
How to lose the leaves of Jinhua tea? learn 5 tips to save easily / bask in the sun more and move less pots.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden scented tea, a very beautiful plant, has crystal clear leaves and dazzling golden colors, which people like from the bottom of their hearts. In life, because of the beauty of golden tea, many people keep it at home. But in the process of breeding, many flower friends will encounter the situation of losing their leaves, so what about the leaves of Jinhua tea?

Golden scented tea, a very beautiful plant, has crystal clear leaves and dazzling golden colors, which people like from the bottom of their hearts. In life, because of the beauty of golden tea, many people keep it at home. But in the process of breeding, many flower friends will encounter the situation of losing leaves, then how to do with the leaves of golden tea? How can we save it? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

First, the leaves of Jinhua tea fall off and look for the cause

Indoor is not compared to outdoor, when raising Jinhua tea, we will inevitably encounter some problems, including the loss of leaves. As for the golden flower tea leaves how to do, first of all to calm down, and then find the cause. As far as the editor inquires, there are generally five situations that cause the leaves of Jinhua tea to fall off: moving flowerpots, lack of light, too strong light, too much watering and refusing to take pots after changing pots. Next, the editor will tell you the solution.

2. Five reasons for the loss of leaves in Jinhua tea

1. Move the flowerpot

In fact, there are only a few reasons for the loss of leaves in Jinhua tea. first of all, we should consider whether it is caused by moving flowerpots. Because in indoor breeding, it is not suitable to move the pot frequently, especially during the flowering period of golden camellia, which will accelerate the withering time of the flowers and cause the leaves to fall.

Solution: remove the whole golden scented tea with the soil, then rinse the soil with clean water, and then change the pot soil to replant, be careful not to hurt the root and beard. In order to avoid this situation, we should put it in a suitable place and not change position often.

2. Lack of light

According to the cultivation method of golden scented tea, it needs to be given sufficient light in the process of raising it, and once it is not exposed to light for a long time, it may lose its leaves. Judge that the light is insufficient: Golden scented tea is blue and white for most of the year, the edges of the leaves will turn pink when there is plenty of sunshine, and green and blue when there is not enough sunshine.

Solution: when the light is insufficient, replenish the light and place the flowerpot in a place with plenty of light. Pay attention to the need for proper shading when the light is too strong.

3. The light is too strong

Golden scented tea likes light and needs sufficient light for its growth, but if the light is too strong, the plant will be unbearable in the sun and enter a dormant period, resulting in the loss of leaves.

Solution: move the Jinhua tea to ventilation, maintain it where there is astigmatism, and water it properly, and it can be restored after a period of time.

4. Overwatering

As far as the editor knows, golden scented tea is a succulent plant of the genus Euphorbia crassulaceae. If people water too much, the plant will not grow healthily, but will lose its leaves.

Solution: move the flowerpot to the ventilated light to allow the water to evaporate quickly; in serious cases, set aside the plant, replace it with loose, fertile and well-drained nutrient soil, cut off the rotten roots and replant.

5. Do not take the basin after changing the basin

Jinhua tea leaves, in addition to the above points, we also need to pay attention to changing the pot. The camellias that have just changed their pots have not yet taken root in the current soil and cannot absorb enough water from the soil. At this time, plants take the method of defoliation to reduce their own water evaporation, which is a more common reason, and it will be all right after a few days.

The reason why the leaves of Jinhua tea fell, after reading the above content, we should know it! In fact, the loss of leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.

What if the leaves of Jinhua tea turn yellow? pay attention to the yellowing at 6 o'clock / increase the light and change the soil.

Golden scented tea, the twin sister of Camellia and Camellia, has beautiful flowers and golden colors, and is known as the giant panda in the plant world. In life, because of the strong efficacy of golden scented tea, many people keep it at home, but in the process of breeding, many of them will encounter yellow leaves. So, what if the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up 6 reasons, let's go and have a look!

First, the leaves of golden scented tea turn yellow, find the reason.

Beginners in the process of raising golden scented tea, because of the first cultivation, so they do not understand the breeding method of golden scented tea, as a result, they will encounter the situation of yellowing leaves, seriously affecting the ornamental. As for the golden scented tea leaves yellowing how to do, we do not worry, we must first find the cause, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons for the yellowing of six kinds of golden scented tea leaves, and attached solutions, we went on to look at.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of golden scented tea leaves, but environmental factors are the first thing we should consider. After the flower friends bought the golden scented tea in the flower market, due to the sudden change of the environment, the golden scented tea could not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment of golden scented tea before buying, and then we change it to the same environment at home. After a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Soil discomfort

Golden scented tea likes loose and fertile slightly acidic soil. Once it has not been renovated and changed for a long time, it may lead to the loss of nutrients in the basin soil. At this time, when the leaves absorb less nutrients, it will naturally turn yellow.

Solution: at this time, everyone can pour diluted yoghurt to supplement soil nutrients; in addition, you can also change the basin soil and replace it with loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage, so as to change the luster of camellia tea.

3. Lack of light

Golden scented tea likes light and needs sufficient light in the process of growth. once the environment of the plant is too dark, resulting in lack of light, the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: if the leaves of camellia are yellowing caused by lack of light, you should take time every day to move the plant to the sun for a few hours, or place it in a brighter place, of course, the light should not be too strong.

