
What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The money tree is a relatively common foliage plant. Many flower friends' money trees find their leaves yellow after they have been raised for a period of time. I don't know what to do if the leaves turn yellow. In fact, as long as we find the right reason, it is not difficult to find out the reason why the leaves of the money tree turn yellow. Let's first popularize and get some basic knowledge.

Money tree is a kind of more common foliage plants, many flower friends of the money tree in the maintenance of a period of time after the discovery of yellow leaves, do not know how to do money tree leaves yellow, in fact, as long as the reason is not difficult to find out the reason for the yellow leaves of the money tree, the following we first to popularize the basic knowledge, do not-eye + line Oh, flower cultivation on flower habits is very important.

Habits of the Money Tree:

Money tree originated in the tropical (grassland) climate zone with less rainfall in eastern Africa. It likes warm, hot and slightly dry environment, semi-overcast environment and small annual temperature change environment. It is more resistant to drought, but it is afraid of cold and cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of heavy soil viscosity and ponding in basin soil. If the permeability of basin soil is poor, it is easy to cause its tubers to rot. The soil should be loose, fertile, well drained, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. Sprouting is strong. After cutting off thick compound leaves, new leaves will soon sprout from the top of tubers.

Analysis of yellow leaves of money tree:

Many flower friends are unusually concerned about plants, -three times a day water, several times "touch", flower cultivation-taboo, excessive watering, taboo constantly fiddling with flowers and plants. Continue to say the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the money tree. There are generally three reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. -Water, fertilizer, and drought. I believe that no money tree added by flower friends is dry. Then there is water and fertilizer left. It is easy to judge whether there is excessive fertilizer. There is still water left. Since the money tree is a plant with tubers, the roots are easy to rot due to accumulated water. If there is a problem with the roots, it will cause the phenomenon of yellow leaves. At this time, it should be handled according to the actual situation. For example, water control, ventilation, etc.

In addition, overwatered plants are difficult to recover, so flower friends remember not to overwater.

How about the yellow leaves of the money tree?

Money tree originated in the tropical (grassland) climate zone with less rainfall in eastern Africa. It likes warm, hot and slightly dry, semi-cloudy environment with small annual temperature change. It is more resistant to drought, but it is afraid of cold and cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of heavy soil viscosity and ponding in basin soil. If the permeability of basin soil is poor, it is easy to cause its tubers to rot. The soil should be loose, fertile, well drained, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. Money tree germination is strong, cut off the thick compound leaves, the tuber top to quickly grow new leaves. Since it grows so fast, how can it still have yellow leaves?

What is the reason for the yellow leaves of the money tree?

watering too wet

The leaves of money tree are fleshy and can store water, so they can withstand drought, but avoid water and humidity. Too much watering often leads to rotten roots of plants, resulting in yellow leaves.

air is too dry

Money tree likes humid environment, suitable air humidity is about 85%, too dry leaves will cause yellow leaves.

What about yellow leaves?

Root rot: remove immediately

The plant can be removed from the pot, check whether the root system is rotten, if rotten, should be clear rotten roots and yellow leaves with disinfected culture soil re-planting, or its base buried in clean sand, keep semi-shade and control watering, only often spray to the branches and leaves and the surrounding, so that it can restore the conventional maintenance after re-emitting new roots.

Root not rotten: move to semi-shade

If the root is not rotten, the plant should be semi-shady, because the leaves are few, it is not easy to dry after watering, so it should be controlled to water, and often spray foliar water, so that it slowly returns to normal growth.

Xiao Bian summary

Conservation potted money tree, should strive to create a humid air, pot soil dry environment. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, water should be reduced, or water should be sprayed instead to maintain the safety of the new tender leaves for winter. In winter, special attention should be paid to the dryness of the basin soil, but it is still necessary to pay attention to spraying water on the leaves and the surrounding environment, so that the relatively small ambient air humidity reaches more than 50%. Otherwise, under low temperature conditions, it is easy to cause plant root rot, leaf color yellow, or even whole plant death.

Many people like to breed money trees, its meaning is better, the decorative effect is also better than wrong, can make the indoor more vibrant. It also seems to be more eye protection, which can make people more relaxed. When breeding money trees, many friends have encountered yellow leaves of money trees, how to do yellow leaves of money trees, how to treat yellow leaves of money trees. The following provincial decoration network for you, together to understand it. How to do the yellow leaves of the money tree 1. How to do the yellow leaves of the money tree Many flower friends are unusually concerned about plants, three times a day water, several times "touch", the first bogey of flower cultivation, excessive watering, the second bogey, constantly fiddling with flowers and plants. 2, money tree leaves yellow how to do, first look at the degree of yellow leaves, if the leaves are still light green, there is no meaning, and then buy a pot.

3. What about yellow leaves of money tree? Maintenance of money tree to understand its growth habits: money tree likes warm and slightly dry, semi-overcast and annual temperature change environment, more resistant to drought, but cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of heavy soil viscosity and basin soil ponding, requirements of loose fertile soil, good drainage, rich in organic matter, acidic to slightly acidic. Germination is strong, after cutting off thick compound leaves, the tuber tip will soon produce new leaves.

The reason and solution of how to do yellow leaves of money tree Reason 1: If only the outermost circle of leaves are yellow, it is a normal physiological aging phenomenon, like old pearl yellow, time is up, caused by destiny! What about the yellow leaves of the money tree: cut off the yellow ones. Reason 2: long without watering, pot soil dry water shortage leads to yellow leaves. How do you get yellow leaves: timely watering. Believe that no flower friend's money tree is dry, most will remember to water. Reason 3: Too much watering causes root problems. Keep in mind the word "root" for breeding money trees. No good roots, no good leaves, many plants are watered to death, if the pot soil permeability is poor, ponding in the pot, easy to cause its tubers to rot. How to do yellow leaves of money tree: pause watering, control water, do not dry water. Reason 4: More than half a year did not change the pot, the soil in the pot did not have nutrients, resulting in the old leaves first yellow, can not grow new roots, resulting in young leaves first yellow. How to do money tree leaves yellow: must change the pot of big point, change new soil, ensure nutrients. Cut off the root tip to give a little stimulation, let it grow new roots, see the bud is a living hope. Reason 5: Too much light causes the leaves to yellow slightly. What about yellow leaves: move to shade.

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