
How to fertilize Phyllostachys pubescens, matters needing attention / avoid applying thick fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Phyllostachys pubescens is a kind of ornamental flower that many people like very much. it can be seen in many parts of our country, and there are many people who breed it, but if we want to raise it well, there are many places that need to be paid attention to, among which fertilization is the most important. so how to apply fertilizer?

Nantianzhu is a kind of ornamental flower that many people like very much. It can be seen in many parts of our country. There are also many people who cultivate it. However, if you want to raise it well, there are many places to pay attention to, among which fertilization is the most important. How to fertilize Nantianzhu? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

1. How to fertilize Nantianzhu, apply thin fertilizer frequently

Second, South Tianzhu fertilizer precautions, avoid applying concentrated fertilizer

1. fertilization time

NanTianzhu is a kind of plant that likes fertilizer. It will enter the growth period around February every year. At this time, its demand for fertilizer is very high. It needs to be fertilized 1-2 times a month, and this time will last until July.

2. fertilizer selection

In the process of breeding NanTianZhu, the choice of fertilizer is also very important, in peacetime we can choose to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but the concentration of fertilizer can not be too high, wait until about May we can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate, in May to September this time every 15-20 days also need to apply a pancake water, every 2 months also need to apply ferrous sulfate water, the concentration is about 0.2%.

3. diluted by adding water

Before we apply fertilizer, fertilizer needs to be diluted with water first, which can reduce the concentration of fertilizer, so that South Tianzhu can absorb it better. If the concentration of fertilizer applied is too high, the plant will not only be unable to absorb it, but also yellow and dry because of this phenomenon, so we should pay attention to this point.

4. fertilizing method

As for how to fertilize NanTianZhu, more attention should be paid to the ratio of fertilizer and water. Under normal circumstances, the ratio should be 1:10. During the growth period, it can be slightly thicker. The ratio can be controlled at 1:8. When fertilizing, fertilizer is strictly prohibited to be applied to the plant. Otherwise, it is easy to burn it. Generally, it can be directly applied to the soil.

Summary: After reading the above contents, we believe that we also have a certain understanding of how to fertilize Nantianzhu. The precautions for fertilization of Nantianzhu are introduced here. As long as we fertilize according to the above methods, everyone's Nantianzhu will grow luxuriantly.

How to raise southern bamboo bonsai, southern bamboo cultivation methods and precautions/avoid water

Nantianzhu is a common woody flower in people's life. Its plant type is beautiful and has a high ornamental value. However, it is not easy to raise this kind of plant well. There are many places to pay attention to. How to raise Nantianzhu bonsai? What are the breeding methods and precautions of Nantianzhu? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

1. How to raise Nantianzhu bonsai and understand its habits

If you want to know how to raise Nantianzhu bonsai, first of all, we need to understand its growth habits. Nantianzhu naturally likes a warm and humid environment, so we should pay attention to the environment when breeding. In addition, watering, fertilization and other aspects should not be careless. The specific details are introduced in the following column of Nantianzhu breeding methods and precautions. Let's take a look below.

II. Cultivation methods and precautions of Nantianzhu

1. Soil, use sandy soil

In the growth process of NanTianZhu, its requirements for the soil are very high, it is best to use more fertile sandy soil, this soil drainage and permeability are better, can let it grow better, remember not to choose too acidic soil, otherwise it is very difficult to survive.

Note: We need to change the soil once every 2-3 years in the process of breeding NanTianZhu, and we need to loosen it frequently in the process of breeding, because it is easy to make the soil harden when fertilizing, in addition to this, we also need to remove the weeds in the pot soil in time, so as not to affect its growth.

2. Fertilization, thin fertilizer and frequent application

Fertilization is a very important point in the cultivation methods and precautions of Nandina chinensis, because fertilizer is a major nutrient in its growth process. Before planting, we should apply appropriate amount of basal fertilizer in the soil, which can help it to pass the seedling stage. After entering the growth stage, it has a great demand for fertilizer. It basically needs to be fertilized 1-2 times a month until July.

Note: When fertilizing Nantianzhu, there is one thing we need to pay attention to, that is, the fertilizer must be diluted before fertilization, to maintain the principle of thin fertilizer, so that it can be better absorbed, if the direct application of thick fertilizer, it is easy to burn the plant and cause its leaves to yellow.

3. Humidity, maintain humidity 50-70%

NanTianzhu likes to grow in a warm and humid environment. If the humidity of the breeding environment is too low, it is easy for the plants to have bad phenomena such as dull leaves, yellowing, and falling off, so it is very important to maintain air humidity.

