
How to raise potted albizia flowers, cultivation methods and precautions of albizia flowers/avoid noise

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Among the effects and functions of albizia flower, its ornamental nature is one of the most well-known functions, but if you want it to have ornamental nature, the maintenance process is very important, so how to raise potted albizia flower? What are the cultivation methods and precautions of Albizia flower? The following small series takes everyone to understand

Among the effects and functions of albizia flower, its ornamental nature is one of the most well-known functions, but if you want it to have ornamental nature, the maintenance process is very important, so how to raise potted albizia flower? What are the cultivation methods and precautions of Albizia flower? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

1. How to raise potted flowers

If you want to know how to raise potted Albizia flower, first of all we need to understand its growth habits, Albizia flower is a kind of light-loving plant, so in the process of cultivation must maintain sufficient light, there are many places to pay attention to, the specific details in the following Albizia flower cultivation methods and precautions, we continue to look down.

2. The cultivation method of Albizia flower

1. soil selection

When cultivating albizia flowers, we first need to choose soil. In terms of soil, we had better choose sandy soil with higher porosity. This soil has better permeability and drainage, which can make albizia flowers absorb nutrients better.

2. watering management

Among the breeding methods and precautions of Albizia flower, watering is a very important item. Albizia flower is not tolerant to waterlogging, so it must be appropriate when watering. Do not cause ponding, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots.

3. light management

Albizia is a light-loving plant, so in the process of cultivation must maintain sufficient light, so that Albizia can grow better, but in summer when the sun is too strong, it is best to carry out appropriate shade, so as not to cause the leaves to be burned.

4. pest control

In the process of breeding albizia flower, if the breeding is improper, it is easy to appear diseases and insect pests, this phenomenon is extremely harmful to the plant, so it must be treated in time, the specific treatment method can refer to the article on pest control of albizia flower, here Xiaobian will not introduce too much.

3. Precautions for Albizia flower cultivation

1. Avoid noise

Among the precautions for Albizzia cultivation, noise avoidance is a very important point. Albizzia is very noisy during its growth, so it is best to control the surrounding sound when breeding, so that it can grow better.

2. Less pruning

Albizia flower is a kind of shallow root plant, its germination force is not very strong, so in the process of breeding it is best not to prune, so as not to affect its normal growth, this point we should remember.

Albizia flower potted culture method and precautions

Acacia flower to listen to this name, presumably many people are familiar with, it is a high ornamental value of the plant, flower shape like feathers, very beautiful. Now many people use Albizia flowers to make bonsai to watch, so what is its specific production method?

Production method of albizia flower bonsai

1) Select tree species. The tree species had better be plump in shape, green in branches and green in leaves, and not dehydrated in fibrous roots. Generally, it can be selected from mountain mining piles or ground cultivation piles. It is better to select tree species with small leaves, luster, transplanting ability, pruning resistance and easy germination. It is better to use bare roots and strong grip as tree species.

2. Choose a flowerpot. Shallow mouth pot can show the height of Acacia, deep mouth tube can set off the old pile of cliff Acacia tree, purple sand pot is conducive to bearing, in short, want to achieve what kind of effect, according to the expected choice of flower pot, different flower pot will harvest different feelings.

3. Trim the upper basin. According to the size of the tree species, select a suitable flowerpot, trim the roots first, remove the excess bottom roots and excessive roots, put them into the flowerpot, hold the tree species with one hand, fill the pot with soil with the other hand, and compact them with hands after filling. Pruning branches of Albizia trees to remove overlapping branches, cross branches, whorls and parallel branches. Cut short the top and back branches.

Potted culture method of albizia flower

1. Temperature. Albizia flower is temperate, subtropical, tropical tree species, like warm environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 13℃-18℃, winter tolerance of-10 ℃ low temperature, but in the cold environment growth slowly. In the south, Albizia flower cultivation does not need to be moved into greenhouses in winter.

2. Light. Albizia flowers prefer sunlight and are not tolerant of shade, so pay attention to providing sufficient sunlight during the growth period, but the summer sun is too strong, or shade is needed to avoid leaf burns.

3. Soil. Albizia flower does not require much soil, and its roots have rhizobia and the ability to improve soil. It is tolerant of poor soil and mild salinity, but grows best in fertile, moist, well-drained sandy loam and limestone loam.

4. Fertilization. Albizia flower for fertilizer requirements are not high, can implement extensive management, even if the soil is poor can also thrive.

Notes on potted Albizia flowers

1) I don't like noise. Albizia flower growth does not like noise and dust, so in the breeding time need to control the surrounding sound, be careful not to breed in areas with serious air pollution.

2. Moderate watering. Albizia flower can withstand drought, but not waterlogging, watering during the maintenance period should not be too much, so as not to cause waterlogging, affecting the respiration of the root system, causing the root system of the plant to rot.

3. Less pruning. Albizia trees belong to shallow root species, germination is not strong, so try not to prune during daily maintenance, maintain normal growth rate can be.

Diseases and control methods of Albizia flower

1. Rust. Control method: spray 0.3 stone sulfur mixture, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 400 times solution, spray once every 10-15 days, continuous spray 2-3 times.

