
Hang Admiralty upside down four seasons maintenance method, four skills to make upside down Admiralty bloom constantly

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We have emphasized the importance of maintenance methods in the pest control methods of inverted Admiralty. Good maintenance techniques can protect the inverted Admiralty from many diseases and pests, and usually the methods are constantly adjusted due to seasonal changes. Let's take a look at the four seasons maintenance methods of hanging Admiralty upside down.

We have emphasized the importance of conservation methods in the pest control methods of inverted Admiralty. Good maintenance techniques can protect the inverted Admiralty from many diseases and pests, and usually the methods will be constantly adjusted due to seasonal changes. Let's take a look at the four seasons maintenance methods of hanging Admiralty.

Maintenance method of hanging Admiralty upside down in four seasons

I. how to raise the Admiralty upside down in spring

1. Change pots and cuttings. The temperature in spring is usually between 15 and 25 degrees, which is not only the best growth period for hanging the golden bell, but also the most suitable time for many jobs, such as cutting, changing pots, pruning, etc., if it is a 2-3-year-old plant, cutting propagation can be carried out in spring. cut off weak branches and rotten roots while changing pots.

2. Maintenance and management. You can let the golden clock hang upside down in early spring to receive plenty of sunlight, but you need shade at noon. Watering once every 5-10 days, take the dry and wet side rate, apply liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days; if it is the seedling stage, you need to pick the heart in time, and then keep the environment ventilated.

Second, how to keep the Admiralty upside down in summer

1. Shading and cooling. In summer, if you want to avoid the golden bell hanging upside down by direct sunlight, you need to help it shade and cool it, and move it to the north-facing balcony to keep the environment cool.

2. Maintenance and management. In the upside-down Admiralty four seasons maintenance method, summer is a very critical period, this season needs to stop fertilization, reduce watering, prevent rain, to ensure that the inverted Admiralty smoothly through the hot summer.

Third, how to raise Admiralty upside down in autumn

1. Pruning. After the beginning of autumn, some old leaves of Admiralty will gradually wither and yellow, while flowers will hang on the branches after withering. At this time, the dead branches and residual flowers need to be pruned to reduce nutrient loss and prepare for a smooth winter.

2. Maintenance and management. It is mainly scattered light in the morning and evening, and can be maintained in a semi-light environment after late autumn. The golden bell will be moved indoors in mid-October, and you can also help hang the golden bell upside down to change the basin at this time.

Fourth, how to keep the Golden Bell upside down in winter

1. Keep warm. The first thing to do in winter is to keep the golden clock upside down so that its ambient temperature is at least above 5 degrees to avoid frostbite on stems, leaves and roots. if you are growing indoors, you need to keep the temperature at 15-20 degrees.

2. Maintenance. There is no need to fertilize the inverted Golden Bell in winter, watering can be done every half a month, as long as the soil is not hardened, there is no need to make the soil too wet, and pay attention to adequate light.

Maintenance method of hanging Admiralty upside down in four seasons

Spring maintenance method of hanging Admiralty upside down

In spring, hang the golden bell upside down on the balcony facing south, east and west.

When the temperature is 20 ℃ in spring, the seeds can be sown. After sowing, when the seedlings grow 4 leaves, they can be transplanted into flowerpots with a diameter of 9 cm. The best pot soil is humus-rich soil. After putting on the basin, pour enough water, put it in a cool place, slow the seedling for 1 week, and then gradually see the light.

It receives enough light in early spring and shades around noon in late spring. Watering should also see dry and wet, apply dilute liquid fertilizer twice after 5-10 days, when the seedlings grow to 10 cm, pick out the heart again when the branches grow 3-4 nodes, each plant retains 5-7 branches, so as to ensure that the plant shape is plump, and there will be a lot of flowering.

Upside-down Admiralty maintenance method in summer

In summer, hang the golden bell upside down on the balcony facing east and north.

Flowers have just withered in early summer, so we should pay attention to timely pruning to promote their sprouting branches. Move the flowerpot to a cool and ventilated place from late June to September, control watering, stop fertilization, and often sprinkle water to the ground, spray water to the leaves, cool and humidify, so as to make it safe to spend the summer. In fact, when the temperature is too high, the inverted golden bell is in a semi-dormant state and grows slowly. as long as it is not exposed to the sun, it will continue to grow after summer.

Maintenance method of Admiralty upside down in Autumn

In autumn, hang the golden bell upside down on the balcony facing south, east and west.

After entering the autumn, there are more scattered light in the morning and evening, gradually increase the light after mid-autumn, and cultivate under half-light in late autumn, so as to flourish branches and leaves and colorful flowers. The withered branches, dense and sparse branches and overlong branches need to be pruned again in late August, and each side branch is only 3-5 cm long. 5-7 strong buds are selected after new buds are germinated, and the rest will be cut off, and will bloom again from October to November.

The northern area can enter the house in the middle of October and change the basin after entering the room. In order to change the basin, the plant should be lifted out of the original basin, part of the persistent soil should be removed, the withered branches and diseased branches should be cut off, and then planted in a large pot with newly cultivated soil.

Winter maintenance method of hanging Admiralty upside down

In winter, hang the golden bell upside down on the balcony facing south and east.

Put it in a place with sufficient indoor light and pay attention to ventilation. If the room temperature is controlled above 5 ℃, it can survive the winter safely. Rooms with heating equipment, the room temperature is controlled at 15-20 ℃, apply thin fertilizer and water every half a month, often keep the basin soil moist, can continue to grow and blossom.

How to keep the golden bell upside down? The technique of flowering the Golden Bell upside down in four Seasons

Hang the golden bell upside down, also known as hanging bell begonia, lantern flowers, flower language is to believe in love, there is a warm heart, the flower shape is very special, chic and beautiful, luxuriant and blooming potted plants. The more you look at it, the better it looks, it can blossom for more than half a year, the temperature is right, and it can blossom all the year round. How to raise those who hang the golden bell upside down?

1. Hang the golden bell upside down and one branch will do. In April or so in spring, choose a healthy branch with about three stem nodes and two leaves, soak them in water for two days, and then cut them into the sand. After more than a week, they can take root and sprout.

2. the planting time of hanging Admiralty upside down can be planted in both spring and autumn. To raise the soil that hangs the golden bell upside down, it is best to use sand soil plus rotten leaf soil and farm manure or animal manure. After planting, put it in a ventilated and astigmatic place, not in the rain.

3. Its growth rate and reproduction rate are very fast. Usually can not be placed in a place where the sun is easy to expose and shine strongly, although it needs to be watered and sprayed frequently, there can be no stagnant water in the basin soil.

4, the summer temperature is high, need to be put in a more ventilated and cool place, no more than 30 degrees, there can be no high temperature and strong light. Put it in a warm place indoors in winter, not less than 5 degrees.

5. The temperature suitable for growth is about 20 degrees, and thin fertilizer is applied every half a month during the growing period. Cake fertilizer, urea or potassium dihydrogen phosphate. It will blossom a lot and hang all over the branches like a small lantern.

6. It usually blossoms in April and blooms until December. After flowering, it picks the heart in time, cuts off the residual flowers, prunes the branches, and continues to produce new buds and leaves, which is particularly beautiful.

7. If the temperature is below 5 degrees in winter, you should move indoors in time. If the temperature is suitable for warmer places, it can also blossom in winter.

The above are some suggestions shared by the editor. I hope they can be helpful to you. After all, the article is limited, and many detailed problems in the planting process still need to accumulate experience in the planting process and gradually master the planting skills of breeding upside down Golden Bell.