4. Too much watering

Jinhua tea leaves, or even yellowing, is likely to be related to watering. For beginners, it is difficult to grasp the amount and frequency of watering, and there is often too much watering, resulting in stagnant water in the basin soil and obstruction of root respiration. Over time, the root system was further damaged, affecting absorption, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves and yellow leaves.

Solution: stop watering immediately and move the flowerpot to a ventilated place with astigmatism; in serious cases, pick out the plant, cut off the rotten roots, replace it with new soil, and replant it. After watering, you should see dry and wet, do not water too often.

5. Fertilize too much

Golden scented tea likes to be fat, but it should not be too much. Generally speaking, it is fertilized every other week. Once fertilized too much, it is easy to burn roots, resulting in the symptoms of leaf yellow.

Solution: stop fertilizing in time, and pour more water to dilute the fertilizer, which can be improved after about a week; in addition, the soil in the tile basin can be refurbished and changed directly.

6. The environment is too bad

In addition to the above points, we should also consider the indoor environment, because if ventilation is poor, the tip of Jinhua tea will be withered and yellow; in addition, the dry indoor air will also cause leaf yellow.

Solution: open the window and let the indoor air circulate. if the air is too dry, spray clean water on the leaves 2 or 3 times a day, which can effectively prevent the tips of newly drawn leaves from withering and yellowing.

Generally speaking, Golden scented tea is easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind. If there is a Ye Huang problem, you can follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of golden scented tea, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to give you some help.

What to do with the growth of insects in golden scented tea? pest control of golden scented tea / spraying with medicine for 3 insects and 3 diseases

Golden scented tea is very effective, it is not only beautiful, but also edible, it has many benefits to people. Such plants are naturally potted at home by many people, but golden scented tea is not easy to raise, and it is easy to be attacked by diseases and insect pests with a little carelessness. What about golden scented tea with worms? In this regard, the editor summarized six kinds of common diseases and insect pests of Jinhua tea, follow the editor to understand and have a look.

1. Golden scented tea with worms, spray with medicine

If you are a veteran, golden scented tea must be easy to catch, but if a novice has not raised it in accordance with the method of raising golden scented tea, then the plant will easily get sick, thus affecting its growth. As for the golden tea worm how to do, first of all, do not panic, to calmly determine the pest, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor summarized the diseases and insect pests of six kinds of golden scented tea, and attached prevention and control methods, we went on to look at.

2. Pest control of six kinds of golden scented tea

Leaf curlers, tea aphids, tea poison moths

1. Leaf curlers

Generally appear in summer and autumn, it is one of the pests of Camellia, its larvae will spit silk leaves into rolls, hide the mouth to eat leaf flesh. Symptoms of damage: the leaves of Camellia sinensis are curled and atrophied and cannot be stretched.

Control methods: kill the overwintering larvae near the fallen leaves in autumn and winter, kill the newly hatched larvae in summer, and remove the injured leaves if necessary. In addition, when leaf rollers are found, 1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon or 1000 times of imidophos EC can be sprayed for control.

2. Tea aphids

In the form of adult aphids and nymphs, the leaves, buds and flower buds of golden scented tea are harmed, and a large amount of juice is absorbed, which leads to the poor growth of golden scented tea. Aphids multiply quickly, and once they are not noticed, they will appear in pieces and look very scary.

Prevention and control methods: when a small number of aphids are found, you can use a brush to brush off the aphids and destroy the aphids in time; when there are a large number of aphids, you can spray 1000 times of omethoate EC or 1000 times of fenitrothion EC for control. Spray once every 7-10 days, 3-4 times in a row.

3. Tea poison moth

One of the diseases and insect pests of Jinhua tea, once it appears, it will bite the leaves into missing pieces, or eat them all, seriously affecting the growth of the plant.

Prevention and control methods: for tea poison moth, we should control it as soon as possible, and we can choose 800 times of pyrethrum EC with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue to spray.

Anthracnose, soot, leaf blight

4. Anthrax

Anthracnose is a common disease of golden scented tea. After suffering from this disease, the leaf tip or edge of the plant will begin to grow disease spots, irregular spots, often with black spots, the disease boundary is obvious.

Prevention and treatment methods: to find the above diseases, you can use 70% methyl topiramate 800 times dilution for foliar spraying, once every 5-7 days, three times in a row can be effective.

5. Soot disease

After suffering from this disease, coal dirt will appear on the leaves of Jinhua tea, these are germs, they will harm the branches and shoots, and when serious, the branches and leaves are covered with black coal dirt layer, hindering the normal photosynthesis of the plant.

Prevention and control methods: soot disease is generally caused by aphids, so in the prevention and control of this disease, we can start with the prevention and control of aphids and spray 1000 times of dimethoate emulsion.

6. Leaf blight

As the name implies, it is a disease that harms the leaves of golden scented tea. Symptoms: in the initial stage, brown spots appear on the leaf tip of the diseased leaves, sometimes the adjacent spots merge into large spots, and when serious, the leaves wither.

Prevention and control methods: at the initial stage of the disease, the diseased leaves should be removed in time to reduce the source of the disease, and then spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times, or 40% gram carbendan wettable powder 400 times, once every 10 days or so. 2-3 consecutive sprays have a quick effect.

With regard to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of golden scented tea, the editor has introduced it here. I believe that if you encounter golden scented tea worms or get sick again, you should know how to do it! Generally speaking, if it is not properly maintained, golden scented tea will be easily disturbed by diseases and insect pests, so we must take good care of it. As long as this is the case, bugs will not come to us. Finally, I wish everyone's golden scented tea can produce beautiful flowers!