
What kind of soil is the best for cultivation of Chinese orchid, which is loose and permeable and has good / sour properties?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When we cultivate Chinese orchids, the first step is to choose the soil, which is also a very important step, just like building a house, it is very important to lay a good foundation, so what soil is the best to cultivate magnolia? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

When we cultivate Chinese orchids, the first step is to choose the soil, which is also a very important step, just like building a house, it is very important to lay a good foundation, so what soil is the best to cultivate magnolia? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

What kind of soil is the best to cultivate orchids?

If you want to know which soil is the best for orchid cultivation, there are many things that need to be paid attention to, such as the looseness of the soil, drainage, air permeability and so on. In addition, how to configure the culture soil is also very fastidious. Details in the following, interested friends can learn about.

1. Loose and ventilated

If you want to be the cultivation soil of Magnolia, you must first meet two conditions, that is, their looseness and air permeability, because only the relatively loose and highly permeable soil can make the orchid breathe smoothly, so that its roots can better develop.

two。 Good drainage

Well-drained soil is very important for orchids, because this plant is afraid of waterlogging, and if stagnant water is caused by poor drainage of the soil, it is easy to cause its roots to rot.

3. A lot of humus

Humus soil refers to its nutrition, only when the soil nutrition is sufficient, the magnolia will grow more luxuriantly, so we can choose humus soil.

4. Partial acidity

According to the plant characteristics of Magnolia, it does not like alkaline soil, but rather acidic, but not too acidic, generally PH value between 6-6.5.If it is too high or too low, it will affect its growth, so we need to pay attention to this.

5. Soil allocation

In the allocation of soil, there are three methods available for everyone to use, one is that we can use rotten leaf soil, laterite, river sand for mixing, the proportion of their use is 6:3:1, so the configuration of soil meets most of the requirements. In addition, another method is to mix saprophytic soil, red brick debris, river sand and dried animal manure, with humus accounting for 60% and the other 10% each. This distribution is a little more complicated than the first, but it would be better to think about it.

In addition to the above two kinds, there is another kind that is relatively simple. We can mix rotten leaf soil and sandy loam soil at 1:1, so that the soil is more suitable for the growth of orchids, but no matter what kind of soil preparation method it is, no one can make it alkaline.

Conclusion: after reading the above content, it is best to believe that everyone has a certain understanding of what kind of soil to cultivate the orchid. As long as we choose the soil according to the method mentioned above, it will certainly reduce a lot of trouble for everyone in the process of cultivating the orchid.

Which soil is the best to grow orchids?

With the improvement of people's quality of life, there are many flower lovers who like to raise some flowers and plants at home, making the home decoration full of vitality and spring. Orchid, plum, chrysanthemum and bamboo have become the "four gentlemen" who are deeply loved by flower lovers. Let's go with the editor to learn how to grow orchids, one of the four gentlemen.

Which soil is the best to grow orchids?

Orchid belongs to fleshy root plant, which requires loose and fertile soil, good drainage and acidity, and is often used in mountain mud. However, when planting in the basin, the gasket should be more and thicker at the hole in the bottom of the basin. The gasket should be covered with a layer of crushed mud, and then covered with fine mud, before the orchid can be put into the basin, and then add the mud. This kind of planting method is mainly based on the habit of wetting and avoiding stagnant water in orchids to make its drainage unimpeded. When using mountain mud, if we add 1 Accord 3 coarse-grained river sand, it will be more conducive to drainage and more in line with the growth habits of orchids. The soil used for orchid cultivation in the north is better than the neutral and acidic soil which contains a lot of humus, loose and well drained.

Although it is beneficial to the growth of orchids, the water quality in the north is relatively hard, so it will be replaced once every two or three years, and the price is higher for long-distance transportation. In recent years, the local peat soil with 30% plus 10% river sand and some organic fertilizer (which needs to be composted for a period of time) has been used as potted orchid soil to grow better. The rotten leaf soil under the broad-leaved forest in the northern mountainous area, the rotten leaf soil made of fallen leaves of broad-leaved trees and the culture soil containing 60% humus can be used to cultivate orchids. The epiphytic orchids cultivated in the north are Dendrobium, Hutou orchid, Duzhouchun, etc., but the potted plants cannot use soil. The commonly used cultivation materials are peat moss, fern root (water keel root or purple dustpan root) with a small amount of rotten leaves of broad-leaved trees, small pieces of charcoal and dried cow dung. In addition, broken pots and broken bricks can also be used to pad the bottom of the pot.

