
The efficacy and function of flytrap, beautifying household and purifying environment / strong interest in preying on insects.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For flytrap, we should have heard that it is a kind of mosquito repellent plant, every summer, it will become the indoor breeding of many people. When it comes to the flytrap, everyone will think that it can catch flies, but besides catching insects, do you have any other functions and functions of the flytrap? I don't know. It doesn't matter.

For flytrap, we should have heard that it is a kind of mosquito repellent plant, every summer, it will become the indoor breeding of many people. When it comes to the flytrap, everyone will think that it can catch flies, but besides catching insects, do you have any other functions and functions of the flytrap? It doesn't matter if I don't know. I'll give you a detailed introduction by the editor.

I. the origin of the name of the flycatcher

Before understanding the efficacy and function of flytrap, it is necessary to know the origin of its name. It is understood that there are regular bristles on the edges of the leaves of the flytrap. as shown in the picture above, they are like Venus' eyelashes, both beautiful and lethal, so they are called Venus's fly trap. And because the flytrap can eat the insects that fall on it, it is named flytrap.

Second, the efficacy and function of flytrap.

1. Ornamental function

When it comes to the efficacy and function of the flytrap, everyone will think of catching insects, but it also has a certain ornamental. As pictured above, the appearance of the flytrap is covered with a lot of spiny hairs and red sessile glands. It looks like a bloody mouth with teeth and claws, which is unique and popular with some people. In addition, the flytrap is often used as a potted plant to maintain and watch on the balcony and watch its leaves.

2. Beautify the environment

The shape of the flytrap is unique and beautiful, elegant and generous (not everyone thinks so, of course). At ordinary times, we can make the flytrap into a potted plant and raise it indoors, or we can put it on the windowsill or balcony for people to watch. All the beautification of the environment is also one of the effects of flytrap.

3. Purify the air

In addition, flytrap also has the generality of plants, in breathing will absorb carbon dioxide in the air, convert them into oxidation and release into the air, so flytrap usually has a good purification effect on the air, to make the air more fresh.

4. Prey on insects

The key point is that when it comes to the efficacy and function of the flytrap, it is necessary to prey on insects. Flytrap has a natural existence similar to shells, where there is usually nectar secretion, when insects smell the natural aroma into the shell, it will naturally close, and then slowly eat seasoned insects, which can effectively eliminate flies when raised indoors.

5. High interest

Finally, it is interesting to raise flytrap. Usually nothing to do, you can get some live insects on its clip, watching plants eat animals, although a little cruel, but interesting.

Is the flytrap poisonous? can the flytrap be put indoors / there are many advantages of non-toxic breeding indoors

As a kind of mosquito repellent plant, flytrap has many functions. It not only repels mosquitoes, but also has good ornamental value. Such plants naturally attract the attention of many people. They all keep the flytrap at home. Can the flytrap be kept indoors?. Before raising a plant, we first need to know if it is poisonous. Is the flytrap poisonous? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

Is the flytrap poisonous? yes.

On the question of whether the flytrap is poisonous, let's first talk about the process of catching the flytrap. According to the editor, flytrap does not remove mosquitoes by releasing aroma, such as mosquito repellent and nocturnal incense. It secretes honeydew in the inner wall of the clip to attract insects. When the insect touches the hair gland organ in the clip, the clip will slowly close.

The more the worm struggles to touch the hair gland, the tighter the clamp. Finally, the secretion of digestive juice, about 10 days, will digest the insects. Through this analysis, we can know that the flytrap is not poisonous. So even if you encounter it, don't be afraid, it takes so long to digest bugs, let alone people?

Can the flytrap be put indoors? yes.

From the above, we should know that the flytrap is non-toxic, and it also has the function of repelling mosquitoes and flies, so can the flytrap be put indoors? The answer is obviously yes, and there are many benefits of keeping flytrap at home.

Third, the advantages of keeping flytrap at home

1. Ornamental function

When it comes to the benefits of keeping flytrap at home, everyone will think of catching insects, but it also has a certain ornamental value. As pictured above, the flytrap clip is like a big mouth, very unique, quite popular with some people. In addition, the flytrap is often used as a potted plant to maintain and watch on the balcony and watch its leaves.

