
How to do with yellow leaves of drug weed, supplement light, increase watering/proper fertilization is the key

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Drug grass, a very magical plant, it not only looks very ornamental, but also can absorb toxic gases. In life, there are many people who raise drug weed, but novices often encounter yellow leaves when raising it, which not only affects viewing, but also dies seriously.

Drug addicts, a very magical plant, not only grow good-looking and ornamental, but also absorb poisonous gases. In life, there are many people who raise poisonous weeds, but when beginners raise them, they often encounter the situation that the leaves turn yellow, which not only affect the viewing, but also die when they are serious. How to do if the leaves of the addicted weeds turn yellow? Here are some of the reasons why the leaves turn yellow. Let's go and have a look.

What if the leaves of drug addicts turn yellow? look for the cause.

Because drug weeds have strong vitality and are easy to raise, many novices do not follow the breeding methods of drug weeds, so there are often all kinds of problems, including yellowing of leaves. As for what to do about the yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts, the editor summarizes five points and attaches solutions, and we move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts.

1. Environmental mutation

As a matter of fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts, but we should first consider environmental factors. With the continuous prosperity of the Internet, many flower friends began to buy drug weeds online, the reason for this, it is easy to cause a large geographical span, drug weeds can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: at this time, you can communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment before drug grass is bought, and then we create the same environment at home, and then slowly change until the plant fully adapts to the current environment. After a period of time, the drug-addicted grass will return to health.

2. Lack of light

Drug-addicted grass likes light and needs sufficient light for its growth. once it does not receive light for a long time, it will cause the leaves of drug-addicted grass to turn yellow. Under normal circumstances, people should let drug-addicted weeds dry in the sun at least once or twice a week.

Solution: it is simple to move the drug-addicted grass to a place with ventilation and light and maintain it for a period of time.

3. Too little watering

The leaves of drug addicts turn yellow, in addition to light factors, it is also necessary to consider that the plants are short of water. Although the drug-addicted grass is more resistant to drought, if it is not watered for more than 15 days, the leaves of the plant will slowly turn yellow.

Solution: if there is a shortage of water, we should replenish it. At this time, we should water it slowly and water it normally after a period of time: once every half a month.

4. Fertilizing too little

Another reason why the leaves of drug addicts turn yellow is lack of fertilizer. If the leaves at the top of the plant turn yellow, it means that the soil fertilizer is insufficient and cannot be supplied to the upper part.

Solution: to trim the top leaves at the right time, it is best to keep short but luxuriant; in addition, flower friends also need to top fertilize in time, not too much, according to plant changes slowly.

5. Lack of necessary elements

In addition to the above, there is another reason for the yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts, that is, the lack of necessary elements. If it is old leaf green and new leaf yellow, this is yellow leaf disease caused by calcium deficiency and iron deficiency; in addition, calcium deficiency will hinder plant nitrogen fertilizer synthesis, so that new leaves can not get nutrients, resulting in nitrogen deficiency and leaf yellowing.

Solution: if iron deficiency is known, go to the florist to buy calcium magnesium phosphorus, ferrous sulfate and compound fertilizer, use a little compound fertilizer mixed with calcium magnesium phosphorus buried in the soil, ferrous sulfate foliar spray, the specific amount, ask the florist. Another key point is to pay attention to maintaining ventilation, the unventilated environment can easily lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Like human beings, plants can have problems because of improper maintenance, so in order to avoid the reverse of the above situation, we must take careful care of them. Of course, don't panic if something goes wrong, just follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

What if the leaves of drug addicts turn black, add light to clean up the dust / indoor toxins are too high?

As people pay more and more attention to their health, more and more people begin to grow plants indoors, and as a poisonous weed that can absorb toxic gases, it is naturally planted at home by many people. However, in the process of breeding, many flower friends of the drug-addicted grass will have all kinds of problems, such as the leaves are blackened, what about the edges of the leaves that turn black? The editor summed up six reasons for blackening. Flower friends with problems go in and have a look!

What if the grass leaves of drug addicts turn black? find the reason.

Drug-addicted grass, a common indoor plant, is very easy to raise. However, it is precisely because of this that many flower lovers do not follow the breeding method of drug-addicted weeds at all, resulting in yellowing and blackening of the leaves of drug-addicted weeds, seriously affecting the ornamental value of drug-addicted weeds. What if the edges of the leaves of drug addicts turn black? Here are the reasons for the blackening of the leaves of six drug addicts, and the solutions are attached. Let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of blackening the edge of the leaves of drug addicts.

1. Excessive indoor toxins

Drug-addicted grass, its greatest effect is to absorb harmful gases, but if the indoor toxin is too high, the drug-addicted grass may not be able to bear, resulting in the symptoms of blackening the edges of the leaves.

Solution: the function is not enough, the quantity comes together, at this time, in addition to moving the drug grass to the outside to breathe, you should also prepare a few more pots of drug grass and take drugs at the same time! As for the source of drug-addicted weeds, the editor suggests that everyone reproduce on their own. As for how drug-addicted weeds reproduce, there is a detailed introduction, so I won't say much here.

2. Normal reaction

In fact, the edge of drug-addicted grass leaves turn black, sometimes it is not a problem with conservation, because sometimes it is just a natural growth performance.

