
What does the planting of crape myrtle need to pay attention to?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting crape myrtle should choose the leeward and sunny place with deep soil, fertile soil and good drainage. Large seedlings should be transplanted with taxi balls and properly pruned branches, otherwise the survival rate is low. The rotten organic fertilizer was used as the base fertilizer in the planting hole, and watered thoroughly after cutting, and then irrigated again after 3 days. Crape myrtle sprouted late.

Cultivate crape myrtle should choose deep soil, fertile soil, good drainage leeward. Big seedlings transplant to take the ball, and appropriate pruning branches, otherwise the survival rate is low. Composted organic fertilizer is applied as base fertilizer in planting holes, and water is poured thoroughly after cutting, and then water is poured once after 3 days. Crape myrtle sprouts late, normally in mid-April to the end of April before the leaves, new plants due to root injury, germination will be delayed. So don't mistake it for something that doesn't work and give up management.

After survival of the plant management is more extensive, Lagerstroemia strong, easy to plant Lagerstroemia culture, the soil requirements are not strict, but planted in deep fertile sandy loam growth best. Sexual love light, should be planted in the lee or the south wall of the courtyard, insufficient light not only flowers less or no flowering plants, and even weak growth, small branches and leaves. Crape myrtle is cold-resistant, but seedlings should do a good job of cold insulation, more than three years old adult plants do not need insulation. Lagerstroemia crape is drought-tolerant and afraid of waterlogging. It can be watered once a year before germination in spring and after defoliation in autumn. If it is not too dry at ordinary times, it is not necessary to water it. Generally, it is watered 1 ~3 times in spring drought. In rainy season, drainage work should be done to prevent water from rotting roots. Autumn is not suitable for watering. Can be applied every winter after defoliation and spring before germination, such as the application of human feces or sesame paste residue is better, can make the plant grow vigorously in the coming year, flowers big color Yan. In order to make Lagerstroemia flower flourish, it should be pruned in dormant period. Because crape myrtle inflorescences are born at the top of new branches in that year, it is necessary to cut back the annual branches during pruning to concentrate nutrients and make the branches strong. It is necessary to cut off the excessive long branches, dry branches, drooping branches, diseased branches, slender branches and endogenous branches. In the young tree period, the lateral branches of crape myrtle at the lower part of the trunk should be cut off in time to make the upper part of the trunk get sufficient nutrients and form a good crown.

Crape myrtle cultivation management extensive, but to cut off dead branches, pests and diseases in a timely manner, and burned. In order to prolong the flowering period, the branches that have bloomed should be cut off in time to make them sprout again and grow the next round of flowering flowers. In order to thicken the trunk, a large number of flowering branches can be cut off and the trunk can be cultured in concentrated nutrition. Practice has proved that proper management, Lagerstroemia praeparata can make it bloom many times a year, up to 100/120 days.

How to raise crape myrtle flower cultivation precautions

Crape myrtle famous hundred days red is a very good decorative effect of flower varieties, and want to cultivate it well in advance to understand some of the crape myrtle flower cultivation methods and precautions are very comparative. The following content will tell you how to cultivate crape myrtle flower.

Culture methods and precautions of Lagerstroemia lagerstroemia

1, Lagerstroemia cultivation method: Lagerstroemia is a positive tree species, planting to choose a sunny environment, soil requirements moist fertile, at the same time with good drainage. The transplanting time of crape myrtle is from March to early April, the Qingming Festival is the best, followed by autumn. When transplanting plants with soil, leave the trunk 100 to 120 cm cut off the upper part, wait for new shoots to grow after selecting the best angle of 3 to 4 main branches for it to bloom.

2, light watering: Lagerstroemia is a light-loving plant, so the growing season must be placed in the outdoor sun, while Lagerstroemia flower in the growing season on the water requirements are also very large, need to keep the soil moist. In the spring and east two seasons to keep the pot soil moist, summer and autumn season morning and evening to water once, such as high temperature season can increase the number of watering.

3, regular fertilization: Lagerstroemia is a fertile plant, potted Lagerstroemia flower lack of fertilizer will lead to thin branches, yellow color, resulting in weak plant growth, less flowering or even no flowering, but excessive fertilization will cause excessive growth of branches and leaves. In the spring and summer growth season can be more fertilizer, less fertilizer after autumn, winter dormancy period can not fertilize, rainy season and summer high temperature noon do not fertilize.

