
Desert rose blossoms for several years, when does desert rose bloom / does not blossom solution

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower lovers choose to plant desert roses because they are attracted by their unique flowers, but many flower lovers find that their desert roses do not blossom for a long time, so they are very puzzled, so how many years do desert roses bloom? When do desert roses blossom? The editor will give you a detailed answer.

The reason why many flower friends choose to plant desert roses is to be attracted by its unique flowers, but many flower friends find that their desert roses do not bloom for a long time, so they are very puzzled. When do desert roses bloom? Small series to answer in detail for everyone.

Desert roses bloom for years

1. Seedlings start planting

Under normal circumstances, desert rose from seedling to maturity, it takes 2-3 years, if it is planted from the seedling stage, it generally takes 2-3 years to bloom, depending on the cultivation method and climate environment of desert rose, if the method is right and the environment is suitable, then the growth rate will be faster, and vice versa.

2. Adult plants begin to cultivate

Adult plants refer to fully mature plants. Desert roses at this stage can bloom normally. In this case, how many years does desert rose bloom? The answer is that it can bloom within one year after planting. If it does not bloom, you need to find the reason from the environment and method.

When do desert roses bloom?

Scientific research shows that the flowering period of desert roses is from May to December, and its colors are red, rose red, pink, white, etc. It is easier to bear fruit in the south where the temperature is higher. After flowering, proper management can bloom every year.

Although botanists give the flowering period of desert roses from May to December, most flower friends find that desert roses can actually flower twice a year. The first time is in April-May, and the second time is in September-October, so it is highly ornamental.

What if desert roses don't bloom?

1. Increase light

[Reason]: When the desert rose is in an environment with insufficient light, it will have thin plants, dull leaves, steep branches and leaves but no flowers.

[Method]: Increase the light, such as placing it in full sunlight for maintenance; or place it in a bright place, supplement it with scattered light or sunlight, and bloom smoothly when the light is sufficient.

2, control temperature

When the temperature is below 15 degrees, desert roses are difficult to bloom because they are not cold-resistant plants, especially afraid of lower temperatures.

[Method]: Control the temperature above 20 degrees Celsius. When the desert rose reaches flowering, it will bloom naturally. If the ambient temperature is too low, you need to change the environment or take heat preservation measures.

3. Topdressing phosphorus fertilizer

[Reason]: When the soil lacks phosphorus, potassium and other elements, it will also cause desert roses to be difficult to bloom. It is one of the nutrients necessary for flowering and the main component for maintaining beautiful colors.

[Method]: At this time, phosphorus fertilizer can be applied once to promote its flowering, but it is necessary to pay attention to the fertilizer concentration not to be too high, and water it in time after fertilization.

4. Reduce watering

[Reason]: Most plants like a humid environment, but desert roses are an exception. They like a dry environment. Too much watering will lead to wet soil and high air humidity, which will affect flowering.

[Method]: Reduce watering. Only water after the soil is completely dry to avoid too wet soil. At the same time, pay attention to whether the soil permeability and drainage are good.

When do desert roses bloom?

Now many people cultivate desert roses, not only because it is easy to raise, but also because its flowers are beautiful, but many breeding novices will encounter the situation that desert roses do not bloom, so when will desert roses bloom? Let the flower language network Xiaobian to answer for you how to do desert roses do not bloom and when desert roses bloom!

Desert roses do not bloom causes and solutions

In fact, about the desert rose does not bloom how to do this problem, we need to consider two reasons, the first reason is that the desert rose does not bloom may be because the age is not enough, that is to say, your desert rose has not fully grown, naturally will not bloom.

Another reason is that the most likely reason is that the maintenance is not in place. If the desert rose has buds but does not bloom, it must be a problem with your daily maintenance.

What should I do if there are problems with daily maintenance that cause desert roses not to bloom? Xiao Bian has sorted out some solutions for everyone here, so you can find out.

1, watering flowers with light fertilizer water: you can choose lighter fertilizer water instead of clear water when watering desert roses, but when the flower buds appear color, you can stop watering fertilizer water and continue to irrigate with clear water, so as to ensure that flowers do not appear bud.

2, maintain sufficient light: Desert roses can be placed in a ventilated place with sunshine, even in summer, it can also be exposed to the sun, without sufficient sunshine, desert roses are also difficult to bloom.

3, maintain temperature: desert rose winter cold resistance is relatively poor, its best growth temperature is between 15 degrees and 25 degrees, especially in winter, must be moved to a good indoor light position, and indoor temperature is best kept above 10 degrees Celsius.

4, watering to control the amount: although desert roses do not need to pour too much water, but to keep the soil slightly moist, watering must not appear water phenomenon. Watering should be based on different weather conditions and cultivation substrate and other reasons for comprehensive consideration of watering, generally in spring and autumn season about 3 days watering once, summer watering 1-2 days more, winter watering less, once a week can be.

After reading the introduction of the small series, everyone should have a certain understanding of what to do if the desert rose does not bloom! Let's see when the desert roses bloom!

Desert roses bloom from May to December

Each flower has its own flowering time, many friends who cultivate desert roses for the first time should be very curious about when desert roses bloom. First of all, we should understand that desert roses will not bloom casually, because it takes a certain time to bloom.

After reaching the age of desert roses, they generally bloom in April-May and October-December every year. The flowers of desert roses are some like small horns. The color is rose red. They are very bright and popular. Their flowering and temperature are closely related.

However, some people will encounter desert roses with buds but do not bloom. What should I do if desert roses do not bloom? This requires us to work hard on daily maintenance, and carefully refer to the solutions provided above!

For more information about the flowers, please refer to:

Why do desert roses not bloom?

Desert rose is a very magical plant, looks bare branches can open very beautiful flowers. But if it doesn't bloom then it's plain, so why doesn't desert rose bloom?

When did the desert rose open?

Desert roses do not bloom casually, because it takes a certain amount of time to bloom, and only when they are of flowering age will they bloom.

Desert rose flowers some like small horn, color is rose red, very bright. Desert roses bloom in May-December, and the colors are actually quite rich.

Reasons why desert roses do not bloom:

If desert roses do not bloom, the reason is mainly due to improper daily maintenance, because the differentiation and growth of flower buds of desert roses requires joint efforts of water, fertilizer, light and temperature.

If desert roses don't have buds, it's probably because they're too young to bloom, so they won't bloom. Of course, it may also be because the branches are not fully grown when pruning.

If desert roses have buds but do not bloom, it may be due to insufficient fertilization, lack of nutrients, or the environment in which they grow is too cold or too light. If this is the case, daily maintenance is required.

In daily maintenance, you need to pay attention to water and fertilizer. You can use thin fertilizer instead of water, but you need to stop fertilizing when buds appear. The light and temperature must meet the needs of desert roses to make them grow well.

In addition to such maintenance problems, it is also necessary to pay attention to not buying fakes when buying desert roses. Some unscrupulous vendors will pass off other similar plants as desert roses, but once they buy them home and care for them, they will find that the plants do not bloom or bloom at all.