
What if the leaves of Jinhua tea turn yellow? pay attention to the yellowing at 6 o'clock / increase the light and change the soil.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden scented tea, the twin sister of Camellia and Camellia, has beautiful flowers and golden colors, and is known as the giant panda in the plant world. In life, because of the strong efficacy of golden scented tea, many people keep it at home, but in the process of breeding, many of them will encounter yellow leaves. So, what if the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow?

Golden scented tea, the twin sister of Camellia and Camellia, has beautiful flowers and golden colors, and is known as the giant panda in the plant world. In life, because of the strong efficacy of golden scented tea, many people keep it at home, but in the process of breeding, many of them will encounter yellow leaves. So, what if the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up 6 reasons, let's go and have a look!

First, the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow, find the reason.

Beginners in the process of raising golden scented tea, because of the first cultivation, so they do not understand the breeding method of golden scented tea, as a result, they will encounter the situation of yellowing leaves, seriously affecting the ornamental. As for the golden scented tea leaves yellowing how to do, we do not worry, we must first find the cause, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons for the yellowing of six kinds of golden scented tea leaves, and attached solutions, we went on to look at.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of golden scented tea leaves, but environmental factors are the first thing we should consider. After the flower friends bought the golden scented tea in the flower market, due to the sudden change of the environment, the golden scented tea could not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment of golden scented tea before buying, and then we change it to the same environment at home. After a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Soil discomfort

Golden scented tea likes loose and fertile slightly acidic soil. Once it has not been renovated and changed for a long time, it may lead to the loss of nutrients in the basin soil. At this time, when the leaves absorb less nutrients, it will naturally turn yellow.

Solution: at this time, everyone can pour diluted yoghurt to supplement soil nutrients; in addition, you can also change the basin soil and replace it with loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage, so as to change the luster of camellia tea.

3. Lack of light

Golden scented tea likes light and needs sufficient light in the process of growth. once the environment of the plant is too dark, resulting in lack of light, the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: if the leaves of camellia are yellowing caused by lack of light, you should take time every day to move the plant to the sun for a few hours, or place it in a brighter place, of course, the light should not be too strong.

4. Too much watering

Jinhua tea leaves, or even yellowing, is likely to be related to watering. For beginners, it is difficult to grasp the amount and frequency of watering, and there is often too much watering, resulting in stagnant water in the basin soil and obstruction of root respiration. Over time, the root system was further damaged, affecting absorption, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves and yellow leaves.

Solution: stop watering immediately and move the flowerpot to a ventilated place with astigmatism; in serious cases, pick out the plant, cut off the rotten roots, replace it with new soil, and replant it. After watering, you should see dry and wet, do not water too often.

5. Fertilize too much

Golden scented tea likes to be fat, but it should not be too much. Generally speaking, it is fertilized every other week. Once fertilized too much, it is easy to burn roots, resulting in the symptoms of leaf yellow.

Solution: stop fertilizing in time, and pour more water to dilute the fertilizer, which can be improved after about a week; in addition, the soil in the tile basin can be refurbished and changed directly.

6. The environment is too bad

In addition to the above points, we should also consider the indoor environment, because if ventilation is poor, the tip of Jinhua tea will be withered and yellow; in addition, the dry indoor air will also cause leaf yellow.

Solution: open the window and let the indoor air circulate. if the air is too dry, spray clean water on the leaves 2 or 3 times a day, which can effectively prevent the tips of newly drawn leaves from withering and yellowing.

Generally speaking, Golden scented tea is easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind. If there is a Ye Huang problem, you can follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to give you some help.