Preparation of blue soil

The orchid should have soil, and there must be solid soil in the orchid soil. The orchid soil should be prepared, and the soil should be mixed with you orchid. The preparation of blue soil should be based on rotten leaf soil and red soil, and then be prepared with other materials. The basic principle is that the composition of fine leaf orchid, rotten leaf soil, broad leaf orchid, solid soil, leaf and soil should be added or subtracted according to the environment of sports orchid. Tips for suitable preparation of blue soil are as follows:

The rotten leaf soil is prepared with red soil and mountain base soil. Rotten leaf soil accounts for 60%, red soil and mountain base soil each account for 20%, rotten leaf soil accounts for 70%, red soil accounts for 30%.

Rotten leaf soil and field soil, garden soil preparation. Rotten leaf soil accounts for 50%, and field soil and garden soil account for 50%. Because the field and garden soil are mature soil, loose bubbles, the composition can be aggravated.

Preparation of decaying leaf soil and decaying wood soil. Rotten wood mainly refers to rotten oak and rotten wood. It should be mixed and prepared. It can also be prepared separately. This kind of preparation, must add soil, red soil is better, field soil, garden soil, mountain foundation soil can be selected. Plus the proportion should be more than 20%.

Rotten leaf soil and sandy soil can be prepared with sandy soil and sea sand. River sand, stone sand. Choose coarse sand and use less fine sand. Rotten leaf soil accounts for 60% to 70%, sandy soil accounts for 40% or 30%.

Preparation of blue soil, can be prepared in advance, can be prepared temporarily, prior preparation is better than temporary preparation. When preparing, mix the materials in proportion with an iron basin or a bucket basin, pour an appropriate amount of water, make the soil moist, and then put it into a bag to make the soil fully harmonious and eliminate the pests in the soil at the same time.

Under which circumstances do orchids need to turn pots?

Turning the pot is an important measure in the maintenance of orchids, because in the process of cultivating bluegrass, there are always some phenomena that hinder the growth of bluegrass, which must be solved by turning and changing materials, and there are generally seven situations that need to be turned over:

The main results are as follows: 1. After 2023, because the nutrition of the plant material has been exhausted and can not meet the needs of the continued development of orchid seedlings, the orchid seedlings appear thin and short.

2. After years of dripping and drying, the structure of orchid mud has changed, and the plant material has hardened, which affects the permeability of air and water.

3. The orchid seedlings have too much hair, their roots are intertwined, and there is no room for new seedlings and new roots to continue to develop, which also affects the normal growth environment of old seedlings.

4. the plant material is infected by bacteria, fungi or viruses, which brings the survival crisis to the orchid strain.

5. "turn the basin" for the coordination and unity of basin tools and plant materials.

6. turn the pot in order to produce more seedlings and plant them separately.

7. To turn the pot for the exchange or sale of individual plants. But do not turn the basin often at will, do what should be turned, and try not to turn what should not be turned.

At the same time, turning the basin can not be blindly formulaic operation, we must grasp the orchid situation, according to different orchid conditions for different turning basin treatment. Purposeful and targeted reversal of the basin. For example: for diseased grass: "turning the basin" focuses on sterilization and disinfection. The diseased plants should be strictly pruned, cleaned, disinfected, dried and soaked in root-promoting solution. Then dry the root, put it on the pot, and change the fresh cultivation materials. One link is indispensable, although it also kills the Yilan bacteria symbiotic with bluegrass at the same time, which leads to the negative effect of the temporary growth period of bluegrass, but it is worth sterilizing and killing pests in exchange for the life of bluegrass.

For disease-free and weak grass: the focus of turning the basin is to supplement the supply of nutrients, which does not need to disinfect the substrate, but simply prune, soak the root growth-promoting factor, and replace the effective plant material on the basin. Pour "root water" for two days slowly. It not only complements the fertilizer effect, but also reduces the damage to beneficial symbiotic bacteria, and shortens the incubation period.

