
What is the reason for the yellowing of calendula leaves, improper fertilization and watering / diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Calendula is a kind of flower plant native to western Europe, which is highly ornamental, but the yellowing of flowers will also affect its overall aesthetic feeling. So what is the reason for the yellowing of calendula leaves? What should we do about it? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Calendula is a kind of flower plant native to western Europe, which has a high ornamental value, but if the ornamental flower has yellowing phenomenon, it will also affect its overall beauty. So what is the reason for the yellowing of Calendula leaves? How to solve it? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

1. What is the reason for the yellowing of Calendula leaves? Lack of water/improper fertilization

Calendula leaves on the yellow problem, in fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as lack of water, improper fertilization, light is too strong and so on are one of the reasons, in the following for these phenomena of treatment methods, there are friends in this area can understand Oh.

1. The flowerpot is too small, change the pot in time

Calendula is a kind of flower plant with large plant type. It has high demand for water and fertilizer during cultivation. If the flower pot selected during planting is too small, it cannot meet these needs, and there will be certain restrictions on its growth.

Solution: If it is because the flower pot is too small and causes the yellow leaves of Calendula, we need to change the pot in time. When changing the pot, we should add 30% of the rotten soil to the soil, which will be of great help to its flowering.

2. Too little fertilizer, light fertilizer and frequent application

In the growth process of Calendula, it has a great demand for fertilizer, especially in the growth period, we need to fertilize once every half month, otherwise it is easy to appear yellow due to insufficient nutrients.

Solution: if too little fertilizer and yellow leaves appear calendula, we have to return to the normal frequency of fertilization in time, but also can not apply too much directly, because it can not absorb. When applying fertilizer, we also need to pay attention to one point. Fertilizer needs to be diluted with water before application, otherwise it is easy to burn plants.

3. Too little watering, dry climate frequent watering

In the process of cultivating Calendula, if the flowers are watered too little, the leaves of the plants will droop, especially when the weather is dry and the humidity of the environment is low, which can easily lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Solution: If it is caused by too little watering Calendula leaves yellow words, we do not immediately into the irrigation, to step by step, if too much watering at a time, it is easy to let the plant appear rotten root phenomenon. Generally, when the weather is relatively dry, water can be poured once a day.

4. The light is too strong, so shade in summer

Calendula is a light-loving plant, if it is spring and autumn light is more appropriate, we can keep it outdoors to let it receive light all day, but it is more afraid of strong light, so it still needs shade after entering summer, otherwise the light is too strong, it is easy to burn the plant and appear Calendula leaves yellow phenomenon.

Solution: If it is because the light is too strong and cause the yellow leaves of Calendula, we should keep it indoors in the shade in time, so that the leaves of a plant will slowly return to green.

5. Diseases and pests should be dealt with in time after discovery

In the process of Calendula's growth, if we do not maintain properly, it is easy to have some bad phenomena such as pests and diseases. Such problems are extremely harmful to plants, not only affecting its ornamental nature, but also causing Calendula's leaves to yellow and dry when serious.

Solution: When there are problems such as pests and diseases, we must deal with them in a timely manner. If the time is prolonged, the damage to the plants will be great, and it will be troublesome to deal with them. For specific control methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of Calendula officinalis, which will not be repeated here.

What is the reason for the yellow leaves of Calendula? What is the yellow leaves of Calendula?

Calendula like sunny environment, adaptability is strong, resistance-9℃ low temperature, afraid of hot weather. Do not choose soil, loose, fertile, slightly acidic soil is best, self-sowing, fast growth, more cold-resistant, do not choose soil. What is the reason for the yellowing of Calendula leaves? What about the yellow leaves of Calendula? The following wed114 wedding network Xiaobian brings you detailed content.

What is the reason for the yellow leaves of Calendula

1. Large flowers and small pots

Calendula flower some varieties of larger, more roots, need more water and fertilizer, small pots can not meet its growth needs, at this time the old leaves will be dry yellow dull, tender leaves thin. It takes decades to change pots and add 30% humus to the soil to ensure normal flower growth.

2. Lack of water

Water reduction, will cause plant leaves droop, at this time to immediately spray water to the leaves, and then to the basin watering, watering attention gradually, do not water too much at one time.

When the weather is dry and the indoor humidity is low, yellow leaves will also appear. Especially in winter indoor coal fire, central heating areas more serious disease. At this time, it is necessary to spray the branches and leaves with water at room temperature to increase the humidity of the air. In summer, water is often sprinkled on the ground, which is a local humid environment.

3. Improper fertilization

During the growth period of Calendula, long-term non-fertilization or insufficient fertilization will cause yellow leaf phenomenon. Too much fertilizer, the flower is difficult to absorb excessive fertilizer, will cause root burns, affect the absorption of water and nutrients.