At the same time, the principle of thin fertilizer and frequent application should also be adopted. In early March, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be used to promote shoot growth. In late May to early June, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied once to promote flower bud growth. In late July and early September, flowering fertilizer should be applied once respectively. The fertilizer should be cake fertilizer water, etc., so as to make flowers bloom more beautiful.

4, plastic pruning: crape myrtle flower hair strong, the growth of new shoots is also very large, so very resistant to pruning. Lagerstroemia flower after flowering to cut off the residual flowers, so as to extend the flowering period, at the same time to some cross branches, sick branches, radial branches to cut off in time, so as not to consume excess nutrients. At the same time, in order to beautify the modeling, the full terminal bud of other branches is generally truncated at 1 cm above, leaving about 5 cm.

5, timely pot change: potted Lagerstroemia myrtle flowers need to change the pot soil every two to three years, with 5 points loose mountain soil, 3 points pastoral soil, 2 points fine river sand mixed into culture soil, when changing pots can use bone meal, bean cake powder and other organic fertilizers as base fertilizer, mixed in the soil surface, can not make fertilizer direct contact with the roots, so as not to burn the roots, affecting plant growth.

After finishing the cultivation method of Lagerstroemia, finally talk about the pest control method of Lagerstroemia.

Common diseases and insect pests Lagerstroemia have scale insects, aphids, pink aphids and coal pollution disease. Crape myrtle in the absence of light, poor ventilation conditions, vulnerable to scale insects, but also can cause the occurrence of coal pollution disease, so that leaves yellow, early deciduous. Scale insects can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times, or poisoned with 3% Chuibudan granular soil. During plum rains, aphids and pink aphids often harm, causing yellow leaves or oily dirt on leaves, and then all leaves fall off, affecting inflorescence formation, which can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate diluted to 1500 times, or killed with 1000~1200 times 80% dichlorvos emulsion. Once Ziwei is infected with coal pollution disease, it can be controlled by stone sulfur mixture.

Lagerstroemia flower cultivation methods, Lagerstroemia flower precautions.

Our family planted two crape myrtle flowers last year, this summer will bloom, very beautiful, flowering for a long time, I like it very much, below I will share with you its breeding method!

Lagerstroemia is a small tree, produced in southern Asia and northern Australia, is a strong adaptability of long-lived trees. Crape myrtle flowers beautiful posture, trunk smooth clean, colorful; flowering when the summer and autumn less flowers season, flowering long, from June to September, so there is "100 days red" said, but also "summer green cover eyes, this flower full house" praise, is a flower, view stem, view root bonsai good material; roots, skin, leaves, flowers can be used as medicine. Crape myrtle flower is the city flower of Anyang City and Xiangyang City. Because of its low tree shape, it is very suitable as garden ornamental tree and street greening tree. Crape myrtle has been cultivated for thousands of years in China. It was planted in Chang 'an court in Tang Dynasty.

[Growth Habits of Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia Flower]

Crape myrtle likes warm and humid climate, likes light, slightly bears shade, likes fertilizer, especially likes deep fertile sandy loam, good born in slightly humid land, also bears drought, avoids waterlogging, avoids planting in low and humid places with high groundwater level, likes warm nature, and can resist cold, sprout strong. Ziwei also has strong anti-pollution ability, strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and chlorine.

[Breeding Method of Lagerstroemia Flower]

1. Sowing and breeding

Sowing is generally suitable for mass reproduction. The method is to harvest and dry the seeds in time when they are mature in October, put them in small cloth bags and put them in ventilated and dry places. In March of the following year, soak them in warm water of 40 - 50 degrees for 2-3 days, and then take them out and air them for a while. Sowing is in the outdoor open field sowing, first the seedbed soil hoe leveling, according to the row spacing of 20-25 cm wide open good sowing ditch, ditch depth of about 3 cm, and then evenly withdraw seeds into the ditch, with every 3-4 cm sprinkle 1 2 as well. Sowing cover ditch, watering; pay attention to shade, keep moist. After about 50 days or so seedlings can be Qi, at this time irrigation once permeable, and intertillage, weeding, especially to do a good job of thinning seedlings, that is, according to the seedling spacing of 10-15 cm 1 plant, the rest are pulled out. It can grow to 20-30 cm high in one year and bloom in the second year.

