
Who is good for African chrysanthemum? is African chrysanthemum for the dead / cheap for boyfriend

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As a common ornamental flower, African chrysanthemum is believed to have been seen by many flower friends. It has a long flowering period and bright colors, and people who have seen it will like it. Is it true that some people in life are gerbera for the dead? If not, who should African chrysanthemum give to? What about the price of gerbera?

As a common ornamental flower, African chrysanthemum is believed to have been seen by many flower friends. It has a long flowering period and bright colors, and people who have seen it will like it. Is it true that some people in life are gerbera for the dead? If not, who should African chrysanthemum give to? What about the price of gerbera? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

The price of African chrysanthemum is 10-20 yuan

African chrysanthemum big, colorful, can be said to be very beautiful, so many people want to raise, but before buying, to confirm the price of gerbera. According to the small editor inquiry, Gerbera chrysanthemum (red, pink, gold) each tie (20 branches) 10-20 yuan, can be said to be very cheap, you may wish to buy to give people. As for buying and raising, a pot of 4 yuan should be, expensive 20 yuan can also be done.

2. Is Gerbera given to the dead?

The beauty of gerbera chrysanthemum, people who have seen it have a profound impact, and in the folk, there is a saying that yellow chrysanthemum is given to the dead, then gerbera chrysanthemum is given to the dead? In this regard, Xiaobian can clearly tell you that gerbera has a beautiful meaning, sending family and friends is very good, so there is no unlucky saying.

3. Gerbera send someone good, father/boyfriend

From the above introduction, we should know that gerbera is not a gift, and it seems to be full of enthusiasm and vitality, can be used in many occasions, but also can be given to many people. Who should Gerbera send? As follows:

1. Send women

Looking at the bright colors of Gerbera, bright light, everyone will be infected by it, thus changing the mood comfortable. Therefore, gerbera is very suitable for giving people, especially a woman, symbolizing mystery and like to pursue a rich life.

2. Send Father

Gerbera, also known as the sun flower, and the sun in China symbolizes father's love, someone once proposed to use gerbera as a representative of Father's Day flowers. So gerbera send someone good, send father is very good.

3. Send newlyweds

Gerbera flower language is forever happy, it symbolizes mystery, mystery, mutual respect and love. And gerbera is also known as helangue, so people in some areas like to send gerbera to newlyweds, representing the meaning of mutual respect and love between newlyweds and wife supporting husband's career.

4. Send someone else

Who does Gerbera send? In addition to the above, you can also give it to other people, such as boyfriend/husband: meaning mutual respect and love before each other; send friends/colleagues: positive and cheerful, encourage each other.

I really didn't expect that a small Gerbera, sent to people there is such a beautiful meaning. So what are you waiting for? Feel to get a pot to raise to see, say gerbera price is cheap. After they were well nurtured, they could not only watch it, but also give it away. It really was not too good! If you don't know how to raise gerbera, you can also look at its breeding method, hoping to bring help to everyone.

Customs and etiquette of flowers around the world

The custom of sending flowers varies from country to country and nationality to nationality. Due to the different land resources and geographical environment of various countries, the hobbies of planting flowers and trees are also different, so people have different feelings for flowers and trees, which forms different flower languages and gift hobbies in various countries. But generally speaking, most countries with developed culture and economy; or areas rich in land and plant resources, people love flowers and trees to a high degree, every household has become addicted to flowers, showing a sea of flowers everywhere, such countries or regions also love flowers in social activities, and exchange gifts with each other to form customs.

Generally speaking, many countries in Europe and America are inseparable from flowers in social etiquette, so the demand for fresh cut flowers is very large. People visit relatives and friends, weddings and funerals, birthday congratulations, welcoming guests, auspicious celebrations, visiting patients and other social activities, other gifts can be sent less or not, but send a bunch of flowers, always indispensable. People give flowers as a medium for the exchange of thoughts and feelings, as a gift of elegance.

