
Causes and control methods of bolting of lettuce

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control methods of bolting of lettuce

Cabbage is the most common vegetable in our daily life. it likes warm and cool climate. it is a hardy vegetable and is grown all over the country. However, there are many growers in the cultivation of cabbage, there is an early phenomenon of easy bolting, resulting in low yield, what is the matter at this time? Let's have a look with the editor.

1. Improper selection of varieties

There are many varieties of cabbage, different varieties of cabbage, its winter strength is different, so the bolting rate is also different, in general, the weak winter varieties are easy to bolting, on the contrary, the strong winter varieties, the bolting rate is not high.

Control methods: according to the above introduction, it is suggested that cabbage varieties with strong winter character should be selected when planting to reduce the early bolting rate.

2. Sowing prematurely

The sowing time of cabbage will also affect its bolting to a certain extent, if sowing too early, the seedlings will be in a low temperature environment for a long time, it will be very easy to bolting around spring.

Control methods: strictly control sowing time, cabbage is a low-temperature induction spring flower plant, when it is long in low temperature environment, it is very easy to bolting, but some growers blindly sow in order to increase yield, but play a counter-effect, sowing too early, overwintering plants reach, easy to bolting; sowing too late, overwintering plants are small, bolting rate is small, but the plants are weak, and they are easy to produce frost injury during overwintering and harvest later. Generally, according to the local climatic conditions, the most suitable sowing time is between late October and early November.

3. Improper temperature

Cabbage bolting is closely related to the temperature of seedling management. if the temperature of the seedling bed is higher when cultivating seedlings, even if the sowing time is played, it will make the seedlings grow very fast, resulting in the seedlings growing high enough to accept low temperature when they are planted early. Bolting occurs.

Prevention and control methods: temperature control must be done well, if sowing normally, in case of warm winter climate, seedling growth is exuberant, then fertilizer and water can be controlled, seedling growth rate can be limited, so as to avoid overwintering seedling growth.

4. Improper planting

If the seedling plant is too large, the temperature overwintering, the bolting rate will be higher, and the time is also very important. if the seedling is planted too early, the seedling will be subjected to low temperature for a long time to send bolting phenomenon. If planting too late, can not meet the low temperature conditions of seedlings, bolting will also occur.

Prevention and control methods: when planting, we must control the size and time of seedlings, plant in time according to climate change, and reasonably regulate fertilizer and water according to the size of plants after planting, so that they can survive the winter safely, but will not bolting.

The above are the reasons for bolting of lettuce and the introduction of prevention and control methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.