
How to water cyclamen scientifically

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen is a kind of flower that is very sensitive to water. Too little watering can easily cause plant wilting, and too much watering can easily make cyclamen rot its roots. Improper watering methods can easily cause damage to cyclamen. Special attention should be paid to cyclamen cultivation. Cyclamen likes water to avoid dampness, and the basin soil needs to be kept moist.

Cyclamen is sensitive to water, too little watering can easily cause wilting, too much watering can easily cause cyclamen root rot. Improper watering method, it is easy to cause damage to cyclamen, in the cultivation of special attention.

Cyclamen likes water and avoids dampness. The basin soil needs to be kept moist, but it is necessary to strictly prevent ponding or waterlogging, otherwise the root system will rot and the whole plant will die soon. Because cyclamen is fleshy, it is not drought-tolerant. If water supply is not timely, the leaves will soon turn yellow and wilt. Even after supplementary watering, many leaves will turn yellow and need to be pruned, seriously affecting the beauty and growth of the whole plant.

To cyclamen watering should have regular, see dry see wet, do not irrigate, irrigate is irrigate thoroughly. Cyclamen is most afraid of nothing when watering and watering half of the water. Observe that the surface of the basin soil becomes dry, tap the basin wall with your hand and there is an empty sound, and water it. When watering, water thoroughly.

Cyclamen blooms from November to March. Cyclamen flowering to pay attention to watering, half a month watering-1% of the time. Potassium hydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer, can bloom constantly. When watering, it is just right to see that there is water overflowing from the bottom of the basin. Do not pour or spray water on the flowers, otherwise it will easily lead to flower decay. If the water loss, flowers and leaves all wilted, to quickly put the shade watering, if 1-2 hours after the normal upright, passed the "ghost gate".

Cyclamen in the dormancy period as little as possible watering, keep the soil moist can, planting the best flower spherical roots exposed to the soil surface-. When watering, pour it directly into the flowerpot. Try not to touch the flowers and leaves with water. When watering, you should see dry and wet-watering thoroughly, and you can't water it every day. Because cyclamen spherical roots have the function of water storage, water poured more easily produced buds, leaves yellow. Dry weather in spring three days to irrigate-back, autumn about five days to irrigate-back can.

6 weeks after the pot watering from the top, to be dense leaves, roots developed, water or drip irrigation from the bottom. Water only in the morning or early morning.

Some people are afraid of cyclamen water shortage, watering flowers not only-irrigation of excessive water, but also in the pot under the basin of water storage, so cyclamen growth is unfavorable, then the basin of water, but will cause cyclamen rotten roots, so if there is water in the basin-must be poured out. At a temperature of 17-18 degrees Celsius, cyclamen can be watered for three days, and the principle of dry and thorough watering can be mastered.

How to raise cyclamen

Cyclamen, also known as rabbit ear flower, belongs to the primulaceae family and is very suitable for indoor pot cultivation. Cyclamen color has white, red, purple, orange red and red white heart, and some also with fragrance, its flowering period can last for half a year, so popular with people. So, what is the cultivation method of cyclamen? Today, the small series of the provincial decoration network will share the breeding method of cyclamen with you, hoping to help you.

In home farming, many people like to put it in the study or living room. Cyclamen in feng shui with "cyclamen floating to" meaning. It's auspicious. Cyclamen, also known as radish begonia, a crown, perennial herbs, tubers oblate, leaf heart-shaped, its flower-shaped strange, petals up roll, shaped like rabbit ears, also known as rabbit ears.

Cyclamen breeding method

1. Seed selection

The seeds are carefully selected, and the brown seeds with fullness and luster without diseases and insect pests are selected. The seeds collected in the same year are soaked in a mixed solution of 50ppm GA3 (gibberellin) and 500ppm methyl thiophane or chlorothalonil for one day and night, and then purified water is controlled, washed in clean water, and the water on the surface is controlled to dry. Then sow seeds and flower about 10 days earlier than the seeds that have not been soaked.