Western Europeans especially like to send tulips, roses, carnations, roses, gladiolus, lily, gerbera, violets and so on. Because these flowers contain the meaning of "sincere and affectionate love". Young men and women in many countries especially love roses and tulips because of the strong atmosphere of "sincere love" contained in these two flowers. Every year on February 14, many countries celebrate Valentine's Day. It is said that this custom originated in the ancient Roman Empire. Legend has it that during the ancient Roman period, when Egyptian Queen Cleopatra welcomed her lover Antony, the whole palace was almost buried in the sea of roses.

It is also reported that Valentine's Day originated in England to commemorate a man named Van Luntyne in the 3rd century AD. The Pope, who ruled England at that time, forbade young people to marry in order to ensure the strength of the army, and Van Luntyne sympathized with young people and often secretly married them, so he was imprisoned and died in prison. Valentine's Day was quietly raised in memory of this worthy young lover. This custom has been popular in European countries for centuries. On this festival, young people always give gifts to those they love. Roses are the most popular gifts.

Because people think that roses are true, good, beautiful symbol, can best reflect the kind of pure hot love and noble sentiment between lovers. The legend of sending red roses is said to be a young man in ancient Persia. In order to express his deep love for his lover, he once dyed white roses red with his own blood and gave them to his lover. His lover was finally moved. Later, infatuated Lang often sent a red rose to his lover to express his deep love.

In Valentine's Day to send roses in this custom popular people also gradually the depth of this love and rose color changes and bud opening degree of clever combination of meaning, and formed a lot of send roses custom: for example, first love pay attention to send budding pink roses; deep love mature to send Jiao red or purple red roses in full bloom; if love died halfway, one party will send a bunch of yellow roses, in order to express jealousy or displeasure in the heart.

Of course, ordinary friends can also give roses, but it is advisable to send white roses that symbolize respect and high respect, because people in many countries believe that white is a symbol of pure friendship. Valentine's Day, many Western countries also give other implied love flowers, such as red roses, red tulips and so on. Mediterranean people love to express love when presented with a warm atmosphere of "forget me" flowers.

Legend of violet flower is also "love flower", according to Greek mythology legend, love and beauty of Venus because of love travel, Yiyi farewell, break up when she can not stop falling tears, tears drop on the ground, the second year will sprout long branches open a beautiful and fragrant flowers, this is violet flower, from violet with Venus love meaning will become the embodiment of affection. Lily represents holiness, holiness, or purity and friendship in many countries. It is often dedicated to the Virgin Mary in traditional Christian society and is a flower that must be used at Easter. In western flower language, lilac symbolizes purity and first love; carnation symbolizes sincere friendship; cosmos represents the heart of a girl, and so on.

Another material reported that, generally in Western Europe, when mothers send flowers to their children, they generally use holly, primrose, money flower, Ling Xiao flower and other bouquets to express their love for their children's upbringing. Farewell friends often choose fir branches (representing respectively) incense basil (meaning wishes) and carmine (meaning do not forget) to form a bouquet of gifts When visiting patients, red poppies (to comfort) and wild lilies (to symbolize recovery) bouquets are often sent to wish patients a speedy recovery. When friends go out, they often present bouquets of birds, red cloves and fluorescent silk seeds as gifts to express the meaning of success.

In addition to the above customs, countries have their own different meanings of flower language. For example, in the eyes of the French, the lily is a symbol of ancient royal power. It is said that when the first king of France Clovis was baptized, God gave him a gift with lilies. Later, the French commemorated their ancestors and took the lily as the national emblem pattern from the 12th century onwards. They regarded it as a symbol of light and freedom and worshipped it as the national flower. In French flower language primrose means "first love": lilac means "pure"; lilac means "my heart belongs to you"; orchid means "devout"...... but the French have taboos on chrysanthemums, friends invited to dinner and other festive occasions are taboo with chrysanthemums, because France only uses chrysanthemums (white chrysanthemum) to express condolences.

