
How to do pansy leaves yellowing, pay attention to these four points to help you easily solve/hydrating/shading

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pansy is a common flower in people's life, with a high ornamental, if you want it to bloom beautiful flowers, the process of conservation can not be careless, if the maintenance is not appropriate, it is easy to appear yellow leaves and other phenomena, then pansy leaves yellow how to do it?

Tricolor pansy is a common flower in people's life, which is highly ornamental. If you want it to produce beautiful flowers, the process of maintenance can not be careless at all. If it is not properly maintained, it is easy to appear leaf yellowing and other phenomena. So what about the yellowing of pansy leaves? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

What if the leaves of pansy turn yellow

1. Insufficient watering

In the growth process of Pansy tricolor, watering is an essential link. Only by keeping sufficient water can it grow better. As for the specific method and frequency of watering, you can refer to the article on how to water the pansy. Here the editor will not introduce too much.

Note: although tricolor pansy needs sufficient water in the process of growth, it can not be poured too frequently, it is best to maintain the principle of dry pouring, do not cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause the phenomenon of rotting roots of tricolor pansy. We need to pay attention to this.

two。 Long-term exposure

Long-term exposure is one of the main reasons for the yellowing of pansy leaves. Although pansy is a light-loving plant, when the summer sunshine is too strong, if it is still kept in the sun all day, it is easy to yellowing leaves.

Note: when the summer sun is too strong, we can move the tricolor pansy to the indoor half-shade to breed, so that the tricolor pansy can not only be exposed to light, but also will not cause the leaves to turn yellow because of the strong sunlight. You can pay attention to this.

3. Improper fertilization

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of pansy, so we must apply fertilizer regularly, if the fertilization is too little or too often, it may cause the leaves of pansy to turn yellow, and in addition, the method of fertilization is also something that we need to pay attention to.

Note: when fertilizing tricolor pansy, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, such as the fertilizer applied in different periods, the frequency of fertilization, and the method of fertilization are all very important. These points are introduced in detail in the article on how to fertilize Pansy tricolor. You can learn about it.

4. Occurrence of diseases and insect pests

When cultivating pansy, if it is not cultured properly, it will also cause the leaves of pansy to turn yellow, such as scab, blight, aphids, slugs, etc. are all common diseases and insect pests of pansy, and we must deal with them in time when they appear. If the incident drags on, it will be difficult to cure it.

Note: when there are diseases and insect pests in pansy, first of all, we need to distinguish which kind of diseases and insect pests appear through symptoms, and then deal with them pertinently. For specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest prevention and control of Pansy tricolor. Here the editor will not introduce too much.

What to do when pansy grows? pest control of pansy / this method is the most direct.

Pansy tricolor is a highly ornamental plant, which can be seen in many gardens in our country, but if there are diseases and insect pests in this beautiful flower, it will still affect its overall beauty, so what about the pansy worms? How does pest control of pansy need to be done? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. What should I do if the pansy grows / chemical spray?

If you want to know what to do when the pansy grows, we first need to know what kind of worm it is, so that we can deal with it pertinently. The most direct way to deal with pests is to use pesticides to kill them, but the agents used for each kind of pest are different. This point is introduced in detail in the following article, so let's take a look at it.

Pest control of Corydalis tricolor

Insect pest

1. Slug pest

Slug is a small pest that looks a bit like a snail without a shell. its high incidence period is about May to July every year, so special attention must be paid at this time of year. This pest mainly feeds on the leaves of pansy, which will bite out a lot of small holes, which will affect the appearance, and if it is not treated for a long time, it may also cause the leaves to fall off ahead of time.

Control method: when dealing with this pest, we can use 3% limewater or ammonia 100 times liquid directly sprayed on the pansy of the long worm, which can directly and effectively eliminate this pest.

two。 Aphid pest

In the pest control of pansy, aphids are a common pest, which will gradually absorb the sap in the leaves and branches of the plant, and finally lead to the phenomenon of plant death.

Control method: when dealing with this pest, we can choose 5g cigarette butts and 75ml water to directly spray the pest after soaking for 24 hours.

3. Red spider pest

The high-risk period of the red spider pest is from June to July every year. This pest mainly feeds on the sap in the leaves of pansy, which will lead to the gradual loss of nutrients and the phenomenon of wilting and yellowing.

Control method: when dealing with this pest, we can choose to use 3000-5000 times of Wute liquid to spray and kill the pest.


1. Seedling blight disease

In the pest control of Pansy tricolor, the disease of seedling blight is very harmful. Like its name, this plant disease mainly harms the seedlings of Pansy tricolor and causes the seedlings to rot from the surface. As the event goes on, it will cause the whole seedling to die directly.

Prevention and treatment: when preventing and controlling this disease, we can choose to spray the seedlings with 200 times Bordeaux solution, which needs to be sprayed every 10-15 days, and it can be cured after 1-2 times.

two。 Scab disease

Scab mainly harms the young leaves of pansy, some soaking spots will appear on the leaves at the initial stage of the disease, and with the development of time, this disease spot will gradually spread, and finally lead to plant death.

Prevention and treatment: in the prevention and treatment of scab, it is best to carry out in the initial stage, if the time is prolonged, it will be difficult to deal with, we can choose to use 50% Topchin wettable powder 600-800 times solution to sterilize Pansy tricolor.

How to water pansy, the watering method and matters needing attention / control of pansy

In the breeding process of pansy, there are many places that need to be paid attention to, among which watering is an essential link, and the requirements for water of pansy are different in each season, so how to water pansy? What are the watering methods and matters needing attention of pansy? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to water pansy

On the question of how pansy is watered, there are many things to pay attention to. Pansy likes a humid environment, so it should be watered frequently when breeding, but this plant is not very resistant to waterlogging, so it is best not to cause stagnant water when watering, otherwise it is easy to have rotten roots, which we should remember.

1. Spring watering

When watering the pansy in spring, we can control the frequency to water once every 3-4 days, which is more beneficial to its growth, but spring is a rainy season. If it has been raining recently, you need to reduce the frequency of watering.

two。 Summer watering

About how to water the pansy in summer, the most important thing is to increase the watering frequency. Summer is the hottest season of the year, and the sunshine is relatively strong, so the water will evaporate faster. So in summer we must water frequently, the frequency of watering is generally once a day, the best watering time is in the morning or evening.

3. Autumn watering

The temperature in autumn is about the same as that in spring, and it is a suitable season for pansy, but there is a difference between these two seasons, that is, the climate in autumn will be drier, so we need to increase the frequency of watering pansy than in spring, usually once every 2-3 days, and this frequency can be raised if the basin soil dries too fast.

4. Watering in winter

Many plants go into dormancy or semi-dormancy in winter, and pansy is no exception. about how to water pansy in winter, the most important thing is to reduce the amount of water and the frequency of watering, because the weather is relatively cold in winter. if watered too frequently, it is easy to frostbite plants, so we can control the frequency of watering in 7-10 days.

II. Watering methods and points for attention of Pansy tricolor

The watering method of pansy is very simple. First of all, we can prepare a spray can, and then spray water on the soil, so that the amount of water poured out will be more uniform. We need to stop watering after the soil has a certain amount of moisture, so as not to cause stagnant water. Wait until the soil is almost dry before watering.