
How to raise rubber trees, the breeding methods and precautions / environment of rubber trees should be moist

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We know that rubber tree has many functions and functions. It is native to Brazil, but it is planted in many places in China. It is not only beautiful but also easy to survive when raised, but only if you need to know certain skills. So how to raise rubber trees? Let's take a look at the culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees.

We know that rubber tree has many functions and functions. It is native to Brazil, but it is planted in many places in China. It is not only beautiful but also easy to survive when raised, but only if you need to know certain skills. So how to raise rubber trees? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of rubber trees.

How to raise a rubber tree

I. the growth habits of rubber trees

It likes places with high temperature, humidity and plenty of light, the best growth temperature is 20-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature can not be lower than 5 degrees. In the soil like fertile, loose acid soil, not resistant to barren. Drought tolerance is weak, like wet environment, but not resistant to water and moisture, like light but afraid of direct light.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

1. Selection of flowerpots

There are two requirements for rubber trees in flowerpots. The first aspect is that pots should be relatively breathable, such as plastic pots, porcelain pots and pottery pots. The second aspect is that the flowerpot should not be too large, choose about 25 cm according to the size of the plant.

2. Soil selection.

Rubber trees are not tolerant of barren soil, so when choosing, they should mainly use slightly acidic soil, such as rotten leaf soil, garden soil, and river sand, according to the proportion of 1:1:1, and it is best to mix some basic fertilizer into the soil, such as cake fertilizer, livestock manure and so on.

Note: regardless of the choice of soil, the minimum requirements are loose, good ventilation and good drainage, followed by healthy and clean can not contain eggs and germs.

3. Requirements of lighting

How to raise rubber trees in terms of light? The answer is to keep plenty of light, the most suitable place is where you can see the sun, or you can put it in a bright position, such as a balcony or window, and so on. Only enough light can make the leaves broad.

Note: in summer or when the temperature is high, rubber trees should be avoided from being exposed to bright light, otherwise some of the leaves may wilt and turn yellow, and can be maintained in full sunshine at other times.

4. Temperature control

The most ideal temperature is 20-25 degrees, but normal maintenance is difficult to ensure that the temperature difference is controlled in this range, as long as the temperature can be between 18 and 28 degrees, it is relatively high temperature, and can grow rapidly above 30 degrees in time.

Note: the disadvantage of rubber tree is that it is not cold-resistant, it may lose leaves or frostbite in an environment below 5 degrees, so keep the temperature above 8 degrees when overwintering.

5. How to water

Rubber trees like a wet environment, so usually maintenance, we should try to keep the soil moist rather than dry, which is contrary to some succulent plants. Spray more water in spring and autumn to maintain humidity, and water every day in summer.

Note: although watering is very critical in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees, there can be no stagnant water in the soil, because rubber trees are afraid of waterlogging, and stop watering in time if stagnant water is found. check whether there is rot in the roots and whether the soil drainage is good.

6. Fertilization method

According to the experience of flower friends, rubber trees are more fond of fertilizer, mature liquid fertilizer can be applied every 20 days in seedling stage, fertilizer can be applied every 2 months after forming, and should be watered in time after fertilization.

Note: do not add too much nitrogen fertilizer to the fertilizer, because it will cause the stem node of the rubber tree to grow steeply, the distance between the leaves will be enlarged, and the plant shape is not very good-looking.

3. Propagation methods of rubber trees

For flower friends, the most commonly used propagation methods of rubber trees are cutting and striping, which have a high survival rate and easier maintenance in the later stage, as well as tissue culture, but tissue culture is usually suitable for cultivating new good varieties. Ordinary flower friends are not recommended to use it.

How to raise rubber trees, the culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

Rubber tree is a common indoor potted plant, because of its unique appearance, there are many flower friends who like to cultivate rubber trees, and rubber trees have unique dust purification functions, which can absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen fluoride in the air. So it is very useful to raise a rubber tree at home. Let's take a look at the rubber tree culture methods and matters needing attention.

How to raise rubber trees (daily breeding methods) 1. Propagation time of rubber trees

The propagation time of rubber trees is generally the best in spring and summer.