Italy is a flower producing country, and its flower production is only second to Holland in Europe. People love flowers very much, except for roses, lilies, roses, violets, gladiolus, tulips, gerbera, chrysanthemum, calla lily, Stangria, freesia and other flowers, especially carnation preference. The fresh cut flower production of carnation occupies the first place in the world. Like France, the Italian people also believe that chrysanthemum is an unlucky flower, a mourning flower dedicated to the dead. However, Western Europe also has some countries like chrysanthemum very much, such as Germany, the Netherlands and so on are very precious to chrysanthemum.

The Swiss believe flowers represent peace and friendship. Flowers are indispensable for all kinds of social occasions, especially Geneva, the capital known as the "World Park", is a sea of flowers. It is reported that Geneva people have special feelings for acacia flowers. But red roses are not given to everyone in Switzerland, because red roses are thought to have romantic overtones.

Spanish people love flowers as much as other Europeans, especially tulips. They think tulips and roses are symbols of joy and beauty. Spain has a national legal "Book Festival" held on April 23 every year. It is said that this is to commemorate the country's great writer Cervantes died in 1714 and set the anniversary. On this day, young people like to buy a rose and put it in a book for their loved ones. Similarly, in Spain can not send chrysanthemums, such as invited guests, can not send dahlias and chrysanthemums, because people think these two flowers are not auspicious.

Belgians most taboo blue, encounter ominous things, are marked with blue flowers.

In England and Germany flowers are an important ceremonial gift. According to reports, the British royal family visits places, everywhere to be filled with ceremonial flowers. Flowers are common in both Britain and Germany for major openings, speeches, performers, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, christenings and other regular festivals. But Germans taboo to send roses to friends 'wives, especially red roses, because it represents romantic love. The British don't like lilacs either. According to relevant materials, cyclamen means shyness and lack of self-confidence in British flower language; while narcissus can bring respect to people; dahlia means instability and fickleness; iris contains strong emotions; acacia represents friendship; ivy means loyalty and integrity; jasmine represents tenderness and kindness; send a bunch of red carnations to represent hot love, but a bunch of yellow carnations means contempt and contempt for each other.

Russians, like other Europeans, have flowers that play an important role in social activities. According to Russian customs, on New Year's holidays, men always send flowers to familiar ladies. In other festivals, such as "March 8" Festival,"May-" Festival, May 9 Anti-Fascist Victory Day, October Revolution Festival and other major festivals, there are people who offer flowers everywhere.

Russians are very fond of chrysanthemum, rose, calla lily, pink, narcissus and other flowers, especially the rose and tulip, rose is known as the "queen of flowers", and tulip is a common flower for courtship and friendship, especially red tulip, which expresses hope and good wishes like red rose and red pink. Sending irises is considered a sign of good news. Aster flowers can be given to older people to express good health and longevity; cyclamen symbolizes loyalty and sincere friendship. Russians believe that yellow roses, means broken and unlucky, flowers should be avoided. In addition, the number of flowers should also be noted, because in Russia only when the dead condolences to send even flowers, flowers between friends are sent odd.

Poland's consumption of cut flowers is second to none among Eastern European countries. Poland is also a very strong Catholic country, according to reports, according to the traditional Catholic habits, carnation is "God flower", a symbol of wisdom and happiness, coupled with the rich color of this flower, shelf life long, low price, so people are willing to use carnation as a ceremonial flower Qi, gifts to friends and relatives. Poles spend a lot of flowers on days such as Women's Day, Mother's Day, Teachers 'Day (October 14) and Grandmother's Day (January 21).

In addition, according to Polish custom, a person's name day is an important holiday, its importance is often more than birthday. On this day, relatives and friends will send a large number of flowers. The more expensive the flowers, the heavier the etiquette. Gerbera flowers (Gerbera), freesia, tulips, Stagelaria and other precious cut flowers, often used as wedding, birthday, naming day, wedding anniversary, youth courtship and other occasions gift flowers. In Poland there is also the custom of not giving red roses easily.

Bulgaria, known as the "State of Roses", is a country where people love roses very much and regard them as sacred flowers and are designated as national flowers. The country has a long history of planting roses. After the hard work of the people, there are hundreds of rose varieties in China, and precious varieties from which rose essential oil can be extracted have been cultivated. Bulgaria has a history of producing rose oil for two hundred years, its high quality is known as "liquid gold" on the international high spice market, famous all over the world, and it exchanges a large amount of foreign exchange for Bulgaria every year.

