
Why goldfish orchids don't blossom, why goldfish orchids don't blossom / watering beer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Goldfish hanging orchid, a common family potted plant, its flowers are very lovely, like a small goldfish swimming in the sky, very likable. In life, there are many people who raise goldfish orchids, and they all expect it to blossom, but somehow, goldfish orchids just don't blossom. What's going on?

Goldfish hanging orchid, a common family potted plant, its flowers are very lovely, like a small goldfish swimming in the sky, very likable. In life, there are many people who raise goldfish orchids, and they all expect it to blossom, but somehow, goldfish orchids just don't blossom. What's going on? The following are the reasons why several kinds of goldfish hanging orchids do not bloom, follow the editor to have a look.

First, why the goldfish orchid does not blossom, look for the cause

The beauty of goldfish orchids lies not only in its green leaves, but also in its flowers like goldfish, so when goldfish orchids flourish but do not blossom, flower friends must be very anxious, so why on earth do goldfish hanging orchids not blossom? According to the editor's inquiry, this may be related to lighting, watering, fertilization, and the environment. Let's move on to the specific reasons.

2. the reasons for the non-flowering of goldfish hanging orchids and its solutions

1. Lack of light, bask in the sun

For flowering plants, generally need sufficient light, goldfish orchid is no exception, and the demand is very large. In the process of breeding, if you do not get enough light, goldfish orchid will grow poorly and can not blossom and bear fruit.

Solution: why don't goldfish orchids blossom? If it is caused by lack of light, we should let it bask in the sun. Spring and winter, the light is not strong, can let goldfish hanging orchid receive full sunshine; summer light is strong, do not expose to the sun, should be properly shaded. After getting enough light, the goldfish orchid will blossom and blossom very brightly.

2: watering improperly, watering less

Goldfish hanging orchids like cold and dry, do not like the wet environment, in addition to more water in summer, less watering in other seasons. If too much watering, it is easy to cause stem and branch soft rot and death, if the plant is infected with diseases and insect pests, it is difficult to bloom.

Solution: put the flowerpot in a ventilated astigmatism place, let the water evaporate quickly, or change the pot soil directly; in addition, in the spring, summer and autumn, keep the pot soil moist, dry and wet; in winter, goldfish orchids enter the dormant period, growing slowly at this time, and the amount of water should be reduced accordingly.

3. insufficient fertilization and watering beer.

When it comes to the reason why goldfish hanging orchids do not blossom, insufficient fertilization should be thought of, because flowering consumes a lot of nutrients. If there are not enough nutrients in the potted soil during the goldfish flowering period, it is very difficult for it to blossom.

Solution: although the goldfish orchid does not need much fertilizer, in order to make it blossom, we can give it a little more diluted cake fat water; in addition, we can also add the remaining beer we drink to it with the right amount of water. it is also good for the goldfish orchid to bloom.

4: environmental problems, multi-ventilation

Goldfish hanging orchid does not bloom may also be related to the environment, it needs a well-ventilated, high-temperature place to blossom heartily. If there is no ventilation in the culture environment, there will be symptoms of goldfish hanging orchid leaves yellowing. If it happens to be in the flowering season and the flower bud cannot grow normally, it will not blossom naturally.

Solution: why don't goldfish orchids blossom? If it is an environmental problem, you'd better move the goldfish orchid to your balcony, because there is not only ventilation, but also plenty of sunshine. When you do a good job of keeping warm in winter, goldfish orchids will blossom naturally.

Generally speaking, the beauty of goldfish orchid is related to the carelessness of culture. If you strictly follow the cultivation method of goldfish orchid, it will produce beautiful flowers, and vice versa. Of course, even if the goldfish do not blossom, we do not have to worry, according to the above solution. Finally, may everyone's goldfish orchids blossom beautifully.

Is goldfish orchid easy to raise? why don't goldfish orchids blossom?

Goldfish hanging orchid, its flowers are orange, the shape is very similar to the goldfish so named. At present, it is mostly used for breeding as potted flowers in our country, which has very high ornamental value. It has certain requirements for the growth environment, such as dry climate or relatively low temperature in the environment may cause it to fall leaves, thus affecting the beauty.

Is goldfish hanging orchid easy to raise?

I. the culture method of goldfish orchid

1. Soil

Goldfish orchid pot culture requires that the substrate is rich in humus, loose, good drainage, generally used peat soil, perlite and vermiculite mixed in the same amount, and make the soil leaves acidic to facilitate growth.

2. Temperature

The best growth temperature of goldfish Cymbidium is about 18-22 ℃, and it is not resistant to cold. If the lowest temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the leaves will turn yellow, dry and even defoliate, avoid high temperature, and the temperature more than 30 ℃ will cause defoliation.

3. Lighting

Goldfish hanging orchids like the negative environment, can not be exposed in the hot sun, winter flowering can appropriately increase sunlight exposure, will increase the quality of flowering. But the sun can not directly shine on the goldfish orchid, otherwise the leaves will wither or even die.

4. Humidity

Goldfish hanging orchid growth needs sufficient water, in the growing season to often keep the basin soil moist, in winter in the basin soil surface about one centimeter deep after the re-watering. But not too much water, otherwise it is easy to rot the root.

5. Fertilization

In the peak growing season, thin organic fertilizer was applied every 1-2 weeks, phosphate fertilizer should be added before flowering to increase the quantity and quality of flowering, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied after flowering, and nitrogen-based topdressing should be applied every half a month for those who had begun to grow small plants.

II. Points for attention of goldfish hanging orchids

1. Goldfish hanging orchid is sensitive to light and can not be directly irradiated, so it can be irradiated properly when the sun is not strong in winter.