2. Cutting propagation

① Softwood cuttings

Generally carried out in July to August, when the new branches grow vigorously, the most vigorous, at this time the survival rate of cuttings is high. Select semi-lignified branches, cut them into cuttings about 10cm long, and retain 2-3 leaves at the upper end of the branches. The cutting depth is about 8cm, irrigation water after insertion, covering a layer of plastic film on the seedbed for moisture preservation, setting up a shade net for shade, generally rooting in about 15-20 days, removing the film, retaining the shade net, watering properly in the growth period, the branches of the year can reach 70cm, and the survival rate is high.

② Hardwood cuttings

It is usually carried out from late March to early April before the shoots sprout. Choose robust annual branches from well-growing mother plants and cut them into 10 - 15cm long branches with cutting depth of about 8-13cm. After insertion, fill with water and cover the seedbed with a layer of plastic film for moisture preservation. When the seedlings grow 15~20cm, the film can be opened to build a shading net. In the growth period, proper watering, the annual branches can grow to about 80cm.

3, layering propagation

The layering propagation can be carried out in the whole growing season of Lagerstroemia indica, and it is better to March to April in spring.

4. Plant division propagation

In March of early spring, the sprouts germinated in the rhizosphere of Lagerstroemia indica were separated from the mother plants, planted separately, and watered enough to survive.

5. Grafting propagation

Before sprouting of crape myrtle branches in spring every year, strong seedlings are selected as rootstocks, and a knife (3 - 4cm deep) is longitudinally cut at the top of the rootstocks near the peripheral part, and the slit must be cut from the heart of the tree; then scions with 2-3 buds in length of 5 - 8 cm are taken, and wedge shapes of 3-4cm are cut at both sides of the base. The scion is slightly thicker on the outside than on the inside. The scion slightly thicker side of the outside inserted into the rootstock split alignment cambium, and then with plastic film will be the entire spike branch wrapped up, exposing bud head. This method can graft branches of different colors on the same rootstock layer by layer to form a tree with multiple colors. Grafting 2~3 months after the release of the film, at this time the ear head length can reach 50~80cm, should be cut short branches in time to avoid wind break, and can cultivate strong branches, this culture method survival rate of more than 98%.

[Notes on Ziwei Flower]

1. Soil

Crape myrtle vitality strong, easy to cultivate, the soil requirements are not strict, but planted in deep fertile sandy loam growth best.

2. Watering

Lagerstroemia crape is drought-tolerant and afraid of waterlogging. It can be watered once a year before germination in spring and after defoliation in autumn. If it is not too dry at ordinary times, it is not necessary to water it. Generally, it is watered 1 ~3 times in spring drought. In rainy season, drainage work should be done to prevent water from rotting roots. Autumn is not suitable for watering.

3. Sunlight

Sexual preference for light, insufficient light not only plants less flowers or no flowers, and even weak growth, small branches and leaves.

4. Temperature

Crape myrtle is cold-resistant, but seedlings should do a good job of cold insulation, more than three years old adult plants do not need insulation.

5. Fertilization

Can be applied every year after winter defoliation and before spring germination, such as the application of human feces or sesame paste residue is better, can make the plant grow vigorously in the coming year, flowers big color Yan.

6, pruning

Crape myrtle inflorescences were born at the top of the new branches in that year, so when pruning, the annual branches should be re-cut and retracted to concentrate nutrients and make the branches strong. The long branches, dry branches, drooping branches, diseased branches, slender branches and endogenous branches should be cut off. In the young tree period, the lateral branches at the lower part of the trunk should be cut off in time, so that the upper part of the trunk can get sufficient nutrients and form a good crown.

7. Pests

Lagerstroemia common pests are velvet scale, yellow thorn moth, large moth, etc., should pay attention to spraying pesticide control.

[Medicinal Value of Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia Flower]

Bark, leaves and flowers are strong laxatives; root and bark decoction can treat hemoptysis, vomiting blood, hematochezia. Clearing away heat and toxic materials; expelling pathogenic wind and removing dampness; dispelling blood stasis and stopping bleeding. Main unknown swelling poison; erysipelas; breast carbuncle; sore throat; hepatitis; scabies; crane knee wind; traumatic injury; internal trauma bleeding; metrorrhagia and leucorrhea.

[Crape myrtle flower for garden viewing]

1. As a greening tree species for small trunk roads and highways

2. As a garden, ornamental tree species in public green space

3. As a unit, tree species in industrial and mining areas

Okay, that's all I'm saying. Friends who like it, plant it quickly next spring.