For this reason, the country attaches great importance to rose production, and the first Sunday of June every year is designated as the "Rose Festival". At that time, in the Hundred Miles Rose Valley of the Balkans (the national rose production base), a grand rose opening ceremony will be held. Celebrations are also held throughout the country on this day, when beautiful girls dressed as "rose fairies" are selected and rose petals are thrown to the crowd in large quantities on floats, and low-spinning helicopters are constantly throwing rose perfume and petals to people above the crowd. Petals with a strong rose fragrance, like "Tiannu scattered flowers" as floating down, fragrant wind and rain, everywhere filled with the fragrance of roses. The girls also woven wreaths of roses for tourists who came from afar. Tourists bathed in a fragrant sea of roses, a hundred miles of rose valley jubilation.

Romania people also have the habit of giving flowers to friends. They don't pay much attention to the variety of flowers, but the number of flowers is customary, except for birthdays.

In North America, the love of flowers is stronger, flowers everywhere, grass spread. People especially like roses with long flowering periods. The Rose Garden of the White House is famous all over the world, and many major diplomatic ceremonies are held here. Americans love flowers, especially like their own flowers, every household is full of flowers, flowers everywhere into pieces, flowers. There are more than 30 festivals in the United States every year. Most of the flowers are presented between relatives and friends in each major festival. Carnation is an important cut flower, which is especially favored by people.

Christmas Day in December, Valentine's Day in February, Easter after the spring equinox, Mother's Day in May, and the new wedding ceremony concentrated in June and August, everywhere with carnation blessing each other, mutual friendship, especially young men and women in love more intoxicated with it, fight to send each other. In recent years, people in the weekend to buy flowers increasing, many people expect to gather with friends and relatives on the weekend, lovers meet on the weekend, or other social occasions, are willing to buy a few bouquets of flowers, dedicated to their own feelings, so the United States weekend flower market came into being, that cluster, a bunch of carnations, violets, white cloves, lilies, calla lilies, tulips and so on colorful, competing for beauty. Fragrant flowers, people have been competing to buy gifts to relatives and friends. There are also many flower festivals throughout the United States, such as Mobile, Alabama in the southern United States, the Azalea Festival in March each year; the Camellia Festival in San Clemento, California; the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington; the Tulip Festival on Lake Michigan in mid-May; the Daffodil Festival in Hawaii, etc. Every time these festivals are decorated with flowers, men and women, young and old, enjoying flowers and enjoying flowers, it is very lively.

Canadian social activities are also inseparable from flowers. However, when visiting Canada, you should be careful not to give white lilies, because people are used to using white lilies only when they open memorial services.

Mexican people in Latin America love white flowers. They think white flowers can eliminate bad luck. There are also some Latin American people who regard chrysanthemum as a symbol of sadness and bad luck, and must not send chrysanthemum as a ceremonial flower on birthdays, weddings and visits to patients. It is reported that Brazil, South America, taboo with purple flowers. Purple flowers are considered unlucky funeral fireworks. Brazilians also regard brown as a bad omen. Because brown is the color of declining leaves, it will bring unlucky fate to people. The Egyptians are also the most taboo with yellow flowers to give people. These customs are just the opposite of our Chinese nation. Our people have always regarded yellow as the same as the noblest gold, a symbol of nobility and power, and a manifestation of celebration and harvest.

Western countries send flowers etiquette The custom of sending flowers varies from country to country and from nationality to nationality. Due to the different land resources and geographical environment of various countries, the hobbies of planting flowers and trees are also different, so people have different feelings for flowers and trees, which forms different flower languages and gift hobbies in various countries. But generally speaking, most countries with developed culture and economy; or areas rich in land and plant resources, people love flowers and trees to a high degree, every household has become addicted to flowers, showing a sea of flowers everywhere, such countries or regions also love flowers in social activities, and exchange gifts with each other to form customs.

