
Star anise gold plate how to raise, star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention / moderate environment

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, As the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate is very many, so more and more people raise it, but if you want to make its leaves large and green all the year round, you still need to master the correct method, so how to raise star anise gold plate? The editor introduces the culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate.

As the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate is very many, so more and more people raise it, but if you want to make its leaves large and green all the year round, you still need to master the correct method, so how to raise star anise gold plate? The editor introduces to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate.

How to raise star anise gold plate

Let's first take a look at the growth habits of star anise gold plate. It likes a warm and humid environment, has strong shade tolerance and weak drought tolerance, does not like high temperature or cold weather, likes fertile sandy soil, and has a general demand for light. so how to keep star anise gold plate? Here are the detailed methods.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

1. Suitable soil conditions for growth of star anise gold plate

1. Good permeability

The better the air permeability of the soil, the more sufficient the respiration of the rhizome, so when choosing the soil for the star anise plate, the humus sandy soil should be the best.

2. Good drainage

The soil used to grow plants must be well drained, so that when watering, the water can cover all the soil, so that all the roots can absorb water evenly.

3. Neutral or weakly acidic soil

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate, neutral or slightly acidic soil should be selected, while alkaline soils such as clay loam, fine sandy soil and saline-alkali soil are not suitable for planting star anise gold plate.

Second, the optimum temperature of star anise gold plate

In terms of temperature, the most suitable temperature for the growth of star anise gold plate is 10-25 degrees, so the temperature is about 18 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night.

Note: high temperature will make octagonal gold plate leaves thinner and droop, so we should pay attention to cooling measures when high temperature continues in summer; growth may be hindered when the temperature is below 7 degrees, so try to keep the ambient temperature above 7 degrees.

Third, the lighting requirements of star anise gold plate

Light is a key factor related to whether the leaves are green or not, so how to keep the star anise gold plate in terms of light? The answer is to keep it in a semi-overcast environment with a sunshine intensity of 50-60% under the condition of sufficient light.

Note: direct sunlight may cause sunburn, which should be shaded in summer; long-term lack of light will lead to small leaves, so in order to ensure the beauty of the leaves, do not put the star anise gold plate in a dark environment without light.

IV. Watering and fertilization

1. Watering

Watering needs to be adjusted according to climate and growth stage, based on the principle of soil moisture, and spray or spray water to the leaves in summer or high temperature to improve the surrounding air humidity.

2. Fertilization

During the peak growth period, that is, from April to October, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently and can be fertilized every 2 weeks or so. Liquid fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and fertilization can be stopped when the temperature drops to 10 degrees.

Note: watering and fertilization should be reduced in winter, and watering should be thoroughly every time, so as to avoid soil moisture and internal dry knot. In the breeding methods and matters needing attention of star anise plate, this is closely related to soil conditions.

Fifth, loosen the soil and change the basin

1. Loosen the soil

Often help star anise gold plate loosen the soil, can improve the air permeability of the soil, avoid soil consolidation, for the absorption of fertilizer and water is helpful.

2. Change the basin

The basin should be changed every 1-2 years, depending on soil conditions and plant growth rate. The basin change time is generally from April to May. It can be made of 2 parts of humus or peat soil, 1 part of river sand or perlite, or cultivated with fine sand. It is beneficial to the growth of star anise gold plate.

Note: when loosening the soil and changing the basin, you should avoid injuring the roots as far as possible, you can cut off some old and rotten roots, but do not dig into the main stem when taking off the basin, otherwise it is easy to cause disease.

How to reproduce star anise gold plate? the propagation method / ramet of star anise golden plate is the simplest.

Star anise is a kind of plant that is easy to feed, but before planting, we should also know how it propagates, so how does star anise reproduce scientifically? Today we will learn more about the breeding methods of three kinds of star anise gold plate.

How to reproduce star anise gold plate

Star anise golden plate is an evergreen shrub or small tree, its height can reach 5 meters, it is said to be one of the favorite potted plants, so star anise golden plate how to reproduce? The answer is that sowing, dividing plants and cutting can be done in three ways, and the corresponding way can be taken according to the conditions.

The breeding method of Illicium verum

First, how to sow seeds on star anise gold plates

1. Sow seeds in a few months

If the method of sowing is used, how can star anise plate reproduce? First of all, the time is generally chosen from April to May. However, the seeds should be collected in late April. After harvest, it should be washed with practical water. Generally, the germination rate is about 26.3%. If the seeds are dried in the shade, the germination rate can be increased to more than 60%.

2. Sowing seeds

Sow the selected seeds evenly on the culture soil, and then cover with about 3 cm of basin soil to keep the soil slightly moist.

3. Transplant

After sowing, it usually takes one month to sprout and unearth. at this time, it is necessary to weed in time and keep the soil moist. After the seedlings grow 4 leaves, they will sow seeds for 3-4 months and transplant them to other places.

2. Cutting propagation of star anise gold plate

1. When is the cutting time

Among the propagation methods of star anise plate, cutting is a more commonly used one, and the time is generally chosen in April or August, when the temperature is relatively moderate, which is suitable for the growth of new buds.

