
How to trim the purple jasmine, the choice of the pruning method/time of the purple jasmine is crucial

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mirabilis is a fast-growing plant, if potted, sometimes because the branches gradually cross each other and affect the appearance, but also lead to the lack of light and poor growth of some branches and leaves, the solution to this problem is pruning, then how to prune Mirabilis? Xiaobian to tell you how to trim

Purple jasmine is a kind of fast-growing plant. If it is cultivated in pots, it will sometimes affect its appearance because the branches gradually cross each other, and it will also lead to poor growth of some branches and leaves due to lack of light. The solution to this problem is pruning. So how to prune purple jasmine? The editor came to tell you how to trim.

How to prune purple jasmine

Pruning time

In general, pruning needs to be carried out in spring and autumn, in addition to two pruning in the growing and dormant periods, in addition to pruning when diseased leaves and withered branches appear, which can play a role in preventing diseases and insect pests.

2. Pruning method

1. Pruning during the growing period

When the seedlings grow to 8-10 cm, you need to pick the heart of the purple jasmine. How to trim the purple jasmine at this time? The answer is to cut off the buds and branches at the top to let the new shoots sprout, and when the new shoots are more prosperous, they need to be coring for the second time at 10 centimeters.

2. Pruning during the dormant period

Dormant period is usually at the beginning of winter, when weak branches, steep long branches, disease and insect branches need to be cut off to control some eggs and germs overwintering on these branches. Among them, the pruning of weak branches is very necessary, although it does not look so beautiful after pruning, it is conducive to its rapid sprouting in the following year.

3. Pruning after flowering

Purple jasmine flowers are very beautiful, which is one of the main functions of purple jasmine, but its flowers will gradually wither after a day in full bloom, and these residual flowers and branches need to be cut off to reduce nutrient consumption.

4. Pruning when changing pots

When turning the basin or reproducing, the plant of purple jasmine needs to be dug out of the soil. How to prune it at this time? The answer is to cut off the fibrous roots that are too dense, as well as some diseased and rotten roots, so that the roots of purple jasmine can grow more smoothly after replanting.

Points for attention in pruning of purple jasmine

1. Watering after pruning. Water in time after pruning. Keeping the soil moist can make the shoots sprout faster, but be careful not to water the leaves or let the wound come into contact with water too much.

2. the treatment of pruning branches. Cut branches should be dealt with centrally, weak branches, diseased branches and so on can be centrally burned, do not re-insert the cut branches into the soil, easy to breed germs and insect pests.

Introduction to common pruning methods of woody plants

Flower pruning is very important in the process of flower growth, especially woody flowers, if they are not allowed to grow carelessly, they are likely to destroy a good plant. As for how to trim, the editor sorted it out.

There are many kinds of woody plants, including flower watching (pedicel begonia, weeping begonia, cherry blossom, etc.), fruit appreciation (ornamental pomegranate, firethorn), and fruit trees (peach, apple, pear, apricot, fruit pomegranate, etc.).

For the adult trees of woody plants, there are generally two types of branches:

Long branches, that is, vegetative branches, are generally used to cultivate backbone plant type. when pruning, they can be cut short, cut or retained according to the actual situation.

Short branches, usually fruiting branches, are important groups of flowering and fruiting branches, which are common in woody plants such as peaches, apples, pears and begonias that bloom in early spring.

Woody plants that bloom in large numbers in summer have both flowering branches, such as pomegranate (some buds appear on short branches and some buds are at the top of the branches), crape myrtle (mainly long branches), jasmine and so on.

Pruning principles for woody plants:

1, according to personal preferences and the growth characteristics of the plant to plastic, which is suitable for bonsai modeling, but also take into account ventilation and light (suitable for fruit trees).

2. For the diseased and weak branches, it is recommended to remove them all; for the valuable vegetative branches, they should be retained and pruned appropriately according to the situation.

3. For parallel and overlapping branches, plant types can be pruned and retained purposefully to achieve the effect of ventilation and light transmission (more attention should be paid to this in fruit tree pruning).

Common pruning methods.

