
How to grow water celery

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to grow water celery

Water celery, abbreviated as water celery, is a perennial herb. Many people think that water celery is wild celery, but this is not the case. apart from their similar appearance, they are not the same plant. Water celery is a kind of vegetable for both medicine and food. it tastes very delicious and is becoming more and more popular in the market. So how does it grow water celery? Now let's learn how to grow water celery.

1. Daejeon dressing and finishing

Water celery has the characteristics of wet, fertile, waterlogging and cold resistance. wild water celery generally grows in low wetlands, shallow marshes and other places. So if we grow in the field, we need to choose a place where irrigation is convenient, and the field has been planted with rice, so that the soil will be more fertile. Usually we choose to carry out soil preparation around May, and in the soil preparation combined with fertilization, the base fertilizer is mainly based on farm manure and rotten barnyard manure. There should be a certain area of shade near the planting site, or a shade shed should be built artificially, and finally the field should be ploughed deeply, and the field should be made into a box with a width of five meters, and the soil surface can be raked flat to wait for sowing.

2. Sowing method

We have to choose the heat-resistant Changshu variety for the seeds of water celery. The sowing method of water celery is usually soaking seeds to accelerate germination and direct seeding dry seeds. For dry seeds, we only need to water the soil thoroughly before sowing, then sprinkle a layer of fine soil, then spread the seeds evenly on the side of the box, and finally cover a layer of fine soil. Soaking seeds to accelerate germination and sowing seeds need to soak the seeds and put them into the appropriate environment to accelerate germination, which can improve the emergence rate of water celery. After the water celery is sown, we should water it properly until the seedlings emerge, and when the seedlings grow to about five centimeters, we can put appropriate shallow water into the field for cultivation.

3. Reasonable close planting

When the water celery grows to about 15 centimeters, it can be planted. Water celery is generally planted in the way of seedlings, according to the row spacing of 25 to 30 centimeters, plant spacing of 15 to 20 centimeters, each plant retains three strong seedlings. After planting, it is necessary to sun up the field properly, and after the plant has survived, it is necessary to put water into the field again and deepen the water level appropriately.

4. Field management

In the growth process of water celery, we need reasonable water management, scientific fertilization and weeding when necessary. In general, when putting water into the field, it is necessary to dry the field, and then release water appropriately, and raise and fall the water level appropriately according to the growth of water celery. The main purpose of water celery is to promote the growth of its stems and leaves, and to maintain the fresh and tender taste, so we usually use nitrogen fertilizer as the main fertilizer, and topdressing with potassium fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and boron fertilizer, which can ensure the growth and quality of water celery. Finally, water celery can continue to reproduce, so we should harvest it in time, otherwise it will affect the output and later quality of water celery.

The above is the planting method of water celery, in fact, its planting method is also very similar to wild celery. Because the environment suitable for their growth is basically the same, that's why many people can't tell the difference between water celery and wild celery. That's all for the editor's sharing today. I hope I can help you all. If you have any other questions to consult, remember to leave a message for the editor.