
How to trim the colored leaf grass, the pruning method of the colored leaf grass / the best time to pick the heart

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the breeding method of colored leaf grass, we have emphasized the importance of pruning, which can not only make the colored leaf grass more beautiful, but also promote the germination of branches, so every flower friend attaches importance to pruning, so how to prune it? Let's take a look at the pruning methods of colored leaf grass.

In the breeding method of colored leaf grass, we have emphasized the importance of pruning, which can not only make the colored leaf grass more beautiful, but also promote the germination of branches, so every flower friend attaches importance to pruning, so how to prune it? Let's take a look at the pruning method of colored leaf grass.

How to prune colourful leaf grass

Generally speaking, there are three periods most suitable for pruning, the first is the seedling growth stage, when the young plants grow to 10 cm, the second is when a large number of buds are sprouted during the growing period, and the third is after flowering. In addition, when there are dead leaves, the diseased leaves need to be cut off in time.

Second, the pruning method of colored leaf grass.

1. Topping

Topping, also known as coring, is one of the main means to control the plant height and germination of lateral branches. When the plant grows 4-6 leaves in the seedling stage, the heart should be removed many times and the top growing point should be removed to promote the growth of lateral branches.

2. Thinning cut

In the vigorous growth period, its growth rate is relatively fast, if the branches and leaves are too luxuriant not only affect the beauty, but also lead to the lack of light in some leaves, how to trim the colored grass at this time? It needs to be thinned properly, and cutting off some weak branches can reduce the density and avoid the waste of nutrition.

3. Picking leaves

Yellow leaves or withered leaves are also encountered when planting colored leaf grass. If you find that the leaves are yellow and yellow, you should remove them impatiently, and do not wait for them to fall off naturally, because yellow leaves are likely to become parasitic targets of pests, and removal and burning can prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests.

4. Pruning after flowering

After flowering, the flower branches should be cut off, the 2-3 nodes of the branches should be retained, and the rest of the extra branches should be cut off, so as to promote the growth of new branches and maintain the vitality of the grass.

Maintenance of colored leaf grass after pruning

1. The light is sufficient. After pruning, coloured leaf grass should be maintained in a bright place, and if it is in spring, it can be maintained in the sun, not in the dark, because pruning is for the growth of new branches. lack of light will lead to slow growth of new branches, the role of pruning can not be maximized.

2. The temperature is moderate. After pruning, the temperature should be kept between 18 and 25 degrees as far as possible, which is the most favorable temperature for the growth of colourleaf grass, and the growth rate of lateral branches is also the fastest in this environment.

3. Appropriate watering. Need appropriate watering after pruning, watering is not easy too much, just keep the soil moist, do not spray water to the leaf surface, avoid water stains contact with the cut.

When does the colored leaf grass blossom (a few months) how to prune the colored leaf grass

Colourful leaf grass is a foliage plant with high ornamental value. As its name implies, its leaves have several colors, bright and gorgeous, especially beautiful, and are generally used for planting in parks or courtyards, as well as potted plants at home. So since colourful leaf grass is called grass, will it still blossom?

When will the coloured leaf grass blossom (a few months)

Coloured leaf grass flowering in summer and autumn, terminal raceme, flowers small, light blue or white. It blossoms once a year, and the flowering period is about a week. However, the environment is different in different regions, and some areas bloom from August to September.

How to prune the colored leaf grass

1. Pick the heart many times during the growing period

During the growth period of this plant, when it grows 4-6 leaves, it is necessary to pick the heart more times to promote its secretion of hormones. In this way, it can develop rapidly, make the appearance more plump, and meet the needs of viewing as soon as possible. In order to have a good appreciation of leaves, the inflorescences of leaves should be removed as soon as they are generated. Among them, for the mother plant that keeps the seed, it is necessary to reduce the number of heart picking and let it blossom and bear fruit before entering winter.

2. Leave branches after flowering and subtract the excess parts

After the flowering period, the colored leaf grass should also be pruned properly. It is necessary to retain some branches of 2-3 nodes, and then cut off the rest of the branches, in order to promote the plant to grow new branches, so that it can continue to grow, maintain vigor and vitality.

3. After pruning, ensure the living environment needed for its growth.

Colorful leaf grass is suitable for growing under the condition of light, with the sunshine, it can make the leaf color bright and beautiful. The suitable temperature for growth of colourful leaf grass is 20-25 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in summer, in order to ensure that the leaves have luster, we need to do shading treatment, can not make the strong sunlight directly. And spray water on the leaves to lower the surrounding temperature. In winter, you should also let it go indoors and spend it in a greenhouse.

How to cut Colored Leaf Grass

1. Cutting time

The propagation methods of colourful leaf grass are sowing and cutting, of which the cutting propagation method is the simplest. It can be carried out all year round, except for low temperature in winter and full rooting, the temperature in spring and summer is suitable, which is the best cutting season.