Note: In the process of growth, the requirement for air humidity is between 50-70%. If it is too low, it is easy to dry up. If it is too high, it is easy to have some diseases and insect pests. Therefore, we must grasp this point.

4. Moisture, keep soil moist/avoid standing water

In the process of breeding NanTianZhu, we need to water frequently, because it prefers a humid environment, keep the soil moist can make it grow better, more robust, especially when flowering, basically need to water once a day in the evening, in summer when the temperature is higher, more need to water in the morning and evening.

Note: Although Nantianzhu likes wet environment, but we can not water too much, to control the amount of watering, so that the soil can maintain a certain humidity, if too much watering caused by ponding, it is easy to let its roots rot phenomenon, so we should pay attention to this point.

5. Light, shade in summer

NanTianzhu likes light, but it is afraid of strong light, so the cultivation methods in different seasons are also different. If it is suitable for light in spring and autumn, we can keep it outdoors and let it receive light all day. When the sunshine is too strong in summer, it is best to move it indoors and cultivate it in semi-shade, so as not to burn the plants.

Note: Spring and autumn is a suitable growing season for NanTianZhu, summer needs to be raised in the shade, so that it can receive a certain amount of light, but also to avoid too strong light was burned, winter is best to put it indoors, wait until noon when the temperature rises to move it outdoors to accept 2-3 hours of sunshine.

6. Diseases and pests, timely treatment to avoid blight

In the growth process of NanTianzhu, if we do not maintain properly, it is easy to have some problems such as pests and diseases. Such problems are extremely harmful to the plant, not only affecting its ornamental quality, but also causing the phenomenon of wilting of NanTianzhu in serious cases.

Note: In the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and other problems, we must deal with them in time. If the time is prolonged, it will be difficult to cure them. For specific prevention and control methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of Nantianzhu, which will not be introduced too much here.

Summary: After reading the above content, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of how to raise Nantianzhu bonsai. The breeding methods and precautions of Nantianzhu are introduced here. As long as everyone comes according to the above methods when breeding, everyone's Nantianzhu will grow luxuriantly.

Do you know the technique of fertilization of Nantianzhu?

Nantianzhu is an ornamental plant that many bonsai lovers like very much. Its branches are straight like bamboo, and its leaves are also very beautiful. When autumn and winter, the color will turn red, which is very beautiful and beautiful, and the fruitful ones are quite ornamental. Oh! So if you plant a pot of Nandina, do you know how to fertilize it? Let the editor tell you below!

1. Growth Habits

First of all, you must know in advance what living habits Nantianzhu has. In fact, Nantianzhu's adaptability is still very strong. It likes warm climate and humid environment, but it can withstand cool environment and cold climate. But it has higher requirements for soil, must be fertile, drainage must be good, must be sandy soil. It is not strict with the requirements of moisture, but also able to withstand drought and moisture. The key point is that Nantianzhu likes fertilizer very much, especially fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. You can apply more fertilizer at ordinary times!

Second, how to fertilize

1) The time of fertilization. Generally from February onwards, one or two fertilizer applications per month, to July can be stopped.

2. Selection of fertilizer. Usually can apply more phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, or cake fertilizer and bone meal in exchange for application, but the concentration should not be too large, to the end of May when you can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate. From May to September, thin wafer water can be applied once every fifteen to twenty days, and ferrous sulfate water with a concentration of about 0.2% should be applied once every two months.

3. Fertilization method. In the seedling stage of NanTianZhu liquid fertilizer should be lighter not too thick, generally the ratio of liquid fertilizer and water is 1:10, in the growth period of NanTianZhu, can apply liquid fertilizer once or twice a month, this time the ratio can be slightly thicker, liquid fertilizer and water ratio is 1:8, after adulthood need to apply dry fertilizer once a year, respectively in May, August and October of each year, the third fertilization time should be selected when it is moved into the indoor winter, at this time the fertilizer can be cake fertilizer or sesame sauce residue. Dry fertilizer can only be applied during the rainy season, and only once a month, about 20 to 40 grams per pot.

4, the amount of fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer is generally less in the first and second times, and the appropriate amount of fertilizer is required from the beginning of the third time.

The above are some of the techniques on fertilization in the process of cultivation of Nantianzhu. In fact, as long as you use the right method and scientific cultivation, Nantianzhu will grow very well. You can try it, very good!