2, goldfish hanging orchid long-term lack of water will cause defoliation or make the leaves become brown, affecting beauty, it should be watered in time.

3. Goldfish hanging orchid should spray water to increase the air humidity around the plant when the climate is dry in summer and autumn.

4. Goldfish orchids should not be fertilized during flowering, and should be pruned and reshaped in time after blooming.

Why don't goldfish orchids blossom?

1. Lack of light

Goldfish Cymbidium likes a negative environment, but light is necessary for green leafy plants to survive, enjoying the warmth of the sun while accumulating nutrients for themselves, while the lack of light plants do not grow well, let alone flowering.

2. Improper watering

Goldfish hanging orchid likes the cold and dry environment, there is a short dormant period in winter, and it blossoms after waking up. If too much watering, it is easy to cause stem and branch soft rot and death, if the plant is infected with diseases and insect pests is very difficult to blossom.

3. Poor ventilation

Goldfish hanging orchid most avoid stuffy culture, if there is no air circulation in the culture environment, the leaves will gradually wilt, yellowing, and the normal growth will be inhibited. If it happens to be in the flowering season, it is difficult for flower buds to blossom if they cannot grow normally.

Is goldfish orchid poisonous?

You can rest assured that this plant is non-toxic. Moreover, it is not only non-toxic, but also has a positive effect on the surrounding environment. For this plant, its ability to absorb poisons should not be underestimated. If you put it in the room, the toxic substances produced by smoking, and even the "formaldehyde" emitted from the newly decorated house, can absorb them clean. In this way, they can not produce adverse effects on the human body. Therefore, it is also called "green purifier".

Can goldfish orchids be put in the bedroom?

In fact, there is no problem with this display, but it is best to put the potted plants in a place with bright light and air circulation, and give the plants reasonable light in time, which is more conducive to the growth of goldfish orchids and thicker green leaves. At the same time, pay attention to often open windows to ventilation.

Some flower lovers may worry that goldfish Cymbidium plants will affect the air at night, releasing carbon dioxide and "grabbing" oxygen with people. In fact, in a larger space, the impact of a small pot of plants is minimal, and do not care too much and worry, a pot of goldfish hanging orchid will not have a big impact on human health. If you are still not at ease, you can also move the potted plants to a more suitable place outside the bedroom for maintenance after dark, and pay attention to prevent frostbite in winter.

Goldfish hanging orchid is a tropical flower species, so the climate requirements of the growing environment are relatively strict, but it does not mean that it is difficult to raise. As long as according to its growth habits, give it high temperature, high humidity environment, I believe that its growth should not be too bad!

When does the goldfish orchid blossom, and how long does the goldfish orchid bloom / three seasons a year

Goldfish hanging orchid is also called goldfish flower. As its name suggests, its flower looks like a small goldfish. It looks very lovely. In life, in order to appreciate the beauty of goldfish orchids, many people plant them indoors. When will goldfish orchids blossom? The ornamental value of flowers is closely related to its flowering period, so how long is the flowering period of goldfish orchids? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

When will the goldfish orchid blossom, March / May / October / December

The flower friends who raise goldfish orchids will look forward to its flowering appearance. The flowers like goldfish are beautiful when they think about them. When will goldfish orchids blossom? In this regard, we will find a lot of answers, some people say that at the end of March, some people say early May, and some people say October and December. What is this all about?.

In fact, when the goldfish orchid blossoms, theoretically speaking, is in winter, but because the maintenance environment is different, the flowering time of the goldfish orchid will be very chaotic. With good breeding and proper environment, goldfish orchids can blossom in March, May, October and December; poor cultivation may cause goldfish orchids not to blossom, or quit longer than expected.

2. How long is the flowering period of goldfish, 20 days

In fact, no matter when the goldfish orchid blossoms, or how long the goldfish orchid blossoms, it is related to its peacetime culture. It is understood that if properly maintained, the goldfish orchid florescence is short, but it also has about 20 days; if it is not cultured well, the flowering period may be even shorter, so we must pay attention to the usual care.

Goldfish hanging orchid blossoms several times a year, once

Generally speaking, the flowering time of goldfish orchid is so irregular, the key depends on maintenance! However, as far as the editor knows, summer will never blossom, and goldfish orchids will only bloom in spring, autumn and winter. As for goldfish hanging orchid blooming several times a year, although the florescence is very chaotic, but it can only bloom once a year, so we should cherish it.

Fourth, how to raise goldfish hanging orchids to blossom

Goldfish orchid flowering is naturally very beautiful, but how to raise goldfish orchid to blossom? This requires us to have a way to raise it. In this regard, in addition to seriously following the method of raising goldfish orchids, we should also do the following four points:

1. Soil: acid soil which is loose, well drained and rich in humus.

2. Fertilization: liquid fertilizer should be applied every 1-2 weeks during the growing period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied during the flowering period of goldfish.

3. Watering: in winter (dormant period), less watering to keep the basin soil dry; in winter (flowering), proper watering; during the growing period, the basin soil should always be kept wet and try to improve air humidity.

4. Illumination: goldfish hanging orchid likes to scatter light and needs shade in summer; in order to promote the formation of flower buds, sunlight is given in autumn; it is best to put it in a dry and cool environment when dormant in winter to promote flower bud differentiation; light can be increased appropriately before flowering in winter to ensure flowering.

Generally speaking, the goldfish hanging orchid is very beautiful, whether it is its green leaves, or the flowers like goldfish, let its ornamental value get the greatest embodiment. So what are you waiting for? Get a pot and keep it at home! About the goldfish hanging orchid florescence, the editor introduced here, and finally wish everyone's goldfish hanging orchid can bloom beautiful flowers.