2. Specific methods

Select sturdy branches that have been growing for two years, then cut them into cuttings 13-15 cm long, note that the cuttings should be tilted, insert the cuttings obliquely into the sand bed, and then cover them with plastic film to prevent management in a cool place.

3. Transplanting

Cuttings will take root and sprout one month after cutting. in this process, we need to pay attention to spraying water and moisturizing, and remove weeds in time, wait for 2-3 weeks before transplanting, and it should be noted that soil should be brought when transplanting.

Third, the ramet method of star anise gold plate.

1. Ramet time

Under normal circumstances, if it is cultivated in a greenhouse, it can split all the year round, but if it is planted at home, the best time to split is from April to May, which can be combined with changing pots. The ramet has the highest survival rate among the breeding methods of star anise gold plate.

2. How to divide the plant

Take the plant out of the basin by tapping around the pot, then pour the plant out of the basin, cut off the poorly growing rotten roots, then wash the soil, divide the plant into 3-4 plants, and then plant them into the prepared pot soil.

3. Late maintenance

There is no need for fertilization after ramet, but a small amount of water can be watered, and then normal maintenance can be carried out according to the breeding methods and precautions of star anise gold plate after growing for 3 weeks, including watering, light, temperature and so on.

How to trim star anise gold plate and how to sow star anise gold plate

Flower bonsai net guide: today the flower bonsai net editor brings you an article about how to trim the star anise gold plate and how to sow the star anise gold plate. Let's have a look!

The leaves of the star anise gold plate are like a green hand, tender and green, growing in panicles, so how to effectively prune the star anise gold plate?

Pruning procedure of octagonal gold plate

First of all, the pruning step of star anise gold plate is to control the height of pruning, which can help you trim more perfectly, because star anise gold plate is easy to breed, and the growth body also has its shape, but a little pruning will certainly make it more beautiful. when pruning, cut off the upper part of the branches to promote the growth of new buds, grow into a natural tree shape, beautiful and generous.

Secondly, pruning to remove pathological changes and damaged branches and shoots, stems, etc., to maintain their appearance of green, to ensure the healthy growth of other branches and shoots.

The final step is to cut off the old leaves, because the old leaves will wither, affect the overall beauty, and also consume some nutrients, so pruning and removal is the best way, if the star anise plate grows thicker and luxuriantly, in order to make it grow evenly, you can also cut off the overlapping leaves.

Pruning and curing of octagonal gold plate

After the octagonal gold plate is trimmed, proper treatment and maintenance should be carried out.

Remove the pruned branches and leaves from the growing basin and throw them into the dustbin.

Then spray water on the pruned star anise gold plate with a spray can to keep the plant moist and clean the leaves soiled by pruning to ensure the freshness and brightness of the plant.

Fertilization should be applied after pruning, because part of the removal of branches and leaves will also take away some nutrients, so it is necessary to supplement nutrients and apply thin liquid fertilizer to promote rapid and normal growth.

Well, the knowledge of star anise gold plate pruning, the editor has told you, if you want to trim, you might as well follow the steps told you, I wish your star anise gold plate exuberant vitality.

How to sow seeds in star anise plate

Star anise gold plate is a kind of evergreen shrub, which is mainly used for garden planting and indoor cultivation, so how to sow star anise gold plate? come on, let's have a look with the editor!

Star anise gold plate sowing method

One of the breeding methods of star anise plate is to sow seeds, the first time of sowing should be at the end of April, choose harmless, disease-free, healthy and full seeds, then wash the seeds with clean water and sow them into the soil, you can sow as you pick, but because the seeds contain a lot of water, the seeds will enter oxygen after planting, resulting in mildew, so the germination rate of sowing with picking is not high.

Another method can help seeds germinate and grow well. The collected seeds are air-dried, refrigerated in the refrigerator and sown in the spring of the following year.

Second, star anise gold plate sowing is generally used to sow, to wipe the surface of the seedbed, compaction, and then dig a ditch 3 centimeters deep to throw the seeds, and then use the fine soil sifted by the sieve to cover the seeds.

Finally, the seeds will sprout within a month. At this time, we should pay attention to weeding and watering to ensure that the soil is moist.

Star anise gold plate sowing management

Reasonable management and maintenance should be carried out after star anise gold plate sowing.

First of all, to ensure the temperature of the sowing and growing environment, to be warm and moderate, you can cover the seedbed with plastic film to keep warm and humid.

Secondly, it is necessary to water the soil in time after sowing. If the soil is not dry, do not water it. If you find the soil dry, you should water it immediately to ensure that the soil is always in a moist state.

Finally, after the sowing seedlings grow out, you should pay attention to shading, you can use black shading nets or Reed wood curtains to shade, in the shade period should also pay attention to ventilation, rainy days to open the shade to breathe.

Carry on the interseedling of the seedling, because with the growth of the seedling, it will occupy each other's space, in order to have enough space for growth, it is necessary to interseedling.

Well, the editor has told you how to sow star anise gold plate, please try it!