
When does evening fragrant jade blossom? how to raise evening fragrant jade can blossom more / bloom in July.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the evening fragrant jade, many flower friends must be no stranger, because it is night incense, a kind of flowers that bloom at night and have a strong fragrance. It is rumored that the flower scent of evening fragrant jade has a mosquito repellent effect, so everyone is looking forward to the evening fragrant jade blooming, when will the evening fragrant jade blossom? How can evening fragrant jade blossom more? To this

For the evening fragrant jade, many flower friends must be no stranger, because it is night incense, a kind of flowers that bloom at night and have a strong fragrance. It is rumored that the flower scent of evening fragrant jade has a mosquito repellent effect, so everyone is looking forward to the evening fragrant jade blooming, when will the evening fragrant jade blossom? How can evening fragrant jade blossom more? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

When will the evening fragrant jade blossom, July-November

On this issue, flower lovers who have raised it should know that the evening fragrant jade usually starts in July, and this situation will last until November. When will all the evening jade blossom? the answer is from July to November. And what is very special is that the evening fragrant jade will open only at night and emit a strong aroma.

The reason why the evening fragrant jade blossoms at night: the evening fragrant jade is native to the tropics, where the temperature is high during the day, moths and other insects come out only at night. The late fragrant jade is pollinated by moths that appear at night, so this also determines the flowering time of the late fragrant jade at night. At night, the evening fragrant jade attracts night insects to pollinate it by virtue of its strong aroma.

Second, late fragrant jade florescence, 8-10:00 in the evening

The late fragrant jade has a long flowering period and blossoms continuously from July to November. It is loved by people and is a good potted flower. According to the breeding experience of flower friends, Evening Xiangyu usually opens at 8-10:00 in the evening, when the temperature is just right. So how long does the evening fragrant jade bloom? It takes 4 months as a whole, and the time spent on a single flower is 2 hours.

Third, how to raise evening fragrant jade and blossom more

Evening fragrant jade is beautiful after flowering, its flowers are white and look pure and beautiful. The late fragrant jade has a long flowering period, and we already know that if it can bloom more flowers, it will be more beautiful. How can the evening fragrant jade blossom more? In this regard, the editor suggests that we should do the following three points:

1. Soil

Before the late fragrant jade blooming period, we should put some coarse sand at the bottom of the flowerpot, which is to increase the drainage and permeability of the soil, which can help the growth and development of late fragrant jade and promote flowering. In addition, according to the breeding method of evening fragrant jade, it is best to use sandy soil in the selection of soil.

2. Fertilization

How can evening fragrant jade blossom more? This naturally requires the support of sufficient nutrients, so proper fertilization is very important. We should do this: topdressing during the bud and throughout the flowering period, using potassium dihydrogen phosphate and rotten cake fertilizer.

3. Lighting

Plants can not grow without light, so if you want to blossom more late fragrant jade, sufficient light is indispensable. In the late fragrant jade flowering period, we should make sure that it is adequate, and pay attention to sprinkling water around the plant, you can sprinkle water around the leaves and potted soil.

About the late fragrant jade flowering period and flowering time, after reading the above introduction, we should know! Generally speaking, the evening fragrant jade is very beautiful, if we take good care of it, it can blossom more. However, it should be noted that evening fragrant jade is poisonous, and its flower fragrance can make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable, causing chest tightness and breathing difficulties, so evening fragrant jade is not suitable for indoor display.

How to raise evening fragrant jade can blossom more and have a strong aroma.

The soil selected for the conservation and cultivation of late fragrant jade with multi-flowering

In the maintenance of evening jade, we should first put some coarse sand at the bottom of the flowerpot, which is to increase the drainage and permeability of the soil, which can help the growth and development of evening jade and promote flowering.

The best choice of soil is sandy soil, but also pay attention to the soil often loose work, otherwise a long time will make the basin soil hardening, hindering the growth of roots, thus hindering flowering.

