
Cultivation techniques of rattan pepper

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cultivation techniques of rattan pepper

Rattan pepper is also called Zanthoxylum bungeanum, but there is a certain difference between rattan pepper and Zanthoxylum bungeanum. The vine of rattan pepper is longer, so it is called rattan pepper. The root, stem, leaf and fruit of rattan pepper can be used as traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of preventing wind and expelling cold, relieving pain and promoting qi, and has a certain therapeutic effect on rheumatism and bone pain. Now rattan pepper mainly in southwest China has a wide range of planting area, so how to plant rattan pepper? The following editor brings you the planting method of rattan pepper, let's have a look!

1. Seedling site selection

We should choose places that will not easily accumulate water, normal drainage and irrigation and strong permeability. And soil is the key to ensure the normal growth of rattan pepper, its pH, soil quality and fertility will directly affect the development of rattan pepper. So we need to make sure that the soil is deep, soft and fertile, neutral or acidic. After selecting a good site, do a good job of soil preparation, turn the soil deeply, level off the fine rake, so that the deep soil layer is more mature. Improve soil permeability, strengthen the ability of soil nutrition protection, and create a good growth environment for rattan pepper seedlings.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

First of all, we should choose a 9-11-year-old rattan pepper tree with strong growth, high yield and free of diseases and insect pests when the weather is fine. Then take the seeds out of the fruit and do a good job of seed soaking and germination and disinfection. Then choose the appropriate time to sow, usually in autumn sowing, because autumn sowing can ensure that the seeds are fresh enough and have strong germination power. Most of the sowing methods are seedbed sowing, first make the seedbed to prepare the ground and make the bed, then apply sufficient basic fertilizer, properly water and sow seeds after leveling, cover fine soil after sowing, and properly spray trichlorfon and other pesticides. It can not only ensure that the soil is moist enough, but also kill two birds with one stone.

3. Post-broadcast management

After sowing, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate temperature and humidity of the soil and prevent the soil from lack of water. It is best to cover the plastic film, which can improve the ability of seed germination and seedling emergence. Interseedling work is carried out when the seedlings grow to about 4 cm to ensure the uniform distribution of rattan pepper seedlings. We should water the soil regularly at the seedling stage and water the soil in time when it is found to be dry. Then fertilization in the seedling stage is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by biological fertilizer, fertilization should pay attention to the amount, with more and a small amount as the principle. Prevent fertilizer damage caused by excessive fertilization, and occasionally apply external root fertilizer and micro-fertilizer to meet the nutritional needs of the growth of rattan pepper. When the seedlings grow to the right height, they can be transplanted at the right time.

4. Field management

The growth cycle of rattan pepper is relatively long, and it takes several years to reach the full fruit period. Therefore, the field management after transplanting is very important, not only to keep the soil moist all the time, but also to apply fertilizer appropriately according to the growth of rattan pepper trees, the number of topdressing should not be less than twice a year, mainly nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage, nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled in the later stage, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in the later stage to prevent overgrowth. And we also need to do a good job of loosening soil and weeding, properly loosening soil and weeding can not only improve soil permeability, reduce the rate of water evaporation, but also reduce diseases and insect pests and prevent weeds from grabbing the nutrition of rattan pepper.

The second is the pruning of rattan pepper trees, which is very important, and there are different pruning methods for different tree ages and different growth stages. The main purpose is to improve the permeability between trees, enhance the light area of rattan pepper, promote flower bud differentiation, ensure the healthy growth of rattan pepper trees and increase the yield. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.