Generally speaking, many countries in Europe and the United States can not do without flowers in social etiquette, so there is a great demand for fresh cut flowers. In social activities such as visiting relatives and friends, weddings and funerals, birthday greetings, welcoming guests, celebrating celebrations, visiting patients and other social activities, other gifts can be given less or not, but a bouquet of flowers is always necessary. People give flowers as a medium for the exchange of thoughts and feelings and as a gift of elegance. Western Europeans especially like to send tulips, roses, carnations, roses, gladiolus, lilies, African chrysanthemums, violets and so on. Because these flowers contain the meaning of "sincere and affectionate love". Young men and women in many countries especially like roses and tulips because of the strong atmosphere of "sincere love" contained in these two kinds of flowers. Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries on February 14 every year. It is said that this custom originated in the ancient Roman Empire. It is said that in ancient Rome, when Queen Cleopatra greeted her lover Anthony, the whole palace was almost buried in a sea of roses. It is also reported that Valentine's Day originated in England to commemorate the 3rd century AD named Valentine. The Pope, who ruled England at that time, in order to ensure the strength of the army, did not allow young people to marry, while Valentine sympathized with young people and often married them secretly, so he was imprisoned and died in prison. In memory of this person who deserves the respect of young lovers, Valentine's Day is quietly on the rise. This custom has been popular in European countries for centuries. On this festival, young people always give gifts to their admirers to show their love, of which roses are the most popular. Because people all think that the rose is the symbol of truth, goodness and beauty, which can perfectly reflect the pure and passionate love and lofty sentiment between lovers. According to the legend of sending red roses, it is said that there was a young man in ancient Persia who, in order to express his deep love for his lover, used his blood to dye the white roses red and gave them to his sweetheart. His lover was finally moved. Later, infatuated lovers often send a red rose to their loved ones to show their affectionate love. In the popularity of the custom of sending roses on Valentine's Day, people gradually combine the depth of this love with the color change of roses and the ingenious meaning of the opening degree of the buds, and form a lot of customs of sending roses: for example, they pay attention to sending pink roses in budding when they are in love for the first time; red roses in full bloom should be sent when passionate love is mature. If love dies halfway, one party will send a bouquet of yellow roses to show jealousy or unhappiness. Of course, ordinary friends can also give roses, but it is appropriate to send white roses that symbolize respect for each other and contain high respect and harmony, because people in many countries think that white is a symbol of pure friendship. On Valentine's Day, many western countries also give other flowers that symbolize love, such as red roses, red tulips and so on. People in the Mediterranean like to give "forget-me-not" flowers with affectionate atmosphere when they express their love. In legend, violets are also "flowers of love". According to Greek mythology, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, could not stop crying when she parted because of her lover's long journey. Tears fell on the ground. In the second year, she sprouted and grew into beautiful and fragrant flowers. This is the violet flower. From then on, Violet became the embodiment of affection with the implication of Venus. Lilies represent holiness, holiness, or purity and friendship in many countries. in traditional Christian societies, lilies are often dedicated to the Virgin Mary and are essential flowers for Easter. In the western flower language, lilac symbolizes purity and first love; carnation symbolizes sincere friendship; Persian chrysanthemum represents the heart of young girls, and so on. It is also reported that in Western Europe, when mothers send flowers to their children, they usually use holly, primrose, gold flowers, Lingxiao flowers and other flowers to show their love for their children's upbringing. Farewell friends often choose cedar branches (on behalf of respectively) fragrant basil (meaning wishes) and rouge flowers (meaning do not forget) to form a bouquet. When visiting patients, red poppy (comfort) and wild lily (symbol of rehabilitation) flowers are often used to send each other to wish the patient an early recovery. When friends go out, they often give each other flowers composed of birds, red cloves and filaments, in order to express the meaning that they will succeed if they work hard.

