
Cultivation and maintenance methods of impatiens

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Impatiens, henna, henna, peach red and so on. Because of its flower head, wings, tail and feet, they are all like a Phoenix, so they are named buttercup. Impatiens is an annual herbaceous flower of the Impatiens family, native to China and India

Impatiens, henna, henna, peach red and so on. Because of its flower head, wings, tail and feet, they are all like a Phoenix, so they are named buttercup. Impatiens belongs to the Impatiens family-annual herbaceous flowers, native to China and India.

Chinese scientific name: impatiens also known as: buttercup, good girl flower, henna.

Latin name: impatiens balsamina class: dicotyledonous class

Order: rhododendraceae: Impatiens

Genus: Impatiens distribution area: China and India

The habits of impatiens

Impatiens like sunshine, afraid of dampness, heat-resistant and cold-resistant, suitable for growing in loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil, but also resistant to barren. Impatiens has strong adaptability, easy to survive after transplantation and grows rapidly.

Growing season should be watered once a day, hot summer should be watered twice a day, rainy days pay attention to drainage, in short, do not make the basin soil dry or stagnant water.

Impatiens has strong survival and good adaptability, so there are few diseases and insect pests. If the temperature is high, the humidity is high, and powdery mildew occurs, you can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times liquid to prevent and control. If leaf spot occurs, it can be controlled with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. The main pest of impatiens is the red diamondback moth, whose larvae will eat the leaves of Phoenix immortal. If this pest is found, it can be caught and wiped out. The reproduction of impatiens prefers sunny terrain and loose and fertile soil, and can also grow in poorer soil.

Reproduction of Impatiens balsamina

Impatiens propagate with seeds. Sowing from March to September, sowing in April is the most suitable. Before sowing, the seedling bed should be watered thoroughly to keep it moist. The seeds of impatiens are relatively small and cannot be watered immediately after sowing, so as not to wash away the seeds. Cover with about 3Mel 4mm-layer of thin soil and pay attention to shading. Seedlings can emerge after about 10 days. When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, it is necessary to start transplanting, transplanting does not choose the time, and then gradually colonize or cultivate in the pot. Sprouting can also be cultivated in a greenhouse, but seedlings must be carried out at night before they can be fixed outside.

The growing period of impatiens is from April to September, and it will sprout and grow leaves about a week after the seeds are sown in the pot. when they grow to about 8 cm, 3 plants will be retained in each pot, and when they grow to 20 cm, they will be picked out. After planting, the main stem of the plant should be topped, its branching energy should be enhanced, and the plant shape should be plump. After 5 leaves, it is necessary to apply-mature and thin human feces and urine every half a month, and apply-secondary phosphate fertilizer and grass ash before and after gestation.

After the flower blooms, cut off the pedicel, do not make it seed, the flower blossoms more prosperous; the base flowers are picked at any time, which will promote the top of the branches to blossom one after another, but it is easy to mutate. It can blossom in the first and middle of June, and the flowering period can be maintained for more than two months.

Impatiens cultivation and conservation methods, also known as henna, fingernail flower, small peach red and so on. Because of its flower head, wings, tail and feet, it is also known as Goldilocks. Impatiens is an annual herbaceous flower of Impatiens family, native to China and India. Latin name: IMPATIENS BALSAMINA Class: dicotyledons: Rhododendron: Balsaminaceae: Impatiens Distribution area: China and India > Impatiens habits like sunlight, moisture-resistant, heat-resistant and cold-resistant, suitable for growing in loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil, but also tolerant to barren. Impatiens has strong adaptability, easy to survive after transplantation and grows rapidly. Growing season should be watered once a day, hot summer should be watered twice a day, rainy days pay attention to drainage, in short, do not make the basin soil dry or stagnant water. Impatiens has strong survivability and good adaptability, and generally has few diseases and insect pests. If the temperature and humidity are high and powdery mildew occurs, you can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times liquid spray to control. If leaf spot occurs, it can be controlled with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. The main pest of impatiens is the red diamondback moth, whose larvae will eat the leaves of Phoenix immortal. If this pest is found, it can be captured and eliminated manually. The reproduction of impatiens prefers sunny terrain and loose and fertile soil, and can also grow in poorer soil. The propagation of Impatiens balsamina is propagated by seeds. Sowing from March to September, sowing in April is the most suitable. Before sowing, the seedling bed should be watered thoroughly to keep it moist. The seeds of impatiens are relatively small and cannot be watered immediately after sowing, so as not to wash away the seeds. Cover it with a thin layer of soil of about 3mm and 4mm, pay attention to shading, and the seedlings can emerge after about 10 days. When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, it is necessary to start transplanting, transplanting does not choose the time, and then gradually colonize or cultivate in the pot. Sprouting can also be cultivated in a greenhouse, but seedlings must be carried out at night before they can be fixed outside. Balsamine grows from April to September, generally sprouting and growing leaves about a week after the seeds are sown in the basin. When they reach 8cm or so, they retain 3 plants in each pot and pick out their hearts when they grow to 20ml / 30cm. After planting, the main stem of the plant should be topped to enhance its branching ability, and the plant shape is plump. After 5 leaves, it is necessary to apply rotten thin human feces and urine every half a month, and apply phosphate fertilizer and plant ash before and after gestation. After the flower blooms, cut off the pedicel, do not make it seed, the flower blossoms more prosperous; the base flowers are picked at any time, which will promote the top of the branches to blossom one after another, but it is easy to mutate. It can blossom in the first and middle of June, and the flowering period can be maintained for more than two months. The cultivation methods of Impatiens Impatiens pay attention to the cultivation of Impatiens balsamina is also known as henna, small peach red, impatiens through bone grass and so on. It is understood that impatiens belongs to one of the herbaceous flowers of Impatiens family. Impatiens originated in China and India, and then widely cultivated in courtyards all over China, belonging to the more common ornamental flowers. So how to cultivate impatiens, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of impatiens? Now let's introduce it to you.