Fertilize once a week in summer, avoid excessive fertilization. If fertilization is excessive, water more to dilute the fertilizer in the soil. Lack of fertilizer will lead to soil hardening, to immediately fertilize, effective within a week, after the regular fertilization, so that flowers grow normally.

4. Cold

Calendula out of the room earlier, by the cold wind blowing, or autumn cold did not enter the room in time, so that flowers frozen caused yellow leaves. So in early spring and late autumn to do a good job of cold work.

5. Diseases and pests

Calendula leaves yellow phenomenon is often caused by mosaic disease, yellow leaves will also appear yellow green mosaic spots, pay attention to timely prevention of disease, timely spraying and give adequate light and ventilation.

Cultivation and Conservation of Calendula officinalis

When seedlings have 3 true leaves, transplant them once. When seedlings have 5~6 true leaves, transplant them in 10~12 cm pots. 7~10 days after planting, the plant height was controlled by picking the top to promote branching or spraying the leaves with 0.4% long-term solution for 1~2 times. Fertilize once every half month in the growth period, or use "Huiyou" 20-20-20 universal fertilizer. Fertilizer is plentiful, Calendula flowers are plentiful and large. On the contrary, fertilizer shortage, flowers significantly reduced degradation. Flowering does not leave a seed, will flower wither cut off, advantageous flower bud germinates, more flowers, lengthen view florescence. Keep seed to choose flowers big color Yan, pure varieties of plants, should be collected in sunny days, to prevent shedding.

Calendula growth period should keep the soil moist, every 15-30 days apply 10 times the water decomposed urine once, fertilizer until the end of February. When Calendula officinalis grows to the late stage of seedling, when the leaves are 4-5, picking the tip (i.e., picking the tip) can promote the development of lateral branches and increase the number of flowers.

in addition, that seed are sown by low temperature treatment, the seeds are put into a refrigerator at 0 DEG C for 24 hour, and then sown in the open field after being taken out, the seedbed needs shade, germinates in the middle of August, thin decomposed excrement water is applied once a week, and the seeds can bloom in the last ten days of September.

The flowering period of Calendula officinalis can be adjusted by changing cultivation measures, mainly the following measures:

1. After normal flowering in early spring, residual flower stalks shall be detected in time to promote the flowering of new branches; water and fertilizer management shall be strengthened to bloom again in September and October.

2. Autumn sowing basin in late August

3. Direct seeding in the courtyard at the end of March or early April, proper thinning or transplantation after seedling emergence, reasonable fertilizer and water conditions, flowering in early June. Because Calendula requires a longer period of low temperature to mature, spring-sown plants grow weaker and flowers smaller than autumn-sown ones.

4. Open field autumn sowing in late August, when the minimum temperature rises to 0℃, the grass curtain should be removed immediately. At this time, proper watering to maintain the moisture of the soil, at the same time, every 15 days or so to add a thin cake fertilizer water, so that to the May Day, Calendula flowers can bloom.

In addition, Calendula seeds are stored in a refrigerator at 0℃ for several days to be treated at low temperature, and then sown in the open field in early August, and can bloom in late September.

What is the reason for the yellow leaves of Calendula

Calendula leaves yellow reason 1: flowers big pot small

Calendula flower some varieties of larger, more roots, need more water and fertilizer, small pots can not meet its growth needs, at this time the old leaves will be dry yellow dull, tender leaves thin. It takes decades to change pots and add 30% humus to the soil to ensure normal flower growth.

Calendula leaves yellow reason 2: lack of water

Water reduction, will cause plant leaves droop, at this time to immediately spray water to the leaves, and then to the basin watering, watering attention gradually, do not water too much at one time.

When the weather is dry and the indoor humidity is low, yellow leaves will also appear. Especially in winter indoor coal fire, central heating areas more serious disease. At this time, it is necessary to spray the branches and leaves with water at room temperature to increase the humidity of the air. In summer, water is often sprinkled on the ground, which is a local humid environment.

Calendula leaves yellow reason 3: improper fertilization

During the growth period of Calendula, long-term non-fertilization or insufficient fertilization will cause yellow leaf phenomenon. Too much fertilizer, the flower is difficult to absorb excessive fertilizer, will cause root burns, affect the absorption of water and nutrients.

Fertilize once a week in summer, avoid excessive fertilization. If fertilization is excessive, water more to dilute the fertilizer in the soil. Lack of fertilizer will lead to soil hardening, to immediately fertilize, effective within a week, after the regular fertilization, so that flowers grow normally.

Calendula leaves yellow reason 4: cold

Calendula out of the room earlier, by the cold wind blowing, or autumn cold did not enter the room in time, so that flowers frozen caused yellow leaves. So in early spring and late autumn to do a good job of cold work.

Calendula leaves yellow reason 5: pest damage

Calendula leaves yellow phenomenon is often caused by mosaic disease, yellow leaves will also appear yellow green mosaic spots, pay attention to timely prevention of disease, timely spraying and give adequate light and ventilation.(? Calendula disease and control methods)