
What happened to the dried leaves of star anise gold plate? four reasons are the main cause / attached treatment method.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Under normal circumstances, the leaves of the star anise gold plate are bright green on the upper surface, light green on the lower surface, and the edges are sometimes golden yellow, but some flower lovers may encounter this situation, that is, the leaves are dry or even fall off.

Under normal circumstances, the leaves of star anise gold plate are bright green on the upper surface and light green on the lower surface, and the edges are sometimes golden yellow, but some flower friends may encounter this kind of situation, that is, the leaves are dry or even fall off. How does the star anise gold plate leaf dry up? What is the way to deal with it? Let's find the answer together.

The leaves of star anise gold plate are dry. What's going on?

Although the efficacy and role of star anise gold plate is huge, but if the planting method is wrong, not only can not play its role, but bring trouble to us, such as leaf drying is one of them, star anise gold plate leaf dry how to return a responsibility? Botanists believe there are four reasons.

First, too little watering

Star anise gold plate likes the wet environment, it is not resistant to drought, when watering too little, it will lead to two problems, one is that the plant has no water to absorb, and the other is that the surrounding air humidity is too low.

Treatment: in April-September growth is relatively exuberant period, can be watered about 3 days, each watering must be thoroughly watered, to ensure that the soil moist, excess water can be discharged from the bottom; summer should also often spray water around the plant and leaves.

Second, the temperature is too low

The temperature is relatively low in winter, and this is also the season when there are more dried leaves of star anise gold plate, because the suitable temperature of star anise gold plate is 10-25 degrees. If it is lower than 10 degrees and does not keep it warm, the leaves may be frostbitten and dry.

Treatment: in winter should be star anise gold plate heat preservation, there are generally two methods, one is to move star anise gold plate to a higher temperature indoor breeding; the other is to take heat preservation measures outside, such as using plastic bags to cover the periphery of the plant, and so on.

Third, fertilization is too little.

In addition to winter, it usually takes 15-20 days to fertilize star anise gold plate once. If it is not fertilized for a long time, it will cause nutrition deficiency, then leaf drying will inevitably occur.

Treatment method: cut off the dry leaves, and then apply fertilizer timely according to the breeding method of star anise plate, not more than 20 days, and do not apply too little each time.

IV. Diseases and insect pests

Pests and diseases are the biggest natural enemies of plants, if there are diseases and insect pests on the star anise plate, then leaf drying is a relatively mild symptom, more serious may lead to plant growth hindrance and death, so this situation must be avoided.

Treatment: diseases and insect pests mainly lies in prevention, and the way to prevent them is to ensure that the environment is ventilated and clean, and that watering and fertilization should be done properly. If the diseases and insect pests unfortunately occur on the star anise plate, they should be treated with medicine.

Note: when solving the problem of leaf drying, it is not necessarily caused by one reason, for example, it may be caused by watering or too little fertilization, so when solving the problem, it should be considered in the light of the actual situation.

The leaves of star anise gold plate turn yellow. what's going on?

Improper maintenance of star anise plate leads to yellowing of leaves and weak light.

The intensity of light is one of the reasons that affect the color of star anise leaves. Star anise gold plate itself has a strong adaptability to light, can adapt to the semi-overcast environment, but also can grow in full-day light. But it should be noted that when the light is strong, the leaves of the star anise gold plate will be lighter, fade green and turn yellow, while in the semi-overcast environment, the leaves of the star anise gold plate will be relatively dark green.

Therefore, in order to avoid the yellowing of the leaves of the star anise gold plate, the light should be kept at an appropriate intensity, with semi-overcast as the best. In addition to the need to give star anise gold plate full sunshine in winter, the rest of the time had better be semi-overcast maintenance. If it is a variegated variety, it is best to keep the light bright.

Strong light exposure

Strong sun exposure is the reason why the leaves of star anise gold plate turn yellow, because the light is too strong, it will cause damage to the leaves of star anise gold plate, make them withered and yellow, and serious ones will fall off.

You can cut off the yellowing leaves of the star anise plate and put them in a semi-shady place for maintenance.

The leaves of star anise gold plate have macula. What's going on?

In addition to the yellowing leaves, sometimes star anise gold plates have yellow or yellowish brown spots on the leaves, including petioles and plant stems, mostly because star anise gold plates have diseases such as anthrax. As a result, maculae appear on the leaves, constantly expanding and even twisting the leaves.

If it is due to diseases and insect pests caused by star anise gold plate long macula, need to analyze the specific condition, prevention and treatment can be.

How do the leaves of star anise gold plate droop? master four tricks to make the leaves stand upright and upright

The leaves of star anise gold plate are usually shiny green and upright, but if there is something wrong with the breeding method or environment, you may encounter the situation of sagging leaves. What if the star anise gold plate leaves droop? The editor will tell you the reason and the answer.

What if the leaves of star anise gold plate droop?

The research shows that the main reasons for the sagging of star anise gold plate leaves mainly include four aspects, namely, dry soil, stagnant water in the basin, too much fertilization and sun exposure, so in order to solve the problem of sagging, we need to start with these four reasons.

1. Soil dry knot

The drought tolerance of star anise gold plate is relatively poor, if the soil dryness will make it difficult for the root to absorb the necessary water, the result will lead to leaf sagging, the whole plant looks listless and lifeless, the solution is as follows.

① reasonable watering: keep the soil slightly moist when watering, so as to avoid dry soil caused by long-term non-watering.

② often loosen soil: soil dry knot is often the reason for not often loosening soil, loosening soil can not only increase air permeability, but also increase drainage, but do not hurt the roots when loosening soil.

③ uses sandy soil, such as rotten leaf soil, garden soil and so on, as basin soil, which can effectively avoid the problem of star anise leaf sagging.

2. Stagnant water in the basin

The water resistance of star anise gold plate is also poor, if there is stagnant water in the basin for a long time, there may be rotting roots, which indirectly lead to leaf sagging.

Solution: stagnant water is often caused by too much watering and poor soil drainage, so watering should not be excessive, in addition, the drainage of the soil is better.

Third, sun exposure

If a person is exposed to the sun for too long, he will not only have no spirit, but may also cause heatstroke and other symptoms. in fact, if the star anise plate is exposed to the sun for a long time, the leaves will droop and have no spirit.

Solution: to prevent the star anise gold plate from being exposed to the sun, move it to a cool place for maintenance, and usually plant it in a bright place.

Fourth, fertilize too much

Some flower lovers think that giving more fertilizer to a plant can promote its growth, but botanists have found that if you apply too much fertilizer, it will often burn roots, resulting in sagging leaves, and star anise gold plates are no exception.

Solution: fertilization must not be excessive, fertilize once every 20 days or so, and pay attention to the balance of nutrition, not only nitrogen fertilizer, but also not only phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, can prevent star anise leaf sagging phenomenon.