
How to fertilize Qionghua, how to apply fertilizer and points for attention / applying thin fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Qionghua is a common flower in people's life, which has a high ornamental value, but if you want it to have ornamental value, then the process of breeding should not be careless, especially in the aspect of fertilization, then how to fertilize Qionghua? What are the fertilization methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua?

Qionghua is a common flower in people's life, which has a high ornamental value, but if you want it to have ornamental value, then the process of breeding should not be careless, especially in the aspect of fertilization, then how to fertilize Qionghua? What are the fertilization methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to fertilize Qionghua

About how Qionghua fertilizes, in fact, the method is very simple, the main thing to pay attention to is the amount and frequency of fertilizer application in each period, which is described in detail below, interested friends can move on.

2. Fertilization methods of Qionghua

1. Fertilization before planting

About how Qionghua fertilizes, each period is different. First of all, the editor wants to talk about fertilization before planting. When sowing Qionghua, we can first put an appropriate amount of base fertilizer in the soil, which can promote seed germination and lay a good foundation for subsequent growth.

two。 Fertilization in growing period

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of Qionghua, so after entering the growing period, Qionghua has a great demand for fertilizer, which basically needs to be fertilized once a month, which will make Qionghua grow more healthily. it can also be ready for Qionghua to bloom.

3. Fertilization before flowering

Qionghua consumes a lot of nutrients when it blossoms, so you must replenish the fertilizer before flowering, so that Qionghua can develop more flowers, and the flowers will bloom more full. as for how to fertilize Qionghua before flowering, it also needs to be released in the soil, so that Qionghua can be absorbed slowly, and be sure not to release it on the plant, otherwise it is easy to burn the plant.

4. Winter fertilization

After entering winter, Qionghua will enter a semi-dormant period, so the demand for fertilizer at this time is not very large, generally 45-50 days to apply fertilizer on it, and the amount of fertilizer does not need to be too large, just the right amount.

Matters needing attention in fertilizing Qionghua

When fertilizing Qionghua, we need to pay attention to diluting the fertilizer with water before fertilization, so that Qionghua can absorb it better. if it is thick fertilizer, it is easy to burn the plant and cause the leaves to turn yellow. we should keep this in mind.

How to raise Qionghua, the breeding methods and precautions / sufficient sunshine of Qionghua

Qionghua is not only a kind of famous flower peculiar to our country, but also the city flower of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It has the reputation of "only one flower, no similar in the four seas". There are many people who breed it in Yangzhou area, but there are many places that need to be paid attention to. How to raise Qionghua? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise Qionghua

About how to raise Qionghua, first of all, we need to understand its growth habits. Qionghua is a kind of light-loving plant, so it is necessary to maintain sufficient light in the process of culture. in addition, watering, fertilization and other aspects also need to pay attention to. Details in the following Qionghua culture methods and matters needing attention, we continue to look down.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua

1. Soil selection

When we cultivate Qionghua, the first step is to choose soil, which is a good foundation, so it is very important to choose sandy soil with high looseness, which has good drainage and air permeability. it can make Qionghua absorb nutrients better.

two。 Fertilization management

In the process of growing, Qionghua has a high demand for fertilizer, which is one of the main nutrients in its growth process, which basically needs to be fertilized once a month, which can make Qionghua grow more healthily. this shows the importance of fertilization in Qionghua's breeding methods and matters needing attention.

3. Watering management

Qionghua likes a warm and humid environment, so it must be watered frequently in the process of breeding, but attention should be paid to watering thoroughly, but not too much, otherwise stagnant water can easily lead to root rot.

4. Light management

In the Qionghua culture methods and matters needing attention, light is a very important point. Qionghua is a kind of light-loving plant, so we must maintain sufficient light in the process of breeding, but we still need to pay attention to shading when the sunshine is too strong, especially in summer. Shade is still needed.

5. Pest control

In the process of breeding Qionghua, it is easy to have diseases and insect pests and other problems if not maintained properly, this kind of problems do great harm to Qionghua, and it is easy to lead to plant wilt and death if not dealt with in time. In view of the ways to deal with this kind of problems, you can refer to Qionghua's article on pest control, in which there is detailed teaching, which you can understand.

What kind of flower is Qionghua? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua

Qionghua, also known as Jueight Immortals, Woody Hydrangea, etc., is a semi-evergreen shrub of the genus Ninjuriaceae, with flowers as large as jade pots, surrounded by eight large five-petal flowers in a week, surrounded by a white pearl-like flower in the middle, surrounded by a mass of butterfly-like stamens, like butterflies playing beads in the breeze, and dancing like eight Immortals, immortal and attractive. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Qionghua.

The growth habits of Qionghua

Qionghua likes light, slightly resistant to shade, likes warm and humid climate, is more hardy, and is suitable to grow in fertile, moist and well-drained soil. More hardy, can adapt to the general soil, good born in moist and fertile places. The growth is exuberant, the germination ability and tillering ability are strong, and the seeds have the habit of germination every other year. Produced in southern Jiangsu, western Anhui, Zhejiang, northwest Jiangxi, western Hubei and southern Hunan. Born in hills, under forests on hillsides or in thickets. Gardens are also often cultivated.

The Propagation method of Qionghua

1. Sowing: Qionghua commonly used seeds are propagated, collected in November, stacked and ripe, washed, stratified at low temperature to sow in the following spring, and covered with slightly thicker soil and covered with grass. In June of that year, some sprouted and unearthed, at this time can uncover the grass to shade, leave the bed for 2 years to change the bed for planting, 4-5 years for transplanting for garden beautification.

2. Grafting: Qionghua is grafted at the beginning of March (before the bud sprouts), take the branches of the mother tree that can blossom, cut off a section about 5 cm long as the scion, leave the top bud is more ideal, generally use the high grafting method. Place in shade after grafting, wait for the buds of the scion to sprout leaves, and then directly put in the sun, it can blossom in the first year after survival.

Culture methods of Qionghua

1. Soil: Qionghua has strong adaptability, sandy soil, clay and general soil can be cultivated, and the roots of seedlings cultivated with sandy soil are well developed.

2. Transplanting: Qionghua transplanting is easy to survive, which is carried out before germination in early spring, and the semi-overcast environment is the better. attention should be paid to fertilizer and water management after survival.

3. Fertilization: Qionghua should be fertilized with thin fertilizer frequently, leaf yellow can be sprayed with 1max 1000 ferrous sulfate solution, and should be fertilized once after flowering.

4. Pruning: the main branch of Qionghua is easy to sprout and grow, which disturbs the shape of the tree. it can be pruned properly after flowering, and the tip of the overgrown branch is cut off in summer to take the shape of the whole plant.

5. Diseases and insect pests: Qionghua leaves have more fur and are generally not easy to be harmed by diseases and insect pests, but they usually need to be sprayed with Bordeaux solution during the plum rain season.

Points for attention of Qionghua

The main results are as follows: 1. Qionghua has strong adaptability and replenishes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer according to the principle of thin fertilizer and frequent application during the growth period.

2. Qionghua family potted plants can choose the method of sowing, or choose seedlings to plant directly.

3. Qionghua generally chooses soil balls in spring or late autumn to plant, which can improve the survival rate.