
How to buy high quality cyclamen

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen beautiful plant type, unique, colorful flowers, rich fragrance, combined with the role of purifying the air, so that it is very popular in the flower market, when buying cyclamen, pay attention to the following: 1, purchase time: cyclamen is a cool flower, flowering for winter and spring, is the best viewing period

Cyclamen plant beautiful, unique, colorful flowers, rich fragrance, combined with the role of purifying the air, making it very popular in the flower market, when purchasing cyclamen, pay attention to the following:

1. Purchase time: Cyclamen is a cold-loving flower. Its flowering period is winter and spring. It is the best period for viewing. The family environmental conditions (below 25 degrees per day and above 10 degrees at night) can usually meet the requirements of cyclamen growth and flowering. Maintenance is relatively easy.

2, plant: vigorous growth, no pests; plant type neat, compact, regular, not skewed, scattered; corolla and flowerpot ratio appropriate.

3, bulbs: high-quality cyclamen bulbs do not rot, do not crack; exposed soil surface 1/3-1/2.

Cyclamen has strict requirements on external temperature, humidity and light conditions, and its growth cycle is long, so its cultivation is often regarded as not easy, especially in the sultry and rainy environment in local summer. it is even more difficult to cultivate high-quality cyclamen potted flowers. The main results are as follows: 1. Cyclamen originated in the low mountain forest zone of the southeast of the Mediterranean Sea, which determines that the optimum temperature of cyclamen is about 20 ℃ in daytime and above 10 ℃ at night. Cyclamen likes an environment with plenty of light, but avoids direct sunlight in summer. Especially in the high temperature season from June to August, it must be shaded from 12:00 to 4pm, preferably under a shade of 50%. 2. The sandy loam of cyclamen is loose, fertile, well drained and rich in humus. The soil pH is 6.0 ~ 6.5. Soilless cultivation is more suitable, which can effectively control the optimal requirements of temperature, water, light, nutrients and air during the growth and development of cyclamen. The substrate can be prepared with 5 parts of peat, 3 parts of river sand, 2 parts of perlite or 5 parts of peat, 2 parts of perlite and 3 parts of slag. 3. It is important to determine the sowing time of cyclamen seeds. Large-flowered cyclamen should generally be sown from September to October, while medium-and small-flowered cyclamen can be sown from December to January of the following year. Attention should be paid to selecting seeds with good maturity, reddish brown, full and mildew-free seeds for sowing. In order to get consistent growth seedlings and facilitate production management, seeds should be sorted according to size before sowing, and then sowed separately. The seeds must be disinfected before sowing. The specific method is: soak the seeds with 10% copper sulfate for 30 minutes, or soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution for 30 minutes, then rinse them with clean water, remove them and spread them on the newspaper to dry. Cyclamen seeds need dark conditions during germination, so black plastic film must be used to cover the sun after sowing. the key at this stage is to maintain a dark, cool and high humidity environment, do not apply fertilizer as far as possible during germination, and wait for all seedlings to come out. Spray with thin fertilizer and water, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. 4. Water and fertilizer management cyclamen has a long growth cycle, and there is a great demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in its lifetime. The concentration of nutrient solution is 0.1%-0.2%, and the pH of nutrient solution is about 6. In order to make cyclamen grow in a slightly acidic environment, fertilizer should be applied every 10 days during the growth period, and the application of nutrient solution can be stopped during the high temperature period. Cyclamen is a bulbous flower, and there is a great demand for calcium, so calcium carbonate 3-4kg should be added in each m3 matrix. Cyclamen is a kind of wet bulb flower, and water management is very important in its life. If you use tap water for watering, you should first bask in the sun for 1 day or store it for 2 days. The basin soil should always be moderately moist, with a relative humidity of 70% 75%, heavy rainfall in the plum rain season and high air humidity, so it is necessary to strengthen ventilation to avoid corm rot caused by high temperature and humidity. 5. When plastic cyclamen seedlings are implanted into the basin, the bulbs should not be buried too deep in the soil, and the topsoil must be exposed. The pot should be turned regularly in daily management to make cyclamen plants grow evenly and have a plump and beautiful plant shape. 6. florescence control if the flower can meet the festival, the flower price is high, and the best time for cyclamen listing is New Year's Day and the Spring Festival. (1) adjust the sowing date of cyclamen. (2) the reasonable combination of fertilizer N, P and K can promote flower bud differentiation. If 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is used as extra-root topdressing, the florescence can be advanced and the number of flowers can be increased. (3) when 10~50mg/L gibberellin was applied to the bud, it could blossom 7-10 days earlier. (4) low temperature treatment, putting cyclamen in 5: 10 ℃ environment can prolong the flowering period of cyclamen. 7. Pest control 7.1 Botrytis cinerea, soft rot and leaf rot are common diseases of cyclamen. 7.1.1 cultivation control. Strengthen seed quarantine, put an end to seed transmission, strengthen greenhouse ventilation, appropriately reduce humidity; avoid mechanical damage to prevent the invasion of bacteria; timely removal of diseased leaves, reduce the source of bacteria; reasonable fertilization to avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizer. 7.1.2 Pesticide control. Botrytis cinerea is treated with 1000 times thiophanate methyl or 500 times 800 times carbendazim once a week. 1000 times agricultural streptomycin was used to spray or smear the diseased plant and substrate, and the control effect was remarkable. Leaf rot can be prevented and treated with Bordeaux solution of 1VL and 200Bordeaux. Cyclamen common pests are mainly cyclamen mites, aphids, cyclamen mites parasitic on bulbs, leaves, buds and buds to suck sap, making leaves yellow, thickening, curling, leaf surface spots, shortening florescence, can be used 1000-1500 times of triclofenac or 2000-3000 times of Bidi mites, spraying must be in place to prevent mites from escaping and spreading. Aphids mainly harm new buds and flower buds. When the plants are seriously damaged, they will not only grow badly, but also spread germs. They can be sprayed with 1500 times of imidacloprid wettable powder. 8. Cyclamen is listed as a potted flower harvest, its listing time is generally in the bud stage of most cyclamen flowers. Cyclamen