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Orchids are loved by many flower friends, whether from her appreciation value or from her function of purifying air, it is also a good choice for home potted plants. But what if the leaves of orchids turn yellow and black due to improper maintenance? If the leaves are yellow, it will greatly reduce the ornamental value, here are some orchid leaves yellow and black how to do? The solution: I hope I can help you. [reasons for yellowing and blackening of orchid leaves] first: too much or too little water: orchids like humid climate. if they are short of water for a long time, it will cause drying and shrinking of the part, lack of moisture, and leaves will turn yellow and black. Too much watering of orchid pot soil will also cause root rot, yellow leaves, and even death. Second: the temperature is too high: the yellowing of orchid leaves has a lot to do with the temperature. If the indoor temperature is too high or too muggy, the leaves will turn yellow. Third: too little light: orchids like the sun, if the sun is too little, it will also cause poor plant growth and yellow leaves. In particular, orchids placed indoors must be placed where the sun can shine. Fourth: too much fertilization: many friends think that more fertilization is very helpful to the growth of plants, but this is not the case. Orchids do not need too much fertilizer. If you apply too much fertilizer, it will cause burns in this part, leading to yellowing and blackening of the leaves. Chlorosis can also cause yellowing and shedding of leaves and, in severe cases, plant death. Fifth: the harm of diseases and pests: any plant pests will appear the phenomenon of yellow and black leaves, orchids suffer from diseases and insect pests will cause leaf damage, the emergence of yellow leaves, black leaves. There is not suitable for the use of high pH soil is prone to root rot, root rot black, leaves will also lead to yellowing and shedding.

[orchid leaves yellow and black how to do] 1, watering should be appropriate, after the basin soil is dry, one-time watering should not be too much, nor can it be left unwatered for a long time because of drought. 2, the temperature should be kept stable, but high or too low, 5-10 ℃ is the most suitable, the temperature rises, the muggy environment should pay attention to ventilation, and strengthen humidity management. 3, the white orchid is suitable for planting in the courtyard or home balcony, windowsill and other places, need sufficient sunshine, but can not be exposed to the sun, the summer sun should pay attention to shade. 4. The white orchid pot soil should choose slightly acidic soil, and should not apply more alkaline inorganic fertilizer or water. 0.2% ferrous sulfate should be sprayed on the leaf surface once a week. 5, root rot is mainly caused by too much water, usually wait until the basin soil surface whitening before watering, and often loosen the soil. When Mei Yu dies or Rain Water is too much, it is appropriate to move under the eaves or indoors to take shelter from the rain.

Conclusion: the above is the solution to the yellowing and blackening of orchid leaves. I hope many flower friends can help. The ornamental value of orchids is very high, so we must cultivate orchids well. If you want to know a lot about how to cultivate indoor plants, please continue to pay attention to love nests.

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The efficacy and planting technology of golden scented tea

Camellia is not only a traditional famous flower of Chinese specialty, but also a valuable ornamental plant in the world. it is the only germplasm resource with golden petals and heritable color in the world flower bed, because of its high scientific research value and ornamental value. it is known as "world treasures, tea queen" and so on. Today, Ai Youwo Xiaobian will work with you to understand this golden camellia: the efficacy of golden scented tea, the planting technology of golden scented tea. [recommended by the editor] Indoor plants touch fragrant wood, hydroponic plants, small potted plants, flowers, plants, fengshui, radiation protection plants, efficacy of golden scented tea, planting techniques of golden scented tea-

[plant archives]-

English name: Golden scented tea

Scientific name: Camellia

Alias: Golden tea yellow, yellow camellia

Family: Theaceae

Genus: Camellia

Distribution of origin: under the forest in the raw valley. It only grows in the low and gentle hills of 100-200 meters above sea level in Shangsi County, Shiwandashan, Guangxi, and its number is very limited, so it is listed as a first-class protected plant in China.

Morphological features: evergreen shrubs or small trees, 2m high, bark gray-white, smooth. Leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to long elliptic. Flowers solitary leaf axils or subterminal, golden yellow, cup-shaped, pot-shaped or bowl-shaped when blooming, 3-3.5 cm in diameter; petals 9-Murray 11, broadly ovate to Obovate or rectangular-orbicular, fleshy, waxy luster; florescence from November to March of the following year. Capsule triangular-oblate, yellowish green or purple-brown; fruit 10-12 months.

The efficacy of golden scented tea-

Golden scented tea has an obvious effect on regulating blood lipids, blood sugar, cholesterol and enhancing immunity, and can improve various uncomfortable symptoms caused by hypertension. And antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence, enhance liver and kidney vitality, prevent blood arteriosclerosis, prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth. According to the investigation, Jinhua tea has been used to refresh the mind, clear the liver, detoxify and nourish the vital energy in the folk.

● in the folk, Jinhua tea is used for clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and dampness, stopping dysentery and hemostasis, etc.

Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica

● Jinhua tea is a Zhuang folk medicine, mainly used for pharyngitis, dysentery, hypertension, prevention of tumor (water decoction or when tea), flowers for hematochezia, irregular menstruation.

