
Goldfish hanging orchid leaves how to do, shade / adjust the temperature / find diseases and insect pests with medicine spray

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goldfish hanging orchid, a common indoor potted plant, with emerald green leaves and flowers such as goldfish, is highly ornamental. In daily life, there are many people who raise goldfish orchids, but in the process of breeding, they often encounter some headache problems, such as the phenomenon that the leaves of goldfish orchids turn yellow and fall off.

Goldfish hanging orchid, a common indoor potted plant, with emerald green leaves and flowers such as goldfish, is highly ornamental. In life, there are many people who raise goldfish orchids, but in the process of breeding, they often encounter some headache problems, such as goldfish orchid leaves turn yellow and lose leaves. What about the goldfish hanging orchid with its leaves off? Today, the editor will solve this problem for everyone.

First, goldfish hanging orchid leaves how to do, to find the cause

In indoor potted plants, goldfish orchids are notoriously difficult to raise, especially for beginners, if they do not raise them in accordance with the cultivation methods of goldfish orchids, they may lose their leaves. What on earth is going on? In this regard, the editor analyzed the reasons for the loss of leaves in goldfish from the aspects of light, temperature, diseases and insect pests, and attached solutions, and we went on to look at it.

Second, the reasons for the loss of leaves of goldfish orchids and their solutions

1. Move the flowerpot

In fact, there are only a few reasons why goldfish hanging orchids lose their leaves. First of all, we should consider whether it is caused by moving flowerpots. Because in indoor breeding, it is not suitable to move the pot frequently, especially the goldfish hanging orchid florescence, often move the pot, it will accelerate the time of flower withering, and cause leaves to fall.

Solution: remove the whole goldfish orchid with the soil, then rinse the soil with clean water, and then change the pot soil to replant, be careful not to hurt the root and beard. In order to avoid this situation, we should put it in a suitable place and not change position often.

2. The light is too strong

Goldfish hanging orchid is like negative plants, the demand for light is not high. In the cultivation of goldfish orchid, sometimes because the light is too strong or exposure to light for a long time, it will cause its leaves to lose.

Solution: hanging orchid likes semi-overcast environment, spring and autumn should avoid strong direct sunlight, summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, and need to cover 50% of the sun and 70% of the sun during the day.

3. Improper watering

Goldfish hanging orchid likes the humid environment, so we should water it frequently to keep the basin soil moist, but it is also afraid of waterlogging, so we can't water too much. If there is stagnant water or drought in the basin, it is easy to cause goldfish hanging orchid to lose its leaves.

Solution: move the flowerpot to a ventilated place with astigmatism to let the water evaporate quickly; when the situation is serious, you can change the pot soil and replant. After that, in the spring, summer and autumn, it is necessary to keep the basin soil wet and dry; in winter, goldfish orchids enter the dormant period, when the growth is slow, and the amount of water should be reduced accordingly.

4. Improper temperature

In the process of raising goldfish orchids, the regulation of temperature is very important. The most suitable temperature for goldfish orchid growth is between 15 and 20 ℃. Once the temperature is too low (10 ℃) or too high (30 ℃), the goldfish orchid will lose its leaves.

Solution: control the temperature, when raising goldfish orchids indoors, the temperature should not be too high or too low, keep it 20 ℃, and keep the indoor temperature at about 5 degrees Celsius in winter.

5. Affected by insect pests

In the cultivation of goldfish orchids, due to various reasons, they will inevitably be attacked by diseases and insect pests. On the other hand, pests have a great impact on plants, which may affect the roots, stems and leaves of plants, and cause them to rot. Once the plant is injured, it is easy to lose the leaves.

Solution: goldfish hanging orchid leaves off how to do? At this point, we need to find out what kind of diseases and insect pests caused the loss of leaves, and then solve the problem by spraying. As for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in goldfish, so I won't say much here.

About the reason why the goldfish hanging orchid lost its leaves, after reading the above content, we should know! In fact, the loss of leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.