Cyclamen culture method:

(pictures of cyclamen flowers, potted)

Cyclamen (scientific name: Cyclamenpersicum), alias turnip begonia, rabbit ear flower, rabbit flower, a crown, bonspark, petal lotus, is a perennial herb of cyclamen of purple Taurus family. Cyclamen is a widely cultivated flower, which is suitable for indoor flowerpots and greenhouse in winter. Some cultivated species of cyclamen have strong aroma, while others have light or no aroma. The word "cyclamen" comes from the transliteration of the scientific name Cyclamen. Because of its ingenious transliteration, the flower name has the meaning of "celestial visitors come". Cyclamen is the city flower of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province, and the mascot of the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships held in Tianjin in 1995.

This flower is alias Begonia, but it belongs to Primulaceae.

Chinese name: cyclamen to San Marino national flower

Latin name: CyclamenpersicumMill.

English name: Florist'sCyclamen,PersianCyclamen,sowbread,persianviolet,primrose

English alias: rabbit flower, rabbit ear flower, Yipinguan, radish begonia. Bu Haitang, rabbit flower, bonspark, petal lotus.


This plant has a certain degree of toxicity, especially the rhizome, accidental eating may cause diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms; skin contact may cause skin redness, swelling and itching; if these symptoms appear, please consult a doctor, do not let animals or children mistakenly eat the plant and its roots.

It originated in the Mediterranean and is now widely cultivated all over the world. Cyclamen originated in southern Europe, Greece and other Mediterranean regions, and has been cultivated by flower lovers for more than 300 years. It was cultivated in Germany in the 18th century, and later became more popular throughout Europe. As horticulturists continued to improve their varieties, the cultivation center was finally transferred to the United States. And gradually become a worldwide ornamental flower, highly respected by flower lovers, so it was elected as the queen of potted flowers. At present, all the varieties are hybrids and there are many varieties. Widely cultivated in various temperate regions, it is a famous greenhouse potted flower in winter and spring. The flowering period is as long as several months and is very popular. San Marino's selection of this "world-class" flower as the national flower is indeed very discerning.

Morphological characteristics

Cyclamen tuber oblate or spherical, fleshy. Leaves from the top of the tuber, heart-shaped, ovate or reniform, leaf margin serrulate, leaf surface green, with white or gray halo spots, leaf back green or dark red, petiole long, reddish brown, fleshy. The flower is solitary on the top of the flower stem, the flower is drooping, and the petals are curled upward, like a rabbit's ear; the flowers are white, pink, rose, scarlet, purple, snow blue and other colors, with deep red spots at the base; the petal edges are diverse, with full-rimmed, engraved, wrinkled and wavy shapes.

(cyclamen pictures)

The culture method of cyclamen

Reproduction method

It is mainly sown and propagated, and it can also be propagated by dividing the bulbs.

Sowing and reproduction usually take place from early September to mid-October. Sowing too early affects growth, the bulb blossoms too late, and the temperature is too low, affecting germination. Because of its large seeds, it is appropriate to soak 1000 times carbendazim for 24 hours before sowing. The sowing soil and sowing pot should also be disinfected before sowing. Soak the pot after sowing and put it in a dark place of 18 ~ 20 ℃ to germinate and shade at the same time. Usually it can take root in two weeks and a cotyledon can be produced in 4-6 weeks.