2. The best growing soil.

The rotten leaf soil with loose and good water permeability should be used in the cultivation of rubber trees. The usual ratio is garden soil: rotten soil: sand at 2:2:1. It is best to place moss with the same size as the basin above the bonsai, which is beautiful on the one hand and plays a good role in drainage and ventilation on the other.

3. Growth humidity requirements

When you feel the basin soil with your hands, you should adopt the principle of "seeing dry and wet". Don't water it often, it must be thoroughly watered. Too much watering will cause the root system to rot and cause its leaves to fall. In the middle of summer, water can be sprayed on the leaves during the dry period to keep the leaves moist. Watering should be reduced in autumn and winter.

4. The best growth temperature

The optimum temperature of rubber tree is 20-25 ℃, it is resistant to high temperature, and it can grow well when the temperature is above 30 ℃. The rubber tree is not cold-resistant and the safe overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. The cold tolerance of variegated leaf varieties is slightly poor, and the overwintering temperature is best maintained above 8 ℃. When the temperature is low, a large number of fallen leaves will be produced.

5. The best growth light

Rubber trees like bright scattered light and have a certain ability to withstand shade. Can not bear the exposure of strong sunlight, when the light is too strong, it will burn the leaves and appear yellowing and scorched leaves. Should not be too overcast, otherwise it will cause a large number of fallen leaves and dilute the beautiful patches of variegated varieties. From May to September, shade should be provided, or the plant should be placed in a place with sufficient scattered light. The rest of the time should be given plenty of sunshine.

Matters needing attention in rubber tree culture 1. Spread fertilizer

Rubber trees grow rapidly and should be supplied with nutrients in time in order to make the plants grow vigorously. Nitrogen-based fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times a month. Because of the slow growth, the species with colored markings can reduce the number of fertilization and increase the application of potash fertilizer to make the speckle color on the leaf surface bright. If excessive or simple application of nitrogen fertilizer, the color of the markings will become lighter, or even disappear. In September, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and only phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to improve the cold resistance of the plant. Plant dormancy in winter, fertilizer should be stopped.

2. Watering essentials

Rubber trees like the moist soil environment, during the growth period should fully supply water, keep the basin soil moist. Watering needs to be controlled in winter. when the basin soil is too wet at low temperature, it will easily lead to root rot.

3. Main points of reproduction

Rubber trees are often propagated by cuttings. It is best to carry out in spring and summer, choose the branches of the upper part of the plant, which are 20 cm long, take root 30 days after cutting, and pot in 50 days.

4. Pruning essentials

When the rubber tree grows to 1 meter high, it needs to be topped to promote branching and keep the tree shape graceful. When pruning in spring, remove the bifurcated branches, introverted branches, withered branches and weak branches inside the crown, and truncate the branches protruding from the crown, so as to make the interior of the plant ventilated and light permeable and keep the tree shape round. If the crown is too large, the outer branches can be truncated as a whole. Dense branches and short truncated branches should be removed at any time during growth.

5. Replacement of basin soil

After the rubber tree seedlings are potted, the pots must be changed every spring, and the adult plants can be changed every 2-3 years to increase the fertile soil.

6. Disease and pest control

Rubber trees are susceptible to anthracnose, the pathogen of which is Microsporum. The disease mainly occurs in the summer high temperature season, and the main affected part is the leaf. Its symptom is that there are round or oval gray spots on both sides of the leaf vein, and in severe cases, the disease spot is connected and extends to the whole leaf.

7. Prevention and control methods

Combined with pruning, remove diseased branches, diseased leaves and withered shoots, and reduce pathogens. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim 1000 times or 70% methyl topiramate 1200 times solution can be sprayed.

How to raise a rubber tree? Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

Rubber tree is a common indoor potted plant, with long oval leaves, bright green leaves and high ornamental value. At the same time, rubber trees are versatile in eliminating harmful substances and absorb harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air. In addition, rubber trees can also eliminate respirable particulate matter pollution and have a good effect on purifying the air. So, how to raise a rubber tree? The breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees are introduced as follows.

