
For how to water and fertilize cockscomb, see dry watering / thin fertilizer.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Celosia cristata is a common flower in people's life, which is highly ornamental, but if we want it to be ornamental, we should not be careless in the process of culturing it, especially in watering and fertilization. About how to water and fertilize cockscomb

Celosia cristata is a common flower in people's life, which is highly ornamental, but if we want it to be ornamental, we should not be careless in the process of culturing it, especially in watering and fertilization. About how to water and fertilize cockscomb? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to water the cockscomb

1. Watering method

About how to water cockscomb, in fact, the method is very simple, first of all, we can prepare a spray can, and then spray water on the soil, generally keep the soil at a certain humidity, do not cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to have rotten roots, and keep the principle of dry watering when watering.

two。 Matters needing attention in watering

In watering cockscomb, it is best not to use a kettle, because the water is not very uniform, and it is not easy to control the amount of water, it is easy to cause stagnant water, of course, if you think you have good control, you can also use a kettle. In addition, the frequency of watering can be done according to the climate, and there is no fixed frequency.

Second, how to apply fertilizer to cockscomb

1. Fertilizer selection

Fertilizer is an important nutrient in the growth of cockscomb, and special attention should be paid to the choice of fertilizer. generally, we can choose flower fertilizer, which is more suitable for absorption by flowers and plants. it can make the cockscomb grow more healthily.

two。 Fertilization method

As for how to fertilize cockscomb, in fact, it is relatively simple as long as we find the right method. First of all, we can apply some basic fertilizer in the soil when planting, and then we need to apply flower fertilizer every 10 days or so after its growing period. It is more necessary to apply enough fertilizer before flowering, because flowering requires a lot of nutrients, which we should pay attention to.

3. Matters needing attention in fertilization

There are still some things to pay attention to when fertilizing the cockscomb. Before fertilizing, the fertilizer must be diluted with water so that the cockscomb can be absorbed. If it is not diluted, it is easy to burn the plant. When fertilizing, we must keep in mind the four words of applying more thin fertilizer.

How to raise Celosia cristata, the culture methods and matters needing attention / control of watering

Cockscomb is a brightly colored flower. This plant first grew in the tropics and was introduced to China. Now it can be seen in many parts of our country. So how to raise cockscomb? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of cockscomb? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise cockscomb

If you want to know how to raise cockscomb, we first need to understand its growth habits. Celosia cristata likes a warm environment, so light is very important when breeding. In addition, watering and fertilization also need to be paid attention to. In the following about the cockscomb culture methods and matters needing attention, you can understand.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Celosia cristata

1. Soil requirement

In terms of soil, the requirement of cockscomb is not very high, but different soils still have some effects on its growth. generally, it is best to choose a soil with good drainage, which will be more conducive to its growth. if the soil viscosity is too high, the flower will affect its growth progress, you can pay attention to this.

two。 Fertilization management

Among the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of cockscomb, fertilization is a more important one, because fertilizer is one of the main nutrients of cockscomb, so it needs to be fertilized every 10 days after the cockscomb is formed, and compound liquid fertilizer can be chosen generally. It is best to dilute it with water before fertilizing, so it will be easier to absorb.

3. Watering management

In the cultivation of cockscomb, water is indispensable, but the amount of water needs to be controlled. if you water too much, it is easy to cause rotten roots, and if you water too little, it is also easy to cause leaves to turn yellow, so this degree must be mastered well. Generally, you can water the soil with a certain amount of moisture, and then wait until the soil is dry and watered. This frequency depends on the situation.

4. Lighting management

Celosia cristata is a kind of plant that likes light, but it is not tolerant to strong light. when the weather is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can let it receive light all day, and we need shade when the sunshine is too strong in summer. otherwise, it is easy to cause its leaves to turn yellow, so light is a very important part of the breeding methods and precautions of cockscomb.

5. Temperature control

The cold and drought tolerance of this plant is not very strong, so the ambient temperature must be controlled when breeding. The most suitable temperature for the growth of cockscomb is between 18 and 28 °C, which can be controlled when breeding.

6. Pest control

In the conservation of cockscomb, if not in accordance with the above methods, it is very easy to plant diseases and insect pests, the emergence of this situation will seriously affect the growth of cockscomb, serious and even lead to the phenomenon of cockscomb withered, so the emergence of this situation must be dealt with in a timely manner, as for the treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of cockscomb, here the editor will not introduce too much.