Cultivation method of cyclamen

Greenhouse selection

Choose a solar greenhouse facing north to south. There are heating and wet curtain cooling facilities in the greenhouse. In winter, the greenhouse film is covered with grass curtain to keep warm, and the temperature is kept at 10 ℃ ~ 12. Above C, relative humidity 60% to 100%. In summer, 75% sunshade net is built, the temperature is kept at 12 ℃ ~ 18 "C, and the light intensity is controlled at 25000 ~ 35000 lux.

Early seedling stage

When cotyledons are fully grown and 2 or 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings sown in the 288 hole plate should be moved into 72 or 50 hole trays. The key points of management at this stage are high humidity (80% 85%), variable temperature (18 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ during the day, 15 ℃ ~ 16 ℃ at night), medium light (15000 lux), fertilizer adjustment (75 per liter when the cotyledon fully expands and the first true leaf appears. 100 mg ammonia nitrogen fertilizer or calcium sulfate is used in turn for 7 days for 10 days). The refining seedling stage should properly control moisture (70%-80% humidity), temperature (18 ℃-20% during the day and 15 ℃-16 ℃ at night), increase light (35000 lux), and apply reasonable fertilizer (nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium is 100mg per liter, once a week).

Cyclamen transplanting management

Pot seedlings should be transplanted in time after 4 or 5 true leaves, and flowerpots are generally 15-18 cm plastic flowerpots with high-quality bottom reticular structure. The matrix with rich organic matter and humic acid, strong water retention and large porosity (saprophyllite, cow dung and perlite at 2:1:1) should be selected as the ideal substrate for cyclamen cultivation in Northwest China. When the seedlings were moved, the bulbs were exposed with 1 beat 2-1 stroke 3, and the seedlings were placed in the middle of the basin, leaving a water mouth 1 cm away from the basin mouth. After going into the basin, methyl topiramate (800-1000 times) was sprayed with agricultural streptomycin in time to prevent bacteria from invading from the wound, and it was better to irrigate the roots for 2 times. The carrying capacity of solar greenhouse should be 8 per square meter and 12 pots. Shade within a week after transplanting, and then gradually increase the light to a maximum of 30000 lux. Due to the phototaxis of plants, the pots were turned once 15-20 days after potting. The humidity is controlled at 60%-70% during the day and 80%-85% at night; the temperature is 23 ℃-26 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃-17 ℃ at night; nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium = 1 ℃-17 ℃ is used alternately with the compound fertilizer N: P: K = 2:1:2, the concentration should be gradually increased from 200mg / L to 500mg / L. the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at seedling stage is beneficial to corm development, leaf thickening and resistance improvement. Summer management should be shaded (25000 30000 lux is better), temperature drop (wet curtain should be installed in solar greenhouse, preferably below 28 ℃), ventilation (fan should be installed), disease prevention should be done (agricultural streptomycin and methyl topiramate 800 times should be sprayed, agricultural streptomycin and copper preparation should be used alternately, but both pesticides should not be used simultaneously).

Cultivation and management

During cultivation, the soil should be loose, and two parts of rotten leaf soil, one part of garden soil and a small amount of calcium superphosphate can be used. You can also use sun-dried or broken river mud, or a mixture of 2 parts of peat and 1 part of perlite. The cultivated soil needs to be fumigated. When changing pots, depending on the size of the plant, gradually increase the flowerpot, should not directly use large pots to cultivate small seedlings. It should be planted shallowly when planting. Large seedlings in the basin, change the basin, to make the ball 2 + 3-1 + 2 on the soil surface, so as to prevent the ball from wet rot in the soil. Avoid applying thick fertilizer, which is easy to hurt the root. Topdressing can be about 3 times a month, before fertilization, it is appropriate to loosen the soil, to choose clear days to apply fertilizer, fertilizer should not be applied from the top of the plant, should be applied on the side, and should be washed by spraying water after fertilization.

The maintenance and management of cyclamen is roughly divided into five stages:

1. Seedling stage

The first leaf is long, and when the real leaf emerges, it should be transplanted. When the seedling has 3 ~ 4 leaves, it can be planted in a flowerpot with a diameter of 10cm. Later, as the plant grows, the larger flowerpot will be replaced, and the time to change the pot should not exceed June at the latest. If the seedling is small, you can let it stay in a small flowerpot for the summer. Seedlings need sunshade. In hot weather, we should often loosen soil, weed, water and fertilize.

2. seedling protection stage in summer.

The high temperature in summer is not conducive to the growth of cyclamen. The application of cooling equipment to reduce the ambient temperature can make it safe to spend the summer. In order to avoid high temperature, two-layer shading net can be used to shade the sun, control watering and stop fertilization.

3. Flowering stage in the first year

If the growth is restored after autumn, the amount of water can be gradually increased and thin fertilizer can be applied. Put it in a sunny place in mid-October. The greenhouse air should be moist. Fertilize 2-3 times a month. Fertilization is generally not needed from the middle of December to the beginning of February, but it can not be stopped in the environment with high temperature. It usually begins to bloom in November.