2. The branches of colourful leaf grass

Colourful leaf grass is a perennial herb, but it is cultivated one more year in the family. It is very suitable for the propagation of terminal bud cuttings.

Select 3-5 nodes with terminal buds. Stem nodes 5 to 10 cm in length are used as cuttings. After cutting, the local leaves are trimmed to avoid the failure of cuttings caused by the water loss of too many branches. Usually, all the leaves in the lower part of the branch should be cut off, and it is enough to keep the upper leaves.

3. Cutting methods of Colored Leaf Grass.

The color leaf grass grows rapidly, and the robust branches can be cut in the flowerpot with a diameter of 7.5 cm. After the cutting is successful, it can be maintained directly in the flowerpot. If the space in the home is larger and the environment is suitable, it can be cut in a larger flowerpot.

Indoor culture method of colourful leaf grass

Fertilizer: this is of course an essential factor for its growth. In fact, it is a very fat-loving variety. In addition to adding some organic fertilizer to the nutritious soil when planting, some manure should be applied after each heart picking. In addition, some urea and other fertilizers can be sprayed on the leaves after autumn.

Watering: the amount of water consumed in summer is the largest, about twice a day. However, the soil should not be too wet, otherwise it is easy to grow in vain, so the overall shape will be affected.

Temperature: the suitable range is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than five degrees Celsius, which should be relatively easy to guarantee indoors. However, in order to ensure its healthy growth, it is better to keep the temperature within the appropriate range.

Lighting: if all-day sunlight is provided, the color of its leaves will be more bright, so the light must be guaranteed except when the summer light is particularly strong.

As mentioned above, although colourful leaf grass is an ornamental plant, and its main feature is its colored leaves, it will also blossom. Generally to August, September will open a small and exquisite lavender florets, although not as bright as its leaves, but also very elegant oh!

How to propagate colourful leaf grass, the propagation method / sowing medium should be selected.

Colourful leaf grass is famous for its unique leaf color, in addition, the breeding method is simple, so more and more people plant it. When it grows to a certain stage, it needs to reproduce, so how does it reproduce? The editor will introduce to you several common breeding methods of colored leaf grass.

How does Colored Leaf Grass reproduce

At present, the common propagation methods of colourleaf grass are cutting, sowing and tissue culture. Among them, cutting is suitable for potted flowers, sowing is suitable for large-scale propagation, tissue culture is generally used to cultivate new varieties, suitable for botanists who study colored leaf grass.

I. Cuttage method of Colored Leaf Grass

1. Time selection

Theoretically, cutting can be carried out all year round, but in most areas, the lower temperature in winter is not conducive to rooting after cutting, so cutting is often carried out in spring and summer, especially from March to April.

2. Select branches

Select branches from 1-2-year-old strong colored leaf grass plants, usually the branches with terminal buds are the best.

3. Make cuttings

Cut the selected branches into cuttings 5-10 cm long, trim the leaves at the base, retain 3-5 leaves, and need 3-5 nodes on each cuttage. The excess leaves are cut off to avoid the loss of nutrients.

4. Cuttage

After making cuttings, how does colourful leaf grass reproduce? The cuttings will be cut in the prepared basin soil, and then the soil near the cuttings will be compacted, appropriate watering to keep the soil moist, but do not allow stagnant water in the basin.

5. Post-management

After cutting, keep it in a cool and ventilated place, keep the temperature not lower than 18 degrees, and pay attention to the moist condition of the soil. Generally, it can take root in 7-10 days, and a thin liquid fertilizer can be applied after 2 weeks. Then normal maintenance can be carried out in accordance with the breeding method of colored leaf grass.

Second, how to sow coloured leaf grass

1. When will the colourful leaf grass be sown

Generally speaking, it takes 5 months from sowing to transplanting, so the sowing time depends on the time on the market. For example, if you want colourful grass to be on the market in October, you need to sow in May, except that it is not suitable to sow in winter. The other three seasons can be sown, and the best time is March-April.

2. Selection of matrix.

How does colourful leaf grass reproduce when sowing? First of all, we should select a good matrix, the most suitable matrix is a mixture of perlite and peat soil, the proportion is 3:1, and before use, the substrate needs to be disinfected. Generally, soak in 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder for 30 minutes and then dry.

3. Sowing seeds

Sowing is the most suitable breeding method for large-scale houses, but because the seeds are relatively small, in order to spread evenly, it is necessary to mix the seeds with fine soil, and then scatter 2-3 seeds in each hole. Cover with 2-3 mm thick soil, then compacted and watered.

4. Management

Sowing needs to be controlled at about 20 degrees, and seedlings can emerge in 10-15 days. After emergence, the temperature needs to be controlled at 16-18 degrees, after the true leaves grow out, they can be cultivated into seedlings, and after the seedlings grow to 6-10 cm, they can be cultivated in soil.