1. Do not prune the whole plant.

Do not cut, that is, slow release, this is also a pruning method, for young plants, it is more suitable in the primary stage of modeling.

There is also twist a little, the early growth of the tender branch, artificial use of external force, make it become soft, so as to change its growth direction, adjust its position.

Pulling branches, for thick annual branches, need to use iron wire and nail stakes to the ground to control its growth direction, which is suitable for planting plants and is commonly used in young trees.

2. Small pruning.

Topping (heart-picking): is to remove the top of the branch, with 3 to 4 leaves of the tender branch, in order to make it more branched, suitable for growing vegetative branches. It is important to note that only pinching branches works, but only pinching leaves without pinching branches will not work (for plants that originally have compound leaves, be sure to pay attention to this).

Truncation: for an one-year-growing branch, the degree of pruning is between topping and re-pruning. After pruning, retaining more than 1 / 2 of the branch can activate the growth of buds in the upper part of the branch and also have the effect of making it more branched.

Re-pruning: for an one-year-growing branch, after pruning, the branch is kept below 1x2. After pruning, the dormant buds in the lower part of the branch can be activated to grow, and the activated dormant buds may form new long branches in the future. it may also become a short branch (fruiting branch group).

Retraction: for a two-year-old long branch, when pruning, all the parts that grew in the previous year will be removed, which can play the purpose of replacing the branch group and promoting multiple branches. This is very useful for fruit trees, so that the parts of the fruit can be effectively controlled and are no longer extended year by year.

3. Large pruning:

The first two kinds, after pruning, basically will not affect the whole tree shape, but this kind of pruning is different. After pruning, the original tree shape may become beyond recognition.

Such as shaving, high grafting, etc., which is suitable for the renewal of old trees; at the same time, it can also be used in combination with grafting, different kinds of plants may have different requirements.

A brief introduction to the timing of pruning:

1. For woody plants that bloom in early spring (such as Begonia, wax plum, primrose, forsythia, etc.), the whole plant type needs to be determined before the height of summer. after all, summer and autumn is the period of flower bud differentiation, and the branches that have formed flower buds may be cut off if they are pruned too late, which will affect the flowering and fruiting of the coming year. Generally, after flowering or fruit picking, centralized trimming once; before the height of summer, overgrowing branches can be controlled by topping or short cutting; winter pruning, for some long branches, can be cut short or retained as appropriate (suitable for fruit trees).

2. For woody plants that bloom in summer and autumn, it is necessary to look at the specific species and the ability of its branches to germinate.

For example, the jasmine with strong branch germination ability can be pruned again after germination in spring, usually after each flower, it should be trimmed slightly (the position of 1-2 pairs of leaves under the flower).

Rose: every winter dormancy, re-cut, usually after each flower, a small trim.

Pomegranate: after falling leaves are dormant in autumn, the whole plant is centrally trimmed once, but the range is not too big, if it is cut too hard, it may affect the flowering next year; usually, it can be pruned properly according to tree shape and personal preference, after all, the branch germination ability of pomegranate is relatively strong, and easy to manage.

For this article, it may be supplemented in detail in the future (specifically for a particular category).