2. Purify the air

In addition, flytrap also has the generality of plants, in breathing will absorb carbon dioxide in the air, convert them into oxidation and release into the air, so flytrap usually has a good purification effect on the air, to make the air more fresh.

3. Prey on insects

The point is, when it comes to the benefits of keeping flygrass at home, it is necessary for it to prey on insects. Flytrap has a natural existence similar to shells, where there is usually nectar secretion, when insects smell the natural aroma into the shell, it will naturally close, and then slowly eat seasoned insects, which can effectively eliminate flies when raised indoors.

4. High interest

Finally, it is interesting to raise flytrap. Usually nothing to do, you can get some live insects on its clip, watching plants eat animals, although a little cruel, but interesting.

There are also insect-eating species in plants: a complete collection of carnivorous plants.

People may think that plants that eat animals are scary, but in fact, it all stems from our fear of the unknown. Maybe you don't know, there are a lot of insect-eating plants around you, but you don't pay attention to it. If you understand it with your heart, it may surprise you. Let's take a look at some of our common insectivorous plants.

There are also species of plants that eat insects.

What is an insectivorous animal

Insectivorous plants are autotrophic plants that capture and digest animals to obtain nutrients (non-energy). Most prey of insectivorous plants are insects and arthropods. It grows in poor soil, especially in areas lacking nitrogen, such as acidic swamps and rocky desertification.

Insectivorous plants that can attract and catch prey, produce digestive enzymes and absorb decomposed nutrients are distributed in 10 families, about 21 genera, and there are more than 630 species. In addition, there are more than 300 genera of plants that have the function of catching insects, but they do not have the ability to digest prey, so they can only be called insect-catching plants. Some pitcher plants occasionally prey on small mammals or reptiles, so insectivorous plants are also called carnivorous plants.

What kind of insectivorous plants do you have?

1. Flycatcher


The genus Dionaea belongs to the family Acanthaceae, and there is only one species in all genera. Dionaea Muscipula, but there are many cultivated varieties, which are native to Carolina in the United States and are mostly born in wetlands or swamps. The trapping clip of flytrap has the ability of activity, and the process of catching insects is very interesting, which is deeply loved by people, and has become the most beloved insectivorous plant species in China. The trapping process of flytrap is probably the most peculiar of all insectivorous plants, and the trapping mechanism is the most complex. The predation structure of the flytrap is a clip formed by a left-right symmetrical blade, the clip-like structure is specialized from the leaves, and the leaf-like structure connecting the trap is the petiole. The outer edge of the trap is lined with spiny hairs, which are sharp and stinging at first glance, but they are actually very soft. The function of these hairs is to prevent captured insects from escaping.

two。 Castanopsis oleifera

Castanopsis oleifera

One of the insectivorous plants of the genus Drosera, which has about 100 species, distributed in Oceania, North Africa, Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Australia, and a few in the cold zone. There are 6 species in China, with the exception of one in Northeast China, and the rest in coastal areas such as provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River and Taiwan Province. Castanopsis thunbergii is also a carnivorous plant. Castanopsis thunbergii has obvious stems, long stems with fine glandular hairs, which can produce a sticky liquid. This sticky liquid is used to catch insects.

3. Pitcher plant

Pitcher plant

Pitcher plant is a well-known tropical insectivorous plant, the main producing area is tropical Asia. The pitcher plant has a unique nutrient-absorbing organ-pitcher sac, which is cylindrical in shape and slightly inflated in the lower part, so it is called pitcher plant because it is shaped like a pig cage. Hainan, a place of origin in China, is also known as Leigong kettle, which means it is like a wine pot. This kind of plant, which does not directly absorb and produce nutrients needed to sustain life from the inorganic world such as soil, but makes a living by catching insects and other small animals, is called insectivorous plants. The pitcher plant has nectaries in the pitcher sac that can secrete nectar to lure insects. After the insects enter the pitcher sac, the lid is not closed as people think, but the inner wall of the orifice of the pitcher sac is very smooth, so it can prevent insects from climbing out.