1. Cultivation methods of impatiens 1. Planting: generally sowing in March-April in spring, which can be sown in the seedbed or directly in the courtyard flower bed. 2, light and temperature: impatiens like light, shade-resistant, receive at least 4 hours of scattered sunlight every day, shade in summer, enter the greenhouse in winter to prevent freezing. 3. Watering and fertilization: after planting, it should be irrigated in time, fertilized frequently, and special attention should be paid not to dry or wet. Never water withered plants in the hot sun in summer. Especially in the flowering period, do not suffer from drought, otherwise it is easy to fall flowers. 4. Florescence control: if you want to postpone the florescence, you can sow seeds in early July. The method of heart picking can also be used to remove early blooming flowers and buds so that the plant can be enlarged and fertilized once every 15 murals for 20 days. More buds will be formed after September to make them blossom on National Day. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases.

Second, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of impatiens 1. The symptom of powdery mildew of impatiens: the disease mainly occurs on leaves and shoots. It usually begins in June, and the leaves are covered with white powder layer after July. Subsequently, small yellow dots were formed in the powder layer, and the color gradually darkened, and finally showed dark brown. 2. Impatiens Brown spot, also known as Impatiens Leaf spot, occurs in the north and south of our country. Symptoms: the disease mainly occurs on the leaves. The foliar spot is a light yellowish brown spot at first, then expands into a circle or oval, and then the center becomes light brown, the edge is brown, with inconspicuous rims. On the seriously diseased leaves, there are a series of disease spots, which causes the leaves to become withered and yellow until the plant dies. 3. The symptom of balsamina balsamina blight: the pathogen mainly infects the rhizome, the pathogenic part blackens or constricts, and when it is wet, it produces white mildew. After the plant is infected, the leaves wilt and wither within a few days, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

III. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Impatiens balsamina has well-developed root system and is easy to survive after transplantation. Planting in the open field is not strict on the soil, but when potting or planting valuable varieties, it is necessary to apply sufficient basic fertilizer, apply dilute liquid fertilizer every half a month or so during the growth period, and spray 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice after budding, which can make the flowers big and colorful and bloom for a long time. Impatiens is more drought-tolerant and grows healthily in dry soil. In the hybrid seedling stage, water can be properly controlled to promote the development of new roots, so as to lay a good foundation for the future growth of the plant. Drought in summer is often easy to wither after falling leaves, so attention should be paid to timely watering. When the plant is budding, the amount of water should be increased appropriately, so that the flowers will bloom more quickly and brightly. Pay attention to timely drainage in the rainy season, in wet or poor ventilation, prone to powdery mildew, or snail leaf feeding, timely measures should be taken to prevent and cure it. Flower bed planting to timely pick the heart, generally when the plant is as high as 20-25 cm, hit the top, to promote its multiple lateral branches, in order to facilitate the plant shape plump. After flowering at the base of the main stem and lateral branches, the flowers should be removed in time until the plant becomes a clump of branches. At this time, the top of all lateral branches can blossom at the same time, thus improving the ornamental value. If you are not prepared to leave the seed, cut off the ginseng flower in time after the flower fade, so that it will not bear fruit, then the flower will bloom more prosperous. In addition, we should also pay attention to timely seed collection. Because the impatiens capsule is easy to crack after maturity, it can eject the seeds far away, making the seeds loose, so seed collection is easy to be carried out in the morning.

The above is how to raise impatiens, the breeding methods and precautions of impatiens, after planting and blooming, you can also use flowers to wrap nails, oh, it will have a very good effect.