2. Basin soil

Cyclamen requires fertile, smooth drainage of slightly acidic soil, long-term management or unscientific management of soil, cyclamen will grow poorly, flowering less, color dim, reduce or lose ornamental value. Potted with loose fertile nutrient soil is good. Every 10 days or so, apply organic fertilizer such as human and animal feces and urine with thin decay heat once; after budding, apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen sulfate twice.

3. Temperature

Create the right temperature conditions, cyclamen is not resistant to high temperatures. Too high a temperature will put it into hibernation. Therefore, temperature has a great influence on cyclamen. Under normal circumstances, cyclamen suitable for growth in the daytime about 20℃, about 10℃ at night under environmental conditions, seedling temperature can be slightly lower. In addition, flower bud differentiation and pedicel elongation temperature slightly lower, conducive to flowering. Cyclamen in summer due to high temperatures and enter the dormancy stage, if the creation of low temperature conditions, can not dormancy, conducive to flowering.

4. Light

Extended light conditions, cyclamen love sunshine, prolonged light time, can promote its early flowering, therefore, cyclamen should be placed in a sunny place maintenance.

Cyclamen breeding method

5, watering

Cyclamen summer into dormancy, to reduce the watering of dormant bulbs, autumn pot and after turning to irrigate enough water, and gradually increase fertilizer, keep the soil moist, reduce water in winter. When watering, do not touch the water on the flower buds and tender leaves, so as not to rot and affect flowering. Watering time in the morning 10:00---12: 00 is appropriate, water temperature and substrate temperature should be as close as possible.

When cyclamen leaves fall at noon and are not firm enough, it is a sign of water shortage. You can water them in the morning or afternoon. In general, family farming cyclamen can be watered once a week according to the situation. Judge whether the flower is short of water tips, that is, with fingers knock on the wall of the flowerpot, such as the sound of muffled is not short of water; such as brittle hair means lack of water, to water in time (this method is only applicable to clay pots). Usually every one or two days watering 1, so that the pot soil wet, must not pour water, master the pot soil see dry only watering. However, avoid pot soil too dry, too dry will make root hair injury and wilting upper plant, then irrigation water is difficult to restore. Cyclamen-Cyclamen breeding method| Cyclamen pictures| Cyclamen persicum (scientific name: Cyclamen persicum), alias radish begonia, rabbit ear flower, rabbit flower, a crown, bonfire flower, inverted lotus, is a perennial herb of cyclamen in the family Primulaceae. Cyclamen is a commonly grown flower, suitable for indoor pot cultivation, winter needs to be greenhouse cultivation. Some cultivars of cyclamen have strong aromas, while others have weak or no aromas. Cyclamen breeding method

1. Seed selection: select seeds, select full, shiny brown seeds without diseases and insect pests, soak the seeds harvested in the same year in a mixture of 50ppm GA3 (gibberellin) and 500ppm methyl thiophane or chlorothalonil for one day and night, then control clean water, rinse them in clean water, and control water to dry the moisture on the surface. Then sow seeds and flower about 10 days earlier than the seeds that have not been soaked.

2. Basin soil: cyclamen requires fertile, smooth drainage of slightly acidic soil, long-term unmanaged or unscientific management of soil, cyclamen will grow poorly, blossom less, color dim, reduce or lose ornamental value. Potted with loose fertile nutrient soil is good. Every 10 days or so, apply organic fertilizer such as human and animal feces and urine with thin decay heat once; after budding, apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen sulfate twice.

Cyclamen leaves yellow

1. Cyclamen leaves curly yellow

Solution: lack of nutrition, pay close attention to fertilization, to the flower shop to buy special fertilizer can not be too much to add nutrition to the flowers, usually a small amount of pot buried some cooked soybeans, cooked peanuts. Bean cakes, steamed buns that have changed in quality, etc., so you won't worry about lack of nutrition.

2. Cyclamen cultivation problems, flower stem rot, yellow leaves

Solution: Too much water. Stop watering and wait until the soil is dry and healed.

