful and conducive to plant growth. Therefore, a pruning can be carried out when it is removed from the outside in spring to remove dead branches, disease and insect branches and weak over-dense branches, so as to enhance ventilation and light transmission and concentrate nutrients.

It generally does not need pruning during its growing period, but if its growth is too dense, some inner bore branches or cross branches that do not bloom can be trimmed properly to truncate the branches that grow irregularly or too high, so as to facilitate light and ventilation.

If the plant grows too tall after a few years, the part that is too dense can be trimmed to make it grow more lateral branches and blossom more. It can also be bent to improve the ornamental value. The trimmed material can also be protected and propagated.

Light and temperature management: Milan is a positive flower, only in the environment of sufficient light, adequate fertilizer, ventilation and ventilation can it grow strong, not cold-resistant and slightly shade-resistant.

In the process of maintaining Milan, it can be exposed to sufficient sunlight throughout the four seasons, and the daily duration of sunlight should be 8 hours or more, so that the plant will grow luxuriantly, the leaf color will be thick green, the branches will be stout, the pregnant buds will become more, the number of blossoms will increase, the flower color will become bright, and the aroma will be more intense. If Milan is left in a sunless environment, the plants will grow, the branches will be thin, the number of blossoms will decrease, and the aroma will fade.

Milan likes warmth. The higher the temperature, the more gorgeous and fragrant the flowers will come out. The most suitable temperature for growth is between 20 and 35 degrees Celsius. Therefore, some of the flowering times can reach 5 times from June to October. When the temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius, the flowers are very rich in sufficient sunlight; if the temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius and the light is insufficient, the fragrance of the flowers will be reduced. If the temperature in winter is less than 10 degrees Celsius, it will go into dormancy, and if it is less than 5 degrees Celsius, it will be vulnerable to frost injury.

Management of flowering and fruiting: the florescence in Milan is from June to October every year. If you want the plant to blossom better and more, you should fertilize the flowers frequently and apply them every week after diluting with fermented fish rape, viscera, eggshell and vegetable skin. When the new buds grow in Milan, remove the yellowish-brown fluffy leaf buds to reduce nutrient loss and retain the green and white flower buds. In addition, maintain a sunny, warm and humid environment, and have a fertile sandy loam so that it can grow well. Pruning branches and leaves in time to ensure ventilation and light, in such an environment, can promote its healthy growth, and often blossom.

Milan can only grow well and cannot bear shade when there is plenty of sunshine, so after winter, the flowering period can be controlled by controlling the duration of light, so it is possible to keep the Spring Festival open as usual. If you need to delay the flowering time, you can reduce the light, if you need to promote the flower, you can extend the light time, and you can add light manually for a few hours at night, which can promote the bud to open earlier. Before the flower bud, it is necessary to apply more phosphate fertilizer in order to have more buds.

Change the pot: potted Milan, generally change the pot once every two years, the time is about a week after the spring out of the house is the most appropriate. Because Milan's root system is mainly capillary root, it is easy to damage the root system when changing pots, so, in order to minimize root damage, do not break the old soil on the plant, leave more old soil, just remove the old soil where there is no root, and then cut off the rotten roots with a knife.

Wash the basin or replace it with a new basin that has already been soaked, and replace it with a new culture soil. When changing the soil, you can add appropriate phosphate fertilizer to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, but not too much. Put the shade on the basin and slow down the seedlings in a cool place, and then move to the sunny place after about a week to enter the normal management.

Reproduction: Milan's reproduction methods are mainly striping and cutting propagation.

The high-altitude crimping method is often used in striping reproduction, and the crimping time is better in the plum rain season.

Select the annual Lignification branch, and then peel it in a ring at the base of 20 cm. The peeling width is about 1 cm. The upper part can leave 2-3 twigs, the lower side branches can be all cut off, and then apply the moss or peat to the girdling site. Note that the moss and peat should be disinfected in advance before they can be used. After wrapping, fasten the film up and down tightly, do not let it leak in the lower part, and slightly loose in the upper part, then sprinkle water to the bag in time to keep it moist, wait until 2-3 months, and then cut away from the mother plant.