Introduction of Cockscomb Flower cockscomb flowers: how to raise cockscomb flowers / how to propagate cockscomb flowers business card Cockscomb Flower cockscomb flowers introduction of cockscomb flowers native to Africa, tropical America and India, is an annual herb. Like plenty of sunshine, hot and humid, not resistant to frost. Do not tolerate barren, like loose, fertile and well-drained soil. It is widely cultivated all over the world. The morphological characteristics of cockscomb flower is annual herb, plant height 40-100cm, stem erect and stout, leaves alternate, long ovate or ovate-lanceolate, fleshy spike terminal, fan-shaped, kidney-shaped, oblate, etc., natural flowering summer and autumn to Frosts Descent. Commonly used seed reproduction, growing period like high temperature, full light and air dry environment, more drought-resistant and cold-resistant, strong reproductive ability. Autumn flowers are harvested and dried when they are in full bloom. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, entire. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, flattened cristate. The flowers are white, light yellow, golden yellow, light red, fiery red, purple red, brown red, orange red and so on. Utricles ovate, seeds black and glossy. Cockscomb stem red or bluish white; leaves alternate stalked, leaves with dark red, emerald green, yellow-green, red-green and other colors; flowers gather on the top, shaped like a chicken crown, flat and thick and soft, growing on the plant in the shape of an inverted broom. The flowers and colors are also rich and colorful, such as purple, orange, white, red and yellow and so on. The seeds are small, purplish black, hidden in Corolla villi. There are three kinds of cockscomb plants: tall type, medium type and dwarf type. The dwarf type is only 30 cm high and the high one can be up to 2 meters. In 2009, Wang Jinzhang, a citizen in Shahekou District of Dalian, planted a 2.4-meter-high one. Celosia cristata is a spike, much flattened and thick, showing a cockscomb shape. Long 8~25cm, wide 5~20cm, maximum diameter 40cm. The upper margin is broad, wrinkled, densely linear scales, narrowing at the lower end, often remaining flattened stems. The surface is red, purplish red or yellowish white; there are many dense florets below the middle, and the persistent bracts and perianth segments of each flower are membranous. The fruit lid is split, the seed is flat, reniform, black, shiny. The body is light and flexible. It is odorless and tastes light. Celosia cristata has a long flowering period and can bloom from July to December. The growth habits of cockscomb like warm and dry climate, afraid of drought, sunshine, and not resistant to waterlogging, but they are not strict with the soil, and they can be planted in the general soil courtyard, which is a new way to develop courtyard economy. People of insight might as well give it a try. It doesn't need to be too good, just sow it in the soil. Cultivation techniques of Celosia cristata 1. When the seedlings grow 2-4 pieces in spring, plant them in the pot. When planting, it should be planted slightly, leaving only cotyledons on the soil surface, and make the potted soil slightly dry to induce the inflorescence to appear as soon as possible. After the inflorescence occurs, change the 16 cm pot. It should be watered thoroughly before turning the pot. if you want to get the extra-large flower head, you can change the 23cm pot and pay attention to the matching of the flowerpot at the same time. Small potted dwarf species, large potted chicken tail crown and other tall species. The dwarf and multi-branched varieties should be coring after planting to promote branching, while erect and branching varieties should not be coring. 2. Light and temperature prefer warmth to cold. During the growing period, there should be enough light, and at least 4 hours of light should be guaranteed every day. The suitable growth temperature is 18-28 ℃. It grows slowly when the temperature is low, and dies after planting in winter. 3. Fertilizing and watering basin soil should be fertile, mixed with half of fertile loam and mature stable fertilizer. It must be properly watered during the growth period, but the basin soil should not be too wet and should be moist and dry. Avoid failing to bloom or blossom late. The application of phosphate fertilizer in the later growth stage and more sunlight can promote the robust growth and large inflorescence. Less fertilizer and water should be irrigated in the seed ripening stage to facilitate the seed ripening and keep the flower color rich for a long time. The cultivation-related cockscomb likes sunshine, is resistant to barren, afraid of stagnant water, is not resistant to cold, and grows well in high temperature and dry climate. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to water or fertilize. Cockscomb can be used as a potted ornamental flower. Potted plants generally do not need to plant seedlings in pots, but choose to plant cockscomb flowers in the pot at flowering stage. Plant a little deeper when potting, so that the leaves should be close to the surface of the potted soil. Do not scatter when transplanting, water thoroughly after planting, fertilize after 7 days, and apply liquid fertilizer every half a month. Before the inflorescence is formed, the basin soil should be kept dry to facilitate the breeding of inflorescences. After the bud is formed, liquid fertilizer can be applied once every 7-10 days and properly watered. If you want to make the cockscomb plant stout, the Corolla is fat, thick and colorful, you can change a large pot after the inflorescence is formed, but you should pay attention to the fact that it cannot be scattered when transplanting, because its root is extremely weak, otherwise it is not easy to survive. Celosia cristata is cross-pollinated, and it is easy to cross and mutate among varieties. Therefore, the flowering period of the remaining varieties should be