Cyclamen seed

Cyclamen is generally seeded and propagated. If you want to keep seeds, you can select pure, healthy and luxuriant plants in full bloom (January-February), leaving only 8 - 9 flowers per plant. The rest of the flowers and buds are all removed, and the flowerpot is placed in a ventilated sunny place. In order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial auxiliary pollination can be carried out. In the clear morning after cyclamen blossoms for 2 - 3 days, the pistil and stamen of two flowers are rubbed, or pollination is carried out with a brush.

Cyclamen pest control

Cyclamen common diseases: bacterial soft rot, gray mold, anthracnose, leaf spot and root nematode disease, its control methods are as follows: bacterial soft rot: caused by bacteria of the genus Euclid. It occurs mostly in petioles and stems. Petiole spot for the first light brown spots, water-like soft rot. After expansion, the diseased tissue is soft, puffy, cracked, epidermis detached and smelly. After corm infection, the tissue becomes yellow brown, soft and mushy. It is easy to get sick in the growing season and early spring. After discovery, the diseased tissues should be cleaned up in time to reduce the infection source, strengthen ventilation and control watering; in the early stage of the disease, spray with 200ppm-1000ppm streptavidin, oxytetracycline or penicillin solution, or smear the diseased plants, and then sprinkle the pots of the diseased plants with the solution; spray the same amount of Bordeaux mixture or 0.40 stone sulfur mixture.

The Role of Cyclamen

Cyclamen's role: 1, viewing

Cyclamen flower unique shape, beautiful and dazzling, brilliant diversity, some varieties have fragrance, deeply loved by people, is a rare potted flower in winter and spring season, but also one of the most important potted flowers in the world flower market, was elected as the queen of potted flowers, ornamental value is very high.

The role of cyclamen: 2, decorate the home

Cyclamen plant beautiful, unique, colorful flowers, suitable for potted viewing, can be placed indoors, especially suitable for home decoration in the sun on several shelves, desks, decorative effect is very good.

The Feng Shui Effect of Cyclamen

1. Feng Shui in the living room

Cyclamen flower meaning to welcome distinguished guests, pray for good luck to come auspicious significance. Its refined flowers stand on the tall flower stems, and the scattered scenery is like a flock of birds flying with wings, reminiscent of the elegant demeanour of the immortals stepping on clouds in the breeze. Such a pot of flowers, decorated in the living room can make visiting guests feel welcome, but also let the family peace and happiness.

2. Restaurant Feng Shui

The dining room is the place where the family can supplement their physical strength. The successful layout of the dining room can make people have a pleasant atmosphere. Everyone who uses the meal will relax. It will also benefit the communication between the diners and the harmonious coexistence of family members. It is also conducive to the health of the family. Therefore, the greening and decoration of the dining room are very important. Cyclamen can breathe life and vitality into the dining room, adding to the cheerful atmosphere, or it can be placed on a wooden divider to divide the dining room from other functional areas. A corner of the restaurant or windowsill and then properly placed a few pots of lush cyclamen, will make the restaurant full of vitality, it is appetizing.

Is Cyclamen Poisonous?

Cyclamen has a strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, a toxic gas in the air. Its leaves can absorb sulfur dioxide and convert it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfates through oxidation.

It is suitable for potted plant viewing, can be placed indoors, especially suitable for home decoration in the sun on several shelves, desks. Because of its beautiful plant type, unique, colorful flowers, there are varieties with fragrance, favored by people. Cyclamen can also be potted by soilless cultivation methods, clean and charming, more suitable for home decoration. Cyclamen flower unique shape, beautiful and dazzling, brilliant colorful, some varieties have aroma, ornamental value is very high, loved by people. It is a rare potted flower in winter and spring, and one of the most important potted flowers in the world flower market. Cyclamen flowering long, up to 5 months, flowering coincided with Christmas, New Year, Spring Festival and other traditional festivals, huge market demand, high production value, significant economic benefits. Often used for indoor flower arrangement; and suitable for cut flowers, long-lasting water.

Phytotoxicity, cyclamen plants have certain toxicity, especially the rhizome, which may lead to diarrhea and vomiting; skin contact may cause skin redness and itching, which should be paid attention to when domesticated.

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