
How to raise orchids, culture methods and precautions of orchids / avoid bright light

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chinese orchid is a highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen all over the world, but it is easy to raise it first, and there are many places that need to be paid attention to, so how to raise it? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Chinese orchid is a highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen all over the world, but it is easy to raise it first, and there are many places that need to be paid attention to, so how to raise it? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise orchids

If you want to know how to raise orchids, we must first understand its growth habits. Cymbidium is a shade-loving plant, so the demand for sunlight is not high. It likes to grow in a warm environment, and it will grow better in this way.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

1. Soil selection

When we cultivate Cymbidium, we should first choose soil, which likes fertile humus soil. This kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability. It is an excellent soil for cultivating Cymbidium, and it can also make Cymbidium better absorb nutrients.

two。 Fertilization requirements

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of Magnolia, especially in the growing period, its demand for fertilizer is very high, basically every 20 days, but the fertilizer should be light and avoid concentration. We should dilute the fertilizer with water before fertilization, so that it can be better absorbed, and it is easy to burn the plant if thick fertilizer is applied directly.

3. Humidity control

The humidity here refers to the humidity of the air. Magnolia likes to grow in an environment with slightly dry soil and high air humidity. When we breed magnolia, it is best to control the environmental humidity between 55% and 80%. If we breed it indoors, we can use a humidifier to increase indoor humidity, so that it can grow better.

4. Watering requirement

In the process of the growth of orchids, the requirement for water is also very high. Generally speaking, Rain Water and snow water are the best. if you want to pour tap water in a sunny day, you must first be exposed to the sun for a day before you can use it. and when watering, remember not to spray water into the buds, which can easily cause buds to rot.

5. Light management

Mulan likes a cool environment and is not resistant to strong light, so we must remember not to put it in direct sunlight when breeding, so it is easy to sunburn the plant, but it can not be overshaded, so it can not carry out photosynthesis, which will affect its flowering. So we can put it in a place of sunlight scattering when we breed it.

6. Pest control

In the process of the growth of the orchid, if we do not maintain properly, it is easy to have diseases and insect pests and other problems, this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, so we must deal with it in time when it appears. You can refer to the article on pest and pest control of the orchid, which is introduced in detail, but the editor will not repeat it here.

Conclusion: after reading the above content, we also have a certain understanding of how to raise orchids in detail. as long as we breed them in accordance with the above methods, your orchids will certainly grow luxuriantly. Gossip less, about the breeding methods of orchids and matters needing attention, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring you some help.

How to raise Cymbidium, the breeding methods and points for attention of Cymbidium

Nowadays, more and more friends who love the flowers of Meilan are slowly transplanted into indoor potted plants as indoor ornamental plants. Then how to raise the ink orchid? The breeding method of Mo Lan will become a problem concerned by many consumers. The editor will then tell you about the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

How to raise Mo Lan

1. Substrate for cultivation

Chinese traditional potted orchids often use humus soil under the forest of their origin, which is called "orchid mud" by locals. This kind of soil is rich in humus, loose and non-adhesive, and is often slightly acidic, so it is an excellent potted soil for orchid cultivation. Orchids cultivated in the north are generally made of 5 parts of rotten leaf soil and one part of sand and mud. It was also mixed with 4 parts of humus, 2 parts of peat soil, 2 parts of slag and 2 parts of river sand.

2. Seedling separation and disinfection

When dividing the basin, first use the five fingers of the left hand to grasp the base of the orchid seedling, turn the basin upside down, and gently tap around the basin to separate the basin from the basin soil, and then carefully tap the soil to shake off the soil. Carefully clean the orchid root, cut off the rotten root, broken root, withered leaf and dry false bulb, then rinse it with clean water and disinfect the orchid root in 1000-fold solution of topzine or potassium permanganate solution. Kill germs near the wound.

3. Upper basin

After the basin is selected, before planting, cover the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin with large pieces of broken tiles, spread with window screen, and then cover with coarse grains of mountain mud, and then put into the orchid plant (the distribution of the root system of the orchid plant should be uniform and stretch, do not touch the basin wall). Then fill the basin with humus soil and bury it at the leaf base of the false bulb. And cover the mud surface with a layer of white stone or green cloud grass, which is not only beautiful but also keeps the topsoil moist. Then use the basin bottom water infiltration method to make the soil wet, rinse the foliar soil with a spray can, place the seedlings in the shade place, and transfer to normal management a week later.