The planting method of flowers

The planting method of collecting some flowers


First, trim frequently! Don't be reluctant to cut it! In the producing area of jasmine, many of them are re-cut to 10-20cm baldness, or even to the ground 3-5cm! 1. The branches that have bloomed must be pruned! Cut out 2-3 knots. The flower buds of jasmine are all on the new branches. 2. Branches that are too long must be pruned! In order to maintain the plant type is appropriate 3, too thin branches must be pruned! The branches below the diameter of 1mm are basically impossible to blossom, and the stronger the branches, the better! Second, bask in more sun-immortal jasmine! There is a saying Hua Yan called "sun-immortal jasmine, shady immortal pearl orchid". Third, jasmine likes fertilizer, commonly known as "meat jasmine" during the flowering period from April to October, and can apply more potassium dihydrogen phosphate and calcium superphosphate (which can be mixed with weakly acidic organic fertilizer). The principle of proper supplement of nitrogen fertilizer: thin fertilizer is applied frequently, fertilizer and water are irrigated at intervals, and fertilization must be applied only when the soil is dry. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be foliar sprayed, should pay attention to dilution in accordance with the regulations! Calcium superphosphate can be used as a mixed application of base fertilizer and organic fertilizer, or topdressing. If the leaves are getting bigger and bigger, on the one hand, there is too much watering, on the other hand, there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, more phosphate fertilizer should be applied, and the sun should be enough to grow longer and longer, too shady and thin leaves will lead to weak growth, less flowering or even no flowering. (in addition: Amoy rice water can be used for two weeks sealed fermentation and diluted fertilization, good phosphate fertilizer, it is better to add bean cake fermentation. Fourth, often loosen the soil, the soil permeability must be good, it is best to mix in coarse sand, slag, ceramsite, pebbles, etc., do not use powdered mud (not all mud can not be used), furnace ash, etc., avoid waterlogging, but the leaves begin to droop, the soil dries need to be watered, thoroughly! 6. About pruning: Jasmine is a typical evergreen plant, so high-intensity pruning is not needed in the south. In order to reduce winter consumption, most of them will carry out appropriate pruning and control the shape of the plant at the same time. High-intensity pruning is not conducive to plant growth in the coming year. But you can't survive the winter without high-intensity pruning in the north. So it is necessary to trim all the ground, leaving only one stubble and covered with straw and other materials that can keep warm to survive the winter smoothly. Shape: a leaf and a flower is called Buddha's flame bag, and the red one is a leaf. A so-called "flower" is made up of a leaf and an inflorescence, so it is called a leaf and a flower. After this flower is withered, there will be no second flower on that leaf. Fertilization: potassium dihydrogen phosphate, once a week. Xiyang is afraid of exposure to the sun. Like high temperature and humid environment, not resistant to cold, frost injury occurs below 13 ℃. The leaves are often sprayed during the growing period to maintain humidity. Avoid strong light, put it on the north windowsill in summer and the south windowsill in other seasons. To blossom, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the key (potassium dihydrogen phosphate). Third, about water-cultured rotten roots: if the powder palm is infected with bacteria, the rotten roots should be cleaned up first, and then disinfected in potassium permanganate solution. If not, salt water can be used instead. The most important thing is that vases should also be disinfected. There is no potassium permanganate at home, so the diluted solution of cephalosporin is used instead. Dissolve the semi-cephalosporin in a small basin of water, soak the root of the flower in it, and then change the water once a week. Aah! aah! First, with regard to the change of water, those who are not easy to change can be changed once a week on average. Second, after the emergence of rotten roots, you can take the flowers out of the water and put them in a ventilated place. The decayed roots should be thoroughly removed. There is a layer of wax on the leaves of flowers such as Anthurium andraeanum, so it is not like other flowers that can be absorbed from the leaves, and the water is very difficult to dry. in addition, if it forms water droplets, it is easy to burn the leaves in strong light, so please do not spray water on the leaves. Wisteria is about flowering: seed cultivation, generally speaking, can not blossom until five or six years later. In addition, it must undergo low temperature vernalization treatment before budding and blooming. If you are in the south, you must leave it outside in winter and just move into the room during the cold spell. Otherwise, it will never blossom. This is the same as hyacinth and Phalaenopsis. Low temperature is an important condition for flower bud differentiation. Black beauty likes a warm, humid and ventilated semi-shady environment, is not resistant to hot sun exposure, bright scattered light is the best, the root system is semi-fleshy, likes water but is not resistant to water, and avoids stagnant water. Watering should not be fixed, such as planting in porcelain pots, water can be watered once after 2cm drying on the soil