What to do about goldfish hanging orchid leaves? the causes and solutions of goldfish hanging orchid leaves turning yellow

There are always all kinds of problems in the process of planting plants, such as losing leaves, yellowing leaves, not growing tall plants, or overgrowing plants, rotten roots and maculae, and so on. For these problems, we first need to find the cause of the problem. and then prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem.

What if the goldfish hanging orchid drops its leaves?

1. the light of goldfish hanging orchid is too strong.

In the cultivation of goldfish orchid, sometimes because the light is too strong, it will cause its leaves to fall. Goldfish hanging orchid is like negative plants, the demand for light is not high, if it is exposed to light for a long time, it is easy to lose leaves.

Therefore, goldfish hanging orchid should pay attention to avoid direct light in spring and autumn, and pay more attention to shade in summer.

2. Improper watering of goldfish hanging orchid

Goldfish hanging orchid on the water requirements are relatively high, in the breeding time can not be too much or too little, stagnant water and drought are easy to cause its leaves.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure reasonable watering.

3. Farmed goldfish hanging orchid moving flowerpot

In fact, when cultivating plants, it is not recommended to move the pot frequently, especially during the flowering period, which will speed up the withering time of the flowers and cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall.

So, be careful not to move the flowerpot often. After you put it in a suitable place, you can't change its position often. 4. Goldfish Cymbidium is affected by insect pests.

When raising goldfish orchids, we also need to worry about pests, which have a great impact on plants, which may affect the roots and leaves of plants, resulting in root rot. Once the plant is injured, it is easy to lose the leaves.

Therefore, when raising goldfish orchids, we should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

The cause and solution of goldfish hanging orchid leaf yellowing

First, reasons

1. Lighting conditions

Goldfish orchid is a kind of plant that likes shady environment, if the light is too strong, it will make the leaves of goldfish orchid dim and yellow.

2. Watering times

Although the goldfish hanging orchid likes the wet environment very much, it is also afraid of waterlogging, so don't let it have stagnant water in the basin, or the leaves will turn yellow.

3. Improper temperature

The most suitable growth temperature of goldfish orchid is about 20 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too high (about 30 degrees Celsius) or too low (about 10 degrees Celsius), the leaves of goldfish orchids will turn yellow.

II. Solutions

1. Environmental aspects

Ensure that the growth environment of goldfish hanging orchid is in a semi-shady environment to avoid strong sunlight.

2. Moisture

Pay special attention to the watering of goldfish orchids, to ensure that the soil is moist, but do not let stagnant water in the basin, especially in summer, always spray water around the flowerpot or on the leaves to keep moist.

3. Temperature

Ensure that the growth temperature of goldfish orchid is about 20 degrees Celsius, and the indoor temperature in winter is about 5 degrees Celsius.

The reason for the yellow spots in the leaves of goldfish orchid

First of all, it is necessary to find out what factors make its leaves spotted, in order to take corresponding measures according to the different situation. The disease that causes long leaf spots is generally leaf spot, but goldfish orchids rarely suffer from diseases, and most of them are caused by improper maintenance. for example, rotten roots caused by too much watering will cause insufficient supply of leaf nutrients, yellow spots on leaves, and lack of light will make them grow yellow spots.

Treatment method of rotten Root of goldfish Cymbidium

After discovering the root rot phenomenon, first of all, we should reduce the watering frequency, do not water it repeatedly, and water it once in the morning and once in the evening. When the situation improves, water is watered every other day or two days, which not only ensures the water supply, but also does not make the soil too wet, and after a period of time, the rotten roots will slowly improve. In addition, the need to move outside to receive more light, the winter sun is relatively mild, there will not be sunburn, there will not be yellow leaves, when the plant receives enough sunlight, the roots will naturally improve.

If there are more rotten parts of the root, less watering and more light cannot be saved, it is time to consider using a nutrient solution. The amount of nutrient solution is not the more the better, the recovery of rotten roots requires patience, do not act too hastily. Note that when spraying nutrient solution, do not spray directly in the soil and on the root, direct contact with the root is likely to cause root burning, spray on the leaf surface as far as possible, so that it can be better absorbed. When the rotten root is more serious, the rotten part must be cut off directly. Disinfect the knife before cutting, do not let the bacteria come into contact with the already fragile roots, just throw away the cut roots, and apply some rooting agents on the section to ensure that it can take root and recover as soon as possible.