4. Management

Cymbidium is a semi-negative plant, which requires "warm, moist, astigmatic and ventilated" environmental conditions. Growth depends on maintenance and management. The cultivation site requires good ventilation and shading facilities. The water requirement of Melanias mainly depends on the air temperature, light intensity and plant growth. In the appendix of Lanpu, Gao Lian of the Ming Dynasty said, "Pei Lan four precepts": "Spring does not come out, summer is not the day, autumn is not dry, winter is not wet." These twelve-character tricks are indeed the experience of raising orchids. Rain Water or snow water is the best water for ink orchid. If it is necessary to water the orchid with tap water, it should be exposed to the sun for a day before it can be used. Watering with a spray can, do not spray water into the buds, so as not to cause rot. Avoid showers in summer and must use film to keep out the rain. Watering time, summer and autumn before and after sunset, before night leaf drying is appropriate. In winter and spring, it is best to water before and after sunrise, and spray to increase air humidity to benefit the growth of ink orchid.

5. Fertilization

Mo Lan fertilization "should be light and avoid thick", generally start at the end of spring and stop at the end of autumn. Fertilization temperature of 18 degrees Celsius-25 degrees Celsius is appropriate, rainy days are not suitable for fertilization. Types of fertilizers, organic or inorganic fertilizers are available. Fertilization is applied once a week in the growing season, and the growth of Magnolia is slow in autumn and winter, so it should be applied less every 20 days, and a small amount of water should be sprayed after fertilization to prevent the fertilizer liquid from contaminating the leaves. Fertilization must be carried out in the evening on a sunny day, and there is a risk of rotting roots on cloudy days.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

⑴ prefers yin to strong light. According to many field visits, Meilan mostly grows in the Xiangyang dense forest. According to experiments conducted by the National Orchid Research Center of South China normal University and the Plant Department of the National University of Singapore, it is found that the light compensation point of photosynthesis is about half of the morning light in spring, and the light saturation point is about 10% to 15% of the light intensity at noon in summer. This fully confirms that Cymbidium is a typical negative plant. If the sun is too strong, it will cause sunburn. Therefore, it is advisable to have 60%-70% shade density in winter and spring and 85%-90% shade density in summer and autumn.

⑵ prefers warmth to cold. The optimum temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 25: 28 ℃, and the optimum temperature during dormancy is 12: 15 ℃ in daytime and 8: 12 ℃ at night. It can not tolerate the low temperature below 3 ℃, and even the transient low temperature below 2 ℃ will cause frost damage.

⑶ prefers dampness to dryness. Cymbidium originated in Rain Water's abundant forest in the south, like to be wet but avoid dryness. 75% to 80% of the air relative humidity is needed during the growing period and more than 50% in winter. If the surface of the matrix is too dry, it should be watered as soon as possible, not too dry for too long.

⑷ prefers fat to turbid. According to the determination of the relevant departments: the leaves and pseudobulbs of Cymbidium contain a lot of phosphorus, and its old roots also have a strong ability to absorb phosphorus, so the amount of phosphorus required by Cymbidium is less; the plant of Cymbidium has thick leaves and broad leaves, and has a greater demand for nitrogen. The broad leaves of Magnolia need more potassium nutrition, so that the lignin and cellulose of plant leaves can effectively increase and enhance the support of plant leaves, so that they will not be weak. Therefore, the suitable proportion of ink orchid for the three elements of fertilizer is 35% of nitrogen, 20% and 45% of fertilizer. Although ink orchid likes fertilizer, it must avoid high fertilizer concentration and frequent fertilization. Instead, it requires 0.1% chemical fertilizer and 0.1% organic liquid fertilizer, which is applied every 15 to 20 days.

Ink orchid, rich aroma, changeable color, beautiful flowers, unique leaf shape, many friends can not resist its temptation charm, like friends can grow their own oh.

How to raise Cymbidium and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

Ink orchid, rich aroma, changeable color, beautiful flower color, unique leaf shape, many friends can not resist its temptation and charm. Then transplant in the indoor potted plant, believe that how to raise the cymbidium? The breeding method of ink orchid will become the concern of many consumers, the following editor here combined with the picture of ink orchid, to tell you about the breeding knowledge of ink orchid.

[plant archives]

English name: Mo Lan (Chinese Orchid)

Study: Cymbidium sinensis Wild

Alias: orchid, orchid, broad-leaf orchid, talent orchid, birth orchid, hair orchid, abundant orchid, abundant orchid, year orchid

Family: Orchid

Genus: Cymbidium

Distribution of origin: originating from China, Vietnam and Myanmar. Mainly produced in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Hunan, Guizhou

Growth environment: often born by streams under mountain forests, but also in grass under evergreen broad-leaved forests or mixed forests

Morphological characteristics: the general traditional varieties of Cymbidium have oval pseudobulbs, stout and long roots, and some are antler-shaped bifurcations. The leaves are tufted, sword-shaped, and the upper part is scattered upward and outward (some standing leaves are called enterprise swords, some semi-drooping leaves are called soft swords), the leaves are long 50~8Ocm, wide 2.7~4.2cm, entire or serrated, with turquoise luster. Scape erect, usually above leaf surface (off shelf). There are 7 flowers and 20 flowers, bracts small, nectaries at the base (nectar, orchid paste), sepals narrowly lanceolate, light brown with 5 purple veins, petals short and wide, extending forward, above the core column. The length of the core column is 1.2~1.6cm and the pollen mass is 4 pieces. Labellum 3-lobed, inconspicuous, end drooping reverse roll, with 2 yellow folds, fruit narrowly elliptic, long 5~6cm. There are hundreds of thousands of embryos in it.