surface, and water can often be sprayed to the leaves when the weather is fine, pay attention to ventilation. During the growing period (spring and summer), a small amount of all-element compound fertilizer can be used in about 3 weeks. If the water is large, the yellow leaves are heavy, the rotten roots and yellow leaves are heavy, it is recommended to cut off the withered and yellow parts of the leaves thoroughly. If the same problem occurs within a week, it is recommended to buy broad-spectrum fungicides such as methyl topiramate, mix them with water 500 times, and pour them into the soil with watering. Use the medicine once every other time, 3 times in a row. What kind of soil is suitable for rhododendron? first, the choice of soil is very important to the growth and development of rhododendron. There are many methods for the cultivation of rhododendron, which vary from variety to variety, but they must have the following conditions: loose, unobstructed drainage, good ventilation, acidic soil, rich humus and sufficient base fertilizer. Usually azaleas thrive when living in acidic loam. If they are in alkaline soil, they soon die of leaf yellow exhaustion. Rhododendron is regarded as an indicator of acidic soil. Generally speaking, rotten leaf soil belongs to acid soil, and pine leaf humus soil is the best, which is an ideal culture soil for planting rhododendron. You can dig under the pine and cypress forest in the mountain area, or you can take soil under the ground where there are many pine and cypress trees in the courtyard. And add appropriate amount of sulfur powder and alum before use to improve its acidity before use. The soil with high humus content is the most suitable for the growth of rhododendron. There is a lot of humus, which can replenish the nutrients in the soil in time, improve the soil structure, preserve soil water, keep fertilizer, aerate, absorb heat and keep heat. It can also reduce the harm of toxic substances in the soil and promote the root system of rhododendron to expand in all directions. Second, when watering azaleas, special attention should be paid to the water quality. Tap water is purified soft water, which contains bleaching powder, liquid chlorine, alum and other chemicals. If this kind of water is used for a long time, it will gradually increase the alkalinity in the basin soil, which is not conducive to the growth of azaleas. An aqueous solution containing 0.5%-1% vinegar can be irrigated once in 10-15 days. Watering can also use tap water and well water after drying treatment. Third, fertilization: rhododendron is a flower that does not need big fertilizer, if the fertilizer is applied too much or too thick, it will be disadvantageous to its growth. But this does not mean that it should not be fertilized, but that it should bloom more and more, and that the sky should apply some fertilizer at the right time and in the right amount. Therefore, flower growers summed up eight words of experience in fertilization: "less dry fertilizer, less liquid fertilizer". After the Beginning of Autumn, the cuckoo will begin the second period of vigorous growth. in this short period of time, the dilute solution of phosphate fertilizer such as calcium superphosphate can be applied 1-2 times to meet the needs of plant growth and bud pregnancy. After each fertilization, fresh water should be irrigated every 2 days, and the basin soil should be planed loose once to make the basin soil fully ventilated. After the beginning of winter, as the weather gets colder and the plants stop growing, fertilization should stop immediately. If you do not stop fertilizing, make the plant sprout tender leaves, but will make it difficult for cuckoos to survive the winter, do not be careless. Fourth, post-anthesis care: after the rhododendron blossoms, its residual flowers often remain for a long time, which consumes a lot of nutrients. In order not to let nutrients be consumed in vain, the residual flowers should be picked in time to supply nutrients to sprout new technologies. In addition, the shorter summer cuckoo has many transverse branches. every spring plum, many twigs sprout from the roots. In order to concentrate nutrients on the main branches and flowers, so that they can grow faster and have bigger gills, these twigs should also be cut off in time. Iron deficiency ~ the old leaves are green, but the new leaves turn yellow, but the veins are still green. This is a typical symptom of iron deficiency. The simplest maintenance method is: remove the residual flowers and flower stalks after flowering, buy some soybean noodles, sprinkle a small handful in the flowerpot, sprinkle some more after a month, and then sprinkle again until October. Water thoroughly as soon as it dries. In addition, prune the branches properly to have a beautiful tree shape. Don't spray water on the petals, it will rust. Green Luo 1. The water is only added to half of the bottle, leaving half of the roots exposed to the air. (has grown a little bit of beard root) 2. Put a rusty nail in the water. (it is said to supplement ferrous sulfate, but note that water rust will pour into the glass bottle and the surrounding pebbles, it is recommended to put a small one or isolation measures) 3. Wipe the leaves with diluted milk every 3 and 4 days. The concentration of my milk is not high, so I don't have to wipe it with clean water, and the effect of diluted beer is the same. Change the water every three or four days. Cold boiled water is better than tap water. As long as there is enough scattered light, it can not be protected in the sun.