The Compendium of Guangxi ethnic Medicine

● Jinhua tea medicinal leaves, flowers, leaves to treat dysentery, flowers to treat hematochezia, menorrhagia.

The Compendium of Modern Materia Medica

● Jinhua tea medicinal leaves, heat-clearing Shengjin, used for dysentery.

The list of Medicinal plants in Guangxi

● "all kinds of medicine is the medicine of all diseases, tea is the medicine of all diseases, one day without tea is stagnant, three days without tea is dangerous."

"relics of Materia Medica"

[properties of traditional Chinese medicine]-

Astringent; flat.

Astringent; flat.

[efficacy] restrain and stop bleeding. Main hematochezia; menorrhagia.

[indications] refreshing and refreshing, clearing liver fire, antipyretic toxin, nourishing vital energy.

Internal administration: fried soup, 3-9g; or boiled water bubble.

[medicinal material source] is the flower of Camellia, a plant of Theaceae.

The planting technology of golden scented tea-

Habits: like warm and humid climate, like acid soil with good drainage, like shade at seedling stage, and like to transmit sunlight after entering flowering stage. The requirement of soil is not strict, and it can grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil. Endure barren, but also like to be fat. Strong resistance to waterlogging.

Wind direction: Jinhua tea is afraid of strong winds, especially northerly winds and typhoons, so wind prevention measures must be taken.

Soil: fertile, deep, moist, breathable, ph is weakly acidic between 4.5 and 6.5.

Temperature: in order to make the high-yield cultivation of golden scented tea, it is necessary to maintain its most suitable temperature between 20 Mel and 30 degrees, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees below zero.

Lighting: Golden scented tea is a half-shaded and half-sunny tree species, which can be shaded by planting trees or in a shade shed. The design height of the shade shed is 2.2m-2.5m, and the best transmittance is about 30%.

The planting method of Camellia


① cuttage: in the dry season from May to June, select the young mother tree, cut one-year-old twigs from the top, about 10cm, remove the lower leaves, flatten the lower leaves with a blade at the bottom of the node, keep one lateral bud at the top, and insert 2-3 leaves into the medium of river sand or gravel. After insertion, cover up the grass curtain to shade, enhance the foliar spray, adhere to the air humidity of the bed, and promote rooting. In order to improve the survival rate of cuttings, cuttings can be soaked in 50~100ppm 's ABT rooting powder solution for 8 hours and 12 hours.

② grafting: choose strong seedlings or camellia species that can easily survive by cutting as rootstocks, truncate at the ground diameter 4~5cm, split about 1.5cm deep through the pith, use 1-2-year-old branches as scions, keep 1-2 leaves in the upper part of the scion, cut into wedges in the lower part, and stab into the split of the rootstock, and the constituent layers on both sides should be closely joined, and then tied tightly with plastic belt.

After grafting, cover the scion with a plastic bag and tie it with a belt below, but not too tight, so as to form water droplets in the bag and drop on the rootstock from time to time. Add a packing paper bag to the outside of the plastic bag to cover the direct sunlight.

③ bud insertion: take each bud node as a segment, save a leaf, about 1.5cm, cut the lower part oblique, and then stab it into the medium, the depth is to cover the branches. This method can make full use of branches and is suitable for many reproductive needs.

④ potted plant: when potted Jinhua tea is planted, it is appropriate to choose rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus part of garden soil and river sand to prepare culture soil. In order to make it grow rapidly. It should be planted in a well-breathable tile basin. When planting, it is best to choose a deep and simple basin, first fill a layer of broken tiles at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage; then apply a small amount of rotten cooked cake fertilizer or bone powder as base fertilizer, and fill a layer of culture soil above the fertilizer; then put the seedlings into the center of the basin and fill them layer by layer into the culture soil layer by layer, fill them layer by layer while compacting, and finally leave about the first centimeter of the basin edge. After planting, it was watered and cultured in a semi-shady place, and the seedlings were slowed down and transferred to normal management. Conclusion: Golden scented tea has the laudatory name of "tea queen" and "giant panda in the plant world". It is called "imaginary yellow camellia" abroad, with drooping pedicels, beautiful shape, thick waxy petals, golden color, long flowering period and high ornamental value. it is an ideal garden tree species for greening and beautification of courtyards and parks in tropical and subtropical areas. it not only has high ornamental value, but also has high medicinal value. It is a valuable ornamental plant in the world and a traditional famous flower of Chinese specialty.

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