
How long is the flowering period of the five-color plum? what if the five-color plum does not blossom / four tricks to make the flowering period longer

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, As we all know, the five-color plum blossom language is very beautiful, it has a cheerful, lively meaning, but also symbolizes family harmony, so it is loved by people. So in what season do five-colored plums blossom? How long is the flowering period of five-colored plum? What if the five-colored plum does not blossom? The editor will tell you the answer.

As we all know, the colorful plum blossom language is very beautiful. It has cheerful and lively meanings, and also symbolizes family harmony, so it is popular with people. In what season does the five-colored plum blossom? How long is the five-colored plum blossom period? What if you don't see any flowers? The editor will tell you the answer.

In what season does the five-colored plum blossom?

If the temperature can be between 10-30 degrees, then the five-colored plum can bloom all year round, but for ordinary flower friends who are not cultivated in greenhouses, the five-colored plum will generally bloom in summer and autumn, and how long is the five-colored plum blossom period? It will be affected by temperature, humidity, wind, light and so on.

How long is the five-color plum blossom period

Generally speaking, the flowering period of five-colored plum is 5-10 months, that is to say, its flowering period lasts more than 5 months, and when flowering, although the flowers are relatively small, the number is very large, each inflorescence generally has more than 20 flowers, the shape resembles plum blossom, the color is as many as five, so it is called five-colored plum.

Because of the variety of colorful plum is very many, so it in addition to the most common yellow, pink, orange, orange, red, there are purple, white and so on color change, because of the bright colors often attract butterflies. Because each flower opens at different times, flowers of various colors will appear on the plant, and the scene is very spectacular and beautiful.

What if the five-colored plum does not bloom?

Botanists have found that many flower friends encounter the reasons for not flowering: improper watering, too little fertilization, too dense branches, lack of light caused, so to solve the problem of not flowering, we should start from these aspects.

1. Improper watering

Although the five-colored plum is very resistant to drought, if too little watering will cause the soil to be too dry, and too much watering will cause the soil to be wet or even accumulated, thus making the roots grow poorly, then the five-colored plum will not bloom or bloom less. Therefore, in the usual watering process, the soil should be kept slightly moist.

2, too little fertilizer

Colored plum blossoms need a lot of nutrients, mainly phosphorus, potassium and other elements. If too little fertilizer is applied, these two elements will be less, so it will be difficult for colored plum blossoms to bloom, and even if they bloom, the color will be dim. The solution is to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 1-2 times in April, so that the colorful plum can obtain enough nutrients before flowering.

3. The branches are too dense

Too dense branches will lead to poor light transmission, the branches and leaves outside grow vigorously, while the branches and leaves inside grow weakly, and the branches and buds cannot germinate, resulting in a situation of no flowering. Therefore, when cultivating colorful plum blossoms, attention should be paid to pruning the weak branches and overdense branches.

4. Lack of light

Any plant needs enough light to bloom, especially the five-colored plum. It likes the environment of full light. In the dark and lack of light, it will not only fail to bloom, but also make the leaves yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid this situation when planting. It must give enough light to the five-colored plum.

When do five flowers bloom?

The flowering period of five-color plum is about from April to October, but in the south, five-color plum is generally planted directly in the open field. If it is properly maintained, five-color plum blossoms almost all the year round, while in the north, five-color plum is generally potted culture, flowering most vigorously in July-August.

Do you know what the color of flowers is?

When does the five-colored plum blossom? The florescence and flower language of five-colored plum

Colored plum flowers are gorgeous, and the flowering period is long, so it has good ornamental value, which is very suitable for planting in parks, courtyards and both sides of roads. For friends who have raised five-colored plum blossoms, what I want to look forward to most is to see them bloom. So, when does the five-colored plum blossom? The flowering period and flower language of five-colored plum are introduced as follows.

Picture: Colorful Plum

1. The flowering period of five-colored plum blossoms

The flowering period of five-color plum is about from the middle and late April to the middle of February of the next year. However, in the south, five-color plum is generally planted directly in the open field. If it is properly maintained, five-color plum blossoms all the year round. In the north, five-color plum is generally potted culture and blooms most vigorously in July and August. Colored plum has strong adaptability, low soil requirements, wet and high temperature, drought tolerance, and is cultivated in Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Taiwan and other places in China.

Picture: Colorful Plum

II. Flower language of five-colored plum blossoms

The flower language of five-colored plum is cheerful and lively. Colorful plum color rich and varied, some varieties within a day color will change, feeling is a naughty, lively child, changeable. Colored plum blossom long, in the south can bloom all year round, as if cheerful children always smile to meet every day. Five-colored flowers have a special smell that can attract butterflies. Colorful flowers and smart butterflies attract people's attention.

The flower language of five-color plum is cheerful and lively. I believe that if you raise a pot at home, you can also add a lot of vitality to your home. The above for everyone to introduce the flowering and flower language of the five colors plum, I hope to help you!