In addition to the above-mentioned customs, countries have their own flower words with different meanings. For example, in the eyes of the French, lilies are a symbol of ancient royal power. It is said that when Clowe, the first king of France, was baptized, God gave him a gift with lilies. Later, in memory of his ancestors, the French took the lily as the national emblem since the 12th century, regarded it as a symbol of light and freedom and worshipped it as the national flower. In French flower language, primrose means "first love": lilac means "purity"; lilac means "my heart belongs to you"; orchid means "piety". But the French have taboos on chrysanthemums, friends are invited to dinner and other festive occasions are taboo to bring chrysanthemums to send, because France only use chrysanthemums (white chrysanthemums) to express condolences at funerals.

Italy is a flower-producing country, and its flower production is second only to the Netherlands in Europe. People love flowers very much, except for roses, lilies, roses, violets, gladiolus, tulips, African chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums, calla lilies, freesia, freesia and other flowers, especially carnation. The fresh cut flower production of carnation ranks first in the world. Like France, the Italian people also believe that chrysanthemums are inauspicious flowers, specially used to mourn the dead. But there are also some countries in Western Europe that like chrysanthemums very much, such as Germany, Holland and so on.

The Swiss believe that flowers represent peace and friendship. Flowers are inseparable from all kinds of social occasions, especially the capital Geneva, which is known as the "world park". According to reports, people in Geneva have special feelings for acacia flowers. But in Switzerland, you can't just send red roses, because people think there is romance in red roses.

Spanish people love flowers as much as other Europeans, especially tulips. They think that tulips and roses are symbols of joy and beauty. Spain has a national legal "book festival", which is held on April 23 every year. It is said to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Cervantes, the country's great writer, in 1714. On this day, young people like to buy a rose and clip it in a book and give it to their loved ones. Similarly, chrysanthemums can not be sent casually in Spain, such as invited guests, do not send dahlias and chrysanthemums, because people think that these two kinds of flowers are unlucky.

The Belgian most taboo blue, encounter ominous things, all use blue flowers as a sign.

Flowers are important etiquette gifts in Britain and Germany. It is reported that the places visited by members of the British royal family are full of ceremonial flowers. When there are major event unveiling, speeches, actors' performances, wedding banquets, wedding anniversaries, birthday congratulations, baptism naming days and various regular festivals, flowers are indispensable in Britain and Germany. But Germans taboo to send roses to friends' wives, especially red roses, because they represent romantic love. The British don't like lilacs either. According to relevant materials, cyclamen in British flower language means shyness and lack of self-confidence, while dahlias can bring respect for people; dahlias show instability and fickle; irises contain strong emotions; acacia stands for friendship; Ivy stands for loyalty and integrity; jasmine stands for tenderness and kindness; sending a bunch of red carnation represents hot love, but a bunch of yellow carnation means contempt and contempt for each other.

Russians, like other Europeans, flowers play an important role in social activities. According to Russian custom, during festivals, men always send flowers to women they are familiar with. In other festivals, such as "March 8th", "May -" Day, May 9 Anti-Fascist Victory Day, October Revolution Festival and other major festivals, there are people everywhere who offer flowers. Russians love chrysanthemums, roses, calla lilies, carnations and daffodils, especially roses and tulips, which are known as "queens of flowers". Tulips are common flowers for courtship and friendship, especially red tulips, which express hope and good wishes like red roses and carnation. Sending irises is considered a sign of good news. Aster flowers can be given to the elderly to show good health and longevity, while cyclamen symbolizes loyalty and sincere friendship. Russians think that yellow roses mean breaking friends and inauspicious, and should be avoided when sending flowers. In addition, we should also pay attention to the number of flowers, because in Russia, even flowers are sent only when mourning the dead, and even flowers are sent between friends.

Poland's consumption of fresh cut flowers is second to none in Eastern Europe. Poland is also a country with a strong influence of Catholicism. It is reported that according to the tradition of Catholicism, carnation is a "divine flower", symbolizing wit and happiness, coupled with its rich colors, long shelf life and low price. so people are very willing to use carnation as a ceremonial flower and give it to relatives and friends. The days when Poles spend a lot of flowers are concentrated on festivals such as International Working Women's Day, Mother's Day, teacher's Day and grandparents' Day. In addition, according to Polish custom, a person's naming day is an important holiday, and its importance often comes from birthdays. On this day, relatives and friends will send a large number of flowers. The more expensive the flowers are, the heavier the etiquette is. Fulang flowers (African chrysanthemum), freesia, tulips, magnolia and other valuable cut flowers are often used as gift flowers for weddings, birthdays, naming dates, wedding anniversaries, youth courtship and other occasions. There is also a custom in Poland not to send red roses easily.