Management of fertilization

Late fragrant jade consumes a lot of nutrients during flowering, so it also needs to be replenished. During this period, fertilizer should be fertilized and topdressing should be carried out during the flower bud and throughout the flowering period. The fertilizer can be used with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and rotten cake fertilizer.

Light management

The late fragrant jade should give sufficient light during the flowering period, so it is necessary to ensure sufficient light during the flowering period. at this time, in order to bloom more, we should also pay attention to sprinkling water around the plant, you can sprinkle water around the leaves and potted soil.

Late fragrant jade flowering strong maintenance 1. Planting period

If you want the evening fragrant jade to blossom with strong fragrance, the first thing is to choose the planting period, which should be carried out in April.

Soak the seeds in clean water overnight before planting

When planting, we should use garden soil or sandy loam, and then apply base fertilizer, which is beneficial to the later flowering, and keep it in a sunny place after planting.

two。 Fertilizer application

In order to make the evening fragrant jade blossom strongly, it is necessary to carry out topdressing and fertilization.

Especially during the growth period of late fragrant jade, liquid fertilizer can be applied for 3 times or 4 times to promote the growth of flowers.

It is also necessary to ensure adequate light, which are of great help to the blooming of evening jade flowers and the growth and fragrance of flowers after opening.

What if late fragrant jade does not blossom? analysis of the reasons why late fragrant jade does not blossom / fertilizer can not be more.

Evening fragrant jade blossoms at night, its color is white, the flower fragrance is rich, has certain ornamental value, is farmed in the home by many flower friends. However, in the process of breeding evening fragrant jade, many flower friends will encounter a headache, that is, do not bloom! So, what if the evening jade doesn't blossom? In this regard, the editor found four reasons, let's go and have a look.

First, the fragrant jade does not blossom at night, look for the cause

The fragrance of Evening Jade is extremely rich at night and has the effect of repelling mosquitoes, so it is loved by many people. However, this is all the case of late fragrant jade blooming, but what if evening fragrant jade does not blossom? According to the inquiry made by the editor, there are four reasons for the non-flowering of evening fragrant jade: underage, early digging, too small tuber and excessive fertilization. Let's move on to the specific solution.

Second, the reasons for the non-flowering of evening fragrant jade and its solutions

1. Under the age of flowering

If the evening fragrant jade wants to blossom, its tuber diameter must at least grow to above 2.2cm, then its interior can form flower bud and blossom. If the planted evening fragrant jade is a small tuber, not enough 2cm, because it has not reached flowering age, evening fragrant jade will not blossom naturally.

Solution: if it is a big ball, it can be planted shallowly so that the whole terminal bud is exposed to the soil surface, which can promote the big ball to blossom; if it is a small ball, it should be planted deeply and only the tip of the seedling will be exposed after covering the soil.

2. Digging the ball too early

If you want to say that the evening fragrant jade does not blossom, it may also be that it is not the right time to dig up the bulbs. to put it simply, it is too early to dig balls! The reason for this is that digging balls too early will affect the formation of flower buds in the tuber and prevent them from blooming in the following year.

Solution: in the case of not suffering from frost injury, we should dig the ball as late as possible, which is one of the ways to improve the flowering rate of late fragrant jade.

3. Be exposed to damp and cold

If the tuber of evening fragrant jade is stored improperly in winter, it will cause the main flower buds in the tuber to suffer frost injury or rot, so that if planted in the coming year, late fragrant jade can not blossom naturally.

Solution: if you want to blossom late at this time, you should fully dry the skin of the tuber and store it in a dry and warm place to prevent the main flower buds from mildew and rot, and plant as early as possible and harvest as late as possible.

4. Excessive fertilization

In addition to the above points, excessive fertilization is also the reason why the evening fragrant jade does not bloom, especially if the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is too much, it will lead to excessive vegetative growth, that is, the stem and leaves grow too long, inhibit the growth of flower buds, resulting in few flowers or even no flowering.

Solution: late fragrant jade in the growing period, we should strictly control the concentration of fertilization, especially the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, which is an important measure to prevent late fragrant jade from blooming. It is generally applied once a month after planting, once before flowering, and once every one and a half or two months thereafter.