How to raise Mo Lan?

◆ growth habits: ink orchid likes shade, but avoids strong light; likes warmth, but avoids severe cold; likes dampness, but hates dryness; likes fat, but avoids turbid.

◆ soil: Mo Lanxi micro-tide soil environment, should not make it suffer from drought, the water used had better be soft water.

◆ fertilization: Magnolia does not need much fertilizer, and the plants can grow well without base fertilizer. The plants should be irrigated with dilute liquid fertilizer once a year in spring and autumn, and topdressing should be stopped during the dormant period.

◆ lighting: to shade the magnolia in summer, we should ensure that the plant receives proper direct sunlight, otherwise the plant growth is poor and the development is poor, but it is necessary to ensure that the plant is exposed to sunlight before 10:00 every morning to avoid direct sunlight in the noon and afternoon, otherwise it is not conducive to the normal growth and development of the plant.

◆ environment: Mexico likes the environment of air circulation, ventilation in the case of low relative humidity, it is best to spray water at the same time, which helps to increase air humidity and prevent leaves from being at the tip.

◆ temperature: ink orchid prefers warm environment and grows well in the temperature range of 16 ℃ ~ 28 ℃.

◆ pest control: plants are susceptible to sunburn when they receive too much sunshine in summer. The symptom is that yellow spots appear on the surface of the leaves, then turn black gradually, and in severe cases, the whole leaf dries up and dies. The prevention and control method is: avoid direct sunlight for too long, should achieve timely shading. In balcony cultivation, Magnolia is prone to root rot and is often attacked by shell insects, ants and other harmful animals.

How many times a year does Mulan blossom?

Mulan and Hanlan bloom more than once a year, but the flowering time is early and late with the high and low temperature. Cold orchids bloom in September and November-December. In Guangdong, they bloom around the Spring Festival, while in Zhejiang, they bloom together with Chunlan.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

[location] the ink orchid can be placed on the east, south and west balcony for management, in which the cultivation effect of the east and west balcony is better, and the excessive sunlight should be avoided on the south balcony. Because it is moderate in height, it can be placed on all kinds of balconies of different sizes. During its vigorous growth stage, the plant should be placed where it is exposed to scattered sunlight for not less than 1-2 hours a day. The environment should be kept ventilated in summer. It doesn't matter if the temperature is a little lower in winter.

[propagation method] the method of plant division is the main method of propagation, which is mostly carried out in March every spring. Because the seedlings are directly planted, the acid loam containing humus should be selected for propagation, and the pot used is the planting pot. Large plants that have been planted for 3 to 5 years should be used as breeding materials. Do not water a few days before the analysis, because the roots and leaves of rice plants are brittle in the case of sufficient water, wilting and softening in the absence of water, so it is not easy to be hurt and easy to operate. The sowing method can also be used to raise seedlings.

[planting years] Magnolia is a perennial plant, its growth is very slow, the plant is not easy to aging. The best viewing time can be up to 5-7 years or even longer after the seedlings are planted. In the case of not turning the pot, its continuous cultivation should not exceed 2 years.

The species of Cymbidium

Nowadays, in addition to the traditional varieties such as Jinzui, Silver Edge, Enterprise Black, White Ink, Huizhou and so on, there are many new and excellent varieties on the market, such as Golden mouth, Silver Edge, Enterprise Black Ink, Qi Jian White Ink, Shenzhou Qi, elegant, Huaxi Lotus Butterfly, Imperial Concubine, prosperous China, and so on.

The Application of Melan

Ink orchid has become one of the most popular national orchids in China. It has entered thousands of households in Taiwan, using it to decorate the indoor environment and as the main etiquette potted flowers for relatives and friends. Flower branches are also used for flower arrangement and viewing, if the main material is ink orchid, with rhododendron, hemp leaf hydrangea, purple bead, eight immortal flowers, furfural millet, it can show a picture full of vitality.

Conclusion: Chinese magnolia has elegant leaf shape, refined flower posture and delicate fragrance, and enjoys the reputation of "fragrance of kings" and "gentleman in flowers". It can be said that it has unique charm and is irresistible. It is also inevitable to tempt you to try planting.