4. Summer bulb resting stage

After May, the leaves gradually yellowed and should be gradually stopped watering to make them dormant. After the leaves have withered, they should be placed in a low temperature and ventilated environment to make the bulbs safe to spend the summer. The basin is usually placed in a cool and sheltered place.

5. Flowering stage in the second year

After the hot summer, slightly water, so that the bulb sprouting. After sprouting, change the pot with the newly cultivated soil to get rid of the rotten root system. Keep it in the greenhouse and blossom in about 12 months. After flowering, it entered the summer bulb dormancy period. Newly propagated seedlings usually begin to blossom in November. If the temperature is kept at 1520 C at the budding stage, spraying 100 mg gibberellin on buds and pedicels can promote pedicel elongation and accelerate flowering.

Cyclamen maintenance and management

Watering should be wet rather than waterlogging, fertilization should be thin, not thick, and light should be warm and not hot.

Watering should be wet and not waterlogged: always keep the soil moist and do not accumulate water at the roots.

Cyclamen has some contradictions in water absorption. It likes the moist environment very much, but it is afraid of too much water, so when we water it, we should water it appropriately once a day to maintain the wettability of the basin soil, and at the same time control the amount of water watering. Water must not accumulate on the basin soil so as not to corrode its roots. Spray more water for it in summer to ensure normal water absorption.

Fertilization should be thin and not thick: thin fertilizer should be applied every ten days during the growing period, and little or no nitrogen fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage.

Cyclamen is a more fertile plant, but it likes thin fertilizer, especially in its growing period, we give it thin fertilizer every ten days or so, and we have to apply liquid fertilizer again when cyclamen is pregnant. Try to apply less fertilizer during the flowering period, even if you apply a thin fertilizer once in a while, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer. When fertilizing, you should be very careful not to pour fertilizer and water directly on the flowers and leaves, otherwise it will be easily corroded.

The light should be warm and not hot: the sun should be warm and warm, avoid direct sunlight in summer, and should be shaded.

When the sun is relatively warm and not harsh, cyclamen can be exposed to more sunlight. Sufficient sunlight is conducive to promoting flower blooming. In summer, cyclamen should be placed in a place where there is scattered light, and should be shaded when necessary. To avoid being sunburned by the hot sun.

Ventilation conditions: cyclamen breeding sites should also have good ventilation conditions when the weather is too hot and the surrounding environment is not ventilated, cyclamen will easily go dormant. In addition, the suitable temperature is also very important for the growth of cyclamen. Try to keep it at 20 degrees during the day. When it is overheated in summer, you must do a good job of cooling and shading. In winter, the indoor temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, otherwise it will affect the normal growth of cyclamen.

Matters needing attention

Change the basin at the right time, generally dormant bulbs begin to sprout in mid-September, change the basin immediately, do not cover the soil without bulbs. When the cyclamen bulb which has just changed the basin sends new roots, it should not be watered too much to prevent rotten balls, and the basin soil should be slightly dry.

Pay attention to ventilation and shading during the growing period, always pay attention to indoor ventilation and shading, when the leaves are luxuriant, open the basin distance, so as not to cause the leaves to turn yellow and rot. Cyclamen is in full bloom around the Spring Festival, and ventilation should be adjusted in sunny days to avoid excessive indoor humidity, causing flowers to wither and pedicels to rot. The filling period is when the temperature rises, the amount of water increases, strictly prevent indoor temperature and humidity is too high, pay attention to ventilation regulation, so as not to cause flower stem rot and fruit mildew. In the middle of June, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off, and the corms entered the dormant period. Dormant bulbs are placed in a well-ventilated, cool place and maintain a certain degree of humidity. Too wet bulbs are easy to rot and too late to sprout and blossom.

Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, fertilize once every ten days during the growth and development period of cyclamen, and gradually see more sunlight, so as not to make the petiole grow too long and affect the appearance. When the pedicel is pulled out to budding, apply bone powder or superphosphate once more. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, New Year's Day can blossom around. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer during flowering, and control watering, especially in rainy and snowy days, water can not be poured on flower buds and tender leaves, otherwise it is easy to rot and affect normal flowering. After flowering, bone powder was applied again to facilitate fruit development and seed ripening. The fruit began to mature before and after May. After harvest, the seeds were peeled off and stored in a ventilated place to dry. In the early stage of cyclamen growth, 20mur20 general fertilizer can be used, that is, nitrogen content (N) 20%, phosphorus content (P205) 20%, potassium content (K20) 20%. The special fertilizer for potted flowers can be used at flowering stage, 15mur15Mel 20 water-soluble and efficient nutrient solution.

(cyclamen pictures)