2. blight. Control method: select varieties with strong disease resistance for cultivation. When seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, spray methamidophos 2000 times solution once to prevent ants and other pests from harming seedlings. Later, spray foliar fertilizer regularly and quantitatively on leaves to improve seedling disease resistance. For newly infected plants, control with pesticide treatment while replacing soil, spray trunk or smear with 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder and 60% do-Fu wettable powder 100 times solution; or irrigate soil with 14.5% multi-effect water-soluble powder, 40% pentachloronitrobenzene powder 300 times solution, and conventional pesticide concentrations such as Kangkuning, thiophanate-methyl and carbendazim, once every 8 days for 3-4 consecutive times. The curative effect can be improved by infusing 300 times solution of 70% thiophane wettable powder into plants.

The production method of Albizia flower bonsai is actually very simple, mainly to do a good job of seed selection, pot selection work, and then choose the appropriate time on the pot, after the pot for pruning. If you want it to be good, you can strengthen management in the later stage of making bonsai, so that you can ensure its growth.

How to grow albizia flowers and how to pay attention to albizia flowers

Albizia flower is a kind of flower plant that can bring good blessings to people, and it is still relatively common in life. Its trunk tall and straight, fresh flowers, much loved. Many people like to plant this kind of potted plant in their homes, which is not only beautiful but also has a very good meaning. But most families can't plant plants. Why? Let's take a look at how it's grown.

How to grow albizia flowers

1. Sunlight

Albizia is a light-loving tree species, slightly shade-tolerant, so pay attention to providing sufficient sunlight during the growth period, but also pay attention to shade when the summer light is too strong.

2. Temperature

Albizia flowers like warm environment, but its cold resistance is very strong, in the south winter is not needed to move into the greenhouse.

3. Soil

Albizia flower soil requirements are not strict, but with fertile wet, good drainage of sandy loam and limestone loam for the best.

4. Water and fertilizer management

Albizia flower dry resistance, not waterlogging resistance, maintenance period watering not too much, so as not to cause waterlogging, damage roots. Albizia flower can be implemented extensive management, the requirements for water and fertilizer are not very high, even in barren areas may grow very vigorously. However, it should be noted that it does not like noise and dust, so it is necessary to put a good pass on it when breeding.

Albizia flower planting methods and precautions

1. The cultivation method of Albizia flower

1. Temperature

Albizia flower is temperate, subtropical, tropical tree species, like warm environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 13℃-18℃, winter tolerance of-10 ℃ low temperature, but in the cold environment growth slowly. In the south, Albizia flower cultivation does not need to be moved into greenhouses in winter.

2. Light

Albizia flowers prefer sunlight and are not tolerant of shade, so pay attention to providing sufficient sunlight during the growth period, but the summer sun is too strong, or shade is needed to avoid leaf burns.

3. Soil

Albizia flower does not require much soil, and its roots have rhizobia and the ability to improve soil.

It is tolerant of poor soil and mild salinity, but grows best in fertile, moist, well-drained sandy loam and limestone loam.

4. Fertilization

Albizia flower for fertilizer requirements are not high, can implement extensive management, even if the soil is poor can also thrive.

2. Precautions for Albizia flower cultivation

1. Do not like noise

Albizia flower growth does not like noise and dust, so in the breeding time need to control the surrounding sound, be careful not to breed in areas with serious air pollution.

2. Moderate watering

Albizia flower can withstand drought, but not waterlogging, watering during the maintenance period should not be too much, so as not to cause waterlogging, affecting the respiration of the root system, causing the root system of the plant to rot.

3. Less pruning

Albizia trees belong to shallow root species, germination is not strong, so try not to prune during daily maintenance, maintain normal growth rate can be.

How to fertilize albizia flowers

1. Selection of fertilizer

Albizia flower fertilization can choose some organic fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium, this fertilizer is very beneficial to the permeability of the soil, and the fertilizer effect is relatively long, can promote the flowering of Albizia flower very well.

II. Methods of Fertilization

1. From the beginning of germination to July, nitrogen fertilizer and compound fertilizer need to be applied.

2, until the beginning of the leaves can not be saved can stop fertilization, because as the temperature decreases, its growth rate gradually slowed down, bark cells began to thicken, cold resistance is also constantly enhanced.

3. During intertillage and weeding every year, Albizia flower can also be topdressed with decomposed human and animal manure fertilizer two or three times to increase its soil fertility.

Third, the precautions for fertilization

1, Albizia flower is not tolerant of fertilizer, so when fertilizing it, the concentration must be as low as possible, and at the same time must be watered.

2. Albizia flowers like acidity, and the choice of fertilizer can also be appropriately used with some acidic fertilizers.

3, to Albizia flower fertilization can not be too close to the trunk and roots, especially when deep fertilization, must pay attention not to hurt the roots.

Albizia flower profile

1, another name

Albizia flower is also called night albizia, night tree, velvet tree, bird velvet tree, bitter flower.

2. Origin

Albizia flowers from northeast to south China and southwest provinces and cities, generally grow on the hillside. Africa, Central Asia to East Asia are distributed, North America is also cultivated.

3. Morphological characteristics

Albizia, deciduous tree, up to 16 m tall, crown spreading, branchlets angular, shoots, inflorescences, and leaf rachis tomentose or pubescent. Stipules linear-lanceolate, leaves small, caducous.

Head arranged in panicles on top of branches; flowers pink; calyx tubular, 3 mm long; corolla 8 mm long, lobes triangular, 1.5 mm long, calyx and corolla pubescent; filaments 2.5 cm long.

Albizia tree tall plants, especially suitable for planting on both sides of the city road, of course, some people can be made into potted plants for garden culture. However, in the breeding process, according to its growth habits and its own actual situation, master certain breeding skills, in order to grow the ideal state in mind.