isolated. When keeping seeds, the seeds in the lower part of the inflorescence should be harvested to retain the characteristics of the variety. Planting method of Celosia cristata L.: 20-30 ℃ sowing time: autumn and spring [suitable growth temperature]: 10-30 ℃ flowering period: July to December. [raising seedlings]: seeds are planted in the culture soil to keep the soil moist and germinate in about 6-8 days. After thinning the seedlings, wait for 4-5 leaves to be transplanted, be careful not to break the straight root. [planting]: cultivated soil with good drainage. This plant is heat-resistant and needs sufficient sunshine. The flower bed is 15CM apart. Nutritious fertilizer should be applied at seedling stage and growth stage, such as organic fertilizer, compound fertilizer or flower seed. Celosia cristata is propagated by sowing, which is carried out from April to May, and the temperature is better when the temperature is 20-25 degrees. Before sowing, you can apply some cake fertilizer or stable manure or compost as base fertilizer in the seedbed. Sowing should be in the seeds and into some fine soil for sowing, because the cockscomb seeds are small, cover the soil 2-3 mm, should not be deep. Before sowing, the soil in the seedbed should be kept moist. After sowing, a little water can be sprayed with a fine-eye spray can, and then shade the seedbed. Do not water it for two weeks. Generally, the seedlings can emerge in 7-10 days, and when the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings can be planted once, and some weak and over-dense seedlings can be pulled out. When the seedlings are 5-6 cm high, they should be transplanted and planted with root soil. 1. Seed breeding method, selecting plots during Qingming Festival (because outside, preferably after frost-free), applying sufficient basic fertilizer, ploughing fine rakes evenly, leveling the border, spreading seeds evenly on the border surface, slightly covering the seeds with fine soil, watering thoroughly, and keeping the land moist; generally, when the temperature is 15 degrees, seedlings can emerge in 15 days. 2. After sowing in summer in Grain in Beard, the seeds are sown according to the row spacing of 30 cm. When the seedling height is 6 cm, the seedlings are 20 cm apart. The seedlings can be transferred to other fields and must be watered after transplanting. Weeding and loosening the soil must be done at the seedling stage, and when it is not too dry, water as little as possible. The seedling is 30 centimeters high and should be fertilized once. After sealing off the old leaves, when blooming and heading, if the weather is dry, water should be properly watered to prevent stagnant water in low-lying areas in the rainy season. After heading, the flower buds between the lower leaves and viscera can be erased to facilitate the growth of the main ear at the top. 3. Of course, it can also be cultivated in the greenhouse, as long as you pay attention to the humidity and temperature, but when planted outside the greenhouse, you must take the seedlings outside at night to strengthen the seedlings after sprouting and growing four leaves, so that they can learn to adapt to the cold environment, otherwise they will grow slender and delicate and will soon die. The varieties of Celosia cristata can be divided into broom chicken crown, noodle chicken crown, mandarin duck chicken crown, tasted chicken crown and so on. Autumn flowers are harvested and dried when they are in full bloom. Cockscomb shape classification 1, globular flower: Corolla part of the very tight and spherical species, that is, called "long rice cockscomb flower", flower bed and cut flower cultivation are very common. Second, feathered flower shape: the flower shape is feathered, the Corolla is like a flame, and the color is bright. Whether it is cultivated in the flower bed or cut flowers, it is very agreeable. Third, spear-shaped flowers: the Corolla is similar to the conical shape of fir trees, the spikes of flowers are short and tight, and there are highly sexual species especially suitable for cut flowers and Zhongxing species suitable for flower beds. The producing area and habit of Celosia cristata L. Native to Africa, tropical America and India, it is widely cultivated around the world and is an annual herb. Like plenty of sunshine, hot and humid, not resistant to frost. Do not tolerate barren, like loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Flowering from summer to autumn to Frosts Descent. Cockscomb bonus, white two, although the same genus, but due to different medicinal properties, each has its own supply, the market is mainly red cockscomb circulation. It is of good quality with large flowers, bright colors and short stalks. Celosia cristata is mainly distributed in Anhui, Beijing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hong Kong, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, * *, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang. The edible value of cockscomb is a kind of delicacy, while cockscomb has comprehensive nutrition and unique flavor, which can be called a wonderful flower in the food garden. All kinds of chicken crown delicacies, such as flower jade chicken, red oil chicken crown flower, chicken crown steamed meat, chicken crown bean cake, chicken crown seed Zanba and so on, all have their own characteristics, and they are delicious and memorable. Cockscomb flower language: sincere love. He likes to dress up and hold his head high. Love beauty and be affectionate. Immortal. I waited by the neck. Because the cockscomb flower through the wind and frost, the flower posture does not decrease, the flower color does not fade, is regarded as the everlasting love or the constant love symbol. In Europe and the United States, the first flower given to a lover is the fiery red cockscomb, implying sincere love. Horoscope: Virgo's guardian flower will enhance your desire to dress up and exude a neat and clean charm. Pictures of cockscomb