
Is mosquito repellent harmful to people? How to raise mosquito repellent

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mosquito repellent incense is a perennial herb, which has a strong life after getting sunlight and moisture. Normal rearing has a fixed requirement on the temperature of the environment. The survival temperature is above zero, and the higher the temperature is, the more incense molecules are volatilized. In the summer mosquito breeding period, the temperature is also the highest.

Mosquito repellent vanilla belongs to perennial herbs, after getting sunlight and water, it has a strong life. Normal cultivation has certain requirements for environmental temperature. The survival temperature is above zero. The higher the temperature, the more volatile fragrant molecules. In summer, when mosquitoes multiply, the temperature is also the highest. The concentration of fragrant molecules emitted by mosquito repellent vanilla at this time is also the peak period. It develops quickly in seedling stage, can grow mature in half a year, grows to three years later, the main branch gradually changes, the shape of branches and leaves in growth stage can be artificially changed, and has high ornamental value.

The biological characters and cultivation techniques of mosquito repellent grass are as follows: light-loving, except for a little shade in summer, direct sunlight should be provided in autumn, winter and spring. Thermophilic and watery, 10-25 degrees Celsius is suitable for growth temperature, below 7 degrees Celsius, temperature above 32 degrees Celsius is unfavorable for growth, 3-6 days of watering-times, but no ponding. Like neutral acid soil, generally 15-20 days fertilization-time. Plant height in 30 cm, 40 leaves when the mosquito repellent effect is best, yellow leaves should be removed at any time.

Key points of mosquito repellent cultivation

1. Mosquito repellent grass has a strong life span, is better maintained than ordinary flowers, and is more resistant to organic fertilizer. Its life cycle can reach more than 8 years. Mosquito repellent grass likes sunny, well-ventilated environment, afraid of too wet, especially afraid of soil water. Like loose sandy loam, basin soil to acid soil is good, to prevent improper watering caused alkalization. Fertilization can be applied for 15-20 days-time compound fertilizer, mainly soil application, do not spray wine leaves.

2. Mosquito repellent grass should be exposed to sunlight during the day, but proper shade should be paid attention to under the scorching sun. If the light is too strong or the air is dry, the tip or edge of the leaf will be scorched. Usually pay attention to more ventilation, more light, keep the soil loose and moist. During the day can be placed on a bright and ventilated windowsill or balcony, it is best to accept-two hours of direct sunlight a day.

3. When mosquitoes appear at night, put mosquito repellent grass in the middle of the room. Before use, spray water evenly on the front and back of the blade with a special small sprayer (no spray, the effect is not good), and spray again after half an hour. Is it poisonous for mosquito repellent grass to harm human body?

Mosquito repellent is cultivated as an aromatic plant. Its fragrance can remove odors and make the air fresher. However, with irritating fragrance is not only the biggest characteristic of mosquito repellent grass, but also its soft rib. So, is mosquito repellent poisonous? Is mosquito repellent harmful to human body? Let's find out more about it!

Is it poisonous?:

In fact, mosquito repellent grass is non-toxic,"toxic" this charge is covered in mosquito repellent grass head really wronged it. Mosquitoes originated in South Africa, and today's mosquito repellent is a new plant bred by fusing African plant cells with a Chinese chemical containing citronellal. So today's mosquito repellent has both aroma and volatility. However, despite this, this fragrance was just an ordinary grass fragrance and was not poisonous.

It should be noted that the mosquito repellent grass sold on the market may be added with chemical essence, which is harmful to the human body. Parents need to distinguish more.

Is mosquito repellent harmful to human body:

Mosquito repellent plants have wonderful effects such as repelling mosquitoes and purifying the air, but they are not absolutely safe. Although there is no conclusive evidence that mosquito repellent has any side effects on the human body, it is always good for parents to keep an eye out.

First of all, allergic parents. This constitution is extremely sensitive to irritating odors. Once allergies occur, the skin may be red, swollen, itchy and other symptoms. At this time, parents should move mosquito repellent grass out of the room in time and have a good rest. If you don't have allergies for a long time, you'll have to see a doctor.

Therefore, parents who can withstand the irritating smell of mosquito repellent grass and are not allergic can put mosquito repellent grass indoors for viewing. Those who can't stand it are better to replace other potted plants, or put mosquito repellent grass outdoors.

Is mosquito repellent harmful to people?

Mosquito repellent is a kind of mosquito repellent grass which can effectively repel mosquitoes by introducing citronellal from citronella grass into geranium native to Africa by gene fusion technology. Citronella grass is a traditional natural mosquito repellent herb, so mosquito repellent grass is a plant without toxic effect, so geranium can not only repel mosquitoes through aroma, but also purify air.