Matters needing attention in Orchid planting

1. The withered and yellow old leaves and disease and insect leaves should be cut off continuously in orchid cultivation to facilitate ventilation. After the flower buds are unearthed, only one strong flower bud should be left in each plant, and the rest should be cut off so as not to consume too much nutrients and affect flowering in the coming year. After the flowers fade, they should be cut off.

2. Natural Rain Water, stream water, well water and river water are the best for family cultivation of orchids. If tap water is used, it should be stored in a tank first, and then used after being exposed to the sun to remove bleach. If the flowers are watered with tap water for a long time, the cultivation substrate will be gradually alkalized. Ferrous sulfate can be applied at regular intervals to increase soil acidity. In addition, orchids can be watered with fermented Amoy rice water, and the upper soil can be kept in a slightly acidic state.

Through the above content, we have learned a lot about the skills of raising orchids. Although orchids are noble and elegant and beautiful, they are indeed a kind of "delicate" flowers. Master the skills of raising orchids. Put one or two pots of orchids at home and decorate the interior. Instantly let you feel the breath of spring.

How to grow orchids? Ecological habits and cultivation and Management techniques of Orchid

How to raise orchids? Orchids have always been of high ornamental value. To cultivate orchids, we need to analyze the habits and growth environment of orchids, and at the same time pay attention to cultivation methods and later maintenance. Let's learn the cultivation techniques of orchids.

1 cultivation of orchids

1.1 Ecological habits of orchids

Orchids like a warm and humid environment, especially warm in winter and cool in summer is more suitable, breeding orchids, must avoid high temperature and dryness. The growing place of orchids requires that the upper layer of soil is deep and rich in humus, and the black-brown fertile soil is the best, with good water permeability and water retention.

1.2 Classification of orchids

There are many varieties of orchids, about a thousand, and the common species are cold orchid, cymbidium, hard-leaf orchid, ink orchid, Dongfeng orchid, Taiwan orchid and so on. If you want to cultivate orchids scientifically, you need to distinguish and understand the species of orchids. This paper mainly discusses the cultivation techniques of hard-leaf orchid, cymbidium and Dongfenglan varieties.

1.3 selection of orchid pots

Choose a suitable orchid basin, the growth of orchids is very important, glaze basin workmanship, very beautiful, in line with the temperament of orchids, can be used as one of the options, its disadvantages are insufficient air permeability; plastic basin has the advantages of cheap price and light quality, but its permeability is poor; tile basin has good ventilation, for the growth of orchids, it should be a good choice for orchids. Generally speaking, what kind of orchid basin to choose is mainly determined according to the actual situation.

1.4 preparation of soil

Soil is the foundation of orchid growth. Scientific allocation of soil can make orchids grow healthily. The soil with good air permeability and hydrophobicity is the most suitable for the growth of orchids with a pH value of 5.5-6.5. The culture soil of orchid can be composed of the following substrates: ① rotten leaf soil matrix: this kind of soil can be prepared artificially, and the main allocation method is to pile up the fallen leaves together, add fertilizer, mud and water, after the process of sealing, ripening and sieving, the rotten leaf soil can be obtained. ② bamboo root soil matrix: it is obtained in the root of the main clump that has grown for many years, which contains bamboo whip, bamboo root and rotten bamboo leaves, which is rich in nutrition and loose in soil; ③ mud matrix: generally obtained from the mountain forest, in which there are all kinds of decaying leaves of plants, the soil is loose and breathable. After selecting the culture soil, the culture soil should be sterilized before use and the pH value of the soil should be adjusted in the range of 5.6 to 6.5.

1.5 preparation of orchid seedlings

The most suitable preparation time for orchids is around Rain Water. After pruning and disinfecting the bought orchids, they can be cultivated. The work of replanting should be combined with ramet propagation and potting. Generally speaking, when taking out the orchid, make sure that the soil has a suitable temperature of 20-28 ℃ and keep the leaves free of water as far as possible. After taking out the ground, the rotten roots, broken roots and dried leaves were trimmed, and the trimmed langen was placed in a 1000-fold solution of 50% methyl topiramate for 10-15 min, then taken out and placed in a ventilated place to dry.