Solution: there is no hurry at this time, we can directly take off the discolored leaves and throw them away, which will not cause adverse effects on other leaves.

3. Lack of sunshine

Drug-addicted grass likes light and needs sufficient light to grow. If people put drug-addicted grass in a too concealed environment, its growth will gradually weaken because it is in an uncomfortable environment for a long time, which will lead to the blackening of the leaf edge of drug-addicted grass.

Solution: simply put the drug-addicted weeds in a sunny place for maintenance.

4. Dust accumulation

One reason why the edges of the leaves of drug addicts turn black is that the leaves have not been taken care of for a long time, resulting in too much dust accumulation in the leaves, which may be infected by bacteria present in the dust, resulting in blackening of the leaves.

Solution: clean up the dust immediately, and change the growing environment for this pot of drug weeds, and then pay attention to the daily leaf cleaning and management.

5. Lack of nutrients

In addition to the above points, fertilizer and water are unreasonable, resulting in insufficient nutrients of drug addicts, which is also one of the reasons for the blackening of the leaf edges of drug addicts.

Solution: you can fertilize the drug-addicted grass and increase the nutrients of the drug-addicted grass, but you can't fertilize too much or too thick, and the topsoil should be watered thoroughly when it is dry.

6. The temperature is too low

When the weather is cold, drug addicts are also prone to the phenomenon of black edges of leaves. Solution: pay attention to the light and keep warm, in addition, when there are black leaves, pull out the black leaves, and they will grow well in spring.

With regard to the blackening of the leaves of drug addicts, the editor has introduced it here. I believe that after reading it, you will encounter this kind of situation again, you should know how to do it! The key point is not to panic, carefully observe the reasons why the leaves of drug addicts turn black, and then prescribe the right medicine. I believe that as long as we breed carefully, we will certainly be able to breed beautiful drug addicts.

What if the leaves turn yellow? what if the leaves turn black?

Many families raise poisonous weeds to absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde, radon, benzene and ammonia. But there are some problems in the process of breeding, such as the leaves of drug-addicted grass turn yellow and the leaves of drug-addicted grass turn black, what should we do? Next, let's solve these two problems.

What if the leaves of drug addicts turn yellow?

I. Natural phenomena

If the leaves of drug addicts turn black, do not worry, it may be a natural phenomenon, just pull out the black leaves of drug weeds.

2. Excessive toxins

Even the so-called "drug addict" grass has a strong role in absorbing harmful gases and purifying the air, but the function of the drug weed in purifying the air is also limited. If the drug addicted grass can not quickly purify the toxin, resulting in the accumulation of drug addicted grass toxin, it will lead to the blackening of the leaves of drug addicted grass.

Third, too little light

If the drug-addicted grass is cultured in an environment where the light is too shady, the growth of the drug-addicted grass will gradually weaken for a long time in an uncomfortable environment, which will lead to the blackening of the leaves of the drug-addicted grass, so it can be maintained in a sunny place.

Fourth, too much dust

If there is too much dust on the surface of the leaves of drug addicts, it may be infected by bacteria that exist in the dust, resulting in the blackening of the leaves of drug addicts. Change the maintenance of drug-addicted weeds to another place, and usually pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of drug-addicted weeds.

5. Lack of nutrients

Fertilizer and water are unreasonable, resulting in insufficient nutrients of drug addicts, resulting in blackening of the leaves of drug addicts. You can fertilize the poisonous grass and increase the nutrients of the poisonous grass, but you can't fertilize too much or too thick, and the topsoil should be watered thoroughly when it is dry.

What if the leaves of drug addicts turn yellow?

1. Calcium deficiency and iron deficiency

Loosen the soil, do not rush to water, poison grass old leaf green new leaf yellow, this is caused by lack of calcium and iron caused by yellow leaf disease, calcium deficiency will hinder the synthesis of nitrogen fertilizer, so that the new leaves can not get nutrients, resulting in nitrogen deficiency makes the leaves turn yellow. Lack of iron will make the chlorophyllin of drug addicts unable to form, causing the leaves of drug addicts to turn yellow. it is best to go to the florist to buy calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, ferrous sulfate and compound fertilizer, with a little compound fertilizer mixed with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus into the soil, and ferrous sulfate for foliar spraying. Use according to instructions or the boss taught you how to use.

Second, improper watering

If the drug-addicted grass is not properly watered, it will easily cause the leaves to turn yellow, and the correct watering method is from the place where the rhizome is buried.

Third, too little watering

The drug-addicted grass itself is quite resistant to drought, but it needs to be watered every half a month. If you water too little, it will cause the leaves of the grass to turn yellow, so you can water the grass.

Fourth, too little light

Drug addicts are more resistant to shade, but if they are not exposed to the sun for a long time, the lack of sunlight will also lead to the yellowing of the leaves of drug addicts, because the chlorophyll leaves of the leaves can only be green after sunlight, so replenish the light. Drug addicts have to bask in the sun for half a week, and they can't stay away from the sun.

5. No pruning

If the drug addicts are not pruned, they will grow all the time, but the more they go up, the worse the quality of the leaves will be, and it will be easy to go wrong, and the leaves of the weeds may turn yellow. Drug-addicted weeds should be pruned at the right time, and it is best to keep short but luxuriant.

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