Picture: rubber tree

I. Culture methods of rubber trees

1. Selection of flowerpots: clay pots, plastic pots, porcelain pots and pottery pots can be used for cultivation; in the selection of flowerpot size, rubber trees can be planted in pots with a diameter of 20ml and 30cm.

two。 Potted soil preparation: rubber trees like fertile, loose sandy soil. The culture soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand, and a small amount of cake fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer. Young plants should be changed every other year.

3. Watering method: rubber trees like wet, but avoid waterlogging, not resistant to drought. Spring and autumn should make the basin soil in a moist state, and often sprinkle water to its leaves and around to increase air humidity. Rubber trees need a lot of water in summer, and they need to be watered every day to keep the basin soil moist and increase the frequency of watering. When the winter temperature is low, the basin soil is better to be watered, but if the winter temperature is about 10 ℃, the basin soil should be kept moist, and the basin soil is easy to lose leaves when it is dry.

Picture: rubber tree

4. Fertilization method: rubber trees like fertilizer, but avoid nitrogen fertilizer, when nitrogen fertilizer is too much, the stem node is only long, the leaf spacing is enlarged, and the plant shape is not beautiful. In the growing season, the young plants were topdressing 10 times of rotten liquid fertilizer mixed with 500x potassium dihydrogen phosphate once every 20 days, or 1000 times of Huaduoduo general fertilizer twice. In order to control the height of the formed plant, the mixed liquid fertilizer can be applied once every two months in the growing season.

5. Light and temperature requirements: rubber tree growth needs sufficient light, but also more shady, therefore, indoor maintenance should be placed near the south-facing window where there is sufficient light, and pay attention to air circulation. The overwintering temperature should be kept above 10 ℃. Long-term low temperature and wet basin soil are easy to cause root rot. Family cultivation is generally moved to outdoor maintenance from late April to early October every year, and shade is needed at noon in hot summer.

Picture: rubber tree

6. Four Seasons Management method

(1) Spring management: change the basin when the temperature is about 15 ℃ in spring every year, and prune it properly before changing the basin. The rubber tree is strong by nature and easy to manage. Spring should be arranged in places with light, keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water around it to increase air humidity. Young plants can begin to apply fertilizer after seeing the emergence of new leaves. When the temperature is high at the end of spring, move it to the indoor layout and cultivation under half-light or scattered light.

(2) Summer management: rubber trees are resistant to high temperature and hot sun, but when the light is too strong, the leaf color is easy to lose luster, which is not conducive to ornamental. The rubber tree cloth can be placed in a brightly lit place indoors. The room with weak light is not good for its growth. Because the rubber tree has many and large leaves and large water consumption, it should be watered in time to keep the basin soil moist, and spray more to its leaves and all around to meet its requirements for air humidity.

(3) Autumn management: in autumn, potted plants should be moved to a lighted windowsill or balcony for cultivation to keep the basin soil moist. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on the surrounding and leaves to increase air humidity. In order to enhance its cold resistance in autumn, it can exercise in outdoor low temperature for a period of time, but it can not be hit by frost. People should move indoor with light in time before frosting.

(4) Winter management: rubber trees are not cold-resistant and can withstand a short-term low temperature of 0 ℃. But the indoor temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃, when the growth of rubber tree is stagnant, sufficient light should be ensured to make the basin soil moist and dry, and the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on its surrounding and leaves for several times. When the indoor temperature is kept above 15 ℃, the rubber tree can grow normally. For management, see spring.

Picture: rubber tree

Matters needing attention in rubber tree culture

1. The suitable temperature for the growth of rubber tree is 25: 30 ℃. If it is lower than 3 ℃ in winter, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, so it should be placed in the sunny place indoors in winter and keep room temperature above 10 ℃. When more than 35 ℃ in summer, the plant should be moved to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, and timely water spray to cool down.

two。 Rubber tree is a plant of Moraceae, the whole plant contains milk. Therefore, immediately after each pruning, the incision should be blocked with cement or coated with charcoal powder, so as not to drain too much juice and cause water loss and death.

3. Rubber trees need to change the direction of the basin regularly in the seedling stage, in order to prevent the plant from growing on one side, resulting in small and correct plant shape and beautiful appearance.

[conclusion] Rubber tree is not only a common potted foliage plant, but also has a unique dust purification function, so it is one of the indispensable potted plants indoors. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees. have you all learned it?