1.6 cultivation of orchid seedlings

Cultivation or replanting orchids need to choose the right season, generally speaking, the Qingming Festival is the best time to cultivate and replant orchids. The specific cultivation methods are as follows:

① selects a flowerpot of appropriate size, covers the tiles on the drainage outlet of the basin, and then fills the flowerpot with relatively loose materials such as ash, filling it into the area between 1, 3, 1 and 2 of the flowerpot, and covering it with nutritious soil.

In the process of transplanting, ② should try to avoid the contact between the orchid root and the inner wall of the container, so as to ensure that the root of the container is naturally stretched. ③ holds the orchid leaf with his hand, slowly fills the soil into the orchid root, and lifts the orchid slightly upward to ensure the natural extension of the orchid root. At the same time, pay attention to adjust the position and height of the orchid plant until the plant is higher than the pot surface.

Orchids planted by ④ should be covered with pebbles or water moss on the surface of the soil, which is not only beautiful, but also can regulate moisture.

⑤ in the orchid planting, the first watering should be thoroughly watered, when using a spray can to spray leaves, pay attention to uniform force, small water droplets are better. After that, the orchids are soaked in a water basin, and the leaves can be sprayed with a spray can.

2. Management of orchids

2.1 Environment and planting site

Orchids prefer shade, and 10-25 ℃ is the optimum temperature for orchids to grow. Too high or too low temperature will seriously hinder the growth of orchids. In order to avoid this situation, the common ways are to build an Arbor, sprinkle water and so on. The optimum air humidity for orchid growth is 60%-80%. The humidity in the greenhouse generally does not meet the requirements. You can increase the humidity by sprinkling water and proper shading. The growing environment of orchids is as far away from industrial areas as chemical plants. It is best to face southwest and have the location of the shelter to avoid being hurt by the bright light.

2.2 Water management

Spring water or clean water is the most suitable source of water for orchid growth. It is difficult to have spring water and clean water in the city. Use tap water for 2-3 days and use it after removing chlorine from the water. Watering should also be determined according to the specific growth and weather conditions of orchids, not too frequently, especially in spring to prevent excessive wetness, while the summer temperature is higher, to ensure sufficient water, autumn is not dry or wet is the most appropriate, winter should be watered as little as possible, choose sunny days to water as much as possible.

2.3 Fertilizer Management

Orchids like fertile soil, if the quality of base fertilizer is not good enough, it is necessary to top fertilizer. There is a fixed time distinction between base fertilizer and topdressing, generally speaking, rotten leaf soil and pig manure put in during cultivation are base fertilizer, while topdressing is limited in orchid growth due to the lack of base fertilizer quality, so fertilizer should be added, and the specific fertilization time depends on the variety and climate of orchid. Due to the slow evaporation of water in cloudy days, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer. When the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the water evaporation is too fast, so it is not suitable for fertilization, so the best fertilization season is spring and summer, the most unsuitable season is winter, and a small amount of fertilizer can be applied in autumn. There are two ways to apply fertilizer: ① mixes fertilizer with base fertilizer; ② fills water and fertilizer and applies fertilizer to flower roots by spraying, and be careful not to get fertilizer on the leaves.

2.4 Control of diseases and insect pests

Compared with most ornamental plants, orchids have relatively few diseases and insect pests. The main diseases of orchids are brown spot and anthracnose. The main cause is that the basin soil is too wet and there is no sunlight for a long time. To prevent orchid diseases and insect pests, we need to do a good job in the following aspects: ① in planting, try to select disease-resistant varieties; ② indoor maintenance, to ensure that the distance between pots 10: 15cm; ③ watering properly, cut off the diseased leaves in time, appropriate spraying 40% fungicide 800x liquid; ④ in case of orchid disease, should be more ventilation, supplemented by spraying 50% carbendazim 800-1000 times solution.

2.5 Protection of mosaic

Every day, the orchid leaves should be protected, the pollution should be solved in time, and the withered and diseased orchid leaves should be cut off in time. In addition, each orchid seedling does not need to leave too many flower buds, leaving one can, the initial unearthed flower buds are more, to prune, leaving a high-quality flower bud. In order to prevent orchids from pollinating, the flowers must be reduced before they wither. If the purpose of cultivation is cross breeding, orchids should be artificially pollinated.

The above is the whole content of orchid cultivation techniques that we are going to talk about today. Welcome all interested florist friends to study in Huinong Network!