4. Bottle grass

Bottle grass

Sarracenia, which is native to Western Europe, North America and Mexico, belongs to the genus Cryptocarpus of the family Lycopodiaceae. Because their tubular leaves can secrete digestive juices, mixing with their stored Rain Water can cause insects trapped in the tube to fester. In other words, they use leaves to capture and digest insects such as ants and wasps. The anatomical structure of Artemisia mandshurica is a perennial herbaceous plant with rosette-like leaves growing from the growing point of the underground stem. the leaves are divided into worm-filling leaves and sword-shaped leaves without worm-filling function.

5. Felt moss

Felt moss

It is mainly grown in the sandy acid soil of wet and swampy areas. The flowers are small, white or light pink, with a diameter of up to 1.25 cm. The leaf margin is flat, and the leaf surface is covered with glandular hairs. The glands secrete a sticky substance that attracts insects. When the insects are attracted to feed, they are caught by the bendable hairs on the leaf surface, and then the leaves roll up and the hairs secrete enzymes to digest them. Ye opened the net again.

6. Pest trapper

Pest trapper

Insect traps are small insectivorous plants with soft temperament. The leaves are as beautiful as a flower that is always in full bloom. The leaves are covered with glands that can secrete mucus. When small insects come near, they can stick to them like sticky paper and digest and absorb them. The gorgeous flowers of insect-trapping pansy attract insects easily, and when flying insects land on the leaves, they are stuck with mucus. Of course, the stuck insect is not willing to be caught, it will struggle desperately, so the edge of the leaf curls inward, wrapping it inside and unable to escape. In this way, the insects fall into the clutches of pansy.

7. Raccoon algae

Raccoon algae

The most representative aquatic plant in the genus Utricularia. The plant is emerald green or yellowish green, it has a slender main stem axis more than 100 inches long, branches grow on both sides of the stem axis and beautiful pinnate needle-shaped lobed leaves in the branches. The color of the wormsac is usually green to yellowish green, and it can prey on and digest microorganisms in water. Because its pinnate needle-shaped lobed leaves are dense and slender, and the grass is graceful, it is very suitable to be used as a seaweed species for landscaping, but the bottom stem must be fixed when planting. It can adapt to the environment of the aquarium tank, and it grows rapidly, so it may fill the aquarium tank in a short time, so it must be trimmed regularly.

8. Miandilo


Miandilo is the whole herb of the flowering stem of Jindiluo, a plant of the family Brassicaceae. It is an insectivorous plant that often grows on grasslands or on wet rock surfaces and sandy soil. The leaves of Jindi Luo are rosette-shaped and flat on the ground, with wide spoon-shaped leaves and edges covered with glandular hairs. When the insects fall in, the glandular hairs surround the insects, the sticky glands stick the insects, and the secreted liquid can decompose nutrients such as insect proteins, which are then absorbed by the leaves. A family of dicotyledonous subclasses of dicotyledons.

9. Artemisia frutescens

Artemisia frutescens

Earth bottle grass: also known as Australian bottle grass. The only species of Cephalotaceae, native to southwestern Australia. Herbs perennial, with short woody underground stems. The flowers are yellowish and their lower leaves are bottle-shaped to catch insects. Passive pouch trapping. The lid can't move. The pouch and lid are purplish red in strong sunlight, and there are transparent windows on the lid to attract insects. There are glands in the inner part of the bag, and the mouth of the bag is slippery. When the insect stays on the outer edge of the bag mouth, it is easy to fall into the bag and be drowned by the liquid in the bag and digested and decomposed by digestive juice.

10. Earwort


Earwort, synonymous rue grass, hairy leaf grass ("South Yunnan Materia Medica"), wild tobacco leaf, wild thought grass ("herbal medicine"), wild smoke ("classified herbal medicine"), inverted pot ("empirical identification of the shape of traditional Chinese medicine"), Golden ear (Sichuan Journal of traditional Chinese Medicine), wild sunflower, Liushi grass, hairy leaf Yun vanilla, wild Chaoyang stalk ("Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine"). It is the whole grass of tobacco tube grass of Compositae. Cerambycidae, annual herbs. With inconspicuous creeping branches, with foliage on underground branches; the whole plant has no green leaves and does not engage in photosynthesis; insect-trapping cysts are born on leaf organs and stolons, spherical, compressed and prey on tiny animals in wet soil. Racemes standing on the ground, bracts brownish red, flowers yellow. Often born on wet grass. It is distributed in the southeast and southwest provinces of China.