Bulgaria, which has the reputation of "the land of roses", people love roses very much, regard them as sacred flowers, and be designated as the national flower. The country has a long history of growing roses. After hard cultivation, there are hundreds of rose varieties in China, and valuable varieties that can be extracted from rose essential oils have been cultivated. Bulgaria has a history of producing rose oil for 200 years, and its high quality is known as "liquid gold" in the international high-grade spice market. It is famous all over the world and earns a lot of foreign exchange for Bulgaria every year. For this reason, the state attaches great importance to rose production and designates the first Sunday in June as the "Rose Festival". At that time, a grand rose picking ceremony will be held in the Balkan Rose Valley (the national rose production base). Celebrations are also held in other parts of the country on this day, when beautiful girls dressed up as "rose fairies" throw rose petals at people on floats, and low-spinning helicopters keep throwing rose perfumes and petals at people over the crowd. Petals with a strong rose fragrance, like "Tiannu scattered flowers" fluttering down, fragrant wind and rain, everywhere is full of rose fragrance. The girls also weave roses into wreaths and present them to tourists who come from afar. Visitors are bathed in a sea of sweet-smelling roses, and the millet valley is full of jubilation.

Romanians also have the habit of giving flowers to friends. They are not particular about the variety of flowers, but it is customary not to give a single or double in the number of flowers, except for birthdays.

In North America, people have a stronger love for flowers, blooming everywhere and paving the ground with grass. People especially like roses with long flowering periods. The Rose Garden of the White House is famous all over the world, where many major diplomatic ceremonies are held. Americans love flowers, especially like to grow their own flowers, every household is full of flowers, flowers everywhere, flowers. There are more than 30 festivals in the United States every year, the vast majority of which are given flowers between relatives and friends, among which carnation, as an important cut flower, is especially favored by people. Every year Christmas in December, Valentine's Day in February, Easter after the Spring Equinox, Mother's Day in May, and wedding banquets concentrated in June and August, carnation is used everywhere to bless each other and send friendship to each other. Especially young men and women who are passionately in love are more infatuated with it and compete to send each other off. In recent years, there are more and more people looking for flowers on weekends. Many people expect to get together with relatives and friends on weekends, and lovers on weekends, or on other social occasions, are willing to buy a few flowers and offer their affection. So the weekend flower market in the United States arises at the historic moment, with clusters of bundles of carnation, violets, white cloves, lilies, calla lilies, tulips and so on. Fresh flowers with rich fragrance are being bought and given to relatives and friends one after another. There are many flower festivals across the United States, such as Mobile, Alabama, in the southern United States, the Azalea Festival in March, Camellia Festival in Santa Clemento, California, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, the Tulip Festival on the banks of Lake Michigan in mid-May, the Narcissus Festival in Hawaii, and so on. Every time these festivals are decorated with flowers, men and women, old and young, look at the flowers and enjoy them.

The social activities of Canadian people are also inseparable from flowers. However, when visiting Canada, you should be careful not to give white lilies, because people are used to using white lilies only at memorial services.

Mexican people in Latin America love white flowers. They think that white flowers can eliminate bad luck. There are also some Latin Americans who regard chrysanthemums as a symbol of sadness and bad luck and should never be given as ceremonial flowers on birthdays, weddings and visits to patients. It is reported that purple flowers are taboo in Brazil in South America. It is considered that purple flowers are unlucky funeral fireworks. Brazilians also see brown as a sign of bad luck. Because brown is a declining leaf color, it will bring people an inauspicious fate. Egyptians are also the most taboo to give people with yellow flowers. These customs are just the opposite of our Chinese nation. Our people have always regarded yellow as the most noble gold, a symbol of nobility and power, and a sign of joy and harvest.