Although goldfish hanging orchid likes the wet growing environment, it is forbidden to accumulate waterlogging. If it is found that there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it should be dealt with in time, and if necessary, the soil should be changed to avoid rotting roots in the water. If the phenomenon of rotten roots is very serious, it will be irreparable. Therefore, measures should be taken in advance to prevent the occurrence of rotten roots.

Above for the goldfish hanging orchid culture process may exist in a summary, when breeding goldfish hanging orchid once there are some of the above difficulties, you can directly find the answer in the article, so friends who have raised goldfish hanging orchids can collect!

Goldfish hanging orchid leaves how to do? Why did the goldfish orchid lose its leaves?

Goldfish orchid is a kind of plant, people who like to raise plants should know that this kind of thing mostly appears in the office, many people may find that goldfish magnolia always lose leaves? So why is that? Now let's introduce it together.

Goldfish hanging orchid

Goldfish hanging orchid (Nematanthus wettsteinii), also known as goldfish flower, kangaroo orchid, kangaroo flower, hanging goldfish and so on. Perennial herbs of the genus Gesneriaceae, basally semi-woody. Like high temperature, high humidity, negative environment, if placed in the sun for a long time, too dry or winter temperature is too low will cause fallen leaves. The suitable temperature for the growth of goldfish orchid is 18-22 ℃, and low temperature is avoided. If the temperature is lower than 10 ℃ for two consecutive days, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, until they will defoliate with a slight vibration. In addition to low temperature, leaves will also fall if the temperature lasts more than 30 ℃. High temperature in summer, goldfish orchid growth is very slow or almost stopped growing, at this time should take appropriate shading measures, in order to make its growth exuberant, not defoliation.

Why did the goldfish orchid lose its leaves?

1. Put it in the wrong place and the light is too strong.

Goldfish hanging orchids like shade, suitable for indoor planting, and it is easier to lose leaves when placed outdoors, so you should avoid strong direct sunlight in spring and autumn, especially in summer, and you can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening. 50% of the sun needs to be covered during the day, otherwise the leaf tip will dry up.

two。 Too much or too little watering

Hanging orchid like wet, but long-term stagnant water or drought will also cause loss of leaves, to often keep the basin soil moist (the soil surface can be slightly moist), adequate watering in summer, before and after noon and evening should also spray water on the branches and leaves to prevent leaves from drying up.

3. Influence of insect pest

For example, there are small particles of soil at the bottom of the goldfish orchid basin, which may be ants in the soil, because the root fluid of the goldfish orchid is sweet and cool, and it may also be that there are some ants in the soil itself. It is recommended to find a flowerpot to replant, and then remove the whole mother flower with the soil, then rinse the original soil gently in a basin or bucket filled with water, be careful not to hurt the root and beard, and finally choose another flowerpot to reload it. Rescheduling is for insurance, and it is estimated that changing soil and transplanting will solve the problem you raised.

4. Discomfort caused by moving the basin

If the pots are moved during the flowering period, the leaf tips may be withered and yellow, and the flowers will decay faster. As long as the yellow is particularly serious off, as usual maintenance, pay attention to shade and keep the leaves moist.

What if the goldfish hanging orchid drops its leaves?

1. It is recommended to find a flowerpot to re-insert, and then remove the whole mother flower with the soil, and then gently remove the original soil in a basin or bucket filled with water. Rinse off, be careful not to hurt the root and beard, and finally choose another flowerpot to reload. Rescheduling is for insurance, and it is estimated that changing soil and transplanting will solve the problem you raised.

two。 Watering appropriate hanging orchids like the humid environment, always keep the basin soil moist, adequate watering in summer, and spray water on the branches and leaves around noon and in the evening to prevent the leaves from drying up.

Goldfish hanging orchid leaves off

3. The hanging orchid prefers the semi-overcast environment with proper light. Spring and autumn should avoid strong direct sunlight, the summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50% of the sun, 70%, otherwise it will dry up the leaf tip.