The method of cutting propagation is mainly carried out from June to August, and the sturdy branches that have been lignified in the same year can be cut out as cuttings, about 0 cm in length, leaving 2 or 3 leaflets at the top, cut off the leaves below, and inserted into a bed with peat as the matrix or sand and perlite as the matrix, about 4 cm, then pour through water and seal the basin mouth with plastic film for heat preservation and moisturizing. Keep the indoor temperature at about 28 degrees Celsius, humidity at about 95%, and keep the bed moist. It will take about 2 months to take root and transplant. If the cuttings are soaked in 500ppm acetic acid solution for about 20 hours before insertion, and then cleaned and then cut, the cuttings can take root early.

Overwintering: before and after Frosts Descent, when the temperature dropped below 10 degrees Celsius, Milan should be the room, family potted plants, generally winter indoor temperature as long as not less than 5 degrees Celsius can safely survive the winter, even because the weather is slightly cold, the top of the branches have fallen leaves, after pruning and changing pots after the beginning of the next spring, and then strengthen water and fertilizer management, careful maintenance, will soon draw out new leaves, re-blooming.

If you encounter particularly cold weather, you can put two layers of plastic bags on the cover of the plant to keep warm, and put a few small holes in the plastic bag to make it breathable. Take off the plastic bag every 1 or 2 days and let it breathe fully, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow.

The indoor temperature had better be kept between 8 degrees Celsius and 10 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too high, the top branch is easy to sprout and consume nutrients, and when it comes out of the room in spring, it is easy to wither, which will directly affect the growth and flowering of the following year.

During the overwintering period, but also to avoid indoor temperature ups and downs, do not often change the location.

In the overwintering period, to keep the basin soil moist, too dry will cause leaf yellow to fall off, too wet will cause leaves to rot, when the air is dry, you can spray water to the leaves, preferably at noon on a sunny day, and the temperature of the water ejected is about the same as the temperature of the basin soil. If the leaf surface is soiled, it should be cleaned so that it can breathe normally.

If Milan cannot be watered for a period of time due to various factors, such as going out, the bottom of the Milan pot can be lowered to a shallow basin with moist soil, so that the plant can absorb a small amount of water from the bottom.

If found that there are withered leaves should be removed in time, so as not to lose too much nutrients, but also affect the appearance.

After entering the room, you should also pay attention to ventilation, but do not put it in a windy environment to avoid frostbite.

The time to leave the room should be after the Qingming Festival, and when the temperature is basically stable above 15 degrees Celsius, consider leaving the room. Before leaving the room, you should first let it adapt to the external environment. You can open the window so that Milan can gradually adapt to the air outside. After an excessive period of time, then get out of the room.

Pest control: the main diseases in Milan are stem rot, anthrax, Milan chlorosis, etc.; pests are mainly white moth wax cicada, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and so on.

If stem rot occurs in the plant, the branches should be smeared with 0.5% Bordeaux solution or 70% carbendazim 800 times solution in time at the initial stage of the disease.

Anthrax is a major disease easily infected in Milan, which often breaks out from June to October. Infected leaves will start from the tip and edge of the leaves and gradually turn brown. Petioles and stems will also gradually turn brown if infected with this pathogen.

To prevent and cure this kind of bacteria, it is necessary to remove the diseased body in time after discovering the diseased branches and leaves, cut off the source of infection, and then improve the ventilation condition.

It can also be sprayed with potassium manganate 1000-1200 times aqueous solution.

Milan yellowing is a common disease, which often occurs in the hot and rainy season at the turn of spring and summer. The new leaves of the infected plants lack green, the branches wither, and even lead to the death of the whole plant. This disease is mainly due to alkali in the soil, so it is necessary to improve the soil, make the soil slightly acidic, and loosen the soil.

Red spiders and aphids can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1000-1500 times aqueous solution or 1200 times dichlorvos aqueous solution if the plant is affected by red spiders, aphids and so on.

The best location: outside the window facing south.